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Tier Requirements for Power

Uptime Institute’s Tier Topology standard has been created to assure any organization can meet
Reliability & Economics its required levels of business services by relying on a predictable level of performance in the
data center. While power is one of the most critical resources used to operate any data center,
• Tier Certified datacenters can
the types of power utilized to operate that data center greatly influence the results achieved.
combine onsite reliable
With 20 years of incident data across more than 1000 data centers to draw from, the Uptime
power with more economical
Institute Tier Standard asserts that onsite power generation is the only source of reliable power.
best-case utility power for
The high level of performance available from Tier certified datacenters stems from power
cost-efficiency when coupled
distribution designs that rely only on this reliable power. That said, the Tier standard also
with autonomous failover
allows for Tier compliant data centers to use other utility sources of power as long as
• Disruptions to utility power
autonomous fail-over is provided for. The Uptime Institute Tier Standard thus creates a data
are not considered a failure,
center environment that is both predictable for business needs and economical to operate.
but an anticipated operational
condition for which any site
must be prepared
Predictable Performance power from a local electrical utility than
• Uptime’s Tier Standard has
to run the onsite generation systems
no specific requirements for Simply put, all Tier Standard compliant because onsite generation total costs
the number or type of utility data centers require reliable power to include each component’s maintenance
provided power sources deliver predictable performance and costs, the costs of fuel, and the non-trivial
• Onsite Power generation is resiliency. And perhaps less intuitive is wear and tear on the onsite equipment.
the only source of truly the reality that the only source of reliable
reliable – it is completely power is onsite power generation systems
within the span of control of since they are built, maintained and
any organization, with no operated by the consumer. Keep in mind:
conflicting business goals
• Utility-Provided power is the • Disruptions to the utility power are
most economical source of not considered a failure, but an
power when compared to the anticipated operational condition for
operational and maintenance which the site must be prepared
costs of on-site generated • A Tier III or IV on-site generation
power system, along with its power paths
Putting it All Together
and other supporting elements, shall
meet the Concurrently Maintainable Tier requirements work to ensure a data
and/or Fault Tolerant performance center is capable of delivering it’s
confirmation tests when powered by required level of business services
on-site power generation regardless of the status of outside utility
services. In specific, Uptime Institute Tier
Trading off Cost versus Reliability
compliance assures that the data center
Because Tiers requires data centers to meets the requirements for reliable power
have onsite power generation systems to and cooling regardless of the status of
support the data center’s normal external utility sources. Tier compliant
operation, public electric utility systems data centers are capable of operating in
are not required. However, most Tier the worst-case conditions when outside
compliant data centers choose to utilize a utility systems are not available for an
public electrical utility to provide power indefinite period of time.
to the data center for economic reasons.
Typically, it is less costly to purchase

Uptime Institute is a division of The 451 Group, a leading technology industry analyst and
data company. Uptime Institute has office locations in the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica,
Brazil, U.K., Spain, U.A.E., Russia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

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