Legend of The Five Rings Second City Boxed Set Technique Cards

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indt 2 4/9/10 3:17:28 PM

The Way of the Crab

Hida Bushi School • Rank 1


You may ignore TN penalties for wearing

heavy armor for all Skills except Stealth.
When using a Heavy Weapon, you gain a
bonus of +1k0 to the total of all damage rolls.

Technique Cards.indd 1 4/28/12 10:23 AM

The Mountain Does Not Move

Hida Bushi School • Rank 2


The Hida bushi is famous for extraordinary

tenacity, weathering wounds that
would kill normal men. You gain
Reduction equal to your Earth Ring.

Technique Cards.indd 2 4/28/12 10:23 AM

Two Pincers, One Mind

Hida Bushi School • Rank 3


A Hida bushi is relentless. You may make

attacks as a Simple Action instead of a
Complex Action while using Heavy Weapons
or weapons with the Samurai keyword.

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Devastating Blow

Hida Bushi School • Rank 4


Once per enounter, you may lower the enemy’s

Reduction by 4 for one attack. If successful, the
target is Dazed. The target may recover from
this with an Earth Ring Roll with a TN equal
to your damage roll, made during the Reactions
Stage. Each failed roll increases the TN by 5.

Technique Cards.indd 4 4/28/12 10:23 AM

The Mountain Does Not Fall

Hida Bushi School • Rank 5


You may spend a Void Point during the

Reactions Stage. During your next Turn,
you may take actions as if you were at the
Healthy Wound Rank. You ignore the
Dazed, Fatigued, and Stunned effects. This
benefit lasts until the next Reactions Stage.

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Gaze Into Shadow

Kuni Shugenja School

Affinity: Earth / Deficiency: Air

You gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all

Spell Casting Rolls that target any non-
human creature, and any spell that inflicts
damage inflicts an additional +1k1 when the
target has the Shadowlands Taint. You gain a
Free Raise on spells with the Jade keyword.

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Way of the Carp

Yasuki Courtier School • Rank 1


You gain a Free Raise when using the Commerce Skill,

and you do not lose Honor or Glory for using Commerce
even in public. Also, when speaking with someone,
you may make a Contested Roll using Commerce/
Perception against their Etiquette/Awareness to discern
some material object or service they want or desire.

Technique Cards.indd 7 4/28/12 10:23 AM

Do As We Say

Yasuki Courtier School • Rank 2


A number of times per session equal to

your School Rank, you may re-roll a failed
Sincerity or Intimidation Skill Roll. You
must keep the results of the second roll.

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Treasures of the Carp

Yasuki Courtier School • Rank 3


You may roll Commerce/Awareness at

TN 20 to locate a rare or useful item,
subject to GM discretion, for someone
else. You may track down higher-quality
or rarer items by calling Raises.

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Wiles of the Carp

Yasuki Courtier School • Rank 4


Anyone making a Social Skill Roll for

the purpose of lying to you or deceiving
you has their TN increased by an amount
equal to five times your School Rank.

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What Is Yours Is Mine

Yasuki Courtier School • Rank 5


If you know of a material item someone

needs, and arrange for them to get it, you
gain a bonus of +5k0 to any Contested
Social Skill Rolls you make against
that person for the next 24 hours.

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Torch Flame Flickers

Hiruma Bushi School • Rank 1


While you assume the Attack Stance, you

gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all
attack rolls. You are skilled at survival and
can make all good, water, and jade rations
last twice as long for a number of people
equal to your Hunting Skill Rank.

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Wolf’s Little Lesson

Hiruma Bushi School • Rank 2


While you assume the Attack Stance, you

add 5 to your Armor TN every time you hit
with a melee weapon. This bonus may stack a
number of times equal to your School Rank
and lasts until the end of the current skirmish.

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Hummingbird Wings

Hiruma Bushi School • Rank 3


Once per Round, you may activate this Technique

when an opponent targets you with an attack.
You gain a bonus of double your School Rank
to your Armor TN for that attack. This stacks
with any other Armor TN bonuses you gain from
other means (such as spending a Void Point).

