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Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Maps
1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Aim and objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the Study


2.1 Conceptual Clarification
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.3 Empirical Review


3.1 Nature and Sources of Data
3.2 Methods of Data Collection
3.3 Method of Data Analysis
1.1 Background to the Study
Emohua local government is to Ikwerre what Ikwerre is to Rivers state and
what Rivers state is Nigeria, in terms of strategic geographical location, population,
overwhelming political votes in elections, massive endowment of natural resources
etc. Over the years, there have been persistent crises in Odegu clan as a result of
Cultism, which has escalated to large scale in insecurity. These can be attributed to
several factors ranging from amenities that are supposed to enhance the standard of
living of the people in the clan are not present and are not giving adequate attention
and priority, as well the battle for supremacy and Political reasons.

Furthermore, the youth amongst every other group in the society, plays vital
role in the growth and development of the society. They are the most vibrant and
active set of people and also they are considered to be the life wire of the society.
The relevance of the youth cannot be overemphasized as the vision and future of
the society lies in their hands. More so, it is pertinent to say that, in as much as the
youth are factors that necessitate positive development in the society, they can also
disrupt the peace of the society if they are been neglected or not giving adequate
attention so as to provide some basic social amenities or deprived of their civil
rights or obligations. This is why traces of Cultism, kidnapping, inter-communal
crises, robbery, youth violence etc can be found in Emohua local government area
of Rivers State, Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Cultism and insecurity pose significant challenges to the socio-economic
development, peace, and stability of communities worldwide. In the case of Odegu
Clan, the pervasive issues of cultism and its associated insecurity have become
pressing concerns that demand immediate attention. Understanding the root causes,
assessing the implications, and formulating effective strategies to address this issue
are crucial for the sustainable growth and well-being of the community. The
primary problem to be addressed in this study is the increasing prevalence of
cultism and its consequent impact on the overall security situation within Odegu
Clan. Cultism has infiltrated various aspects of the community, including
educational institutions, social organizations, and local governance structures,
leading to a rise in criminal activities, violence, fear, and a breakdown of
communal harmony. As a consequence, residents face numerous challenges, such
as loss of lives and property, limited educational opportunities, economic
instability, and a deteriorating quality of life.
The underlying causes of cultism and insecurity in Odegu Clan are
multifaceted and require a comprehensive investigation. Factors such as youth
unemployment, poverty, inadequate parental guidance, peer pressure, political
manipulation, weak law enforcement, and ineffective social systems contribute to
the proliferation of cult groups and their illicit activities. It is essential to delve into
these causal factors to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and develop
targeted interventions. Moreover, the consequences of cultism and insecurity
extend beyond immediate threats to public safety. They hinder social cohesion,
discourage investments, impede educational progress, and perpetuate cycles of
violence and criminality. These detrimental effects hinder the sustainable
development of the community and compromise the well-being of its inhabitants.
Therefore, a thorough analysis of the impacts of cultism and insecurity on various
aspects of the community is necessary to assess the magnitude of the problem and
identify areas that require urgent attention.
Devising effective strategies and interventions to address the issue of cultism
and insecurity in Odegu Clan is of paramount importance. This study aims to
explore existing initiatives, policies, and interventions implemented in similar
contexts, both nationally and internationally, to determine their effectiveness and
applicability within the local context. By engaging with relevant stakeholders,
community members, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and
governmental bodies, viable and sustainable solutions can be developed to mitigate
the challenges posed by cultism and insecurity. This work seeks to address the
urgent problem of cultism and insecurity in Odegu Clan by examining the causes,
impacts, and potential solutions. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, this
study will contribute to the body of knowledge on cultism and insecurity, provide
valuable insights for policymakers, and offer practical recommendations to promote
peace, security, and sustainable development within the community.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this study is to carefully and vividly outline and address issues of
Cultism that has led to Insecurity and youth restiveness. How Cultism negatively
affect development in Odegu clan in Emohua local government area of Rivers

