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Theory for Inventive Problem Solving

•Development of this methodology was started in 1946 by Genrikh
Altshuller (1926-1998).
•It is a problem solving methodology based on a systematic logical
approach that was developed from reviewing thousands of patents and
analysis of technology evolution.
•TRIZ can be used as a powerful tool to solve simple and difficult
technical problems more quickly and with better results.
•Method was developed by Genrikh Altshuller, a mechanical engineer, inventor,
and Soviet Navy patent investigator. After WW II Atshuller was tasked by Russian
government to study world wide patents to look for strategic technologies the
Soviet Union should know about. He noticed that some of the same principles were
used over and over again by totally different industries, often separated by many
years, to solve similar problems.
•Atshuller conceived the idea that inventions could be organized, and generalized
by function rather than the traditional indexing system. From his findings,
Altshuller began to develop an exhaustive “knowledge base,” which includes
numerous physical, chemical, and geometric effects along with many engineering
principles, phenomena, and pattern of evolution. Altushuller wrote a letter to Stalin
describing his new approach to improve the rail system along with products that the
USSR produced. The communist system at that time did not value creative, free
thinking. His ideas were scorned as insulting, individualistic, and elitist, and as a
result of this letter, he was imprisoned in 1948 for these capitalist and insulting
ideas. He was not released until 1954, after Stalin’s death. Since the 1950s, he has
published numerous books and technical articles and has taught TRIZ to thousands
of students in the former Soviet Union.
G.Altshuller proposed five levels of innovations:
Level 1: A simple improvement of a technical system. Requires knowledge available
within a trade relevant to that system.
Level 2: An invention that includes the resolution of a technical contradiction. Requires
knowledge from different areas within an industry relevant to the system.
Level 3: An invention containing a resolution of a physical contradiction. Requires
knowledge from other industries.
Level 4: A new technology is developed containing a breakthrough solution that
requires knowledge from different fields of science.
Level 5: Discovery of a new phenomena and substances.
•The problems of the first level, the object (device or method) does not change.
•At the second level, the object is changed but not substantially.
•At the third level, the object is changed essentially.
•At the fourth, it is totally changed.
•In the fifth the entire technical system is changed in which this object is used.
•In fact, one problem can be solved with obtaining the inventive solutions of different
•The formulation of Technical Contradiction helps to understand root of a problem
better and to find out exact solution for this problem faster. If there is no technical
contradiction then it is not inventive problem (not TRIZ problem).
•Technical Contradiction is conflict between characteristics within a system when
improving one parameter of the system causes the deterioration of the other parameter.
Example: Increasing the power of a motor (a desired effect) may cause the weight of the
motor to increase (a negative effect).
•Altshuller identified 40 Principles that could be used to eliminate technical
contradictions. He also identified 39 characteristics of Technical Systems that can be
used to develop and describe a technical contradiction.
•A physical contradiction is a conflict between two mutually exclusive physical
requirements to the same parameter of an element of the system.
•For problem solving, Contradiction formulation has the format: “Given element of the
system should have characteristic “A” in order to realize required function (to solve
problem) AND this element should have characteristic “non-A” in order to satisfy
existent limitations and requirements”.
Example: Element should be hot and cold...
Element should be hard and soft...
•When dealing with a known Physical Contradiction one can use one of the 4 Principles
for overcoming this type of contradiction:
- Separation of contradictory properties in time
- Separation of contradictory properties in space
- System transformations
- Phase transformation, or physical-chemical transformation of substances.
Physical Contradiction Solution Examples
• Separation of conflicting properties in time.
A roof is made foldable. It can be folded when the weather is good and unfolded when the weather is bad.

• Separation of conflicting properties in space.

The roof is made of the porous material which stops the rain drops but passes the air and sunlight.

• Separation of conflicting properties in physical structure.

The roof is made of a material which becomes solid when interacting with water and porous when water is

• Separation of conflicting properties at microlevel.

The roof is not needed when a heat flow over the house makes the rain drops evaporate.