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Shark Smells Blood

Hiruma Bushi School • Rank 4


Against a weakened opponent, a Hiruma

is a terrible foe indeed. You may make
attacks as a Simple Action instead
of a Complex Action w hen using a
weapon with the Samurai keyword.

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Daylight Wastes No Movement

Hiruma Bushi School • Rank 5


If you deliver more Wounds that necessary

to kill your target, you may apply the excess
Wounds to the next target you hit. This
Technique does not activate two attacks in
a row. The carry-over effect does not last
beyond the end of the current skirmish.

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The Way of the Crane

Kakita Bushi School • Rank 1


You add twice your Iaijutsu Skill Rank to all

Initiatiave Rolls. You gain a bonus of +1k1 plus
your School Rank to the total of all attack and
Focus rolls while assuming the Center Stance.
This bonus also applies during the Combat Round
following one in which you assumed Center Stance.

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Speed of Lightning

Kakita Bushi School • Rank 2


Enemies whoh are slow or weak of spirit are

doomed to failure. You gain a bonus of +2k0
to the total of all attack rolls made against
those with lower Initiative than your own.

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First and Last Strike

Kakita Bushi School • Rank 3


You may Strike first in a duel if you win

the Iaijutsu/Void roll by a difference of 3 or
higher. You gain a Free Raise on your Strike
for each additional margin of 3 instead of 5.

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One Strike, Two Cuts

Kakita Bushi School • Rank 4


With one pur strike, the advanced student

of Kakita’s techniques cuts his opponent
twice. You may make attacks as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action when
using weapons with the Samurai keyword.

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Strike with No Thought

Kakita Bushi School • Rank 5


You may take one Simple Action per Turn while

assuming Center Stance. You gain the benefits of
Center Stance while assuming it instead of the
following Turn, and you may remain in the Stance
as many consecutive Turns as desired. The Simple
Action you can take may be a Move Action.

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The Soul’s Gaze

Asahina Shugenja School

Affinity: Air / Deficiency: Fire

You may spend one Void Point to reduce all enemy

damage rolls made within 20’ of you by 0k1 for a
number of Rounds equal to your School Rank. (Reusing
this Technique before it expires simply restarts the
duration; the penalty does not stack.) You gain one
Free Raise on any spell with the Defense keyword.

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The Soul of Honor

Doji Courtier School • Rank 1


As long as you maintain your Honor Rank at 6.0 or higher, you

gain a Free Raise on all Courtier, Sincerity, and Etiquette rolls.
Also, by conversing with another person for a few minutes,
you can make a Contested Roll of Courtier (Manipulation)
/ Awareness against the target’s Etiquette (Courtesy) /
Awareness to learn whether they ar ein need of any favors
or assistance (such as needing travel papers, for instance).

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Speaking in Silence

Doji Courtier School • Rank 2


You can roll Courtier/Intelligence (TN 15) to

communicate simple ideas and instructions (such as
“distract them,” “this favors us,” “intercept that person,”
etc.) with any other Crane who is trained in the Doji
Courtier School or who has at least 5 ranks of Courtier.
More complex ideas can be conveyed with Raises, although
the GM is the final arbiter of how complex they can be.

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The Perfect Gift

Doji Courtier School • Rank 3


Any time you are in court or an urban area, you

can roll Courtier/Awareness (TN 20) to come up
with a suitable gift or favor for someone else. By
calling Raises on this roll, you can acquire a rarer
or more potent gift or favor. If such a gift/favor is
accepted, you may immediately take that person as
an Ally with a 1-point Devotion without XP cost.

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Voice of Honor

Doji Courtier School • Rank 4


In any debate or argument, you may make a Contested

Roll of Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness against
a target’s Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness. If you
win the roll, the opponent is forced to concede
that his position conflicts with the demands of
Honor and Bushido, and if he persists in his
position, he will commit a breach of etiquette.

