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DIRECTION: Please check your answer in the space provided.

Gender: ( )Male ( )Female
School: (__) STEH (__) SAB (__) SEAIT (__) SHANS


DIRECTION: Please check your answer next to the practice indicator.

4 - Strongly Agree; 3- Agree; 2 – Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree

Echo Chamber 4 3 2 1

1. I discuss my beliefs about Martial Law with people that

are outside of my friend group and family.

2. I fully trust martial law information given to me by my


3. I fully trust the information given to me by my friends that

shares the same beliefs and sentiments.

4. I’m confident my friends verify information before sharing


5. My family and I has the same views on Martial Law.

6. My family and I discuss our views on Martial law without

conflict regardless of differences.

7. My friends and I discuss our views on Martial law without

conflict regardless of differences.

8. My beliefs on Martial are highly influenced by my family

and friends’ views.

9. Majority of my friends have the same views on Martial

law with mine.

10. I openly accept criticisms and correction from my friends

whenever they have something to say on my belief about
Martial law.

11. I openly accept criticisms and correction from my family

whenever they have something to say on my belief about
Martial law.
Filter Bubbles 4 3 2 1

1. I do researches about the facts and myths about Martial


2. I limit my search history on articles and sources that are

just known to me.

3. I do not stream online news which just dwell on negative


4. I only follow reliable pages and accounts of media news


5. I block people, pages, and sites that create posts which on

my view are wrong.

6. I delete my search history.

7. I do not make comments or engage with netizens that

share fake news.

8. I share articles on my social media accounts in which

everyone can see and has access to it.

9. I share political memes to showcase my views on Martial

law for people to easily understand them.

10. I heavily rely on social media in accessing Martial law

information instead of reading historical books.

Linguistic Tone 4 3 2 1

1. I read Martial law articles spread out on social media

even those posted by unconventional news outlets.

2. Even if the article about Martial Law is from a credible

source, I check the style of their writing if it is biased.

3. I know how to determine when an article starts to become


4. I make content comparisons of different Martial law

articles posted by various sources.

5. I only read posts and articles which are coherent with my


6. I do not finish reading an article when I think it already

perpetuates fallacies.

7. I believe that the style of writing of the author has an

impact on the information I know about Martial Law.

8. I do not easily get swayed by articles that a lot of people

read because for me, it’s just a “viral marketing”.

9. I do not try to distort information to justify the biases of a

trusted news outlet.

10. I know how to identify persuasive and merely descriptive

styles of writing when it comes to information about Martial

III. Open-Ended Questions

1. How do you distinguish a biased and unbiased information about

Martial law?

2. What is your general overview about martial law?


3. Do you think the arguments and discussions about martial law are still
relevant to this day? If yes, why? If no, why not?

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