• Separation of conflicting properties at macro level

The roof is not needed if something else in the surrounding environment protects the living space. For
instance, the whole town can be under a glass cover.
•Once you have identified your technical system and defined your contradiction, you
should evaluate what resources are available to overcome the contradiction.
•To solve the contradiction, TRIZ recommends using the substance-field resources of
the existing system. This meets the requirements of an ideal system.
•Resources should be easily attainable, free or low cost.
•Resources can be internal or external to the system or super system. Resources can be
substances or fields.
•Other resources include space and time or even other nearby systems.
•The identification of these resources provides abundant opportunities for solution
concepts to be readily developed. Each resource is a potential solution to your problem.
•The more resources that are available for use, the greater the solution space to generate
more solution concepts.
• Ideality is the essence that moves man to improve technical systems -- to make
them faster, better and at lower cost.
• Increasing the useful functions of the system and reducing the harmful functions
moves the system closer to Ideality.
• The Ideal System does not materially exist, yet the function is performed
• The Ideal system is achieved without adding complexity through:
- Minimizing parts
- Utilization of resources
- Using Chemical, Physical and Geometrical Effects.

Useful Functions
• Ideality = --------------------------------
Harmful Functions + Cost
• For problem solving, the statement of Ideal Final Result (IFR) is used which has
general following formulation:
“System ITSELF performs required function without harmful effects and
added complications”.
• Typically three basic IFR formulations are used:
- “System itself performs required function”
- “System is absent but its functions are performed” (“trimming”)
- “This function is not needed”
• In achieving Ideality, we must use all available resources of the system, both
internal and external, along with an inventory of physical, chemical and
geometrical effect databases to provide the desired function.
- Physical effects over 250
- Chemical effects over 120
- Geometrical effects over 50
The 39 Standard Features
1. WEIGHT (of an object that can move, or is moving)
2. WEIGHT (of an object that is still or can't move)
3. DIMENSION (of an object that can move, or is moving)
4. DIMENSION (of an object that is still or can't move)
5. AREA (of an object that can move, or is moving)
6. AREA (of an object that is still or can't move)
7. VOLUME (of an object that can move, or is moving)
8. VOLUME (of an object that is still or can't move)
The 39 Standard Features (Continued)
15. DURABILITY (of an object that can move, or is moving)
16. DURABILITY (of an object that is still or can't move)
19. ENERGY (used by of an object that can move, or is moving)
20. ENERGY (used by of an object that is still or can't move)
The 39 Standard Features (Continued)
30. HARMFUL EFFECTS (on object)
• A limited number - 1482 - of standard technical conflicts describe all possible
engineering or technical conflicts. Conceptual engineer or designer or inventor to
learn the 39 standard features well, and to practice categorizing ordinary
parameters or characteristics into standard features.
• There are 40 inventive principles behind all inventive problems (problems that
have technical conflicts). When "applied" to the important elements or objects of a
technical system, these inventive principles solve complex problems.
• Altschuller and his associates discovered, one by one, the 40 basic principles that
make the transition from problem to solution possible. They did this by examining
the global patent collection. The list of the 40 inventive principles follows:
The 40 Inventive Principles
1. SEGMENTATION - Dividing the system in smaller parts.
2. TAKEOUT -Separate (extract) an interfering part or property from a technical
system, or single out the only necessary part (or property).
3. LOCAL QUALITY- Change a system from uniform to non-uniform; Make each
part of a technical system fulfill a different and useful function.
4. ASYMMETRY - Change the shape from symmetrical -> asymmetrical
5. MERGING - Do multiple operations in parallel
6. UNIVERSALITY - Make a part of object perform multiple functions
7. NESTED DOLL - Place objects into another
8. ANTI-GRAVITY - To counter the weight of a system, merge it with other objects
that provide lift.