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The Gift of the Lady

Doji Courtier School • Rank 5


By conversing with someone for a few minutes, you

may make a Contested Roll of Courtier (Manipulation)
/ Awareness against the target’s Etiquette (Courtesy)
/ Willpower. If the target is an Ally, you gain a bonus
of +5k0 to the total of this roll. With a success, you
shift the target’s emotions in a favorable direction,
persuading them to listen to your advice and counsel.

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The Force of Honor

Daidoji Iron Warriors • Rank 1


You gain a bonus of your Honor Rank

(rounded down) minus 4 to your Wounds
at each Wound Rank, to a minimum
bonus of one. Additionally, you gain a
bonus of +1k0 to the total of all attack
rolls while in the Attack Stance.

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The Shield of Faith

Daidoji Iron Warriors • Rank 2


When you perform the Guard Maneuver, the Armor

TN bonus of the Guard Maneuver is increased by
5. (This bonus applies to both your Armor TN
and your target’s Armor TN - thus, you suffer
no TN penalty when Guarding, and your target
gains a total bonus of +15 to his Armor TN.)

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Strike Beneath the Veil

Daidoji Iron Warriors • Rank 3


The Daidoji is an intractable foe,

devastating to face under any circumstances.
You may make melee attacks as a
Simple Action instead of a Complex
Action while in the Attack Stance.

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Vigilance of Mind

Daidoji Iron Warriors • Rank 4


You may spend a Void Point during the Reactions

Stage to target an opponent who has attempted
to strike at either you or the target of your Guard
Maneuver during the Round. You gain a bonus
of +2k1 to the total of all attack and damage rolls
against that opponent during the next Round.

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To Tread on the Sword

Daidoji Iron Warriors • Rank 5


You may spend two Void Points as a Free Action when someone
declares an action against the target of your Guard Maneuver. You
become the target of the action instead (if it would be a legal action).
You also gain one Free Action that you may use immediately for the
sole purpose of moving toward the target of your Guard Maneuver.
If you cannot reach your target, this Technique has no effect.

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The Way of the Dragon

Mirumoto Bushi School • Rank 1


When wielding a katana in your main hand and a

wakizashi in your off hand, you suffer no penalties of
any kind for dual wielding, and you gain a bonus of your
School Rank to your Armor TN (this is cumulative with
the normal bonus for wielding two weapons). Additionally,
when you are targeted with a spell, you may raise or
lower the TN of that spell’s Spell Casting Roll by 5.

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The Calm in the Midst of Thunder

Mirumoto Bushi School • Rank 2


While you assume the Center Stance, you

gain a bonus to the total of your Iaijutsu
rolls equal to your Kenjutsu Skill Rank.

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Strong and Swift

Mirumoto Bushi School • Rank 3


Attacking is a Simple Action rather

than a Complex Action when using
weapons with the Samurai keyword.

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Furious Retaliation

Mirumoto Bushi School • Rank 4


During the Reactions Stage of a Combat

Round, you may choose one opponent
who made or attempted an attack
against you this Round. During your
next Turn, you gain a bonus of +3k0
to all attack rolls against that target.

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Heart of the Dragon

Mirumoto Bushi School • Rank 5


If you attack twice in the same Turn while

you are wielding a katana in your main
hand and a wakizashi in your off hand,
you may make one additional attack
with your off hand as a Free Action.

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Flesh of the Elements

Tamori Shugenja School – Affinity: Earth / Deficiency: Air

You may expend one spell slot to store a spell you know that has the Area of Effect “one
target person” or “one target creature” in a potion, to be activated later. This stored spell
may be activated instantly by anyone holding the potion by expending a Simple Action
to drink it or a Complex Action to throw it (depending upon the spell’s target), using
Athletics (Throwing) / Agility. Spells stored in this manner may be stored indefinately, but
count against your spell slots per day for each day that they continue to await activation.
Creating a potion in this manner requires a number of hours equal to the stored spell’s
Mastery Level. You also gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Craft keyword.

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Kitsuki’s Method

Kitsuki Investigator School • Rank 1


You gain a Free Raise on all your Investigation

Skill Rolls. However, while the Kitsuki are
trained for investigation and diplomacy, unlike
other courtiers they do not wholly neglect the
ways of the warrior. In a skirmish, you add your
Perception Trait Rank to your Armor TN.