The objectives of the study shall include the following:

- To examine Odegu Clan in Emohua LGA

- To consider the birth and factors that led to rise of Cultism in Odegu Clan
- To discuss the impact of Cultism and Youth restiveness in Odegu Clan
- Violent cult clashes and current state of insecurity in Odegu Clan.
- To examine the acceptability of youth inclusion and empowerment as a medium
in resolving issues of youth restiveness
- To suggest and recommend certain remedies in restoring the desired peace in
Odegu clan.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The significance of this study lies on the positive contribution which will be
made for a better understanding of the causes of Cultism, its effects and ways
through which youth can be empowered in Odegu clan in Emohua local
government area. This study is also significant as it will enable the policy makers in
formulating important and reasonable policies that will be of great benefit to the
youths and the society at large.

This study work will proffer solutions to curtail the uprising of youth
restiveness and all cult activities by teaching them non-violent conflict management
method. Also educate youths on the need to maintain already established structures
other than using destruction means of agitation or protesting for their rights.

The study will promote social justice and development in a way of appraisal
to the cultural values of the people of the Odegu clan. Culture is dynamic and part
of the culture that is not essentially useful to the people’s progress and
advancement, and is due to be eradicated, as to avert negative societal systems and
social prestige.

Lastly, this study will be providing useful methods in utilizing rural

communities in the Settlement of Disputes, hence improving contemporary
management skill for effective management making process, where by the
habitants of the Local communities are utilized as resolving in the cult crisis in
Odegu clan.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covers the origin of the Odegu people. It also covers
the historical reflection and background of Cultism and other cult related activities,
especially within the Odegu people, as well as the impact of cultism and youth
restiveness on her people and environment would be brought into account as to
ensure that the study provides a satisfactory solution through the engagement of
peaceful mediums in resolving the crisis in the clan.

This study further reveals the affliction of the people of Odegu clan
associated cult activities, the involvement of various cult groups in the area. With
the adequate foundation laid in this Chapter, I shall be progressing into the next
Chapter, where I will be providing Conceptual clarifications to the terms associated
with the Dissertation, as well as discuss with relevant theories that would enable the
Dissertation with a framework and finally, ascertain wide knowledge on the subject
matter by reviewing relevant works.

2.1 Conceptual Clarification

For the purpose of this study, the following words are conceptualized in the
work, which need clarification. Therefore, they are explained as applied in the
content of the study.

Conflict: Conflict is a competitive or opposing action of incompatibles through an

antagonistic state or action, borne out of divergent ideas, interest or persons. The
mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or
external or internal demands. It is also a serious disagreement and argument about
something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a
serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.

Conflict Resolution: Conflict Resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a
peaceful solution to a disagreement among them. The disagreement may be
personal, financial, political, or emotional. When a dispute arises, often the best
course of action is negotiation to resolve the disagreement.

Odegu Clan:

Cultism: Cultism, also known as secret cults or confraternities, refers to organized

groups or associations characterized by secrecy, rituals, and often involved in
illegal activities or violence. In some contexts, cultism may have religious,
political, or ideological undertones. Cultism is prevalent in some universities,
colleges, and communities, particularly in Nigeria. It poses a significant challenge
to security, as it often leads to clashes, violence, and loss of lives. Combating
cultism requires a multi-faceted approach involving law enforcement, awareness
campaigns, education, mentorship, and creating alternative avenues for youth
engagement and empowerment.
Youth Restiveness: Youth restiveness refers to the state of unrest, agitation, or
dissatisfaction displayed by young people within a community or society. It often
manifests through various forms of protest, violence, or disruptive behaviors.
Youth restiveness can be triggered by factors such as unemployment, poverty,
inequality, social injustice, lack of opportunities, or political grievances. It is
important to address youth restiveness through constructive engagement,
empowerment, education, and creating avenues for youth participation in decision-
making processes.

Development: Development is a process that is associated with peace, happiness

harmony and adequate satisfaction of essential need of the people in the best of
quality and desire.