9. PRELIMINARY ANTI-ACTION - Pre-load a counter tension to an object to
compensate excessive and undesirable stress.
10. PRELIMINARY ACTION - Perform, before necessary, a required change of an object
(either fully or partially). Carry out all or part of the required action in advance.
11. EARLY CUSHIONING- Prepare emergency means beforehand to compensate the relatively
low reliability of an object.
12. EQUIPOTENTIALITY- In a potential field limit position changes
13. OTHER WAY ROUND - Invert actions to solve the problem.
14. SPHEROIDALITY - Replace linear parts with curved parts, flat surfaces with spherical
surfaces, and cube shapes with ball shapes.
15. VARIABILITY or DYNAMICISM- Allow or design the characteristics of an object,
external environment, or process to change to be optimal or to find an optimal operating
16. PARTIAL or EXCESSIVE ACTION - When 100% is difficult to reach, slightly less or more
may be sufficient.
17. TRANSITION TO ANOTHER DIMENSION - Move an object into another dimension or
add an extra dimension.
19. PERIODIC ACTIONS - Use periodic or pulsating actions instead of continuous action.
20. CONTINUITY OF USEFUL ACTION - Try to perform 100% all the time, eliminate idle
21. "SKIP" - Conduct certain process steps at high speed.
22. BLESSING IN DISGUISE - Eliminating a harmful action by adding another harmful action.
23. FEEDBACK - Introduce feedback into the system
24. INTERMEDIARY - Use an intermediate carrier or process
25. SELF-SERVICE - Make an object serve itself
26. COPYING - Use simpler inexpensive objects instead of expensive ones.
27. SERVICE LIFE - cheap/short vs. expensive/long
28. CHANGE MECHANICAL DESIGN - Replace a mechanical means with a sensory.
29. USE PNEUMATIC or HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS - Use gas and liquid parts instead
of solid parts
30. USE FLEXIBLE SHELLS and THIN FILMS - Isolate object from the environment
31. USE POROUS MATERIALS-Make an object porous or add porous elements
32. CHANGE OF COLOR - Change the transparency or color of an object or its external
33. HOMOGENEITY - Make objects interact with a given object of the same material.
34. DISCARD and RECOVER PARTS-Discards portions of an object that have fulfilled their
functions or modify these directly during operation. Conversely, restore consumable parts of
an object directly in operation.
35. CHANGE PHYSICAL or CHEMICAL PARAMETERS - Change degree of flexibility.
36. USE PHASE TRANSITIONS - Use phenomena that occur during phase transitions,
37. USE THERMAL EXPANSION - Use thermal expansion or contraction of materials
38. USE STRONG OXIDANTS - Replace common air with oxygen enriched air,
39. USE INERT ATMOSPHERE - Replace a normal environment with an inert one.
40. USE COMPOSITE MATERIALS - Change from uniform to composite (multiple) materials.
Consider the scattered non-magnetic graphite, or magnesium powder, that needs to be
cleaned. A vacuum cleaner was used, but we could not easily collect the powder from
the vacuum pipe and filter after cleaning. How can this problem be fixed?

Technical contradiction: we can use a vacuum cleaner to quickly gather scattered

non-magnetic powder, but some amount of powder is lost in the vacuum pipes and
The improving feature that goes with "to quickly gather" is "productivity" (39). The worsening feature is "loss of
substance" (23). At the intersection of this row and column there are four recommended principles for resolving the
indicated contradiction:

Principle 28: Replacement of mechanical system

•Replace a mechanical system with an optical, acoustical, thermal or olfactory system
•Use an electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field to interact with an object
•Replace field from static to movable, from unstructured fields to those having structure
•Use fields in conjunction with ferromagnetic particles
Principle 10: Prior action
•Perform required changes to an object completely or partially in advance
•Place objects in advance so that they can go into action immediately from the most convenient location
Principle 35. Transformation properties
•Change the physical state of the system
•Change the concentration or density
•Change the degree of flexibility
•Change the temperature or volume
Principle 23. Feedback
•Introduce feedback
•If feedback already exists, change it
The improving feature that goes with "to quickly gather" is "productivity" (39). The worsening feature is "loss of
substance" (23). At the intersection of this row and column there are four recommended principles for resolving the
indicated contradiction:

