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One-Paper MCQs/
By: Ali Javed

(Nips Academy)
The Righteous
8 June 632
28 July 661
The Righteous Caliphs
 Meaning
 Khualafa: Plural of Khalifa (Khalifa means “Vice/Naib”)
 Rashidin: Plural of Rashid (Rashid mean “a person who is on righteous path”)
 Total Righteous Caliphs: Four
 Abu Bakr al-Siddique r.a
Umar bin Abul Aziz r.a is considered as
 Umar al-Farooq r.a the “Fifth Righteous Caliph”
 Usman Ghani r.a (in general he is numbered at 6th in the
 Ali al-Murtaza r.a line of Caliphateship as per Sunni Sect)
 Hasan al-Mujtaba r.a He reigned from 717-720 AD
Rashidun Caliphate
 The Rashidun Caliphate was the first of the four major caliphates
established after the death of the prophet Muhammad pbuh.

 It was ruled by the first four successive caliphs (successors) of Muhammad

pbuh after his death in 632 AD (10th Hijra). These caliphs are collectively
known as the Rashidun, or "Rightly Guided" caliphs
Rashidun Caliphate

Capital Medina Kufa

(632–656) (656–661)

Type of Government Caliphate

1 Abu Bakr (first) 632–634 2y-2m-14d 63

2 Umar 634–644 10y-5m-21d 63

3 Uthman 644–656 12y 82

4 Ali (last) 656–661 4y-9m 63

Ali bin Abi Talib r.a was succeeded by his eldest son Imam Hasan r.a (661),
and then by Muawiyah I (661–680), establishing the Umayyad Caliphate.

The Rashidun Caliphate reached its greatest extent under Caliph Uthman, in 654.
Rashidun Caliphate
Established 8 June 632
First Fitna (internal conflict) ends 28 July 661
Area (655 AD) 6,400,000 km (2,500,000 sq mi)
Population 21,400,000
Currency ▪ Dinar
▪ Dirham

▪ The First Fitna was a civil war within the Rashidun Caliphate which
resulted in the:
▪ Overthrowing of the Rashidun caliphs and,
▪ The establishment of the Umayyad dynasty.

▪ It began when the caliph Uthman ibn Affan R.A was assassinated by
rebels in 656, and continued through the five-year reign of Ali ibn Abi
Talib r.a.

▪ It ended in 661 when Ali's r.a heir Hasan ibn Ali r.a concluded a treaty
acknowledging the rule of Muawiyah r.a, the first Umayyad caliph
Abu Bakr
 In Arabic, the name Abd Allah means "servant of Allah". One of his early titles,
preceding his conversion to Islam, was Ateeq, meaning "saved one". Muhammad
pbuh later restated this title when he said that Abu Bakr is the "Ateeq".
 He was called Al-Siddiq (the truthful) by Muhammad pbuh after he believed him
in the event of Isra and Mi'raj when other people didn't, and Ali confirmed that
title several times. He was also reportedly referred to in the Quran as the "second of
the two in the cave" in reference to the event of hijra, where with Muhammad pbuh
he hid in the cave in Jabal Thawr from the Meccan party that was sent after
 He spent his early childhood like other Arab children of the time, among the
Bedouins who called themselves Ahl-i-Ba'eer (the people of the camel), and
developed a particular fondness for camels. In his early years he played with the
camel calves and goats, and his love for camels earned him the nickname (kunya)
"Abu Bakr", the father of the camel's calf.
 Abu Bakr died of illness after a reign of 2 years, 2 months and 14 days.
 A story is preserved that once when he was a child, his father took him to the
Kaaba, and asked him to pray before the idols. His father went away to attend
to some other business, and Abu Bakr was left alone. Addressing an idol, Abu
Bakr said "O my God, I am in need of beautiful clothes; bestow
them on me". The idol remained indifferent. Then he
addressed another idol, saying, "O God, give me some
delicious food. See that I am so hungry". The idol remained
cold. That exhausted the patience of young Abu Bakr. He
lifted a stone, and, addressing an idol, said, "Here I am
aiming a stone; if you are a god protect yourself". Abu Bakr
hurled the stone at the idol and left the Kaaba. Regardless, it recorded that
prior to converting to Islam, Abu Bakr practised as a hanif and never
worshipped idols
Abu Bakr r.a
Full name Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman Abu Quhafa
Father Uthman Abu Quhafa
Mother Salma Umm al-Khair
Brothers 1. Mu'taq (presumably the middle)
2. Utaiq (presumably the youngest)
3. Quhafah ibn Uthman
Sisters 1. Fadra
2. Qareeba
3. Umme Amir
Tribe Quraysh
Clan Banu Taym
Clan’s Responsibility Ashnaq
▪ Responsibility of Civil & Military Courts
▪ Diyyat/ blood-money and other collection of fines

Descendants Siddiqui
Occupation ▪ Businessman
▪ Administrator
▪ Economist
Abu Bakr Siddique r.a
Born 27 October 573
Died 23 August 634 (aged 60)
Death ▪ Funeral bath given by: Asma bint e Umais r.a
▪ Funeral Prayers said by: Umar al-Khattab r.a
▪ Burial: Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Medina

Spouses 1. Qutaylah bint Abd-al-Uzza (divorced)

2. Umm Ruman (Zainab)
3. Asma bint Umais
4. Habibah bint Kharijah

Issue Sons Daughters

1. Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr 1. Asma bint Abi Bakr
2. Abdul-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr 2. Aisha bint Abi Bakr
3. Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr 3. Umm Khultum bint Abi Bakr
Family of Abu Bakr Siddique r.a