Insecurity: Insecurity refers to a state of vulnerability or lack of safety within a

society or community. It encompasses various threats to personal safety, property,
and social stability. Insecurity can arise from different sources such as crime,
terrorism, conflicts, weak law enforcement, corruption, economic instability, or
social unrest. It can affect individuals, communities, and the overall development of
a nation. Addressing insecurity requires comprehensive approaches, including
strengthening law enforcement, promoting social cohesion, addressing root causes,
and ensuring access to justice.
Terrorism: Terrorism refers to the use of violence, intimidation, or the threat of
violence to create fear and panic in a society for political, religious, or ideological
purposes. Terrorist acts are typically carried out by non-state actors or extremist
groups targeting civilians, infrastructure, or government institutions. Terrorism
aims to undermine social stability, challenge established systems, and promote a
particular agenda. Counterterrorism efforts involve intelligence gathering, law
enforcement cooperation, border control, international collaboration, addressing
root causes of extremism, and promoting peace building initiatives.
2.2 Theoretical Framework
Theories are initiated to reveal, define and expand the phenomena and in
many cases, to clarify and diffuse the already established knowledge within the
circle of critical assumptions. Theoretical framework reflects on the theory that
discusses why the research problem under study exists. Thus, this study will focus
fundamentally on the Social Conflict theory and Frustration-Aggression.

Social Conflict:
Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of human existence. It can occur at the level
of interpersonal conflict, as well as within or between groups, civilizations, and
nations. It can range from two people not talking to each other or having an intense
debate to violence and aggressiveness between groups and even organized warfare.
Social science ideas are categorized based on their understanding of conflict and
agreement. Whereas 'consensus' theories emphasize the qualities that hold societies
together, such as common values, beliefs, and ideas, 'conflict' theories emphasize
the various interests, ideals, and power relationships that define social life.
This theory is a Marxist based social theory which argues that individuals and
groups (social classes) within society interact on the basis of conflict rather than
consensus. Through various forms of conflict, groups will tend to attain differing
amounts of material and non_material resources (e.g the wealthy vs. the poor).
More powerful groups will tend to use their power inorder to retain power and
exploit other groups with less power. Conflict theorists view conflict as an engine
of change, since conflict produces contradictions which are sometimes resolved,
creating new conflicts and contradictions in an ongoing dialectic.
For this reason, in the work of Classical Social Theorists from Marx and
Comte, Simmel and Sorel, various explanations on the Social Conflict theory,
either on a small or large scale, whether resulting from interactions between
Communities, Social groups or caused by external factors have been a resultant
issue arising from Common concern. As such it is quite difficult to identify with a
singular factor as being responsible for the Peace and Order within any Society, just
as it has in similar been made extremely difficult to point at a single explanation for
the emergence and escalation or protraction of conflict either a violent one or
Economic theory of social conflict provides economic explanations for the
existence of conflict. They argue that the struggle and contest for economic
resources and material gains accounts for conflict in most societies hence, Collier
(2003) cited in John (2019) added that some people (commonly referred to as
conflict entrepreneurs) actually benefit from chaos: while the overwhelming
majority of the population are affected by the negative impacts of conflict: the
leaders of armed formations that are actually perpetrating the violence often profit
from the chaos. Economic theorists therefore contend that even when issues in
conflict are packaged as resulting from ideological, racial or even religious
differences, they end up as a contest over economic assets, resources or systems.
The frustration-aggression theory is a theoretical framework that explains how
frustration can lead to aggressive behavior. In the context of Odegu, the frustration-
aggression theory can help to explain why the people of the region have engaged in
various forms of protest and violent behavior as a result of their grievances.
According to the frustration-aggression theory, frustration occurs when people
are prevented from achieving their goals. In Odegu Clan, the people have been
frustrated by a lack of access to basic amenities and the perceived lack of benefits
towards the youths. When people are frustrated, they may become more prone to
aggression. This aggression may be directed at the source of the frustration, such as
the government or the rich, or it may be displaced onto innocent targets. In Odegu
clan, frustration has led to various forms of aggression, including protests, cultism,
terrorism and insecurities.
Moreover, the frustration-aggression theory suggests that aggression can be
reduced by removing the source of frustration or finding alternative means of
achieving goals. In Odegu clan, addressing the underlying causes of frustration, such
as improving access to basic amenities and youth empowerment could help to reduce
the likelihood of aggressive behavior. In regards to the nature of the aggression,
(Dollard et al, 1939) had further put forth the suggestion that the strongest aggressive
reactions are those directed toward the perceived sources of the frustration.
Aggression towards the source of the frustration is a form of retaliatory behaviour.
Zillmarin & Cantor, (1976).
In behavioral tradition that dominated the region during the period of this
research, the effects of the frustration is put into consideration for a better
understanding. Frustration as defined by (Dollard et al, 1939) is a cause of extinction,
which an event is resulting in the termination of reinforcement that has previously
maintained a behavior. Typically, this results in individuals exhibiting a sudden and
temporary increase in the frequency of a behavior, also called extinction burst,
particularly when the extinction procedure has just begun. In a similar manner,
(Hanratty et al, 1972, p31) described “frustration as the withdrawal of an anticipated
In regards to the nature of the aggression, (Dollard et al, 1939) had further
put forth the suggestion that the strongest aggressive reactions are those directed
toward the perceived sources of the frustration/Aggression towards the source of
the frustration is a form of retaliatory behaviour. (Zillmarin & Cantor, 1976). In
behavioral tradition that dominated the region during the period of this research, the
effects of the frustration is put into consideration for a better understanding.
Frustration as defined by (Dollard et al, 1939) is a cause of extinction, which an
event is resulting in the termination of reinforcement that has previously
maintained a behavior. Typically, this results in individuals exhibiting a sudden and
temporary increase in the frequency of a behavior, also called extinction burst,
particularly when the extinction procedure has just begun. In a similar manner,
(Haner et al, 1972, p31) described “frustration as the withdrawal of an anticipated

