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Happiness, Contentment and Death

I believe that the three words happiness, contentment, and death

best sum up my future. Why? Because I will always choose to be happy
for myself and my loved ones in any circumstances. I believe I am
striving to survive to see my loved ones be happy and to be happy.
When you make the decision to be happy, you'll also experience a sense
of being loved and a sense of purpose in your life and the lives of those
you care about, which is simply to be happy. The second is contentment;
when you are happy in life, you also feel successful. You are happy with
who you are, what you have accomplished, and the life you have chosen.
And with happiness and contentment comes death, which someday
everyone else will also be going through. Everything comes to an end
with our passing, yet along with our passing, I am content and happy.
What best represents my future, or what I hope will be my future, are
these three words.

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