Principle 28: Replacement of mechanical system

•Replace a mechanical system with an optical, acoustical, thermal or olfactory system
•Use an electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field to interact with an object
•Replace field from static to movable, from unstructured fields to those having structure
•Use fields in conjunction with ferromagnetic particles
Principle 10: Prior action
•Perform required changes to an object completely or partially in advance
•Place objects in advance so that they can go into action immediately from the most convenient location
Principle 35. Transformation properties
•Change the physical state of the system
•Change the concentration or density
•Change the degree of flexibility
•Change the temperature or volume
Principle 23. Feedback
•Introduce feedback
•If feedback already exists, change it

Principle 10 is the most appropriate for solving our problem. The scattered non-
magnetic powder can be gathered with a vacuum after a piece of cloth is placed at the
end of the vacuum pipe. Powder will adhere to the cloth when the vacuum is on.
When the vacuum cleaner is off the powder falls onto a plate readied in advance. This
solution satisfies both parts of the contradiction.
A washing machine works pretty well for cleaning small articles of clothing.
Similarly, cleaning bulky items, such as blankets, window curtains or a thick downy
jacket is difficult in a standard washing machine. To clean these bulkier items, we
have to use several washing cycles. This solution is imperfect because we lose time
and energy without guaranteed success. What can we do to improve this situation?

Contradiction: if we increase the size of the articles in the washing machine, then we
have to allot more time for their cleaning. The reversed contradiction is: if we do not
want to take extra time to wash larger articles, then we can only clean smaller
"Volume of mobile object" (7) is the improving characteristics, and "loss of time" (25) is the worsening
characteristic. At their intersection there are four recommended principles for resolving the indicated contradiction:
2, 6, 34 and 10.
The matrix’s reversed contradiction is: "loss of time" (25) as an improving characteristic vs. "volume of mobile
object" (7) as the worsening characteristic. At their intersection there are four recommended principles for
resolving the contradiction: principles 2, 5, 34 and 10.

The principles 10 and 34 are associated with proposals for solving the problem.

Principle 10: Prior action

•Perform required changes to an object completely or partially in advance
•Place objects in advance so that they can go into action immediately from the most convenient location

Principle 34. Rejecting and regenerating parts

•After completing its function, or becoming useless, an element of an object is rejected (discarded, dissolved,
evaporated, etc.) or modified during its work process
•Used-up parts of an object should be restored during its work
"Volume of mobile object" (7) is the improving characteristics, and "loss of time" (25) is the worsening
characteristic. At their intersection there are four recommended principles for resolving the indicated contradiction:
2, 6, 34 and 10.
The matrix’s reversed contradiction is: "loss of time" (25) as an improving characteristic vs. "volume of mobile
object" (7) as the worsening characteristic. At their intersection there are four recommended principles for
resolving the contradiction: principles 2, 5, 34 and 10.

The principles 10 and 34 are associated with proposals for solving the problem.

Principle 10: Prior action

•Perform required changes to an object completely or partially in advance
•Place objects in advance so that they can go into action immediately from the most convenient location

Principle 34. Rejecting and regenerating parts

•After completing its function, or becoming useless, an element of an object is rejected (discarded, dissolved,
evaporated, etc.) or modified during its work process
•Used-up parts of an object should be restored during its work

Both of these principles suggest using in advance new, additional object or objects that
should be removed after the washing process. Before washing, put some tennis balls
into the washing machine with the thick downy jacket. The tennis balls serve as
mobile activators, which dynamically collide with the jacket and provide better
cleaning without requiring extra washing time.
If you are going for a long camping trip, do not forget matches. But matches are
unreliable – they do not like moisture and work poorly in the rain. You can use a
waterproof plastic bag to keep the matches dry, but how can you strike a match when
it is raining?

