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EEP 3 English for Employability

Second Semester, AY 2020-2021

Name : GAPUSAN, JACKRIEH M. Program/Year: BSMngE-3

Course Instructor: CENABRE, MARICEL Class Schedule: Wednesday (8am-10am)

ASSESSMENT 1: Introduction to the New Metrics of the 4IR Labor Market

Directions: With the tracer study titled The Employability of CSU Graduates: From 2011 to
2015 by Paluga, R. et al. as point of reference, it is noteworthy that majority of respondents
perceived on-the-job (OJT) training ‘very useful’ in their career (see figure below).

Relative to this finding, answer the question below. Write/Encode your answer on the space
provided (15 pts).

What do you know about these new metrics of Industry 4.0 and how will you optimize
them during your on-the-job (OJT) training?

Interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data are all part of
Industry 4.0, a new period in the Industrial Revolution. It brings physical production
and operations with smart digital technologies, machine learning, and big data to
create a more holistic and linked environment for manufacturing and supply chain
management firms.
Industry 4.0 is a broad term that refers to a set of modern technologies that are
revolutionizing the industrial industry. The convergence of artificial intelligence, cloud
computing, present internet connectivity between people and objects, new interfaces
between the human body and machines, and the ability to collect and use massive
datasets are just a few of the technologies that are helping to usher in Industry 4.0.
In Industry 4.0-related training and workshops before beginning on-the-job training
can help them prepare and maximize their performance during the OJT. They require
it for upskilling and retraining with their present abilities before becoming genuine
employees, in order to ensure the graduates' capacity.


Legend : 5- Exceeds Proficiency

4- Meets Proficiency
3- Satisfactorily Meets Proficiency
2- Partially Meets Proficiency
1- Does Not Meet Proficiency

Criteria Description Score

The answer is complete. All information provided is accurate. There is
an in-depth understanding of the content.
Mechanics and The answer has no errors in punctuation, grammar, capitalization,
Grammar and spelling.
Knowledge of The answer clearly shows that the student read and understood the
the Topic lesson content by correctly describing and accurately
synthesizing/applying key concepts.


*Submit this worksheet through the platform prescribed/described by your EEP 3 instructor.

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