Qutaylah bint Abdul Umm Ruman Habibah bint

Uzza (Zainab) Asma bint Umais Kharijah

1. Asma bint Abi Bakr 1. Aisha bint Abi Bakr r.a ▪ Muhammad ibn • Umm Khultum bint
2. Abdullah ibn Abi 2. Abdul-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr Abi Bakr
Bakr Abi Bakr

(Umm e Kulthum r.a was born after the death of his father and raised by her sister
Ummul Mominin Ayesha r.a)
Qutaylah bint Abd al-Uzza
Tribe ▪ Amr ibn Lahaye clan of the Quraysh in Makkah.
Children ▪ Asma and Abdullah
▪ Soon before or soon after Abdullah's birth, Abu Bakr divorced Qutaylah.
▪ It was after this that Abu Bakr converted to Islam; Qutaylah remained a polytheist.
Seven years after their daughter Asma r.a had migrated from Mecca, Qutaylah came to visit her in Medina.
She brought gifts to her daughter, however, Asma r.a did not admit her mother into her house or accept the
gifts until she had sent someone to Aisha r.a to ask prophet Muhammad pbuh about what her attitude to her
unbelieving mother should be. The prophet pbuh replied that she should certainly admit her to her
house and accept the gifts. This was the occasion for the first reciting of the following verse of the

God forbids you not, with regard to those who do not fight you because of your faith nor
drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them. God loves those who
are just. God only forbids you with regard to those who fight you for your Faith, and drive
you from your homes, and support others in driving you out, from turning to them (for
friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do
wrong. (Reference Qur'an 60:8-9.)
Umm Ruman r.a
Full Name Zaynab bint Amir ibn Uwaymir ibn Abd Shams ibn Attab Al-Kinaniyah
Kunyah Umm Ruman
Tribe Banu Kinanah
Earlier Nikah ▪ She married al-Ḥarith ibn Sakhbarah, who was from the Azd tribe
▪ They had one son, Ṭufayl.
▪ The family moved from al-Sara to Mecca, where al-Harith formed an
alliance with Abu Bakr.
Nikah with Abu ▪ Abu Bakr r.a) was already married to Qutaylah bint Abdul Uzza
Bakr r.a ▪ Shortly afterwards, Umm Ruman was widowed and left with no support.
Abu Bakr then married her.
▪ They had two children: Abdul Raḥman r.a & Aisha r.a.
Migration to Umm Ruman emigrated to Medina in 622, accompanied by Aisha r.a and
Madina by her stepchildren Asma r.a and Abdullah r.a.
Death ▪ She died in Medina in April/May 628 or in 630.
▪ As she was being lowered into her grave, Muhammad pbuh said,
"Anyone who wants to know what a houri looks like should
look at Umm Ruman”
Asma binṫ Umays r.a
Asma binṫ Umays r.a is notable for having been the wife of three of Muhammad's pbuh close
Husbands as per Sequence of Nikah 1. Ja'far ibn Abi Talib,
2. Abu Bakr and
3. Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Birth Place Makkah
Father Umays ibn Ma'ad from the Khathaam tribe
Mother Hind bint Awf from the Himyar tribe
Full Siblings Maternal Half Siblings
1. Salma bint Umais, wife of 1. Zaynab bint Khuzayma (Ummul Momineen)
Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib, 2. Maymuna bint al-Harith, (Ummul Momineen)
and 3. Lubaba bint al-Harith, the wife of Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib
2. Awn ibn Umais. 4. Al-Sa'ib ibn al-Harith,
5. Qatn ibn al-Harith and
6. Mahmiyah ibn Al-Jaz‘ (Community Treasurer ).
Asma r.a and her sister Salma r.a both converted to Islam "after the Messenger of Allah s.a.w had entered
the House of al-Arqam", i.e., between late 614 and early 616
Asma bint Umais r.a
The Believing Sisters
(group of four sisters )

▪ Asma bint Umais r.a had three sisters, her own sister Salma bint
Umais, wife of Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib, and

▪ two half-sisters, Maymoona bint e Harith (ra), wife of the Prophet

(pbuh) and Lubaabah ibn Harith (Umm al-Fadl), wife of Abbas Ibn
Abdul Mutallib.

▪ Together this group of four sisters were entitled as ”The Believing

Sisters” by the Prophet (pbuh).
Asma binte Umais r.a
First Nikah: With Jafar bin Abi Talib r.a
▪ Her first husband was Ja'far ibn Abu Talib r.a from the Hashim clan of
the Quraysh tribe.
▪ In 616 she emigrated with him to Abyssinia, remained in Abyssinia for
about fourteen years.
▪ She gave birth to three sons, Abdullah, Muhammad and Awn.
▪ They returned to Medina in 628 at the time of the Muslim conquest
of Khaybar. The Prophet (pbuh) was so delighted by their return that he
(pbuh) exclaimed, ” By Allah, I do not know which occasion does
please me more: the victory in Khaybar or the arrival of Jafar.”
▪ Ja'far r.a fought at the Battle of Mu'tah against Byzantium in
September 629. He was second in command after Zaid bin Harith r.a
in the battle. He embraced martyrdom in the same battle. All the three
commanders: Zaid bin Harith, Ja’far bin Abi Talib and Abdullah
bin Rawahah laid their lives.
 Asma r.a narrated how she heard the news of her husband's death. “…The
Messenger of God came to me and said, 'O Asma, where are the sons of Ja'far?' I
brought them to him and he embraced them and smelt them, then his eyes welled
up and he cried. I said, 'Why, Messenger of God, perhaps [you have news] about
Ja'far.' He pbuh replied, 'Yes, he was killed today.' I stood up and screamed,
and the women came to me. The Prophet pbuh began to say,

