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Competency Core Chapter Page

Code Competency (YIN) Nos. Nos.
Topic: Skull Osteology
AN26.1 Demonstrate anatomical posItIon of skull, y 2 13-15
Identify and locate individual skull bones in skull.
AN26 .2 Describe the featu re s of norma frontalis, y 2 15-22
vert ical is, occipita lis, lateralis an d basalis .
AN26 .3 Describe crani al cavity, its subdivisions, y 2 25
foramina and structures passing through them .
AN26.4 Describe morphological fea tures of mand ible. y 2 26-29
AN26 .5 Describe features of typical and atypica l y 2 43-45
cervical vertebrae (atlas and axis)
AN26 .6 Explain the concept of bon es that ossify in N Refer General Anatomy by
membrane. Vishram Singh. 6 76-77
AN26 .7 Describe the featu res of the 7th cervical N 2 45
vertebra .
Topic: Scalp
AN271 Describe the layers of scalp, its bl ood supply, y 3 47-5 1
its nerve supply and surgical importa nce. •
AN272 Describe emissary veins w ith its role in y 3 51
spread of infection from extra cra nial route to
intracran ial venous sinuses .
Topic: Face and Parotid Region
AN28 .1 Describe & demonstrate muscles of facial y 3 53-58
expression and th ei r nerve supply.
AN28.2 Descri be sensory innervation of face. y 3 58-59
AN28 .3 Descri be & demonstrate origin /formation, y 3 5S-61
course, branches /tributaries of fac ial
vesse ls.
AN28.4 Descri be & demonstrate branches of facial y 8 114 117
nerve with distribution .
AN28.5 Describe ce rvical lymph nodes and lymphat ic y 16 246-248
drainage of head, face and neck .
AN28.6 Identify su perficial muscles of face, their y 3 ~l -56
norvo supply and actions .
r kiV l l'\li'11 1, , , \ 1" •
Core Chap ter
Code Competency
(Y /N) Nos.
AN28 ·7 3
Explai.n the anatomica l basis of fac .ial nerve
AN28 .8 Explain surgical importance of deep facial
y 8
AN28 .9 Describe & demonstrate the parts, borde
surfaces, contents, relations and nerve
suppl y of parotid gland with course of its
duct and surgical importance .
AN28 .10 Explain the anatomical basis of Frey's N 8
syndr ome .
Topic: Posterior Triangle of Neck
AN29 .1 Describe & demonstrate attachments, nerve Y 15
supply, relations and actions of
sterno cleido masto id.
AN29 .2 Explain anatomical basis of Erb's & y Not menti onec
Klumpke's palsy. volum e
AN29 .3 Explain anatomical basis of w ry neck. N 5 8
AN29 .4 Descr ibe & demo nstrat e attachments of N 6, 12 9
1} inferio r belly of omohy oid, 2) scalen us
anteri or, 3) scalenus medius & 4) levato
Topic: Cranial Cavity
AN30 .1 Descr ibe the cranial fossa e & identif y relate
d y 21
struct ures. 3
AN30 .2 Descr ibe & identi fy major foramina with y 21 3·
struct ures passing through them .

