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A Negative factor co-relation with the adoption of an innovation is-

Complexity (IBPS AFO 2021)
The credit for the success of krishi vignan Kendra (KVK) goes to -
Chandrika Prasad (IBPS AFO 2021)
National Rural Livelihood Mission renamed in 2011 replaced - Swarana
Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) (IBPS AFO 2020)
100 days of guaranteed unskilled wage employment to each rural
household is under which scheme - Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) (NABARD 2020)
Panchayat raj day celebrated on? April 24th (NABARD 2019)
3-tier Panchayt Raj system recommended by Balwant Rai Mehta.
(NABARD 2020)

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1903 Model village by Daniel hamilton
1904 Co-operative movement in india by F.Nicholson
1908 Rabindranath Tagore started Youth organization in the village in
the kaligramPargana
1920 GURGAON project by F.L.Bryne
1921 SHRINIKETAN project by R.N.Tagore
1927 SEVAGRAM by mahatma gandhi
1928 MARTHANDAM project by spencer hatch
1932 Rural reconstruction movement by V.T. Krishnamachari in
1942 Grow more food campaign (Failed and again started in 1947)
1945 Indian Village Service by A. T. Mosher and B. N. Gupta,
D. Tharugad.
1947 Grow More Food Campaign
1948 Mazdoor Manzil at Nilokheri by S. K. Dey
1948 Etawah Pilot Project by Albert Mayer
1950 Planning Commission of India (Now, NITI Aayog: National
Institute for Transforming India, 01.01.2015)
1951 First five year plan
1952 Gramdan movement by Vinoba Bhave
2 oct 1952 2 oct. -1952 Community Development programme - S.K. Dey
2nd oct 1953 National Extension Services (NES)
1956 Young Farmers Association of India started by P. S. Deshmukh
1958 Democratic Decentralization
2 oct 1959 3-tier Panchayt Raj system recommended by Balwant Rai
Mehta. inaugurated by J.L. Nehru on 2 Oct. 1959 in Nagaur
District of Rajasthan. Rajasthan is the First state to adopt
Panchayat raj followed by Andhra Pradesh. (NABARD 2020)
1960 Multiple cropping scheme
1960-61 Intensive Agriculture District Programme (IADP)
1964 Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IAAP)
1964 Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP)
1965 National demonstration Programme (NDP)
1966 High yielding Varieties Programme
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1966-67 Green Revolution
1971 Farmers Training and Education Centre (FTEC)
1973-74 Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)
1973 Training & Visit system (T&V) formulated by
Daniel Benor and Baxter of Israel. Turkey was
the first to adopt it.
1974 Training & Visit system (T&V) was introduced in india, started
1st in Rajasthan Canal Area in Rajasthan and Chambal area in
Madhya Pradesh.
1974-75 Command Area Development Authority (CADA)
1974 Food for Work Programme (FWP)
1974 Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Mohan Singh mehta committee
recommended (First at Pondichery, under TNAU, Coimbatore
1st july Started 20 Points Programme (By Indira Gandhi)
1975-76 National Seed Programme
1976 Desert Development Programme (DDP)
1976 Ashok Mehta Committee proposed two tiers Panchayat Raj
System, 1st time in karnataka.
1977 Antyodaya Programme.
1979 Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment (TRYSEM)
16 july 1979 Lab to Land programme (LLP), on the ICAR golden jublee year
2nd Oct 1980 Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
1980 National Rural Employment Programme (NREP)
1980 National Agricultural Research Project (NARP)
1980 District Rural Development Programme
12th july,1982 National Bank for Agriculture & Rural development
1982 Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
1982-83 Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)
1983 National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP)
1985 Crop Insurance Scheme (CIS) now National Agricultural
extension project (NAEP).
1995 Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP)
1997 Swarana Jayanti Gram Sahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY).
1998 Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
Aug 1998 National Agricultural Technology project (NATP).
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1999 Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna (JGSY).
1999 Swarana Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)-(IRDP,
Now known as National Rural Livelihood Mission renamed in
2011. (IBPS AFO 2020)
1999-2000 Indira Awas Yojna (IAY).
Rabi 1999-2000 National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS).
Dec 2000 Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY).
25th dec 2000 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PGSY).
Sep 2001 Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY).
Dec 2002 Swajaldhara; Drinking water project.
2002 Agri-clinic and agri-business centre.
April 2003 Hariyali- Watershed development programme.
21 jan 2004 Kisan Call Centre (KCC) [KCC Toll Free No. 18001801551].
2005 Agriculture technology management agency
Sep 2005 National rural employment gurantee act (NREGA)-100 days of
guaranteed unskilled wage employment to each rural household.
(NABARD 2020)
2009 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MGNREGA)-The National rural employment guarantee act
(NREGA) renamed as MNREGA.
Aug 2007 National Food Security Mission (NFSM).
Aug 2007 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).
2007 Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS), (Implemented
in Kharif 2011)
2010 National Saffron Mission (NSM)
2010-11 Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (APPP)
2011-12 Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP)
2013 National Food Security Act (NFSA)
2014-15 National Livestock Mission (NLM)
Feb 2014 National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy
28 july 2014 Rashtriya Gokul Mission.
2014 Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)
1 april 2014 Integrated Scheme on Agriculture and Marketing (ISAM)
1st july 2015 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)
2014-15 National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture.
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19th feb 2015 Soil health card scheme
Moto:- "Swasth Dharaa. Khet Haraa." - Healthy Earth.
Green Farm.
17 jan 2016 Paramparagat krishi vikas yojana – Promotes organic farming
18 feb 2016 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - To provide
insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in the
event of failure of any of the notified crop as a result of natural
calamities, pests & diseases.
2017 Mission Fingerling - The mission aims to achieve the target to
enhance fisheries production from 10.79 MMT (2014-15) to 15
MMT by 2020-21 under the Blue Revolution.
2018 Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund
2018 Operation Greens-under Ministry of Food Processing
2018 Promotion of Agriculture Mechanization for In-Situ
Management of Crop Residue
2018 Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan
(PM-AASHA)- Ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers for
their produce
2019 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)-
To provide assured income support to small and marginal
2019 CHC Farm Machinery App -This mobile app will allow farmers
to avail custom hiring services of CHCs located in a radius
of 50 km.
2019 Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahaabhiyan (KUSUM)