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Wisdom the Wind Brings

Kitsuki Investigator School • Rank 2


Anyone making a Social Skill Roll for

the purpose of lying to you or otherwise
deceiving you, or making a Feint or Disarm
Maneuver against you in a skirmish,
must add +5 to their TN for each of your
Kitsuki Investigator School Ranks.

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Know the Rhythm of the Heart

Kitsuki Investigator School • Rank 3


After speaking with someone for a few moments, you can roll
Investigation (Notice) / Perception against a TN equal to the target’s
Intelligence x 5. A success grants you a true and accurate, if simple,
picture of their personality and motivations. For example, you
might perceive that a boisterous ronin is actually a calculating man
who is trying to put on the picture of being a rude, simple fellow.

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Finding the Path

Kitsuki Investigator School • Rank 4


By conversing with someone for a few minutes, you can make a

Contested Roll using your Investigation (Interrogation) / Intelligence
against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Intelligence to identify one
of their allies or enemies. Each successful Raise you make on this
roll will identify one additional ally or enemy (your choice). This
Technique can be used against an individual only once per day.

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The Eyes Betray the Heart

Kitsuki Investigator School • Rank 5


At this rank, any knowing attempt to lie to you will almost certainly fail. You
automatically make a Contested Roll of your Investigation (Interrogation)
/ Perception against the liar’s Sincerity (Deceit) / Willlpower, whether
or not you suspect them of lying. Further, if you already know someone
is lying to you, you gain a bonus of +5k0 on this Contested Roll, and
may call Raises on the roll in an attempt to make them inadvertantly
give away more information than they intended (GM’s choice).

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Blood of the Kami

Togashi Tattooed Monk • Rank 1


The blood of the Kami is barely diluted in

the ruling line of the Togashi order, and
the brothers chosen to serve the Dragon as
Togashi vessels receive the mystical blood
of a god in the form of unique tattoos.
You gain two Tattoos at this rank.

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Body of Stone

Togashi Tattooed Monk • Rank 2


Mastery of the body is the first step of a

monk’s journey toward enlightenment,
and martial arts are the perfect tool to
bring the body and spirit into harmony.
You gain a bonus of +1k1 to the total of
all unarmed attack and damage rolls.

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Blessing of the Kami

Togashi Tattooed Monk • Rank 3


As an ise zumi continues his journey of

self-discovery, accumulating new experiences
along the way, he will eventually be judged
worthy of additional insight in the form of
new tattoos. You gain two additional tattoos.

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Will of Stone

Togashi Tattooed Monk • Rank 4


Perfect mastery of the flesh is an indication

that a soul’s journey is nearing its end. You
may make unarmed attacks as a Simple
Action rather than a Complex Action.

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Touch of the Kami

Togashi Tattooed Monk • Rank 5


Insight into the true nature of the universe is

the reward for a soul that seeks true mastery
of the spirit. You gain two additional tattoos.

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The Way of the Lion

Akodo Bushi School • Rank 1


You may either ignore the portion of an opponent’s Armor TN derived

from armor (not Reduction), or gain a Free Raise when attacking.
Also, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all attack rolls on your
first melee attack against an opponent in a skirmish, or against any
opponent who has declared a Raise on an attack against you since
your last Turn. You add only a total of 1k0 for an enemy who Raised
against you, no matter how many times they actually Raised.

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Strength of Purity

Akodo Bushi School • Rank 2


During a skirmish you may add your

Honor Rank to the total of any single roll
during your Turn. You may not increase
damage rolls in this fashion, nor can you
do this while assuming the Center Stance.

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Strength of My Ancestors

Akodo Bushi School • Rank 3


You may make attacks as a Simple Action

rather than a Complex Action while using
weapons with the Samurai keyword.

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Triumph Before Battle

Akodo Bushi School • Rank 4


Once per skirmish, you may designate

an opponent during the Reactions
Stage. You may ignore any Armor TN
bonuses your target receives from his
Stance during the next Round.