AN30 .3 Descr ibe & identif y dural folds & dural
y 21 3·
venou s sinuses.
AN30 .4 Descr ibe clinical importance of dural venou
sinuse s .
s y 21 3~
AN30 .5 Explain effect of pituitary tumou rs on visual
pathw ay. N 21 3L
Topic: Orbit
A N31.1 Descr ibe & identify extra ocular muscl es
of y
eyeba ll. 19 28
AN31 .2 De scribe & demo nstrate nerves and vesse
in the orbi t. ls y 19 28
AN31 . 3 Dm~r: riho uni1l o1, 1ic:i1I ba ~. is or Hom er 's
syncJ rormi . N 12 17L
Enum erate co 1npo11011t !; o[ lc1crima l
a1111a ratus. I y 13 I64-
A N3 1.5 Ex11la in the ;:i natom ici 1I hc1 sis o f ocul om
t ro ch lnar n, 1cJ ilhr h" :011 1 11 01vo palsios rllong y 22
wi t:11 !i l ii tl l i!ill lll !i . 33L
( ,11\ f Pr fF'CI y \I\P xv
Compatancy Core Chap1er Page
Coda Competency (YIN ) Nos. Nos.
Topic: Anterior Triangle
AN32.1 Describe boundaries and subdivisions of y 6 88-8'.)
anterior triangle.
AN32.2 Describe & demonstrate boundaries and y 6 89- 94
contents of muscular, carotid, digastric and
submental triangles .
Topic: Temporal and lnfratemporal Regions
AN33.1 Describe & demonstrate extent, boundaries y 10 133- 134
and contents of temporal and infratemporal /
AN33.2 Describe & demonstrate attachments, y 10 134- 136,
direction of fibres, nerve supply and actions 148--150
of muscles of mastication.
AN33.3 Describe & demonstrate articulating surface, y 10 143- 147
type & movements of temporomandibular
joint. .
AN33.4 Explain the clinical significance of pterygoid y 10 139
venous plexus.
AN33.5 Describe the features of dislocation of N 10 147-1 48
temporomandibular joint.
Topic: Submandibular Region
AN34.1 Describe & demonstrate the morphology, y 9 125-130
relations and nerve supply of submandibular
salivary gland & submandibular ganglion .
AN34.2 Describe the basis of formation of N 9 128
submandibular stones.
Topic: Deep Structures in the Neck
AN35.1 Describe the parts, extent, attachments, /Y 4 72- 76
modifications of deep cervical fascia.
AN35.2 Describe & demonstrate location, parts, '
y 11 155-160
borders, surfaces, relations & blood supply
of thyroid gland.
AN35.3 Demonstrate & describe the origin, parts, y 16 23 1- 233
course & branches subclavian artery.
AN35.4 Describe & demonstrate origin, course, y 16 242- 244
relations, tributaries and termi nation of
internal jugular & brachiocephalic veins.
AN35.5 Describe and demonstrate extent, drainage y 16 246-2-lS
& applied anatomy of cervical lymph nodes.
AN35.6 Describe and demonstrate the extent, y 12 172
formation, relation & branches of cervical
sympathetic chain .
, xv,
' " ' t r' I J , , \ \ J H•

