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Torres, Apple Jhanet E.

Good Gov. & Social Responsibility


Wells Fargo Renewable Energy & Environmental Finance (REEF) provides tax-equity financing
to utility-scale wind and solar projects, and the fuel cell sector, and is actively considering new
tax-equity segments. Currently, REEF is one of the largest tax equity investors in the market.
Since its inception in 2006, REEF has developed deep expertise in underwriting and managing
renewable energy investments. The REEF team is comprised of diverse and experienced
professionals and focuses on well-established Developers and Sponsors. REEF employs a
comprehensive approach to evaluating credit, resource, technical, environmental, legal, regulatory,
and tax risk.
Wells Fargo has been one of the most active tax-equity investors in the nation’s renewable energy
sector, financing projects in 38 states. Projects supported by REEF produced enough electricity in
2020 to power more than 3 million average-sized U.S. homes for a year.1 A breakdown by asset
class is as follows:

Wells Fargo Renewable Energy & Environmental Finance as of April 2021


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