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Akodo’s Final Lesson

Akodo Bushi School • Rank 5


When you make Raises on any Bugei

Skill Roll, if you meet or exceed the
original TN (before Raises) but feel to
meet the Raised TN, you still succeed
without the benefit of Raises.

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Eye of the Ancestors

Kitsu Shugenja School

Affinity: Water / Deficiency: Fire

You may make a Spell Casting Roll (as though casting a Water spell)
against a target’s Willpower x 5. If successful, you learn all Spiritual
Advantages or Disadvantages that individual possesses. By spending a
Void Point, you may negate any one Spiritual Advantage an opponent
possesses for a number of minutes equal to your School Rank. You
also gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Battle keyword.

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The Herald of Glory

Ikoma Bard School • Rank 1


You gain the Precise Memory Advantage for no cost. You may
use the Perform: Storytelling Skill to engage in public bragging
on behalf of another person. If you can cite heroic or noble
actions by that person and successfully roll Perform: Storytelling
/ Awareness (TN 20), that person will gain a number of points
of Glory equal to your School Rank. This may be done a number
of times per person per month equal to your School Rank.

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The Heart of the Lion

Ikoma Bard School • Rank 2


You do not lose Honor or Glory for displaying emotion in

public, as long as you do so on behalf of another Lion or for
an honorable cause greater than yourself. At the same time,
your understanding of both honor and emotion strengthens
your soul against temptation. Anyone attempting to sway your
emotions through the use of the Intimidation or Temptations
Skills must add +5 to their TN for each of your School Ranks.

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The Voice of the Ancestors

Ikoma Bard School • Rank 3


Prior to a battle or skirmish, you may inspire your allies by

speaking for a few minutes and rolling Perform: Oratory
/ Awareness at a TN equal to 5 + 5 per person you are
inspiring. Targets who are not members of the Lion Clan
increase the TN by 5 per person. With a successful roll,
each person you inspired may add their Honor Rank to the
total of any one Skill Roll during that battle or skirmish.

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The Strength of Tradition

Ikoma Bard School • Rank 4


A number of times per session equal to your School Rank, as

a Simple Action, you may verbally encourage an ally with a
tale of great deeds from the past, rolling Perform: Storytelling
/ Awareness (TN 25). With a success, the next time during
the same day that the chosen ally fails a roll, he may re-roll it,
adding your Honor Rank in unkept dice to his roll. However,
if he fails this second roll, you lose 2 points of Honor.

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Every Lion Is Your Brother

Ikoma Bard School • Rank 5


Five times per session, when you are making

a Contested Social Skill Roll, you may cite
historical precedent to support your views
and roll additional unkept dice equal to
your Rank in Perform: Storytelling.

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The Lion’s Roar

Matsu Berserker School • Rank 1


You add your Honor Rank to all damage rolls.

Whenver you assume the Full Attack Stance,
you may move an additional 5 feet per Turn
in addition to the bonus you receive from
the Stance. (This does not allow you to move
farther than your maximum move per Turn.)

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Matsu’s Fury

Matsu Berserker School • Rank 2


When you assume the Full Attack Stance, choose an opponent within
30’. If you successfully hit him this Turn, the target is frozen with fear
and cannot take Move Actions to move from his current position. During
the Reactions Stage, an affected opponent may attempt a Willpower Roll
against a TN equal to the damage dealt by your latest attack to negate the
effects of this Technique. (Wound Rank penalties do not affect this roll.)
If he fails, the effects of this Technique end during the next Reactions
Stage. Enemies immune to Fear cannot be affected by this Technique.

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The Lion’s Charge

Matsu Berserker School • Rank 3


When a Lion strikes, he grants the gift

of final rest to all who stand against him.
You may make melee attacks as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action.

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Matsu’s Courage

Matsu Berserker School • Rank 4


You ignore TN penalties from Wound Ranks

equal to your Honor Rank, or twice your
Honor Rank while in the Full Attack Stance.