I Com p~t ency
Co de
Com pete ncy
Core Chap ter
(YIN ) Nos .
- r;-
• 111
•\NJ'., 7 y Noa
Desrr il)P thP course nnrl brn 17 cl7
es of IX. X, 22 -r- :--
\ I & XII ne, ve ,n the nec
341 ~
AN35 8 DPsc r,IJe the illlilto mrcil llY ,elevn
nt clini cal N 11 - 16().i
feat ures of Thyro id swe /1,ng s
AN3 59 Desc rrbe the c/ 111 ,ca l features of com pre ssion
of subc lav1an arter y and lowe r trunk
N 16 - 1236
brachia / plexu s by ce rvical ri b.
AN3 5. 10 Desc ribe the fa sc ia/ space s of neck N 14 \
Ifop ic:Mou th, Phar ynx and Palate
205 I
// AN3 6 1
Desc ribe the 1) morp holog y, relati y
ons, blood 14
supp ly and appli ed anato my of 206--2
palatine tonsil
2) comp o sItIon of soh palate 21 1-~
AN3 6 .2 D escri be the comp on ent s and
funct ions of y 14
Wald eyer's lymp hatic ring 202
AN3 6 .3 D esc ribe the boun daries and cl1n1c
al N 14
s1gn1f1can ce of pynfo rm Iossa 200- 2
AN3 6 .4 D e scrib e t he anato m ical bas is
of to ns ill itis, N 14
t onsil le ctom y, aden oids and pen 208
-tons 1llar
absc ess .
AN3 6 .5 D esc ribe the cl1n,cal s1 gn 1f1 canc
e of Killian's N 14
deh1 sce nce . 203
trop ic: Cav ity of Nos e
l AN3 7 1 1
Desc ribe & dem o nstra te fea tu
res of nasal y 17
sept um, latera l w all of nose , 251- 2E
the1' blood
supp ly and ner ve supply.
. .
A N37 2 D escr ibe locat ion and funct i ona I
l ana tomy of y 17
para nasa l sin use s 259-2~
AN 373 Desc rib e anat om ical bas,s o f
s111usItI s & N 17
, max illary s in us twno urs 262
)6µ ic: Larynx
/ AN 38 . 1 I D esc rib e th e m orph olo gy, cien t1fy struc t ure y
o f the wa ll, ner ve su I 15 217- 22,
pr, y, bloo d su pply and
a c t io ns o f 1ntri n s1c an d extr,n
s, c m uscl es of
I the laryn x . ·f
IAN 3 8 .2 D e scrib e t he anat o mical aspe
c ts o f -
laryn g1tIs . N 15 228
IAN 38 3 De s c ribe a nato m ical bas,s of
recur re n t
lary ngeal n e rve In1u ry 15 224
Jfo pic: Tongue
;f A N39 . 1 O u•, r,r11J f! /'; d r: 11 1rJ11•,1 1,
ner / 1; ', 1/ jJ jJ ly, l •11d11 /11/r,q
, • IIH • 11 10, p/ io/og y, y
, ii I Joi ',
13 188-1g.:i
r,I 111!1 VO
r,; upp ly, /J/ (JrJd ·.,,, ,,Jly,
1;11,11 o1I, r I/• ,111 ,1 ,, il i H/
a c t I0 fl !, () / (:/ lll l l', I1 ,11,d 11111 11
Ii',/ ( 1/ II I• ,r /, .. , (1 1
j tongue
-- ')
---- --i J
, , , ,,.• , , \ 1, xvi,
Comp,tenoy Co rn <:hll ptl)r
Codt ComJ>et1noy (Y/NI No1
AN:JO 'J I xpl11111 11 111 111 1.11 1111 1" ,ti I1.i •, 1·, ,,t 1111,,,, ,1,,,,.,,, 11 I i / /
IHl l VO pnl:,y
- - - -
Topic: Organs of Hearing and Equlllhrlum
- - -J
Do:ic1d1c1 & 1rlrJ11 Iil y 11 11 1p:III ·.. lil()rH I ·.11111 ,1 1 ( 18 /Fl, ;F,,
nnd neIvo :H1pply ol oxl1 J1 r,: 11
AN4 0.?. Desc11bo & cJ011 1011 ::Ii:1t c1 I! 1u IH 11 11 Hl,111! :'., ( 18 1F)8---'i 1~,
COlll Olll S, 101811011:1;11 1(1 lt111r. l1 r11 1:d ,II I,1lrn1 Iy ril
rni cldle ori, r1 1ir l ,1u<l1t o1y t1d 10
AN40.3 De scribe th e I00 I1, ro '. : ol II 1I0111,il 1,: 11 ~I 18 2 75-?8()
AN40 .4 Exp lain anato1rn ca l hc1 ol 01111:; ox Iornr1 r1 11rl ~I 18 ;7?,
otiti s media.
AN40.5 Explain ana tomica l trn s,s ol myrInqoIoi11y ~, 18 270
Topic: Eyeball
AN41.1 De scribe & demonstrate parts anrJ lr1yers ol y 19 292-298
eyeba ll.
AN41. 2 Descri be the anatom ica l aspec ts ol ca Iarr1c t. N 19 298, 297.
glaucoma & ce ntral retinal artery occlusion . 296
AN41.3 Describe th e position. nerve supply ancJ N 19 295
actions of intraocu lar muscles .
Topic: Back Region
AN42.1 Describe th e co ntents of th e vertebral ca nal. y 20 301-303
AN42.2 Describe & demon strate the boundaries and y 7 102-104
co ntents of Subocc ipital tri angle.
AN42 .3 Describe th e position, direction of fibres. N 7 99, 100
re lations , nerve supply, action s of
semispinali s capiti s and splenius ca piti s.
AN43.1 Describe & demonstrate the movements y 7 107-109
with muscles producing th e movements of
atlantooccipital joint & atlantoaxia l joint
AN43.2 Identify, describe an d draw th e y
microanatomy of pituitary gland, thyroid,
parathyroid gland, ton gue, sa livary glands,
ton sil, epiglot1i s, co rn ea, retina.
AN43 .3 Identify, describe and draw microanatomy of N
olfactory epithelium , eyelid, li p, sclero-
co rn ea l juncti on, optic nerve, coch lea- organ
of co rti, pinea l gland.
AN43.4 Describe th o developrn ont and y
dovelop111 011 Ial hasis of co n(:leni tal anoma lies
ol lnco. palr1 I0, 101101 10. b1r111chial apparatu s,
·" pItuI tr1 Iy (Jl:11 HI, tlly101cl (Jl,rn cl & oye.
re. 'on r111112,ci)
xvii i ( l) "f' I 11 , , , \I \f'
/ Com pete ncy
--- Core Chap ter - r;--
Cod e (Y/N ) Nos.
Co mpoloncy r-.t9e
•\N,l J .!, •
/)r.mo11s1rn1e- 1) l esting Of in uscles of facial
. y 3, 4,6,19, ~
exp1ession. extraocula r muscles, _muse I of 10, 15, 16 92, 15(1,1
mast es
icatio n, 2) Palpa tion of carot id arteries,
facial artery superficial temporal artery 21 7- 21
, 242, 2
3) Location 'of internal and external
veins 4) Loca tion of hyoid bone, th
cartil~ge and cricoid cartilage wi th th 1
verte bral
surface proje °
ction tTh Yroid N 30 \
gland, Parotid gland and duct Pterio
Common carotid artery, Internal Jugul
n, .
ar vein,
Subclavian vein, External jugular vein,
artery in the face
& acce ssory nerve .
AN43.7 Identify the anatomical structures y
in 1) Plain 7 104
x-ray skull, 2) AP view and latera l view
3) Plain x-ray cervical spine-AP and
view 4) Plain x-ray of paran asal sinus es.
' ~
AN43.8 Describe

