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They are permanent or regular residents of a particular community

who take responsibility for the well-being and improvement of that

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Community Organizing
Organization Member
Community Leader
Community Development
1 of 50
A sociological construct, has fuzzy boundaries, can exist within a
larger community, and it may move.
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Nature of a Community
Holistic Viewpoint of a Community
Swot Analysis
2 of 50
It is a set of interrelated activities undertaken by a group of people
within a specific period to achieve the objectives defined by the group.
Its objective is to improve the situation of the community.
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3 of 50
Provides details of the community with focus on its residents.
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Survey Research
Spatial Information
Census Mapping
4 of 50
Recognized for their vital role in nation-building; they are adequately
involved in decisions that affect their lives and have significant
influence in key activities that affect their lives at home, in school, and
in the organization to which they belong.
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Youth Action
5 of 50
In a city, high population density; many people are educated,
professionals, and businessmen, however, there are also poor and
informal settlers from the labor sector.
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Second City
6 of 50
Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.
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Community Organizing
Health Literacy
7 of 50
The initial process of building a community relationship. It is choosing
the right and the most strategic person in the community, a person
who is respected and has influence in the community. A person who
believes in your advocacy; a person who will help you realize your
dreams and the community's dreams. Thus, it is important to have a
considerable knowledge of the community and the people in the
community. It requires exposure and immersion in the community.
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Community Dynamics
Participatory Action Planning
Contact Building
Community Organizing
8 of 50
They rest upon a fundamental philosophical claim that there exists a
rationally identifiable moral order, an order whose legitimacy precedes
contingent social and historical conditions and applies to all human
beings everywhere and at all times. These are indivisible, interrelated,
and interdependent. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of a list of
non-exhaustive categories such as sex, race, color, and others.
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Human Rights
Social Justice
Community Action
9 of 50
It is a team effort and involves the institution's commitment,
acceptance of the need to raise funds, and institutionalizing priorities,
policies, and budget allocation. An organization needs money in order
to raise money.
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Resource Mobilization
Revolutionary Action
Temporal Information
Program Development
10 of 50
Shows the relationships of the different institutions, as well as the
individuals, with one another and with outside groups.
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Venn Diagramming
Idea Mapping
Swot Analysis
11 of 50
It is more subjective, integrative, and feminist and addresses
oppression and discrimination. It integrates the notion of social justice,
human diversity, values, and ethics; and applies the idea of
community building, community renewal, community assets and
strengths, ethnic and civil society, and social capital.
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Alternative Viewpoint of a Community
Traditional Perspective of Community
Community Dynamics
Holistic Viewpoint of a Community
12 of 50
Saul Alinsky's model that uses conflict or disagreement to shake or
agitate people and mobilize them to advocate for social change.
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Community Action
Conflict-Confrontation Model
Community Leader
13 of 50
the form and process of building a group of people who have a
common vision and goal and who engage in community action.
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Community Leader
Community Development
Community Organizing
Social Planning
14 of 50
They constitute a sector in our society whose basic human rights
continue to be violated.
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The Urban Poor
The First Estate
The Poor
The Middle Class
15 of 50
When technology is not based on local horticulture, the community
residents may be physically mobile. They may be nomadic herders
walking long distances with their cattle.
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Community Dynamics
A community has fuzzy boundaries
Community leader
A community may move
16 of 50
It is a manifestation of a collective grasp and ownership of a situation
that generally has an effect on a group of people. A community
experiencing the same situation and tend to connect with each other
and pursue a common goal and action.
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Community Development
Community Action
17 of 50
Concerns insights on the people in the estate/barangay and their
relationship with one another as well as with advisers.
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Organizational Image
Social/Institutional Information
Temporal Information
18 of 50
This is the organization's reason for existence. The statement is a
means to share the goal of an organization. It communicates what is
important to and the direction of the organization. It also protects its
organizational competencies.
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Organizational Mission
Community Action
Expertise Of Team Members
Swot Analysis
19 of 50
Highlights the involvement of the voiceless, those who are
marginalized in the development process. It gives recognition and
importance to the poor and disadvantaged people, as well as a
chance for them to be heard and get involved.
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The Indigenous People
Vertical Integration
Participatory Development
Community Engagement
20 of 50
A vibrant relationship among diverse players. It is grounded on
mutually agreed goals and carried out through a shared understanding
of the most rational division of work based on the respective
comparative strength of each other.
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21 of 50
The process of collecting the necessary data should observe ethical
processes and cultural standards and respect community values and
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Community Assessment
Social Planning
Community Profiling
Community Leader
22 of 50
Relates communities with geographical location, work, and the social
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Traditional Perspective of Community
SWOT Analysis
Holistic Viewpoint of a Community
Alternative Viewpoint of a Community
23 of 50
In a community, it is the capacity to influence the decision-making and
distribution processes, to bring about change and get things done.
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24 of 50
The tribal people or ethnic minorities. They are traditional practitioners
of the much maligned and widely misunderstood shifting method of
cultivation called as kaingin.
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The Chinese
The Indigenous People
The Urban Poor
The Americans
25 of 50
Seeks the equal treatment of men and women. Equal opportunities in
life, elimination of discrimination based on gender, equal pay for equal
work and others.
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Gender Equality and Equity
Access to Sexual Education
Protection from Sexual Violence
26 of 50
It is the deepening of relationships with the partner community. It is
the formation of social capital with the community. This is the process
of getting to know the people better - investing time in them, sharing