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Important Events Explained
1) Panchayati Raj System
• After the initiation of the Community Development Department and National
Extension Service in India and its working for some time, it was realized that the
people's participation was not coming forth to the desired extent.
• It was decided in 1958 to introduce the Panchayati Rai recommended by the
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee.
• This system envisages a-thee tier system at the district, block and village levels.
▪ District level-Zila Parishad.
▪ Block level-Panchayat Samiti,
▪ Village level-Village Panchayat.

High-yielding varieties programme

• A new dimension that was created in the community development programme
has been the Agricultural Production Programme, known as High-Yielding
Varieties Programme.
• It was evolved and introduced in the country in 1965-66 for wheat and paddy
and the hybrids of maize, sorghum and pearl millet.
• To start with, 100 districts were selected for this purpose, but later on it spread
to other areas also.
• The Programme aimed at covering 13.162 million ha by 1970-71. This
significant development had a vital bearing on increasing of agricultural
production, and led to bumper harvest of over 108 million tonnes of foodgrains
during 1970-71.

Small farmers' development agency

• SFDA were established in 1971-72 on the recommendations of all the Indian
Rural Credit Renew Committee report (1960).
• The aims of the SFDA were to identify the problems of the small farmers, to
prepare appropriate programmes to overcome them and to ensure the availability
of inputs and credit.