Technical contradiction: if we use a waterproof bag then we improve the protection

of matches from harmful actions of moisture, but we cannot use this method when we
need to strike a match when it is raining.
"Harmful factors acting on an object from outside" (30) is the improving characteristic and "adaptability and
universality" (35) is the worsening characteristic of the system. At their intersection there are four recommended
principles for resolving the contradiction: principles 35, 11, 22 and 31.

There is also interest in having a single match burn longer when starting a fire. Reliability of a single match
flame, especially when it is windy, worsens. The most reliable fire occurs when we have just struck the match,
while sulfur on the match top is still burning.

The second technical contradiction (for the new problem) is: if we want to improve the lifetime of the flame,
then another characteristic of the match’s flame reliability worsens.
The most appropriately corresponding parameters are "time of action of a moving object" (15) as the improving
parameter and "reliability" (27) as the worsening characteristic of the matches. At their intersection there are
three recommended principles for resolving the indicated contradiction: 11, 2 and 13.
"Harmful factors acting on an object from outside" (30) is the improving characteristic and "adaptability and
universality" (35) is the worsening characteristic of the system. At their intersection there are four recommended
principles for resolving the contradiction: principles 35, 11, 22 and 31.

There is also interest in having a single match burn longer when starting a fire. Reliability of a single match
flame, especially when it is windy, worsens. The most reliable fire occurs when we have just struck the match,
while sulfur on the match top is still burning.

The second technical contradiction (for the new problem) is: if we want to improve the lifetime of the flame,
then another characteristic of the match’s flame reliability worsens.
The most appropriately corresponding parameters are "time of action of a moving object" (15) as the improving
parameter and "reliability" (27) as the worsening characteristic of the matches. At their intersection there are
three recommended principles for resolving the indicated contradiction: 11, 2 and 13.

We can analyze all seven principles and try to understand how each of them can help solve contradictions. But
principle 11 belongs to both found sets and is recommended for solving both contradictions:

Principle 11: Be prepared or cushion in advance

•Compensate for the relatively low reliability of an object with emergency
measures prepared in advance.
This principle, therefore, should be tested first. It may be the most appropriate
principle for solving both contradictions. Before going on the camping trip, dip
the matches in a molten candle paraffin to form a thin protective layer on the
matches. The matches with protective layer of paraffin are not endangered by
moisture and burn with a higher reliability at any time and in any weather. The
application of one principle solved two different contradictions.
Aircraft fuselage is a highly optimized system - most of the available space is utilized and therefore available
floor area problems arise for passengers due to this volume restriction in the cabin.
Technical Contradiction:
Improving feature: 5. Area of moving object (i.e. usage of area of floor)
Worsening feature: 7. Volume of moving object (i.e. volume of fuselage)
Solutions from TRIZ Table:
7. Nested Doll
14. Spheroidality
17. Another dimension
4. Asymmetry
Improvements in Motorcycle
Spoiler for Crash Barriers

•10 to 15% of all casualties in motorcycle accidents are

caused by a crash barrier.

•A typical crash barrier construction is a horizontal

beam, bolted onto vertical support beams.
•This construction has been designed and calculated
to stop a motor vehicle (car or truck) from exiting the
road and thereby preventing collisions with large
objects like trees, buildings, signposts or preventing
that the vehicle falls into a creek, river or ravine. In
short, it is an object that will cause a small controlled
collision to prevent a larger uncontrolled one.
However, the crash barriers have not been designed for motorcycles.
During an accident, a motorcyclist will fall off his or her bike and slide
toward the crash barrier. At this point, two things can happen when
dealing with a traditional crash barrier design:
1. The person hits a vertical support beam. These support beams
are most often metal I beams, C-beams or sigma-beams which will cut
off limbs upon impact. The person will then usually bleed to death. If the
support beam is being impacted dead-center (no fun intended), then
the resistance is high enough to cause death upon impact.
2. The person does not hit a vertical support beam. Here we have
multiple possibilities.
a. The person slides underneath the barrier.
b. The person slides into the void between the horizontal beam and the
ground. Depending on the space available, he may get stuck and/or
lose body parts.
c. The person bounces off the horizontal beam because it’s very close
to the ground. This would be a hard and damaging impact, given the
fact that the beam was designed to withstand the impact of cars and
•Given that motorcyclists and vehicles require two completely different
approaches to design a crash barrier, a choice was made to favor the
vehicles for obvious statistical and safety reasons. There are clearly
contradictions to be solved here
Inventive Principles

