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Business Statistics

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Statististical analysis involves the collection, interpretation and analyses of sample data to
influence decision making process within an organization or a business enterprise (Gross and
Harris, 2014). The sample dataset collected is used as a representative of the operations of the
organization in a certain period of time. In the case study dataset provided, the organization
involves two call centers i.e. Call-Centre 1 and Call-Centre 2 which operate parallel to solve
complains of their customers over their products and services.

In the analysis of this dataset, different variables have been highlighted which include both
categorical and quantitative variables. These variables are; Median Call time, Number of
complaints, the original and replacement staff as well as Median call time over 3 minutes. The
relationship between these variables will help come up with sound decisions that can be used to
attain the objectives of the firm (Bakırcı, 2018). Therefore, this report will explore on the
different statistical instruments that can be used to interpret the dataset and the different
relationships between the variables.

Dataset description

Based on approaches shown by Nass, Swift and Al Dallal, 2019 in using the measures of central
tendency to analyze the raw sample data in study, the following table shows the composition of
the data in the two Call centers. Some of the tools used in this part of the analysis are;
Mean/average, standard deviation and variance;

Median Call time and Number of Complaints analyzed

Call-Centre 1

Median Call Time

Original Replacement
The Sample 116 113
The Mean 3.410086 2.662212389
The Standard 0.385811 0.382492502
Variance 0.14885 0.146300514
The average median Call Time in Call-Centre 1 is 3.41 for the originally existing staff while the
average for the replacement staff is 2.66. The mean is a measure that helps to understand the
level of occurrences within a given span of time.

Number of Complaints
Original Replacement
The Mean 116 113
The Standard 34.2931 26
The Variance 18.2069 17.72244432
In the analysis of the average number of complaints in the same Call-Centre 1 the original staff
has a mean of 116 while the replacement staff has 113. This is shows that there are decreased
complaints by using the replacement staff compared to the original staff.

Call Center 2

Median Call Time

The Sample Original Replacement
The Mean 3.36 2.907777778
The Standard 0.353606 0.323640574
Variance 0.125037 0.104743221
In this different Call-Centre the average median call time has increased to 3.36 on the original
staff and 2.90 for the replacement staff. The standard deviation has decreased by a great margin
which implies that regardless of the increase in mean call time the deviations from the mean has
decreased too in this Call-Centre (Galluzzo, 2016).

Number of Complaints
Original Replacement
The Mean 33.1636 29.13888889
The Standard 3.84586 4.279799488
deviation 3
The Variance 14.7906 18.31668366
The number of complaints in Call-Centre 2 has decreased in terms of the average median call
time compared to the Call-Centre 1 analysis. The variance has also decreased in this Call-Centre
by a margin of over 10% which is an advantage to the organization compared to the Call-Centre
1 in the same organization.

Statistical Analysis and Recommendation

Relationship between the Number of Complaints and Median Call Time

Call-Centre 1
The two variables in this comparison have an indirect relationship. This means that an increase in
the Median call Time decreases the number of complains in the first Call-Centre. Relating this
comparison to the sample data on the calls above the median call time of 3 minutes, the Centre
have decreased mean on this variable in the original staff compared to the replacement staff.

Call-Centre 2

The variables have comparatively a non-linear relationship. The number of complaints is

concentrated at the bracket of 30-35 complaints with average median call duration of 2.90
minutes. The skewness of this data on number of complaints is statistically uniform with little
deviations from the mean.

Relationship between Original/ Replacement Staff and Number of Complaints

Call-Centre 1

From the representation above, there is a compact difference between the two staffs that induces
a new idea to the management t9o change its operations. The Original staff has high complaints
rates from the graph that goes to as high as 344 complaints and as low as 24 complaints. The
replacement staff has a high complaints rate of 37 and a low rate of 20 which is important to
achieving the organizational goals.

Call-Centre 2
The relationship of these variables in Call-Centre 2 is comparably inversely with the two staffs.
The lowest rate of the original staff is at 25 and as highest as 43. For the replacement staff, the
highest rate is 25 and highest as 37. The managerial decision in this case is validated in that a
change in the staff will impact a corresponding goal achievement.

Relationship between Median Call Time and Staffs

Call-Centre 1

The relationships between these two variables in the two staffs’ i.e. original staff and
replacement staff is non-linear in that a change in staff may not affect the median call time. The
average measures of the sample data shows that an increase in the median call time may decrease
the number of complaints in both staffs in the Call-Centre 1. Therefore, the management should
consider changing the staff that will impact the Call-Centre 1 by increasing the average median
Call time.

Call-Centre 2
High margins between these two staffs in this particular Call-Centre 2 are observed. The original
staff median call time is as high as 3.9 and as low as2.3 compared to the replacement staff that
has a high median call rate of3.7 and as low as2.4. This analysis shows that the replacement staff
has concentrated much of its call time to spend between a lower margin as well as lowering the
number of complaints (C. Vega, Pertierra and Olalla-Tárraga, 2017). The margins in the original
staff are very high in that they may not be impactive in responding to all the complaints in the
Centre. Hence forth, they have a lowered number of customers whom they spend a median call
time above 3 minutes in the Centre. The replacement staffs have an impact in the Centre.


In the above analysis, the aim of the management may be achieved by making a decision in
additional to other factors in the organization. The statistical inferences that are concluded in the
above case study may be biased by relying on a very limited dataset that lacks enough
information of the organization (Bambini, Resta and Grimaldi, 2014). Some other factors that
may be affecting the organizations both internal and external have unique effects in making a
managerial decision. In a different future research, the organization should consider collecting
enough data that will improve the decision made in achieving the organizational objective. This
analysis is thus very crucial for the organization in order to better understand all the necessary
prevailing detailed needed in making well informed and applicable decisions.

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Bambini, V., Resta, D. and Grimaldi, M. 2014. A Dataset of Metaphors from the Italian
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C. Vega, G., Pertierra, L. and Olalla-Tárraga, M. 2017. MERRAclim, a high-resolution
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Galluzzo, N. 2016. An analysis of the efficiency in a sample of small Italian farms part of
the FADN dataset. Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 62(No. 2), pp.62-70.
Gross, R. and Harris, S. 2014. Statististical Performance Evaluation of Soft Seat Pressure
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Nass, L., Swift, S. and Al Dallal, A. 2019. Indepth Analysis of Medical Dataset Mining: A
Comparitive Analysis on a Diabetes Dataset Before and After Preprocessing. KnE Social
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