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MAIN TOPIC : Does media and market really profit from us using pretty privilege and people’s


1. INTRODUCTION [ what is lookism more known as pretty privilege and how does it work?

2. ISSUE 1 [ why do we feel we need to be eye pleasing ?] how does market and media profit from us ?

3. [ Does discrimination of lookism really exist?] What is with the Asian and black fishing?




How and why most individuals want to benefit from the pretty privilege ?


Like many other biases, pretty privilege is something we're all aware of because, we all experienced on
the first hand or not. People could agree to the fact that pretty privilege shows effect when it comes to
love life, popularity, and sometimes making friends or when getting hired in workplaces. This was also
known as lookism before the term pretty privilege came out. Although this might not be one hundred
percent correct, physically appealing people or alternatively "attractive " people tend to get a superior
treatment by the society. It is not often that we are actually willing to admit it, especially if we're
receiving the benefits from it. Such as beauty influencers models to a ordinary individual who fits the
societal beauty standard. To get a more intelligible yet simple idea how this works let’s think that a
young attractive person is looking for a job as a cashier, and there is a high chance that you will be hired
because somehow the appearance of the employee can affect the costumers number especially if the
costumers are around the employees age or an opposite gender, they will be more attached to the
employees attractiveness making the chance that they will come back higher which means the store will
start making more profit than usual. That’s one of the reasons they recruit people who has pretty
privilege. So it is even sometimes used for business purposes. It can either work more strong or weak
depending on how strict the beauty standard is in the specific country. Beauty standard is different in
every single religion, but the thing is they never vanish from society. Taking an example, Americans tend
to find tanned skin more attractive while Korea and Japan find pale skin more attractive as they appear
more wealthy because they're living in a mansion, they're not revealed in sunlight as much as a average
person living in a condition which has a exteremely hot weather

As a sexual creature this is rooted to our fundamental biology we’re trained to seek the attractive
people and also because they offer something positive to the genes of their youth. We used to find
something pretty as less intimidating and pleasing almost as if it’s some kind of survival tactic. However
it’s not the century we actually use this tactic to survive as we live in a completely different condition
compared to thousands of years ago. So where is this idea really coming out from?

There's no wonder that people crave to look more attractive to get that superior treatment from the
society in order to feel more respected, desired and wanted. It is not denied that every person has
gotten a comment on how they look. When some people talk about their experience from these it
made some positive impact on them however it also showed strong negative impact to the most of the
people who has received a disrespectful comments on the way they look because comparison issue got
even worse as social medias kept developing in all these years, we all know this situation is even worse
among the teenagers and women .Not only comparing themself to anyone else, when they compare
themself to well known celebrity, idols other influencers, it's the appearance range between them that
causes those people to be more insecure. Even starting as kids, in Disney shows the princesses or the
good characters were all presented as beautiful and slim and also gives them a very sad backstory in
order to make them more vulnerable, while the villain are mostly designed unpleasing and has a selfish
and evil personality. This gives the grief idea that the pretty people are simply better from a young age
not only in Disney shows but also tons of fairy tales. And then when we start to grow up and become a
teenager we see all those actors ,models ,influencers, and music artists who has a pretty privilege, most
people will just start to feel that they aren’t enough. Furthermore they will start getting beauty
treatments done which some of these privileged influencers and celebrities advertises towards their

A lot of beauty products and plastic surgeries are advertised towards women such as BBL also known as
Brazilian butt lift, Breast augmentation or enlargement (augmentation mammoplasty), Chin, cheek, or
jaw reshaping ,and buccal far removal which is often followed by advertisements or trends a lot. Of
course there is nothing wrong with getting done any of these procedures if the result comes out well.
It’s even likely that it would boost the confidence of the patient as what figure or a part of the face they
saw as a flaw is fixed. However they are still problematic.

(BBL) is far one of the most dangerous cosmetic surgery is a procedure that improves the look of your
buttocks in addition to removing fat from other parts of your body. And if you recover in the result it will
add more volume and shape to your butt giving the person hourglass figure.

It might not seem harmful and there’s pretty much nothing wrong with getting it done and if the result
come out it’s likely the healing process is very deadly and painful as so many people who got this
surgery done has shared to the public about their review.

Buccal fat removal is a cheek reduction surgery. During the procedure, the buccal fat pads in your
cheeks are surgically removed. This thins the cheeks and defines facial angles. And it is basically targeted
to people who are insecure from their round cheeks. But the thing that people do not know is that these
buccal fat actually helps you age slower as you grow older, it makes you more young.

However people get this procedure done. In 2020, an estimated 396,105 people had buttock
augmentation surgery, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It took a
19.3% increase from 2016 as having a fuller butt and curvier figure is becoming an increasingly popular
aesthetic. BBL's popularity is also connected U.S. beauty standard it become popular by the late 1990s
and early 2000s through the sexualization of celebrities such as Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez, as well as
those who appropriated that image in their building of stardom, such as Kim Kardashian.

And it is not only women who gets procedures and surgeries men of course have concerns about their
looks too they get surgeries done such as eyelid rejuvenation, neck lift, chin augmentation, nose job
these involve fixes on only face features however men also get a procedure which is called male muscle
augmentation, during the process fat is removed from one part of the body and placed into the muscles
to augment their size. It usually also performed to enhance the contours of the muscles .This is mostly
done in the parts such as biceps, chest and arms giving them a fit and more masculine look. Relying on
this men started to have less concerns about actually being fit and strong but to just appear like it to be
more impressed and appreciated. However a rate of a male getting surgeries is lower compared to
female as in 2020 from the people who were patients of a cosmetic surgery 13% of them were male the
rest was either female or a non binary.

Medias such as movie, music videos, online games and fiction some type of medias happen to typically
attract one sex and can often portray men and women very differently, now to have the idea how this
works the male and female characters that are made to appeal a man is a male gaze, and the male and
female characters that is also targeted towards women is a female gaze.

Starting from the male gaze you can see all those movies or fiction where the men is more dominant
than the women that is their love interest. Most men created for the male gaze tend to perform more
masculinity side while the women is just here to appeal their love interest most of them are just there to
exist and be the appeal. You could see them more often in a rappers music video where women is just
there existing as they are some kind of props. By doing this it will attract more male audience and
furthermore more profit. This is also known as fan service, which is used for both men and women
desire. Megan fox the Hollywood star of 2000’s is a big example of a male gaze as she got quite many
roles to attract more male audience using her sexual appeal. In her own scene of the movie
transformers where she seems to be checking out a car the camera views her in a way that men would
desire. This informs the real women that they should appear as desirable as possible 24/7

When it comes to female gaze the main idea is still the same, an attractive male precense being
dismembered to female pleasure. An example of this could be male kpop idols

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