In conclusion, the theoretical framework of frustration-aggression theory helps

to explain the underlying causes of the Odegu clan cult issues and insecurities. It
highlights the importance of addressing the sources of frustration felt by the people in
the region as a necessary step towards promoting peaceful conflict resolution and
sustainable development.
2.3 Empirical Review
Acknowledging the fact that there are side effects when principles are not
followed and there are bound to be forms of conflicts or crises when the means of
survival is scares, this section will deal with a review of related literatures on the
subject matter.

Philosophers and scholars of different and similar views or school of thoughts

who have understudied the etymology of Cultism, insecurity, terrorism and youth
restiveness, thus has written extensively on the meaning, effects and related articles
on the subject matter. Some of these ideologies are:

Chikeuzi (2009) define youth restiveness as a despicable act perpetrated by a

significant number of youths in different communities. He equally sees it as a
combination of any action or conduct that constitutes unwholesome, socially
unaccepted and unworthy activities by youths of the society. Youth restiveness is a
phenomenon which in practice, has led to near breakdown of law and order, low
productivity due to disruption of productive activities, increasing crime rate, intra
community/ethnic hostilities and harassment of prospect developers and other
criminal tendencies. It has also become a national crises going by its disruptive
destructible tendencies.

Saro Wiwa (1985) sees unequal distribution of revenue, uneven development

among the people as the root causes of conflict. He argues that the approximate
causes of most of the conflict that existed in the society can easily be identified as
the dominance of our leaders of specific groups to gain office and use such state or
institution to distribute economic and political benefit preferentially to their interest
groups discriminating against subordinate groups

Wilson (2012) argues that the activities of the militants in the Niger Delta
have resulted to proliferation and possession of fire arms by many youths and rise
of many cult groups in various communities of the region, which Emohua local
government area is not an exception. He also state that with the arms in the
possession of these youths, they engage in arms dealings by hiring out their arms as
means of livelihood and in most cases supply personal service to fight opponents
when hired.