1.'O Asma, do not speak obscene words or beat your

2.Her son Abdullah remembered: "He said, 'O Asma, will you
not rejoice? Indeed, God most high has made two wings
for Ja'far, that he may fly with them in Paradise!'"
3.Then Muhammad told his daughter Syeda Fatimah r.a, "Prepare
food for the family of Ja'far, for they are preoccupied

He (pbuh) gave her the glad tidings of Jafar having been bestowed with two wings by Allah
swt. From then on, Jafar came to be known as the flying martyr, or the one with two
wings (Tayyar/Dhul Janahain). Later, when greeting Abdullah ibn Jafar, the
Propeht (pbuh) used to say, ”Peace be upon you, son of the owner of two wings.”
Asma binte Umais r.a
Second Nikah: With Abu Bakr r.a
▪ After Ja'far's r.a death Asma r.a married Abu Bakr r.a. She gave birth
to his son Muhammad in 632 at al-Baydaa while on the way to The
Farewell Pilgrimage. Abu Bakr r.a planned to send Asma r.a and their
child back to Medina, but prophet Muhammad pbuh told him to let her
make the major ablution and then rededicate herself in offering the

▪ The dying Abu Bakr left instructions that Asma r.a should wash his
corpse and that she should not fast on that day.

▪ When Abu Bakr r.a died, Umar r.a allotted Asma a pension of 1,000
Asma binte Umais r.a
Third Nikah: With Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a
▪ After the death of her second husband , she was approached by Ali ibn Abi
Talib for marriage. They got married and she bore him two sons, Yahya
and Awn.

▪ Her son, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr was appointed the Governor of
Egypt at the time of Ali’s caliphate. He was killed by the rebels and soon
after Ali (ra) was martyred as well. She lost them both at around the same
time. It took a toll on her health and she died around 38 or 40 A.H in
Madina. She is buried in al-Baqi.

▪ It is believed that Asma's grave is at the Maqbarah al-Bāb aṣ-Ṣaghīr

Cemetery of Bab as-Saghir) in Damascus, present-day Syria.
Story of Muhammad bin Abu Bakr r.a
Muhammad bin Jafar r.a

Once her two sons, Muhammad ibn Jafar and Muhammad ibn
Abi Bakr, were fighting about the achievements of their father. So Ali
(ra) asked her to be a judge between them. She quite wisely put the
dispute to an end by saying, “I have never seen a young man
better than Jafar, and I have never seen an old man better
than Abu Bakr.”
Story of Asma binte Umais r.a
Umar Farooq r.a

▪ Once Asma bint Umais was visiting Hafsa bint Umar. Umar (ra) said
to her, ”We migrated before you (to Madina). Therefore, we are
closer to the Prophet(pbuh) than you.” Asma became angry and said,
”No, by Allah while you lived beside the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), eating
and listening to his sermons, we lived far away in a foreign land. This was
for the sake of Allah and his Messenger (pbuh). She added, ”By Allah I will
never eat or drink until I mention that to the Messenger (pbuh). We were
suffering and scared.”

▪ She went to the Prophet (pbuh) and told him what Umar had said. He
(pbuh) inquired about her reply and then said to her, ”He is not closer to
me than you (the immigrants to Abyssinia). He migrated only
once but you, the people of the ship, migrated twice.”
Umm Khultum bint Abi Bakr r.a
Birth was born in Medina shortly after her father's death.
Share in While declaring his will, he informed his daughter Aisha r.a that some palm trees
inheritance that he had given her should be given as inheritance to her two brothers and
two sisters. She readily accepted her father's wishes but asked to which other
sister he was referring besides Asma r.a. He told her that Habiba was pregnant and
that he suspected it to be a girl.

Raised by ▪ She was raised under the supervision of her sister Aisha r.a "with kindness and
▪ When Umar r.a asked for Umm Kulthum's hand in marriage, Aisha refused
consent. Her emissary explained to the Caliph: "You are rough and ready. How
will it be with Umm Kulthum if she disobeys you and you beat her? You will have
taken Abu Bakr's place in a way that does not suit you."

Marriage ▪ Umm Kulthum married Talha ibn Ubayd-Allah r.a, who was some forty
years older than herself. She gave birth to Zakariyyah, Yusuf (who died in
infancy) and Aisha. Talha r.a was martyred at the Battle of the Camel in 656.
▪ Thereafter she married Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah al-Makhzumi. She
bore him Ibrahim al-Ahwal, Musa, Umm Humayd and Umm Uthman.
 The second person to publicly accept Muhammed pbuh as the Messenger of
God was Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a, the first being Muhammad's pbuh wife
Khadija r.a. Ibn Kathir, in his Al Bidaya Wal Nihayah, disregards this. He
stated that the first woman to embrace Islam was Khadijah r.a. Zayd ibn
Harithah r.a was the first freed slave to embrace Islam. Ali ibn Abi Talib
r.a was the first child to embrace Islam, for he has not even reached the age of
puberty at that time, while Abu Bakr was the first free man to embrace

Order of Acceptance of Islam

1 Khadija r.a
2 Daughters of prophet pbuh
3 Ali ibn Abi Talib ra
4 Zayd ibn Harithah ra
5 Abu Bakr ra
 His wife Qutaylah bint Abd-al-Uzza did not accept Islam and he divorced
her. His other wife, Um Ruman, became a Muslim. All his children accepted
Islam except Abdul-Rahman, from whom Abu Bakr disassociated himself. His
conversion also brought many people to Islam. He persuaded his intimate
friends to convert, and presented Islam to other friends in such a way that
many of them also accepted the faith. Those who converted to Islam at the
insistence of Abu Bakr were:

Abu Bakr ‘s Preaching

▪ Uthman Ibn Affan (who would • Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas (who played a part
become the 3rd Caliph) in the Islamic conquest of Persia)
▪ Al-Zubayr (who played a part in • Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (who
the Muslim conquest of Egypt) remained commander in chief of the
Rashidun army in Syria )
▪ Talha Ibn Ubayd-Allah • Abu Salama (Abdullah bin Abdul Asad)
▪ Abdur Rahman bin Awf (who • Khalid ibn Sa`id
would remain an important part of
the Rashidun Caliphate)
▪ Abu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah
Eight Slaves Bought & Freed by Abu Bakr r.a
Abu Bakr felt compassion for slaves, so he purchased eight (four men and
four women) and then freed them, paying 40,000 dinar for their freedom.

men women
1. Bilal ibn Ribah 1. Lubaynah
2. Abu Fakih 2. Al-Nahdiah
3. Ammar ibn Yasir 3. Umm Ubays
4. Abu Fuhayra 4. Harithah bint al-Muammil

 Most of the slaves liberated by Abu Bakr were either women or old and frail men.
When the father of Abu Bakr asked him why he didn't liberate strong and young
slaves, who could be a source of strength for him, Abu Bakr replied that he was
freeing the slaves for the sake of God, and not for his own sake.
 In 613, prophet Muhammad pbuh was commanded by God to call people to
Islam openly. The first public address inviting people to offer allegiance to
Muhammad pbuh was delivered by Abu Bakr r.a. In a fit of fury, the young
men of the Quraysh tribe rushed at Abu Bakr r.a and beat him till he lost
consciousness. Following this incident, Abu Bakr's mother converted to
 In 620 Abu Bakr r.a was the first person to testify to Muhammad's Isra
and Mi'raj (Night Journey).

Abu Bakr r.a, feeling distressed, set out for Yemen and then to Abyssinia from
there. He met a friend of his named Ad-Dughna (chief of the Qarah tribe)
outside Mecca, who invited Abu Bakr r.a to seek his protection against
the Quraysh. Abu Bakr r.a went back to Mecca, it was a relief for him, but soon
due to the pressure of Quraysh, Ad-Dughna was forced to renounce his protection.
Once again the Quraysh were free to persecute Abu Bakr r.a.
Protection of Ad-Dughna
 Migration of the Muslims to Abyssinia. As more and more persons in Makkah
became Muslims, the Quraish lost their nerve, and intensified their
persecutions against the Muslims. Seeing the afflictions on his companions, the
Holy Prophet advised them to migrate to Abyssinia, the ruler whereof was
known for his tolerance. When the first batch of the Muslims migrated to
Abyssinia, Abu Bakr decided to stay in Makkah to be by the side of the Holy
 Boycott against the Banu Hashim. Some time in 617 C.E., the Quraish enforced
a boycott against the Banu Hashim, and the Holy Prophet and whole of Banu
Hashim, except Abu Lahab and his family, were shut up in a pass away from
Makkah. All social relations with the Banu Hashim were cut off and their state
was that of a sort of imprisonment.
 Three groups of the Muslims. At this stage the Muslims came to be divided in
three groups. One group comprised of the emigrants to Abyssinia. The other
group comprised of the Banu Hashim who were ex-communicated. The rest of
the Muslims formed the third group. They were not ex-communicated. but
there was no relaxation in their persecution by the unbelievers.
 Abu Bakr's migration. Abu Bakr belonged to the third group. He felt sad at the
ex-communication of the Banu Hashim. As Abu Bakr looked around him he felt
much distressed. With a heavy heart, Abu Bakr left Makkah one day with the
intention to migrate to Abyssinia. He took the road to Yemen from where he
was to sail for Abyssinia. When he had proceeded some five stages from
Makkah, he met Ad-Dughna at Barka al Ghamaad Ad-Dughna was an old friend
of Abu Bakr. He was the chief of the Qarah tribe, a section of the Quraish. The
Qarah tribe was in alliance with the Bani Zuhra.
 Ad-Dughna inquired of Abu Bakr as to where he was going, and he told him
that he was going to seek refuge in Abyssinia as the Quraish of Makkah would
allow him no peace. Ad-Dughna who had a high opinion about Abu Bakr said:
"O Abu Bakr, we cannot suffer you to go from Makkah. You are an asset to the
city. You are always keen to fulfill the needs of others. You are so good and
noble. I take you under my protection, and you should come back with me to
Makkah. Rest assured no harm will come to you.“
 Back in Makkah, Ad-Dughna declared that Abu Bakr was under his protection
and that no one should molest him in any way. Abu Bakr built a small mosque
by the side of his house. This was indeed the first mosque built in the history of
Islam. In this mosque Abu Bakr would pray and recite the Holy Quran. Abu
Bakr was tender hearted and he was so overwhelmed with the depth of the
Word of God that while reciting the verses he would burst into sobs and tears.
He had a sweet melodious voice, and his recitation from the Holy Quran had a
melody which appealed to the heart. Women and young men of the Quraish
watched him pray and recite verses from the Holy Quran with particular
interest, and they felt that if a man of the status and standing of Abu Bakr could
be so overwhelmed with these words, these must be the Word of God and
should have a ring of truth about them.
Withdrawal of the protection of Ad-Dughna

