Quiz Biodiversity

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1. What is biodiversity?
A) The study of healthy societies
B) The variety of life on Earth, including all living organisms
C) The variety of food available in a given ecosystem
D) The number of different ecosystems on Earth
2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity to human society?
A) Provisioning services such as food, medicine, and raw materials
B) Cultural services such as recreation and aesthetic value
C) Regulating services such as climate regulation and water purification
D) Competitive services such as economic growth and technological advancement
3. What is the main cause of biodiversity loss worldwide?
A) Climate change
B) Deforestation
C) Overfishing
D) Pollution
4. What is an endangered species?
A) A species that is abundant and thriving
B) A species that is extinct and no longer exists
C) A species that is at risk of extinction in the near future
D) A species that is not native to a particular ecosystem
5. What is the significance of biodiversity for human health?
A) Biodiversity has no impact on human health
B) Biodiversity provides recreational opportunities for humans
C) Biodiversity provides medicinal resources for humans
D) Biodiversity negatively impacts human health by causing diseases
6. What is the role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation?
A) Protected areas have no role in biodiversity conservation
B) Protected areas help to maintain genetic diversity in natural populations
C) Protected areas help to reduce biodiversity by promoting hunting and fishing
D) Protected areas are used for commercial purposes to exploit natural resources
7. What is the concept of ecosystem services?
A) The services provided by technology to enhance ecosystems
B) The services provided by governments to protect ecosystems
C) The services provided by ecosystems that are essential for human well-being
D) The services provided by non-profit organizations to conserve ecosystems
8. What is the relationship between biodiversity and climate change?
A) Biodiversity has no relationship with climate change
B) Biodiversity accelerates climate change
C) Biodiversity mitigates climate change
D) Biodiversity has no impact on climate change
9. What is the main driver of biodiversity loss in marine ecosystems?
A) Oil spills
B) Coral bleaching
C) Overfishing
D) Marine pollution
10. How can individuals contribute to biodiversity conservation?
A) By cutting down trees to create more space for agriculture
B) By using pesticides to control pests
C) By supporting local conservation organizations
D) By consuming endangered species as a food source
11. What is the term used to describe the variety of ecosystems found in a particular geographic
A) Ecosystem diversity
B) Species diversity
C) Genetic diversity
D) Ecological diversity
12. Which of the following is NOT a direct threat to biodiversity?
A) Habitat destruction
B) Invasive species
C) Climate change
D) Education
13. What is the significance of pollinators in biodiversity conservation?
A) Pollinators have no impact on biodiversity conservation
B) Pollinators help to maintain genetic diversity in plants
C) Pollinators contribute to habitat destruction
D) Pollinators are responsible for climate change
14. Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem service provided by forests?
A) Purification of air and water
B) Regulation of climate
C) Provision of timber and other forest products
D) All of the above
15. What is the term used to describe the variety of genes within a species?
A) Ecosystem diversity
B) Species diversity
C) Genetic diversity
D) Ecological diversity
16. What is the main cause of biodiversity loss in tropical rainforests?
A) Logging and deforestation
B) Climate change
C) Pollution
D) Overfishing
17. What is the relationship between biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems?
A) Biodiversity has no impact on the resilience of ecosystems
B) Higher biodiversity leads to lower resilience of ecosystems
C) Higher biodiversity leads to higher resilience of ecosystems
D) Biodiversity has a negative impact on the resilience of ecosystems
18. What is the role of traditional knowledge in biodiversity conservation?
A) Traditional knowledge has no role in biodiversity conservation
B) Traditional knowledge contributes to overexploitation of natural resources
C) Traditional knowledge can provide insights for sustainable resource management
D) Traditional knowledge is detrimental to biodiversity conservation efforts
19. What is the term used to describe the extinction of a species from a particular geographic area?
A) Mass extinction
B) Endemic extinction
C) Local extinction
D) Global extinction
20. What is the concept of sustainable use of biodiversity?
A) Utilizing biodiversity for short-term economic gains without considering long-term impacts
B) Utilizing biodiversity for recreational purposes only
C) Utilizing biodiversity in a way that meets the needs of the present generation without
compromising the needs of future generations
D) Utilizing biodiversity for scientific research only
21. Which of the following is NOT considered a threat to marine biodiversity?
A) Overfishing
B) Plastic pollution
C) Coral bleaching
D) Organic farming
22. What is the main cause of biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems?
A) Pollution
B) Climate change
C) Urbanization
D) Fishing
23. What is the term used to describe the introduction of non-native species to a new environment,
often resulting in negative impacts on native species and ecosystems?
A) Endemism
B) Speciation
C) Invasive species
D) Ecosystem services
24. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of conserving biodiversity?
A) Preservation of natural beauty
B) Preservation of cultural heritage
C) Economic and recreational opportunities
D) Accelerated climate change
25. What is the primary driver of habitat destruction and deforestation worldwide?
A) Agricultural expansion
B) Renewable energy production
C) Recycling
D) Conservation efforts
26. What is the term used to describe the practice of using natural resources to maintain ecological
balance and meet the needs of present and future generations?
A) Biodiversity conservation
B) Sustainable development
C) Habitat destruction
D) Species extinction
27. Which of the following is NOT an example of a direct use value of biodiversity?
A) Medicinal plants
B) Timber
C) Climate regulation
D) Food
28. What is the role of protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, in biodiversity
A) Protected areas have no role in biodiversity conservation
B) Protected areas contribute to habitat destruction
C) Protected areas are solely for recreational purposes
D) Protected areas provide safe havens for threatened species and ecosystems
29. What is the concept of "ecosystem-based adaptation"?
A) Manipulating ecosystems for economic gain
B) Protecting ecosystems from human intervention
C) Using ecosystems to adapt to climate change impacts
D) Allowing ecosystems to naturally degrade
30. What is the term used to describe the diversity of life at all levels of biological organization, from
genes to ecosystems?
A) Ecosystem diversity
B) Species diversity
C) Genetic diversity
D) Biodiversity

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