Udumange (2001) identified neglect as the main cause of Cultism and youth
restiveness and the cardinal issues is the uneven distribution of revenue accruing
from crude oil. He suggested that oil bearing communities should not only be
entitled to compensation arising from ecological genocide but also depletion
allowance because, oil is a non-renewable resource.

Bako (1994) argued that the roots of violence among the youths can be
allocated in the unprecedented poverty as well as the massive unemployment,
hunger and deprivation among the youths; thus, providing avenue for their
involvement in the ethno religious conflict across the country.
Theory of grievance according to Ogbeifun (2007) outlined several factors as
issues of total disconnection between citizens and the state. He pointed factors such
as: poverty, unemployment, economic banditry and sabotage on the part of the
government, unfaithful implementation of life effecting programs, ethnic
marginalization and insensitivity to the plights of the people suffering multiple
negative effects of environments destruction of the ecosystem through gas flaring,
oil spillage, which often render farmlands and rivers barren to the extent that the
people may have no option or sources of veritable livelihood, decaying education,
health, water, electricity, and road infrastructure amongst others.

Ogbeifun (2001) identified three forms of youth restiveness based on actors,

motivation and interests. Based on actors, youths engage in genuine agitation for
the rights and restoration of the dignity of their group or race, based on motivation,
youths engage in self-seeking and criminal activities such as kidnapping or hostage
taking in exchange for levied ransom, and finally based on interest, youths engage
in seeking revenge for oppressive attitudes towards members of the elite class or a
manner of responding to a repressive state. He also holds that, there is a unifying
factor in the rationalizations of their actions as expressed in their definition. This
rationalization is the unsatisfied state of being of the youths. Equally, the youths
engaging in genuine agitation are seen as organizing legitimate revolt or restiveness
that attracts some coverage. The youths in this category see the prevalent socio-
economic balance as skewing negatively against the interest of their people of
which they first adopt the dialog approach before violence and confrontation will
be considered as an attraction option.

Restiveness according to Abudah (2004) is a self-generating theory of

conflict process within social groups. He further stated that any restive acts of
groups whether inter or intra in the nature of contemporary history of Nigeria is
synonymous with conflict. Intra group restiveness or conflicts occurs when there is
competition for an interest (Onah, 1999).

“Theories of Social Conflict” in Stephen (Ed) Introduction to Peace and

Conflict studies in West Africa, explains Conflict is as phenomenal as Human
existence. According to Stephen (2006), Social Conflict is said to be a theory of an
Idea or belief about something arrived at through assumption and in some cases a
set of facts, propositions or principles analyzed in their relation to one another and
used to explain phenomena. It is emphatically adjudicated that the goal of any
theory is to explain something which has occurred with a view to dealing problems
which arose or may arise as a result, thus Conflict can be seen to be something that
takes place within a society and may be the result of several factors.

The relative deprivation theory, Famham and Pilmot (1998) asserts that
psychological variables and deprivation is the basic product of conflict and
restiveness of any kind. The more widespread and intense deprivation is among
members of a population, the greater is the magnitude of violence in one form or
the other.

Also, Anifowose (1982) state that the major reason behind youth restiveness
is relative deprivation, rising expectation of the youths on what they want the
government to do for them and the frustration/aggression resulting from the
inability or refusal on the part of government to grant the needs of the youths.
Tenuche (2009) tends to agree with Anifowose, that since the young ones lack
education and means of livelihood, they become frustrated and hence the elite use
them, as an opportunity by manipulation and mobilizing these frustrated youth to
perpetuate violence in pursuit of their selfish interest.

Shepard (1981) is of the view that we associate with some people who
advocate obeying the law and some who does not. That those exposed to more
people who advocate breaking the law are likely to become criminals and our
parents and friends have more greater influence over us than people whose opinion
to us are valueless.