 Withdrawal of the protection of Ad-Dughna. The Quraish felt nervous. They

apprehended that if Abu Bakr continued his prayers in the open, he might
attract some persons to him. Some of the leading Quraish went to Ad-Dughna
and said, "Have you given him this protection so that he may publicly injure our
feelings? He recites the Quran in a sweet voice, and we fear that he may seduce
our women and youth to his faith. You should advise him to pray indoors."
 Ad-Dughna saw Abu Bakr and advised him that the most expedient course for
him was to pray indoors and not to annoy the Quraish. To Abu Bakr there could
be no expediency in the matter of faith. He said to Ad-Dughna "You are
advising me as I am under your protection. What if I renounce your protection
?" "In that case I will have nothing to say" answered Ad-Dughna. Thereupon
Abu Bakr said, "Under these circumstances I renounce your protection. The
protection of Allah is enough for me."
 Ad-Dughna returned crest-fallen, and he told the Quraish that as Abu Bakr was
no longer under his protection, they could deal with him direct in any way they
Migration to Medina
Abu Bakr accompanied Muhammad to Medina. Due to the danger posed by the Quraysh, they did not take
the road, but moved in the opposite direction, taking refuge in a cave in Jabal Thawr, some five miles
south of Mecca
Abdullah ibn Ureeqat A guide hired by Abu Bakr r.a for migration to Madina.
Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr the son of Abu Bakr, would listen to the plans and discussions of the
Quraysh, and at night he would carry the news to the fugitives in the cave
Asma bint Abi Bakr the daughter of Abu Bakr, brought them meals every day.
Aamir bin Fahira a servant of Abu Bakr, would bring a flock of goats to the mouth of the cave
every night, where they were milked
The Quraysh sent search parties in all directions. One party came close to the entrance to
the cave, but was unable to see them. Due to this, Qur'an verse 9:40 was

Aisha, Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri and Abdullah ibn Abbas in interpreting this verse
said that Abu Bakr was the companion who stayed with Muhammad in the

After staying at the cave for three days and three nights, Abu Bakr and
Muhammad proceed to Medina, staying for some time at Quba, a suburb of
Life in Medina
Land bought from Sahal r.a and Sohail r.a Masjid e Nabawi pbuh
During Muakhat Abu Bakr r.a was paired Khaarijah bin Zaid Ansari
▪ Abu Bakr's relationship with Khaarijah was most cordial, which was further strengthened
when Abu Bakr r.a married Habiba, a daughter of Khaarijah r.a.

▪ Khaarijah bin Zaid Ansari r.a lived at Sunh, a suburb of Medina, and Abu Bakr r.a also
settled there. After Abu Bakr's family arrived in Medina, he bought another house near
Muhammad's pbuh.
Cloth Trade in Madina He opened his new store at Sunh, and from
there cloth was supplied to the market at
1st Shawwal 1st Hijra Abu Bakr's r.a daughter Aisha r.a, who was
(Early in 623) already engaged to prophet Muhammad pbuh,
was handed over in simple marriage ceremony.
Military campaigns under Prophet Muhammad pbuh
Battle of Badr
He did not fight, instead acting as one of the guards of prophet Muhammad's pbuh tent. In relation to this, Ali
allegedly later asked his associates as to who they thought was the bravest among men. Everyone stated that Ali was
the bravest of all men. Ali r.a then replied:

No. Abu Bakr is the bravest of men. In the Battle of Badr we had prepared a pavillion for the prophet, but
when we were asked to offer ourselves for the task of guarding it none came forward except Abu Bakr r.a. With a
drawn sword he took his stand by the side of Prophet of Allah and guarded him from the infidels by attacking those
who dared to proceed in that direction. He was therefore the bravest of men.

during one such attack, two discs from Abu Bakr's shield penetrated into Muhammad's pbuh cheeks. Abu
Bakr r.a went forward with the intention of extracting these discs but Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah r.a requested
he leave the matter to him, losing his two incisors during the process.

Battle of Uhud
Before the battle had begun, his son Abdul-Rahman, at that time still non-Muslim and fighting on the side of the
Quraysh, came forward and threw down a challenge for a duel. Abu Bakr r.a accepted the challenge but
was stopped by Muhammad bpuh. Later, Abdul-Rahman approached his father and said to him "You were exposed
to me as a target, but I turned away from you and did not kill you." To this Abu Bakr replied "However, if you
had been exposed to me as a target I would not have turned away from you.“

The First to return to Prophet Muhammad pubh after Khalid bin Walid’s attack was Abu Bakr r.a
Military campaigns under Prophet Muhammad pbuh
Battle of the Trench
• Prophet Muhammad pbuh divided the ditch into a number of sectors and a contingent was posted to
guard each sector. One of these contingents was under the command of Abu Bakr r.a. The enemy
made frequent assaults in an attempt to cross the ditch, all of which were repulsed. To
commemorate this event a mosque, later known as 'Masjid-i-Siddiq', was constructed at the site
where Abu Bakr r.a had repulsed the charges of the enemy.

Battle of Hunayn and Siege of Ta'if

▪ During the first phase of the battle of Hunain, taken unaware, the advance guard of the Muslim army
fled in panic. There was considerable confusion, and the camels, horses and men ran into one another
in an attempt to seek cover. Prophet Muhammad pbuh, however, stood firm. Only nine
companions remained around him, including Abu Bakr r.a.

▪ The siege of Taif dragged on for two weeks, and still there was no sign of weakness in the fort.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh held a council of war. Abu Bakr r.a advised that the siege might be
raised and that God make arrangements for the fall of the fort. The advice was accepted, and in
February 630, the siege of Ta'if was raised and the Muslim army returned to Mecca.
Abu Bakr as Amir-ul-Hajj
Obligation of Hajj 9th Hijra (631 AD)
Surah Al-Imran, V#97

First Hajj Performed by the Muslims 9th Hijra, Zil-Hajj

Leader/ Imam of Hajj Abu Bakr Siddique r.a

Led a Group of 300 Muslims

Leader/ Imam appointed by Prophet Muhammad pbuh

▪ The day after Abu Bakr r.a and his party had left for the Hajj, Muhammad pbuh received a
new revelation: Surah Tawbah, the ninth chapter of the Qur'an.