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The Lion’s Victory

Matsu Berserker School • Rank 5


Once per encounter after you roll damage for

an attack, you may spend a Void Point as a
Free Action to activate this Technique. You
rend the opponent, ripping open his wounds
and dealing grievous injury to him. All of the
dice you chose to keep explode, re-rolling
and adding the result to your damage total.

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The Way of the Mantis

Yoritomo Bushi School • Rank 1


You suffer no penalties to movement or attacks for

rough or uneven terrain. You do not lose Glory or
Honor when using improvised weapons or weapons with
the Peasant keyword in combat. You suffer no penalties
for fighting with a Small or Medium weapon in your
off-hand if that weapon has the Peasant keyword.
Finally, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to all attack rolls.

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Voice of the Storm

Yoritomo Bushi School • Rank 2


Every time you hit an opponent in melee,

his Armor TN is reduced by 5. This penalty
only applies to your attacks, and lasts for 2
Rounds. This Technique is cumulative (a
number of times equal to your School Rank),
and the duration resets with each application.

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Strike of the Mantis

Yoritomo Bushi School • Rank 3


A Yoritomo strikes as swiftly as the storm. You

may make attacks as a Simple Action rather
than a Complex Action when using weapons
with the Samurai or Peasant keyword.

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The Rolling Wave

Yoritomo Bushi School • Rank 4


If you move at least 5 feet, you gain a bonus

of +10 to your Armor TN until your next
Turn. You may sacrifice this bonus during
your Turn before you roll for any attack to
gain two Free Raises that may only be used
to perform the Knockdown Maneuver.

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Hand of Osano-Wo

Yoritomo Bushi School • Rank 5


You may choose to activate this Technique by

spending a Void Point as a Free Action. You
keep an additional number of damage dice
equal to your Strength. If these attacks hit a
Prone target, you gain a bonus of +0k2 to the
total of your damage rolls against that target.

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Favor of the Sun

Moshi Shugenja School

Affinity: Air / Deficiency: Earth

During the day, you gain an additional

Affinity for Fire spells. This benefit is lost
at night. You also gain a Free Raise on
any spells with the Thunder keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 70 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Duty Before Honor

Yoritomo Courtier School • Rank 1


You do not lose Glory or Honor for using the

Commerce Skill in public, and you do not lose
Honor for using the Intimidation (Control) Skill.
Any time you are making Social Skill Rolls against
ronin, bandits, gang members, mercenaries,
pirates, and other lawless types, you gain a number
of Free Raises equal to your School Rank.

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Storm Heart

Yoritomo Courtier School • Rank 2


When you use Intimidation (Control) Skill,

your Willpower is considered to be one
Rank higher. When you use the Intimidation
(Control) Skill against a samurai with lower
Status Rank than you, your Willpower is
considered two Ranks higher instead.

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Command the Winds

Yoritomo Courtier School • Rank 3


A number of times per session equal to

your School Rank, if you have failed
a Sincerity Social Skill Roll, you may
re-roll it as an Intimidation (Control)
Social Skill Roll instead. You must take
the result of the Intimidation roll.

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Will of the Storm

Yoritomo Courtier School • Rank 4


When initiating a conversation with someone, you may

make a Contested Roll using your Intimidation (Control) /
Willpower against his Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. If
you win the roll, he cannot spend any Void Points against
you for the next hour. Also, during that time he suffers a
-3k0 penalty to all Social Skill Rolls made against you. (This
Technique cannot be used again until its effect expires.)

Technique Cards.indd 74 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Strength in All Things

Yoritomo Courtier School • Rank 5


Any time you are attempting to use the

Intimidation Skill against someone else,
or are rolling to resist an Intimidation or
Temptation Skill Roll or a Fear effect,
you gain a bonus of +5k0 to the roll.

Technique Cards.indd 75 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Always Be Ready

Tsuruchi Archer School • Rank 1


You gain a bonus of +1k0 to the

total of all attack rolls while using a
bow. Additionally, you gain a bonus
of +3 to your Initiative Score.