the anato mical

carotid angiogram and vertebral
Identify anatomical structures in

route used for

N -
carotid N -
angiogram and vertebral angiogram
. ·1
Topic: Men inge s and CSF
AN56.1 1
Desc ribe & iden tify various layers of y 21, 23
men inges with its extent 319-323,
& mod ifications.
AN56.2 356
Describe circulation of CSF with y
its applied 23
1anatomy. 358- 351
Topie: Spin al Cord
AN 57.1 Identify external features of spina
l cord. y
IAN57.2 Desc ribe exte nt of spinal cord
in child & y
20 304
adult with its clinical implication. - -
IAN57.3 Draw & label transverse section
of spinal y
cord at mid-cervical &mid-thora
Enumerate asce nding & desc endin
cic level.
g tracts at y

20 305
j AN57.5
mid thoracic level of spinal cord
I Describe anatomical basis of

20 307
N 20 309 'I
/ Topic: Medulla Oblongata I
Iden tify external features of med !
IAN 58.1 ulla
y 24 361-362'~
Describe transverse secti -'
IA N58 .2 on of med ulla y
oblongata at the level of 1) pyra
24 363 , 364
decussation, 2) sensory decu ..
ssation 3) ION.
Enu mer ate cran _!
I AN58,3 ial nerve nuclei in medulla
oblo nga ta with their functiona y 24 363 , 370 ;
l group.
Descrih e anatomicul ba sis & effec ts or
1 & lat ora l 1nod11llr11y :;ynr/10 1111 : __
m edia l 24 364 /,~
__. -;·
i '',
'" \I, l l lf
- ---
Coda Comp etency ________ Core Ch aP1,ir
(Y/ N~
_.___ lo~
Topic: Pons
AN!>9 1 lciontily p,tp111,1l 1P,l' ii"' ' :, ' , I: 1 ,, :
AN592 D1t1w & ltlbol tIa11sveI i; 0 <;l'C t10 11 '>' ori' ,, ;i ' I: '
the upper and lowe1 evP
AN59 .3 Enumerate c1an,al nerve nuc,e ,,· pcrs ;, . ..,
the11 fun ctional group In ,•r
Topic: Cerebellum
AN60. I \ Descnbe & demonstrate e,terna & interna l y 25 'j ~.
- J J I
features of cerebe llum
AN60.2 \ Describe connections of cerebellar corte, y 25 313
and intracerebellar nuclei
AN60.3 De scribe anatomical basis of cerebellar N 25 ..,-,-,
Topic: Midbrain
AN61.1 \ Identify external & interna l features of y I
2..1 366-36-
midbrain .
AN61.2 I
\ Descnbe internal features of m1dbra 1n at the y 24 367 368
level of supenor & 1nfenor coll1culus
AN61.3 I Describe anatomical basis & effects of I
Benedikt's and Weber 's syndrome
N 2..1 368 I
Topic: Cranial Nerve Nuclei and Cerebral Hemis
AN62.1 I Enumerate cranial nerve nuclei with its y
functi onal component. I \24 1370
AN62.2 \ Describe & demonstrate surfaces, su lc1, gyn, I y 127 \385-389
poles, & fun ctional areas of cerebral
AN62.3 Describe the white matter of cerebrum. y 27 389-392
AN62 .4 Enumerate parts & n1ajor connections of y 28
basal ganglia & l1mb1c lobe . 395- 399
AN62.5 \ Describe boundanes, parts, gross relations,
I y 126
major nuclei and connections of dorsal 137 7 -331
thalamus, hypothalamus, ep1thalarm1s,
metathalamus and subthalamus.
Code Core Chapter Page
Describe & identify formati on, branches &
(Y IN) Nos. Nos. I
1 29 ..101-11.\3
major areas of distribution of circle of W1i'1s
Topic: Ventricular System
AN63.1 I Describe & den,onstrate parts, bounda11es & \
features of ll lrd, IVth & lateral ventricle.
1 I::>~, .'l, 13 ·.1 J,::,
,,01 -~,o-
'I 'I ..... .'\')
AN63 2 3~)2 393
\ Descnbe c1nc1tom1cal b,1s1s of rnnn\11111,1I ,,
hycl1 ocephnlu s. N ··' 3:i8-359

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