The following 10 inventive principles have been selected:

• 3. Local Quality: Low area is soft and flexible; high area is hard and
more rigid.
4. Asymmetry: The profile of the horizontal beam has changed from
a symmetrical W-shape to an irregular shape.
5. Merging: Both energy absorbing functions have been combined
into one construction.
6. Universality: One construction contains a restraint for vehicles,
11. Beforehand cushioning: At high velocities, the energy of the
motorcyclist is first being absorbed by the spoiler and then by the vertical
support beams which will stop the spoiler from deflecting.
14. Curve: Curving the spoiler determines its flexibility.
20. Continuity of useful action: The flexibility of the spoiler makes it
bend back into position after normal – foreseeable- impacts.
24. Intermediary: An additional shock absorbing block of material can
be placed around the vertical support posts, to reduce the impact when
the spoiler is fully deflected.
31. Hole: Perforations in the lower side of the spoiler can reduce the weight
and also allow air and wind to flow through, which will reduce the buildup of
snow and dust near the spoiler.
40. Composite: The spoiler can be made out of steel (as an extension of the
horizontal beam), but it can also be made out of a more flexible and better
suited material.
The final result is a spoiler which is integrated into the horizontal beam (Fig.1a)
or a spoiler which is mounted onto the horizontal beam (Fig.1b). In both cases,
the spoiler is not connected to the vertical support beams. The sharp bend
between the upper part and the lower spoiler acts as a living hinge for the
The energy absorption is mainly determined by
1. The thickness of the material
2. The choice of material
3. The geometry of the spoiler

Flexibility or rigidity of the spoiler can be tailored by changing the

geometry of the spoiler.

There is a virtually unlimited range of

possible geometries which can be applied
for the spoiler. The geometry in Fig. 3f
contains a second hinge and will be
somewhat more rigid in the lateral direction
(along the length of the spoiler). Material
choice evidently plays a significant role
in this matter. The geometry in Fig. 3a and
Fig. 3d are clearly more flexible in the lateral
How does it work?
The spoiler acts in four steps.
1. The convex curves of the spoiler are deformed and absorb the first
energy upon impact. For small impacts, this deformation – which is
reversible – will be sufficient to absorb all the energy.

2. The living hinge will then act as a second resistor. Because it has a
higher thickness then the spoiler, it will resist more and will only act
after the spoiler has deflected. The hinge itself will absorb energy in
this step.

3. A shock absorbing block of material placed around the vertical support

beams will absorb the shock of the spoiler hitting the vertical support

4. Once the vertical support beams are reached, the spoiler should
further deform without cracking. This requires flexibility and rules out
the use of cheap glass fiber reinforced polyesters, because they would
break and might get sharp edges. Shock absorbing padding on the
back of the spoiler would also absorb some additional energy.
5. The next step is the vertical support beam who resists to the remaining
impact energy. This is not an action by the spoiler although the spoiler
prevents contact with the sharp edges of the beams.

Figure 5: Working principle of the spoiler

The spoiler has to be designed so that in most cases, only steps 1 to 3 are
needed. In these steps, there is one more degree of freedom than in the
following steps, namely the displacement in the direction of the impact.

1. The spoiler concept for crash barriers is a life saver

which can drastically reduce the number of fatalities,
the seriousness of injuries and the medical and
insurance costs involved.