Ezewu (1993), appear to provide the answer that deviance could be as a result
of two things, broken personality; personality here refers to the individual pattern
and unique way in terms of relationship with the world. Broken situation, situation
here represents the environmental influence on the individual. A broken personality
produces problems for guardian counselor and medical officers; a broken situation
produces problems for law enforcement agents and social workers.

However, Ofemi and Ajayi (2008) identify lack of humanitarian and social
welfare, lack of good governments, corrupt practices of governmental officials,
inadequate training programmes, unemployment, inadequate recreational facilities,
lack of quality education, etc as the reasons for incessant youth restiveness. Also
the failure of the state to pursue genuine development of the society is also a major
reason for youth restiveness (Tenuche, 2009).
This will layout the methods adopted by the researcher to obtain relevant data
for the research study, including the nature and source of data, method of data
collection and the method of data analysis adopted by the researcher.

3.1 Nature and Source of Data

It is true that only one source cannot provide the needed materials for this
study hence the need for the researcher to adopt the inter-disciplinary approach in
writing this work. This approach became necessary because of the relationship
between historical sources especially on the strength and weaknesses of each
source which allowed the researcher to employ the strength of one source to
balance the shortcoming arising from the weakness of the other. There is an
insufficient written record on the conflict management mechanism in resolving the
issues Cultism and Insecurity in Odegu Clan.

According to Vansina (1985) cited in Micheal (2016), “oral tradition is

cultural material and tradition transmitted orally from generation to another. It is
community’s cultural and historical tradition passed down by word of mouth or
examples from generation to generation without written instructions. The messages
or testimonies are verbally transmitted in speech or song and may take the form of
folktales sayings, ballads songs chants. In this way, it is possible for a society to
transmit oral history, oral literature oral law and other knowledge across a society
and to transmit oral history, oral literature oral law and other knowledge across
generations without a written system.”

The differences that exist between people and times relate to the extent of
their dependence on the oral tradition or the nature of traditions that operated in
particular cultures. The invention of writing in a society would reduce the degree to
which reliance is placed on oral testimony, but cannot eliminate it. Oral
communications continue to function as the principal means of preserving

3.2 Methods of Data Collection

For this research, primary and secondary sources of data are to be used. The
primary data was obtained from a random survey within Odegu Clan, group
discussion with some natives of the various communities that make up the clan and
personal interaction with few youth leaders. The interview also covered some
community leaders.

The bulk information for this researcher was gotten from secondary sources,
obtained from several works on; History, Geography and Ecology of the area.
These sources were complemented by the author’s wide knowledge of the region,
gained through several years of fieldwork in the area, were all obtained, including
published, unpublished, journal and online articles. In analyzing study of this
nature, inter-disciplinary approach was adopted in gathering relevant information
concerning the study.

The instrument that was utilized to collect the primary data of this study
includes; random survey, oral interview, and interaction, while the secondary
sources of data collection are; textbooks, journals, newspapers, magazines,
government publications and online articles.

3.3 Methods of Data Analysis

The research adopts a historical, narrative and analytical approach in the
analysis and interpretation of data generated or gathered from written and oral
sources. Using the interdisciplinary approach, the bulk of knowledge from other
related discipline in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Geography and Ecology
relating to my study will be collected and analyzed using the same approach. The
researcher also employed the use of descriptive approach of data analysis to assess
the effects and level of insecurity created by the wave of cultism and cult clashes in
Odegu clan. Grassroot development and conflict resolution in the various
communities and the negligence of the Grassroot in the development of the region.
This approach adopted by the researcher also aided in ascertaining the impact of the
conflict and continuous cult Clashes in the area.

All data collected were collated and verified thoroughly against all available
knowledge on the study as the researcher exposed himself to available sources on
the study and this ensured that the data equally has to be sieved to remove elements
of falsehood.

The research analyzed and interpreted were written in the most simple and
understandable English, graphical representations in the use of maps, tables, pie
chart and picture were used to also analyze and the dates as well.

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