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I. An object moving with velocity 15 m/s

accelerates at 2 m/s2 for 5 seconds. Calculate
the final velocity.

2. A car changes its velocity from 25 m/s to 15

m/s in 4 seconds. Find its acceleration.

3. How long does it take a car to change its

velocity from 15 m/s to 25 mis if it
accelerates uniformly at 5 m/s2?
4. The truck of a passenger car brakes at a velocity Of 30 and comes to rßt 5
seconds later. What is the deceleration?

5. a) State two information that can be obtained from a velocity-time graph.

b) An Object is moved at a constant speed Of 20 m/s for 4 seconds.

i) Draw a velocity-time graph of the motion.

ii) Use your graph to find the total distance covered.

6. An object from rest accelerates uniformly to a velocity of 20 mis for 4

seconds and comes to rest 6 seconds later.

i) Draw a velocity-time graph of the motion.

ii) Use your graph to find the total distance.

7. A passenger car starts from rest. It accelerates uniformly and attains a

velocity Of 20 m/s after 5 seconds. It maintains this velocity for 6

seconds and then comes to rest 4 seconds later.

i) Draw a velocity-time graph ii) Use your graph to find the total

distance covered.

8. A body moving in a linear motion starts with an initial velocity of 5

ms-I . Its acceleration after 10 s is 6 ms-2 . What is the velocity at this


9. A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration. Its

initial velocity is 6 ms-I and its velocity after 8 s is 10 ms Find the

acceleration and the displacement of the particle after 16 s.

10. a) Define
i. velocity ii) uniform velocity iii) acceleration iv) uniform


v) instantaneous velocity
b) An object starts from rest and travels with acceleration of 3 m/s2 for 8

seconds. Calculate the final velocity.

11. A particle is projected vertically upwards With a speed Of 25 ms-I

from a point on the ground. [Takeg= 10 msQ], Find

i) the position of the particle after 4 s; ii) the maximum height

reached; iii) the time taken to reach the maximum height:

iv) the time(s) When the panicle is 30 m above the ground.

12. A ball is thrown downwards with a velocity of 20 ms A from the top ofa

cliffof 35 m. Find the velocity of the ball just before it hits the ground.

13. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 25 ms-I . Find its

height when it is moving with velocity of 15 ms' I (Takeg= 10 ms 2).

14. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly until it reaches a velocity of

40 ms after 5 s. It then travels with constant velocity for 10 s, and is

brought to rest in 5 s with a uniform retardation. Draw a velocity— time

graph and use it to determine

i) the acceleration ii) the retardation iii) the distance

covered after 5 s iv) the total distance covered

15. A particle is projected vertically upwards from a point O, with a speed

of 40 ms l . Find:
i) the maximum height reached; ii) the when the particle is 30m

above the point O, correct to the nearest whole number.

16. A panicle is from the ground level with speed 40 ms-I at an angle of 600 to the

horizontal. Calculate

i) the time of flight ii) the range iii) the time taken to reach the

greatest height iv) the greatst height

17. A particle is projected from the ground level with 40 at an angle of O to the

horizontal, where tan e Calculate

i) the time of flight ii) the range iii) the time taken to reach the

greatest height iv) the great—t height

18. A stone is projected upwards at an angle of 600 to the horizontal from the

top of a tower of height 100 m and it hits the ground at a point Q. If the
initial velocity of projectile is 100 ms • , calculate the

a) maximum height of the stone above the ground;

b) time it takes to reach this height;

c) time of flight

d) horizontal distance from the foot of the tower to the point Q.

[Neglect air resistance and take g as 10 ms -21

19. Show that for a uniformly acceleration motion, v + 2as, where the symbols

have their usual meanings.

20. A body starts from rest and accelerates at 3 mis 2 for 4 s. Its velocity remains

constant at the maximum value reached for 7 s and i t finally comes rest with

a uniform retardatioø after 5 s.

a) Sketch the velocity graph for tv


b) Calculate the distance travelled during each stage of the motion.

c) Calculate the avaage velocity over the whole pa-iod

21. Define the following and state the S.l unit of each:

a) Speed b) Velocity
c) Acceleration d) Displacement

22. A body travelling at an initial velocity of 10 m/s decelerates at 2 tn/s 2 for 3

s. Calculate the final velocity of the body.

23. A body starts from rest and accela•ates at 2 m/s2 for 6 s. It travels at a

constant speed for 10 s then decelerates to rest in 4 s. How far has it


24. Convert the following velocities into m/s

a) 60 km/h b) 100 km/h

d) 50 km/h

25. The velocity of a moving particle is increased from 3 ruis to 6 mts after

travelling 10 s.

i) Calculate the acceleration.

ii) If the acceleration is uniform, calculate the velocity of the car

aner I min.
26. A body is projected vertically upwards from the ground with an initial

velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the maximum height reached (Take g =

10 rws2)

27. Define each of the following type* of motion and give one example of


i) Linear motion ii)

Rotational motion

28. A body moves with a velocity of 30.0 m/s. This speed is increased to

40 rn/s in 4.0s. Calculate

a) the average acceleration ofthe body.

b) the distance covered by the body.

