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The main findings of this mini-research are
Ilocos Norte Youth Development Office the following the emerging themes from the coded
(popularly known as Sirib Express) is a data: INYDO’s mission is general, which makes it
flagship youth program of the Provincial multi-sectoral, but also challenging. INYDO’s
Government of Ilocos Norte (PGIN) since mission includes the creation of safe spaces for the
2013. It offers programs, trainings, seminars, youth. It is also in line with the Mission of the
and scholarships all for the youth. Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte Narimat nga
Arapaap, Intay Amin Maragpat!  (A brighter future,
we can all achieve). The mission statement has only
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES several ways to transfer.  INYDO’s partners and
The mini-research analyzed the mission stakeholders are integral to the accomplishment of
statement of INYDO. Moreover, to actualize the the mission. The COVID-19 pandemic, personnel’s
main goal of the research, it has different objectives familiarity with technology, and the budget of their
that were followed:  office challenged them to attain their mission.

To determine how the mission is being ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION

communicated and disseminated.
The overall mission of INYDO is "To create a
To describe how the mission statement taught, sustainable, resilient, and safe province for all young
guided, and influenced employees in the Ilokanos to be empowered and productive". But, the
organization. organization is holistic in a way that it touches
To determine the scope of the mission of different sectors to attain the overall mission. It is a
INYDO. manifestation that the youth development office
provides for different needs of the youth, such as
To identify the different challenges that affect their education, health, and career.
the organization in attaining its mission.
But the said mission is not taught directly to
new employees, thus it is learned and applied
through implementing their initiatives and projects
The mini-research used the Mission for youth. In terms of the challenges, the pandemic
Statement analysis of the Ilocos Norte Youth suspended some of the common programs of the
Development Office (INYDO). Moreover, this office such as tournaments and campus tours. But,
mini-research used the qualitative method in they utilized social media to implement their other
analyzing the mission statement. initiatives such as training, scholarships, and
The mini-research did not only explore the
mission statement alone but even conducted a face- CONCLU
to-face interview about how they attain their goals.
The open-ended questions were based on Keyton’s INYDO is a multi-sectoral organization that
calls for help from different government offices and
(2011) suggested interview guide exploring the
agencies in making sure that every need of the
mission statement of an organization.
youth is met. Due to the different location of the
Ilokano Youth, stability of the internet connection,
Thematic analysis is utilized to study the data
and the pandemic, the implementation of their
and formulate the organizational culture of
initiatives have been affected. But it did not hinder
INYDO. Inductive coding is the method used in the
the organization to pursue its mission and
analysis of the interview as it allowed the
considered it a blessing in disguise— the
researchers to make themes out of the data despite management utilized social media in delivering its
the lack of assumptions from previous research services.
(Shanra & Shang, 2019).

Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and Organizational Culture. SAGE Publications Inc.

Chandra, Y., Shang, L. (2019). Inductive Coding. In: Qualitative Research Using R: A Systematic Approach. Springer, Singapore
Oakland, J. (2011). Leadership and policy deployment: the backbone of TQM. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(5), 517-534.

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