▪ Prophet pbuh summoned Ali ibne Abi Talib r.a, and asked him to proclaim a portion of
Surah Tawbah to the people on the day of sacrifice when they assembled at Mina. Ali r.a
went forth on Muhammad's pbuh slit-eared camel, and overtook Abu Bakr r.a. When Ali
r.a joined the party, Abu Bakr r.a wanted to know whether he had come to give orders or to
convey them. Ali r.a said that he had not come to replace Abu Bakr r.a as Amir-
ul-Hajj, and that his only mission was to convey a special message to the
people on behalf of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
 At Mecca, Abu Bakr r.a presided at the Hajj ceremony, and Ali r.a
read the proclamation on behalf of Muhammad pbuh. The main points
of the proclamation were:

 Henceforward the non-Muslims were not to be allowed to visit the

Kaaba or perform the pilgrimage.
 No one should circumambulate the Kaaba naked.
 Polytheism was not to be tolerated. Where the Muslims had any
agreement with the polytheists such agreements would be
honoured for the stipulated periods. Where there were no
agreements a grace period of four months was provided and
thereafter no quarter was to be given to the polytheists.
 From the day this proclamation was made a new era dawned, and
Islam alone was to be supreme in Arabia.
Imam us Salat
During the Last Days of Prophet Muhammad pubh Abu Bakr r.a Lead 17 Obligatory Prayers
As Prophet Muhammad pbuh was nearing death, he found himself unable to lead prayers as he usually
would. He pbuh instructed Abu Bakr r.a to take his place, ignoring concerns from Aisha r.a that
her father was too emotionally delicate for the role. Abu Bakr r.a subsequently took up the position,
and when Muhammad pbuh entered the prayer hall one morning during Fajr prayers, Abu Bakr
r.a attempted to step back to let him to take up his normal place and lead. Muhammad pbuh however,
allowed him to continue.
Sadd ul Abwab (Closing of Doors)
During the last days, Prophet Muhammad pbuh ascended the pulpit and addressed the congregation,
saying "God has given his servant the choice between this world and that which is with
God and he has chosen the latter." Abu Bakr, understanding this to mean that Muhammad pbuh
did not have long to live, responded "Nay, we and our children will be your ransom." Prophet
Muhammad pbuh consoled his friend and ordered that all the doors leading to the mosque be
closed aside from that which led from Abu Bakr's house, "for I know no one who is a
better friend to me than he."
Upon Prophet Muhammad pubh’s demise
He then addressed those who had gathered at the mosque, saying "If anyone worships Muhammad,
Muhammad is dead. If anyone worships God, God is alive, immortal", thus putting an end to any
idolising impulse in the population. He then concluded with a verse from the Quran: "Muhammad is
no more than an apostle, and many apostles have passed away before him."
8th June, 632 AD to 23 August 634
Abu Bakr Siddique r.a (1st Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate)
th nd
Caliphate 8 June 632 to 23 August 634 (12 Rabi-I to 22 Jamadi-II)
Successor ▪ Umar ibn Al-Khattab r.a
Time Period ▪ 2y-2m-14d

Nominated as Caliph ▪ On 8 June, 632 AD
▪ At Saqeefa Bani Saeeda
▪ The first to take oath of allegiance at his hand was: Umar Farooq r.a
▪ The Second person: Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah r.a
▪ After both of them: Bashir bin Sa’d (Chief of Aus Tribe) along with his 70
General Oath of ▪ On 9 June, 632
Allegiance ▪ At Masjid e Nabawi pbuh
First Official Decree Sending the forces of Osama bin Zaid bin Harith to Syria
First Official Decree Instructing the Caliph to be (Umar r.a) to dispatch army in favor of al-Muthana
bin Haris to fight against the Persians.
Main Challenges ▪ Rise of False Prophets and a Prophetess
▪ Rise of Apostates
▪ Rise of some tribes who refused to Pay Zakat
▪ Compilation of Holy Quran
▪ Defence of Islamic State from Romans and Persians
▪ To Unite the Muslims under one banner
8th June, 632 AD

Muslims divided into Two Major Factions

Muhajirin Ansar
Orthodox Supporter Umayya Aus Khizraj
Muslims s of Ali r.a Group

Majority 33 years of New Bashir bin Sa’d Sa’d bin Ubada

age Converters

Age was an important consideration in the eyes of Arabs for choosing their
Chief/Sheikh/ Caliph
Meeting of Saqifa Bani Sa’ida
Saqifa A Meeting Place
Bani Sa’ida Sub branch of Khizraj
Ansar arranged a Meeting at Saqifa Bani Sa’ida for nominating a Caliph from
amongst themselves.

Ansar’s Joint Nominee for future Sa’d bin Ubada r.a

Caliph (Chief of Khizraj)

News reached at Madina

Umar r.a, discerning the scenario, called Abu Bakr r.a, and on their way they met
Abu Obaida (Amir) bin Jarrah r.a and they all 3 went to Saqifa.
Asim bin Adi Ansari Urged them to go back to Madina. They
wont get what they were going for.
Hubab bin Manzar Gave the idea of Two Caliphs
“a leader from us, and a leader from you”
Meeting of Saqifa Bani Sa’ida

Abu Obaida bin Jarrah r.a “O Ansar! You were the first to uphold
Islam. Don’t be the first also to sow
the seed of dissention in it”

First oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr r.a Umar Farooq r.a