29. A car starts frorn rest and attains a velocity

Of 40 m/s in 20 s. It maintains this velocity for 30 s and then comes

to rest in 25 s. Calculate

a) the acceleration ofthe car;

b) the deceleration ofthe car;

c) ttr total distance covered by the car.

30. A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower 150.0 m high

with an initial velocity of 25.0 ms-I . How far from the tower does the
ball hit the ground? [Takegas 10 ms 2]

31. A ball thrown vertically upward reaches a maximum height at 50 m

above the level of projection. Calculate

i) the time taken to reach the height.

[3.162 s] ii) the speed of the throw. (g = 10m/s2).

[31.62 m/s]

32. A stone is projected horizontally from the top of a tower with a speed

of 5 m/s. It lands on the ground level at a horizontal distance of 20 m

from the foot of the tower. Calculate the height of the tower. (g = 10

rn/s2). [80 m]

33. A body accelerated uniformly from rest at the rate of 3 rn/s 2 for 8

seconds. Calculate the distance covered by the body during the

acceleration. [96 m]


5 10

The above diagram illustrata the velocitytime graph of the motion of a

body. Calculate the total distance covered by the body. [225 ml

35. A body accelerates from rest at 0.2 tws 2 for one-fifth of a minute.

Calculate the distance covered by the body. [40 ml

36. A bus travelling at 15 ms-I accelerates uniformly at 4 ms-2. What is

the distance covered in 10 s? [350 ml

37. A body, which is uniformly comes to t'ßt in S s after travelling a distance of

10 m. What is its initial velocity? (4 m/s]

38. Ifa body moving with a velocity of3 is brought to rest by a constant

force after travelling 15 m, calculate the retardation. [0.3 mis2)

39. A ball is thrown upwards from the ground with an initial velocity of 50
rn/s. What is the (g- total time spent (10 by s]the ball in the air?

40. A stone of mass 0.7 kg is projected vertically upwards with a speed of 5

m/s. Calculate the maximum height r&iched.

(g — 10 m/s2 and neglect air resistance).

[1.25 m]

41. An object is projected with a velocity of 50 m/s from ground level at an

angle O to the vertical. If the total time of flight of the projectile is 5 s, what

is the value of theta [600]

42. A bullet is fired with a velocity of 50 at an angle 0 to the horizontal.

a) What is the value of 0 for rnaximum range with this velocity?


b) Calculate the maximum range.

(g- 10 rws2). [250 ml

43. a) Wint is a trajectory?

b) A ball is kicked with a velocity of 8 m/s at an angle of 300 to the

horizontal Calculate the time Of flight Of the ball: (g- 10 [0.8 sl

44. A particle nwving in a straight line With uniform acceleration has a

velocity Of 40 at a point P, 20 rns-l at a point Q and comes to rest at a point

R where QR = 50 m. Calculate

a) distance PO [SO m]

b) time taken to cover PQ [S s]

c) time taken to cover PR [10 s]

45. An object moves in a straight line, starting from rßt. There are two stag% in

the motion:

i) it gains speed uniformly for 2.0 s and attairus a speed of 8.0 m/s ii) it

continues at this speed for a furth< 1.5 s.

Draw a sketch-graph of speed against time. Find:

a) the acceleration in stage (i) [5 ms-I ]

b) the total distance moved during stages (i) and(ii) [20 m]

46. a) Explain the terms: uniform acceleration and average speed.

b) A body at rest is given an initial Imiform acceleration of 8.0 ms-

2 for 30 s, after which the acceleration is reduced to 5 ms-2 for

the next 20 s. The body maintains the speed attained for 60 s

after which it is brought to rßt in 20 s. Draw the velocity-time

graph of the motion using the information given above.

c) Using the graph, calculate the:

i) maximum speed attained during the motion; [340 m/s] ii)

average retardation as the body being brought to rest; [17 rws2]

iii) total distance travelled within the first 50 s.

[9400 m]

47. a) Define the terms velocity and acceleration.

Choose one of the terns and explain what is
meant when the quantity is said to be 'uniform '.
b) A car runs at a constant speed of 15 m/s for 300
s and then accelerates uniformly to a speed
of 25 m/s over a period 20 s. This speed is
maintained for 300 s before the car is
brought to rest with uniform acceleration in
30 s.
i) Sketch the velocity-time graph to
represent the journey described

ii) From the graph; find the acceleration

while the velocity changes from 15
m/s to 25 m/s and the total distance
travelled in the time described. [0.5
me; 12775 m]

48. a) Using a suitable diagram explain how the

following can be obtained from a velocity time
i) acceleration ii)
retardation iii) total
distance covered
b) Show that the displacement s of a body
moving with uniform acceleration a is
given by s =ut++at2 where u is the
velocity of the body at time t = 0.

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