Training and Visit System

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• T and V system is a new extension service approach.
• The concept of T and V system was evolved in 1973 by Israeli extension expert
Daniel Benor who was consultant on extension programme in World Bank.
• This system was first tried in seyhan irrigation project in Turkey.
T&V system has two phages/stages
(i) Training and (ii) Visit.
(i) Training: Training is imparted for transfer of technical kno whow from subject
matter specialist (SMS) to extension worker.
(ii) Visit: Extension worker has to visit to the farmers for transfer of knowledge
obtained at the training.
• It is Govt. sponsored rural development programme.
• It is also called Reformed Extension or Intensive Agricultural Extension.
• T and V system is introduced in India in 1974 in Rajasthan canal area and
chambal command area in M.P. to improve the effectiveness of agricultural

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

• Based on the recommendation of the Education Commission (1964-66) and
further consideration by the Planning Commission and inter-ministerial
committee, the ICAR decided for establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm
Science Centre).
• The first KVK was sanctioned at Puducherry in 1974 in favour of Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
• The KVK was established mainly to impart vocational skill training to the
farmers and field-level extension workers. (PSB 2019) (IBPS AFO 2020)
• The concept of vocational training in agriculture through KVK grew
substantially due to greater demand for the sophisticated improved agricultural
technologies by the farmers.
• They required not only knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of
technologies, but also progressively more skills in various complex agricultural
operations for adoption on their farms.
• The credit for the success of KVK goes to Dr. chandrika Prasad.
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Training of rural youth for self-employment (TRYSEM)
• The TRYSEM was started as a centrally sponsored scheme on 15 August 1979.
aims at providing technical and entrepreneurial skills to rural youth in the age
group of 19-35 years of farm families below the poverty line to enable them to
take up self-employment and to an extent employment in any of the economic
• Training is intensively practical, and learning and doing are the chief methods
used. Need-based training is provided at training institutions such as
polytechnics, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Khadi and Village Industries, Boards,
Extension Training Centres.
• The duration of training is flexible and is decided at the district level for courses
up to 6 months and at State level for long duration courses. Willing TRYSEM
trainees on successful completion of training are provided financial assistance
under IRDP. Trainees also receive stipends during their training and are
provided suitable toolkits free of cost.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

• The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (NREGA) was notified on
September 7, 2005.
• The objective of the Act is to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by
providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial
year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual
work. (NABARD 2020)
i) Strong social safety net for the vulnerable groups by providing a full-back
employment source, when other employment alternatives are scarce or inadequate.
ii) Growth engine for sustainable development of an agricultural economy. Through
the process of providing employment on works that address causes of chronic
poverty such as drought, deforestation and soil erosion.
iii) Empowerment of rural poor through the processes of a rights-based Law.
iv) New ways of doing business, as a model of governance reform anchored on the
principles of transparency and grass root democracy. Thus NREGA fosters
conditions for inclusive growth ranging from basic wage security and recharging
rural economy to a transformative empowerment process of democracy.
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Agriculture Legislations
• Fertilizer (moment control) order (FMCO): FMCO, 1969 was first issued on 31st
December 1960 and came into force on 1st January 1961.
• The seeds act was enacted in 1966 to ensure that farmers get good quality seeds.
Seed act 1966, and seed rules 1968 provide certification and minimum quality
standards of notified kinds and varieties.
• Seed control order 1983.
• National seed policy 2002.
• Seed bill 2004.
• Protection of plant varieties and farmers rights act, 2001.
• Plant Quarantine order 2003.
• Import manufacture sale and distribution of pesticides is regulated under the
insecticides act 1968, and insecticides rules 1971.
• The destructive insects and pests act 1914 passed by the central government
provided for measures against entry of pests and diseases from other countries
into India.
• The agricultural produce act 1937 provides for the grading and marking of
agriculture and allied commodities.
• Prevention of Food adulteration act 1954.
• The food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI) has been established
under the food safety and standards act 2006, as a statutory body falling down
science-based standards for articles of food and regulating, manufacturing,
processing distribution, sale and import of, food so as to ensure safe and
wholesome food for human consumption.
• The Government of India formulated the milk and milk product order in the
year 1992, under this any person for dairy plant having more than 10000 litres
per day of milk per annum has to be registered with the registering authority
appointed by central government.

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