Second oath Abu Ubaida r.a

Third oath Bashir bin Sa’d r.a, Chief of Aus

along with 70 Aus Tribesmen

Sa’d bin Ubada r.a, Chief of Khizraj Never swore allegiance and died
(The Joint Nominee of Ansar) a few days later
Confirmation of the Election
Mass Oath Ceremony 9th June, 632 AD
Venue: Masjid e Nabawi pbuh

Ali bin Abi Talib’s Homage/Oath to Abu Bakr r.a

Three Point of Views

Never took Oath 9th June, 632 AD 6 Months after the demise of
pophet Muhammad pbuh
(after the demise of Syyida
Fatima r.a)

Shia Sources The same day of Popular Belief

Mass Acclamation
Osama’s Expedition
Last Sarya Dispatched by Prophet Muhammad
Abu Bakr r.a despite imminent challenges to Madinah send Osama’s expedition by
saying, “Madina may stand or fall; the Caliph may live or die, but the
last words of Prophet pbuh must be obeyed”

Army left Madinah 19 Days after the Prophet’s demise.

Campaign lasted for 40 Days
Location Ubna (ancient Jabna)
Near Mediterranean Coast
Result Victory over Banu Quza’a
▪ Struck terror into roaming Bedouin tribes
▪ Rich booty of live-stock
▪ Strengthen the courage of people of Madinah
▪ Depressed out the insurgent tribes
Rise of False Prophets
Aswad Ansi Musaylma Kazzab Tulayha bin Sajah al-Kahina
Khuwaylid Asadi

Aswad Ansi
First Pretender/ False Prophet
Revolted in the last days of Prophet Muhammad pbuh
He subjugated Najran in 10th Hijra and took the capital of Yemen, San’a.
▪ He was killed by Dailmi and his party, who were relatives of the slain
governor of Yemen.
▪ During his killing, his wife assisted the assassins as well (she was the
wife of slain governor and was forcibly married to Aswad)
▪ He was killed on 7th June, 632 AD, only a day before the demise of
Prophet Muhammad pbuh
Abu Bakr Siddique r.a sent Zubair bin Awwam r.a with a party of troops
to fight against Aswad Ansi, but their arrival Aswad had been killed.
Tulayha bin Khwailid al-Asadi
Tribe Chief of Banu Asad

Residence Najd (East of Madina)

Revolted after the demise of Prophet Muhammad pbuh

He incited the following Najdi Tribes against the first Caliph:

1. Banu Tayyi
2. Banu Ghatfan and others.

Abu Bakr Siddique r.a sent a force under Khalid bin Walid r.a against Tulayha.

Battle of Buzakha
Battle between Khalid bin Walid r.a and Tulayaha Asadi
Tulayha was defeated and escaped to Syria
Battle of Buzakha
Date September 632
Location Buzakha,
25 miles southwest of Ha'il, Saudi Arabia
Result Rashidun Caliphate victory

Rashidun Caliphate Pagan Arab tribes

Commanders and leaders

Khalid ibn al-Walid Tulayha
Adi ibn Hatim Hibal

6,000 15,000

Casualties and losses

low heavy
Battle of Buzakha
 Khalid at the beginning of the battle challenged Tulayha for a duel. After a
brief encounter with Khalid r.a he ran for shelter towards his own army.
Khalid r.a emerged victorious.
 Khalid r.a from here went on to his next objective and almost a month later
engaged Sajah at the battle of Zafar.
 Tulayha on the other hand had killed a veteran Companions of the Prophet by
the name of Ukasha Bin Mihsan faced a ban from joining in any war.
 He later asked for forgiveness from Caliph Abu Bakr r.a, who forgave
him but he was, along with his tribe, banned from joining in any external
campaigns as they had indulged in apostasy and so couldn't be trusted. It would
be in Caliph Umar's reign that they would be finally allowed to
participate in battles.
 Tulayha served with great distinction in the Persian campaign, especially in the
Battle of Qadisiya. It was in the Battle of Nihawand that he fell and was
killed in Islamic army led by Saʿd ibn Abi Waqqas.
Battle of Zafar
Date October 632
Location Zafar, Ha'il, Arabia (modern Saudi
Result Rashidun Caliphate victory
Rashidun Caliphate Apostate rebels
Commanders and leaders
Khalid ibn al-Walid Salma (Umm Zhiml)

The Battle of Zafar took place in 632 between Khalid ibn al-Walid r.a and a
tribal chieftess called Salma. Khalid r.a defeated her and she died on the
The apostate leader was riding on a camel, surrounded by her loyal bodyguards.
Khalid ibn al-Walid approached her with a group of mujaheddin and slaughtered
her and her bodyguards. Several hundred apostates died in this battle.
Musailma Kazzab
Tribe Banu Hanifa
Residence Yamama (Central Arabia)
Visited Madina, accepted Islam and after return to Yamama wrote a letter to
Prophet Muhammad pubh claiming his Prophethood.
▪ After the demise of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Abu Bakr Siddique r.a dispatched
two wings of forces separately under Ikrima r.a bin Amr bin Hisham and
Shuabil bin Hasana r.a to fight against Musailma.
▪ Ikrima r.a and Shurabil fought separately against Muslaima, but defeated.
▪ Thereupon, Abu Bakr r.a sent Khalid bin Walid r.a to fight against Musailma

Battle of Yamama
Mulisms Banu Hanifa
Commander: Khalid bin Walid r.a Commander: Muslaima Kazzab

20,000 40,000
Result Muslims Victory
Musailma was killed by Wahshi bin Harb
Battle of Yamama
Date December 632
Location Plain of Aqraba, Al-Yamama
Result Decisive Rashidun Caliphate victory
Rashidun Caliphate Banu Hanifa and
Musaylima ibn Habib's followers
Commanders and leaders
▪ Khalid ibn al-Walid
▪ Shurahbil ibn Hasana
▪ Abu Dujana Musaylimah
▪ Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl
▪ Al-Bara' ibn Malik

