Kids Mid Brain Sop

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ESP Synchronization Workshop

Date :
Venue :

Day 1:
10:00am Watch fun and happiness video
10:20am Self-introduction and class regulations
10:35am Workshop introduction- the benefits and features of midbrain activation
10:40am Watch video testimonials
10:55am Watch motivation video
11:05am ESP power slogan
11:10am Brain Gym and LRB training
11:30am Morning break 1 (10mins)
11:40am 3D image game
11:50am Eyeball Exercise
12:10pm Color imagination
12:30pm Deep breathing and relaxation with affirmation music
12:40pm Light Imagination with activation music x1
01:00pm Happy Lunch (40mins)
01:45pm Relaxation (nap)
02:30pm Light Imagination with activation music x1
02:50pm Three fundamental steps of blindfolding
03:00pm Blindfold training
04:00pm Tea break 2 (10mins)
05:30pm Parent’s session / Part 1
05:45pm Workshop preview (optional)
06:00pm End of day 1 workshop

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ESP Synchronization Workshop
Day 2:
10:00am Watch fun and happiness video
10:20am Watch motivation video
10:35am ESP power slogan
10:40am Brain Gym and LRB training
10:55am Morning break 1 (15mins)
11:10am 3D image game
11:20am Eyeball Exercise & Color imagination
11:40am Light Imagination with activation music x1
12:00pm Blindfold training
01:00pm Happy Lunch
01:45pm Relaxation (nap)
02:30pm Blindfold training
03:30pm Break 1 (5mins)
03:35pm Blindfold training
04:10pm Tea break 2 (10mins)
04:20pm Blindfold training
05:00pm Parent’s session / Part 2
05:30pm Student’s guide preview
06:00pm End of day 2 workshop

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