stories with them, celebrating special occasions with the community,
working on joint projects with the members, and discussing social
issues with the community leaders.
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Miranda Rights
Rapport Building
27 of 50
They are determined by its nature and structure and how it reacts with
external or internal forces. It is thus important to recognize the
characteristics and features of a community to understand why it acts
and reacts in a certain way.
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Community Dynamics
Social Movement
Community Development
Contact Building
28 of 50
Partnership between two parties, such as academic institutions and
local communities for mutual benefits, and it is characterized by
reciprocal relations; AUN and IUPUI four-part definition, community
engagement is active collaboration, builds on the resources, skills,
and expertise and knowledge of the campus and community,
improves the quality of life in the communities, and in a manner that is
consistent with the campus mission.
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Social Capital
Community Development
Community Engagement
29 of 50
A set of interactions or human behaviors that have meaning and
expectations between its members. They have shared expectations,
values, beliefs, and meanings between individuals.
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A community is a sociological construct
Community action
A community may move
Community Dynamics
30 of 50
Denotes membership in a political society, implies a duty of allegiance
on the part of the member and a duty of protection on the part of the
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31 of 50
It is a process where a community embarks on a project to attain a
given socioeconomic goal by consciously diagnosing its problems and
charting a course of action to resolve those problems.
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Participatory Development
Rapport Building
Participatory Action Planning
Social Action
32 of 50
It recognizes the interconnectivity of "people and place-based
strategies" and acknowledges that economic, environmental, and
social issues are Interdependent.
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Alternative Viewpoint of a Community
Community Action
A community is a sociological construct
Holistic Viewpoint of a Community
33 of 50
Aims to reform community and societal legal and functional systems. It
heavily depends on political mobilizations and policy advocacy,
especially for the disadvantaged sectors of society that clamor for
social justice.
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Social Action
Social Planning
Community Organizing
34 of 50
Defined by their common cultural heritage, language, beliefs, and
shared interests. They may be classified as small or large.
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35 of 50
Requires the equitable access to and distribution of resources,
services, and benefits, as well as the acknowledgement of the right of
people to their cultural heritage. This is because the ownership, use,
or control of the national wealth, decision-making process, and social
services are in the hands of a very small minority especially in
developing countries like the Philippines.
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Distributive Justice
Social Action
Social Justice
Social Change
36 of 50
It refers to the acquisition and use of data about happenings,
developments, and interactions in an organization's external
environment. The knowledge gained from the process would serve as
an input in the planning of the organization.
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Environmental Scanning
Swot Analysis
Strategic Analysis
37 of 50
This is the organization's picture of the future.
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Leaders' Behaviors
National Culture
Mission Statement
Organizational Vision
38 of 50
These are the organization's beliefs and philosophy concerning what
the organization does, why it does it, and how it does it.
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Universal Basic Needs
Posture Principles
Social Justice
Guiding Principles
39 of 50
A societal value which guides human interaction and, in particular, the
fair distribution of society's benefits, advantages, and assets, not just
by law and in the courts but in all aspects of society.
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Social Change
Distributive Justice
Social Justice
Social Action
40 of 50
It means scrutiny of the community or organization's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
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SWOT Analysis
Social Planning
Social Factors
Pest Analysis
41 of 50
Incorporates social movements such as women's rights, environment,
peace, and human rights. It may also be local or international levels
and informal or formal or both. Generally, it is about regarding our
fellow human beings justly and respecting who they are as persons.
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42 of 50
A community away from the city with a lot of open space and natural
areas; land is agricultural or used for farming.
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43 of 50
It can function even if people come and go. It transcends the individual
persons that make it up. According to Bartle (2010), it is made up of
the thoughts, outlook, and conduct of individual human beings full of
divisions and conflicts brought about by differences in religion,
ethnicity, gender, access to resources, class, educational level,
income level, ownership of properties, language, personality,
opportunities, and a lot more.
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Community development
Community as a "super-organic organism or system
A community can exist within a larger community
Community leader
44 of 50
stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and along with
heterosexual they describe people's sexual orientation or gender
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45 of 50
When a community is a little village separated by a few kilometers
from other villages in a rural area, its boundaries appear at first to be
very simple. The human interaction present may be seen as
consisting only of relations among the residents living inside that
village. If the residents interact with people outside the village, they
may, for example, marry persons from other places and move or bring
a spouse to live with them. Those village residents may have relatives
living elsewhere, so the boundary of the community is no longer that
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Community Dynamics
A community may move
A community has fuzzy boundaries
Community action
46 of 50
Deals with space and, as such, involves exercises like resource and
social mapping, land-use mapping, transact mapping, farm sketching,
and service mapping.
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Geographical Data
Spatial Information
Spatial Navigation
Auditory Information
47 of 50
Aims to change social conditions by changing the social policies of
formal organizations. It entails amendments on the accessibility of
goods and services.
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Social Action
Social Justice
Social Planning
Community Organizing
48 of 50
A manifestation of the essential values shared by humanity. It has a
great effect on the development of international human rights law. It
has influence on the development of legal instruments protecting the
rights of the grass roots.
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Usa Patriot Act
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A Community has Fuzzy Boundaries
Pledge of Allegiance
49 of 50
Includes the historical information of the community which includes its
past problems, trends, and accomplishments. These data are useful in
bridging the gaps between the past and current situations.
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The Frequency Of Specific Events
Temporal Information
Resource Mobilization

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