13,000 40,000
Casualties and losses
1200 21,000
Al-Bara' ibn Malik & The Garden of Death
 Al-Bara' ibn Malik Ansari asked his fellow men to let him climb the wall
so that he could open the gate by killing the guards there. The soldier jumped in
to the garden and opened the gate. The Muslims entered the garden and the last
phase of the Battle of Yamamah had begun.
The Garden of Death
 The Muslim army pressed the rebels everywhere in the Garden of Hadiqa.
Musaylimah became the target of Wahshi ibn Harb. He threw at
Musaylimah the same javelin that he had used to kill Hamza ibn Abd al-
Muttalib r.a and struck Musaylimah in the stomach; the next moment Abu
Dujana cut off Musaylimah's head.
 The news of the death of Musaylimah brought about the rout of his forces. The
garden where this last phase of the battle took place became known as the
"Garden of Death", as the approximately 7,000 rebels within it were
Sajjah al-Kahina
(Sajah bint Al-Harith ibn Suayd)
False Woman Prophetess
Tribe Banu Yarbu (A branch of Tamim)
Location Mesopotamia (Iraq)

Sajah bint Al-Harith ibn Suayd from the tribe of Banu Tamim, was an
Arab Christian. Her father, Al-Harith, belonged to the Bani Yarbu section of
the Bani Tamim tribe. Her mother belonged to the Banu Taghlib tribe of Iraq.

During the Wars of Apostasy, Sajah declared she was a prophetess after
learning that Musaylimah and Tulayha had declared prophethood.

Before claiming to be a prophetess, Sajah had a reputation as a soothsayer.

Thereafter, 4,000 people gathered around her to march on Medina
Sajah bint Al-Harith ibn Suayd

 However, Sajah’s planned attack on Medina was called off after she learned that
the army of Khalid ibn al-Walid r.a had defeated Tulayha al-Asadi.
Thereafter, she sought cooperation with Musaylimah to oppose the threat
of Khalid r.a. A mutual understanding was initially reached with Musaylimah.
However, Sajah later married Musaylimah and accepted his self-declared

 Khalid bin Walid r.a then crushed the remaining rebellious elements
around Sajah, and then moved on to crush Musaylimah in the Battle of
Yamama, where Musaylimah was killed, and Sajah converted to Islam after
the battle.
 I have been given the authority over you, and I am not the best of you. If I do
well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is
loyalty and disregard for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be
strong with me until I have secured his rights, if God wills; and the strong
amongst you shall be weak with me until I have wrested from him the rights of
others, if God wills. Obey me so long as I obey God and His Messenger. But if I
disobey God and His Messenger, you owe me no obedience. Arise for your
prayer, God have mercy upon you”
 Abu Bakr r.a crushed the rebellion of the Arab tribes throughout the Arabian
Peninsula in the successful Ridda Wars. In the last months of his rule, he sent
Khalid ibn al-Walid on conquests against the Sassanid Empire in Mesopotamia
and against the Byzantine Empire in Syria.
 On the advice of Umar r.a and Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah r.a, he agreed to
draw a salary from the state treasury and discontinue his cloth trade
Ridda wars ("Wars of Apostasy")
1. Banu Asad ibn Khuzaymah headed by Tulayha
False Prophets ibn Khuwaylid
2. Banu Hanifa headed by Musaylimah
3. Banu Taghlib & Bani Tamim headed by Sajah
4. Al-Ansi headed by Al-Aswad Al-Ansi

Tax Rebellions

Najd Bahrayn Oman Yemen

Banu Fazara Banu Rabi’a Banu Azd Banu Kindah
Banu Tamim. Khawlan

Like prophet Muhammad pbuh before him, he utilised marriage alliances and financial incentives to bind
former enemies to the caliphate. For instance, a member of the Banu Hanifa who had sided with the
Muslims was rewarded with the granting of a land estate. Similarly, a Kindah rebel named Al-Ash'ath
ibn Qays, after repenting and re-joining Islam, was later given land in Medina as well as the hand of Abu
Bakr's sister Umm Farwa in marriage.

Compilation of Quran
The finished codex, termed the Mus'haf
Making a Committee under Zaid bin Thabit r.a
Demise of Abu Bakr r.a

Cause of death 15 Days illness

Date 22 Jamadi-II, 13 Hijra

(August 23rd, 634 AD)
Last Will about the Nomination of Dictated his last testament to Uthman
Future Caliph ibn Affan ra. as follows:

In the name of Most Merciful God. This is the last will and testament of Abu
Bakr bin Abu Quhafa, when he is in the last hour of the world, and the first of
the next; an hour in which the infidel must believe, the wicked be convinced of
their evil ways, I nominate Umar bin al Khattab as my successor.
Therefore, hear to him and obey him. If he acts right, confirm his actions. My
intentions are good, but I cannot see the future results. However, those who do
ill shall render themselves liable to severe account hereafter. Fare you well.
May you be ever attended by the Divine favor of blessing.
Abu Bakr r.a: Maternal Grandfather of Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq r.a

▪ After the death of Abu Bakr r.a, Ali r.a raised Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr

▪ When Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr was killed by the Ummayads, Ummul
Mominin Aisha r.a raised and taught her nephew Qasim ibn
Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr.

▪ Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr's mother was from Ali's r.a family
and Qasim's daughter Farwah bint al-Qasim was married to Muhammad
al-Baqir and was the mother of Jafar al-Sadiq.

▪ Therefore, Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr was the grandson of Abu
Bakr and the grandfather of Jafar al-Sadiq.

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