Technique Cards.indd 76 6/19/13 11:33 AM

The Arrow Knows the Way

Tsuruchi Archer School • Rank 2


You gain one Free Raise that can

only be used to make the Called Shot
Maneuver. Additionally, you gain a
bonus of +2k0 to the total of all damage
rolls made while using a bow.

Technique Cards.indd 77 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Sting of the Wasp

Tsuruchi Archer School • Rank 3


Tsuruchi’s technique teaches its

students uncanny speed. You may make
attacks as a Simple Action instead of a
Complex Action when using a bow.

Technique Cards.indd 78 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Flight of No Mind

Tsuruchi Archer School • Rank 4


Once per skirmish, you may spend a Void Point as a

Complex Action to shoot an arrow that knows exactly
where it must go. This attack ignores all effects of armor,
as well as any penalties from Wound Ranks or visibility.
You may make Raises but you cannot perform the Extra
Attack Maneuver for this attack. You may not fire at a target
that is out of your bow’s normal range using this attack.

Technique Cards.indd 79 6/19/13 11:33 AM

Tsuruchi’s Eye

Tsuruchi Archer School • Rank 5


You may make a ranged attack as a

Complex Action to gain a bonus of +4k1
to the total of both the attack and damage
rolls. You may not use this Technique in
conjunction with Flight of No-Mind.

Technique Cards.indd 80 6/19/13 11:33 AM

The Way of the Phoenix

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 1


When spending a Void Point to gain a +1k1

bonus on a roll, you may choose to spend
2 Void Points and gain +2k2 on the roll
instead. You may Guard as a Free Action;
however, if you do so, your target only
adds +5 to his Armor TN instead of +10.

Technique Cards.indd 81 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Dancing with the Elements

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 2


When you assume your Stance for the Round, you may
choose a target within 30’. Whenever your target casts
or is the target of a spell, you may choose to increase or
decrease the TN of the spell by 5. Additionally, whenever
you are the target of a spell, you may immeditely choose
to increase or decrease the TN of the spell by 5.

Technique Cards.indd 82 4/28/12 10:24 AM

One with the Void

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 3


This Technique automatically activates during the Reactions

Stage of combat if another character spent a Void Point
during this Round. You regain a Void Point. This Void Point
may exceed your maximum, but all excess Void Points are lost
after combat resolves. You do not learn anything regarding
the source of the Void Point or how it was originally
spent. This Technique only activates twice per skirmish.

Technique Cards.indd 83 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Move with the World

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 4


Serenity brings certainty, and certainty

brings speed. You may make attacks as
a Simple Action instead of a Complex
Action while using Polearms, Spears, or
weapons with the Samurai keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 84 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Move with the World

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 4


Serenity brings certainty, and certainty

brings speed. You may make attacks as
a Simple Action instead of a Complex
Action while using Polearms, Spears, or
weapons with the Samurai keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 85 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Touch of the Void

Shiba Bushi School • Rank 5


For every Void Point you spend, you gain

the effects of spending two, when applicable.
Additionally, you may now spend Void
Points on enhancements twice in one Turn.

Technique Cards.indd 86 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Isawa’s Gift

Isawa Shugenja School

Affinity: Any / Deficiency: None

There are no greater masters of the

shugenja tradition than those of the
Isawa. You gain a Free Raise on all Spell
Casting Rolls for spells of the element
which you choose as your Affinity.

Technique Cards.indd 87 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Temple of the Soul

Asako Loremaster • Rank 1


You gain a Free Raise on any Skill Roll

with a Lore Skill. Any time you spend
a Void Point on an Etiquette Skill Roll,
you gain a bonus of +3k1 to the total of
the roll instead of the normal +1k1.

Technique Cards.indd 88 4/28/12 10:24 AM

From the Ashes

Asako Loremaster • Rank 2


After spending at least one day observing the events in a

particular court, you can roll Lore: History / Perception (TN
20) to gain a bonus of +2k0 to the total of all your Social Skill
Rolls for the next two days, so long as you remain in that court.
(This Technique’s effect can be reactivated with another Skill
Roll when it expires - it is not necessary to spend additional
days observing so long as you remain in the same court.)

