Technology: Layan Alarifi 044

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Involving technology has become an very important part of our lives. The word Technology
comes from two Greek words “techne” and “logos”. Technology in general refers to all the
tools, machines or advancement. It has to sides an advantages and disadvantages like
everything else.
Some people thinks that the disadvantages of the Technology more than the
advantages and I totally disagree.They’re saying that Robots and machines could have
taken over the job of many people.I believe that there’s some disadvantages but the
advantages could cover the disadvantages. Technology has made our lives easier, now
I can finish and send all of my tasks at home easily. Also today, we can communicate
with people living in any city or country. The world can’t depends on the Technology
completely, the humans have many talented Robots and technology don’t have it, so
above all humans are indispensable and also Technology is important.

Layan Alarifi 044

Are video games a healthy way to stay in shape?

Many teenagers have video consoles at home today, and they frequently enjoy playing active video games. These are beneficial to you for a variety of reasons.
First off, I believe playing physically demanding video games is a great way to stay in shape.
You can exercise in a variety of ways, including dancing, water skiing, and basketball, all of which you can do in the comfort of your own home. These games, in my opinion, are
entertaining and engaging since you can play them with friends and, if you play online, you don't have to be there in the same location as your friend to participate.
Furthermore, you can listen to them whenever you want. According to some, it's preferable to do exercise outside in the fresh air. Although this is
true, it's actually difficult to play outside when it's raining or very hot so
video games are a good alternative.
To sum up, I believe that video games are a fun and social way to keep
fit. I think they are a good option when you can't play outside and they
might encourage people to do more exercise.

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