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Christmas Homework Makeup Quiz Student Name: ______________________

Exercise A:

Exercise B:
Write a phrase with “wish” that describes the situation given.

1. I didn’t study for the test. This was a mistake.


2. My friend is always late. It is annoying.


3. John talks a lot during lessons. It is difficult for us to concentrate.


4. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to play guitar.


5. The sisters went to see a film. It was horrible.

Exercise C:
Transform the sentence into reported speech.

1. Alice: “Who are you going to the party with?” (the party was yesterday)


2. Tom: “I play soccer three times a week.” (this is a present habit)


3. Jeff: “I’ll do the dishes, mum.” (the dishes are done now)


4. Oliver and Sophia: “We are going to Croatia this summer!” (it is April now)


5. Lauren: “I’m sorry. I can’t meet you for lunch.” (lunch is finished now)


Exercise D:
Read these news items carefully and cross out “the” where it is not necessary.

1) The prime minister leaves this morning for a tour of the Far East. She will visit the
Singapore and the Malaysia and then go to the Philippines for a conference about the
global warming.

2) The King Felipe of the Spain arrives today for a short visit to the United Kingdom.
After lunch with the Queen at the Windsor Castle, he will open an exhibition at the
National Gallery in the Trafalgar Square and in the evening he will have talks with the

3) An accident has closed the main railway line between London and Southampton. The
several people were hurt when a train hit a bridge. The injured have been taken to the
Southampton General Hospital. For the information phone the police.

4) How much do you study for the tests at the school? Today’s young people report that
they spend the 60% of their free time studying. The most say that they think this is too

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