2. Crash barrier constructions contain several

contradictions which can be solved using TRIZ. For
improved motorcycle safety, the spoiler concept is easy
to implement and can be retrofitted onto old crash
barriers and onto crash barriers with various horizontal
beam geometries.
• It is the most voluminous TRIZ tool. The word “Standard” expresses the basic idea
in a shorter and more accurate form of complex principles that have to be applied.
• Fundamental features of standards:
- include not only principles but also physical effects
- the principles and effects included in the standard, form a definite system and
linked in a definite order
- the system of principles and effects is distinctly directed at eliminating physical
contradictions, typical for the given class of problems.
• Standards are structured rules for the synthesis and reconstruction of technical
• Once understood and with some experience in their implementation, standards can
help combat many complex problems.
• Standard provide two functions:
1. Help to improve an existing system or synthesize a new one.
2. Standards are the most effective method for providing a graphical model of
a problem. This is called S-Field modeling.
• S-Field modeling of a technical system is performed in the Operating Zone, the
area where the core of the problem and actual contradiction occurs.
• In the S-Field, two substances (elements) and field (energy) must be presented.
• Analysis of the S-Field model helps determine changes necessary within the
technical system in order to improve it.
• G.Altshuller offered 76 Standards divided into five classes:
Class 1: Built or destroy S-Fields
Class 2: Develop a S-Fields
Class 3: Transition from the basic system to the super system or to the
Class 4: Measure or detect anything within a technical system
Class 5: Rules how to introduce substances or field into the technical system
• ARIZ is one of the main analytical tool of TRIZ. It provides specific sequential
logic steps for developing a solution for complex problem. The most recent version
of Altshuller, ARIZ85C contains nine steps. Each step includes many substeps.
• Nine steps:
1. Analysis of the Problem
2. Analysis of the Problem S-Field Model
3. Ideal Final Result and Physical Contradiction Determination
4. Mobilization and Utilization of Resources
5. Utilization of the Information Database
6. Change or Reformulate the Problem
7. Analysis of the Method that removed the Physical Contradiction
8. Utilization of obtained solutions
9. Analysis of steps that lead to the solutions
It is known from classical TRIZ that technical systems evolve in predictable patterns.
Each of the patterns is called a "line" or a “trend” of evolution.
• There are 8 trends of evolution:
1. Trend of the Completeness of Parts of the System
2. Trend of Energy Conductivity of a System
3. Trend of Harmonizing the Rhythm of the Parts of the System
4. Trend of Increasing the degree of Idealness of the System
5. Trend of Uneven Development of Parts of the System
6. Transition to a super-system
6-a. Dynamization
7. Trend of the Transition from macro to micro level
8. Trend of Increasing the S-Field development
• Altshuller named these lines as “laws” and classified them in three groups, which
were called: “statics” (trends 1-3), “kinematics” (4-6,a) and “dynamics” (7,8).
• Statics describes period of birth and forming of technical system; kinematics trends
define period of system’s growth and flower.
• Dynamics trends are related to concluding period of system’s development and
transition to a new system.
• Technical systems follow these general trends. From the initial system to multiple
improvements, the system always moves towards Idealness until exhaustion of the
existing technology and system resources.
• Trends are used as forecasting tool and failure analysis for development and
evolution of technical system.
• An engineer with a field of expertise will predominantly look for solutions in that
• To overcome psychological or mental inertia during problem solving, TRIZ
proposes some tools.
• “Multiscreen Thinking” method allows one to represent a developed system
mentally with application of at least 9 screens.
• System itself, supersystem and subsystem are each represented in the past, present
and future. This approach leads to development of new concept solutions and
overcoming failures.
• Tool of “Dimensions-Time-Cost” includes mental experiments with increasing and
decreasing: dimensions, operating time and cost of the improved system. Then the new
possibilities are analyzed and some of these possibilities can be used for development of
a new system.
• “Development of Creative Imagination” is devoted to development of new systems
by using fantastic analogies and fantasies.
• Method of “Modeling with Smart Small People” represents a found conflict in the
system as fighting between at least two groups of small people. Other drawings
should show resolving of this conflict with the application of available system
resources and small people.

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