Technique Cards.indd 89 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Voice of the Universe

Asako Loremaster • Rank 3


You may spend an hour conversing with a friend or ally and then
roll Lore: History / Intelligence (TN 25). With a success, that
ally may add your Lore: History Skill Rank to the total of all
Social Skill Rolls he makes within the next 24 hours. You may
Raise twice to affect one additional ally, provided that ally also
participated in the same conversation. (This Technique cannot
be used on the same person again until its effect expires.)

Technique Cards.indd 90 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Invincible Mind

Asako Loremaster • Rank 4


Any time you make a Contested Social Skill Roll to resist

someone trying to influence your emotions, opinions,
or behavior, you may reroll using Intelligence as the
Trait for the second roll in place of whichever Trait was
originally required. You must keep the results of the
second roll. This Technique cannot be used to resist Fear.

Technique Cards.indd 91 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Wisdom of the Ages

Asako Loremaster • Rank 5


At this rank, the Asako truly demonstrate that

the wisdom of the Phoenix is eternal. Any
time you are rolling a Lore Skill, including
for your other School Techniques, you gain
a bonus of +5k0 to the total of the roll.

Technique Cards.indd 92 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Elements of All Things

Agasha Shugenja School

Affinity: Fire / Deficiency: Water

When casting a spell, you may spend a Void

Point to use a different Ring of your choosing
rather than the appropriate Ring for that spell.
This spell uses a spell slot for the Ring used
to actually cast the spell. You also gain a Free
Raise on any spell with the Craft keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 93 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Way of the Scorpion

Bayushi Bushi School • Rank 1


You gain a bonus of +1k1 to your

Initiative Rolls. You also gain a bonus
of +5 to your Armor TN against any
opponent with a lower Initiative.

Technique Cards.indd 94 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Pincers and Tail

Bayushi Bushi School • Rank 2


The infamous Scorpion feint has been

the demise of many foolhardy samurai.
You may make the Feint Maneuver
for one Raise instead of two.

Technique Cards.indd 95 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Strike at the Tail

Bayushi Bushi School • Rank 3


When you assume a Stance at the start of your Turn, you

may choose a target within 30’. If you successfully hit
him during your Turn, the target is Fatigued as if he had
gone without rest for 24 hours. During the Reactions
Stage, an affected opponent may attempt an Earth Ring
Roll (TN 25) to negate the effects of this Technique. If
he fails, the effects end during the next Reactions Stage.

Technique Cards.indd 96 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Strike from Above, Strike from Below

Bayushi Bushi School • Rank 4


You may make melee attacks as a Simple

Action rather than a Complex Action.

Technique Cards.indd 97 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Pincers Hold, the Tail Strikes

Bayushi Bushi School • Rank 5


Once per encounter, you may spend a Void Point as a Complex

Action to attack your opponent with a melee weapon. If
the attack is successful, the target is Stunned. During the
Reactions Stage, an affected opponent may attempt an Earth
Ring Roll with a TN equal to the amount of damage suffered
to end the Stun effect. If he fails or does not attempt the roll,
the Stun effect ends during the next Reactions Stage.

Technique Cards.indd 98 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Kami’s Whisper

Soshi Shugenja School

Affinity: Air / Deficiency: Earth

You may sacrifice an additional spell slot (of the same

Element) when casting any spell with no potential to inflict
damage in order to eliminate all visible signs of the spell
having been cast. All spell effects take place normally; there
is simply no outward sign of what has happened. You also
gain one Free Raise on any spell with the Illusion keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 99 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Weakness is my Strength

Bayushi Courtier School • Rank 1


When making a Contested Social Roll against

an opponent, gain a Free Raise to the roll for
every 3 points of Mental or Social Disadvantages
the opponent possesses, to a maximum of 5.
Gain a Free Raise when using the Courtier skill
to gossip. You do not need to Raise in order
to conceal that you are the source of gossip.

Technique Cards.indd 100 6/19/13 11:32 AM

Shallow Waters

Bayushi Courtier School • Rank 2


By conversing with someone for a few minutes, you can

make a Contested Roll of your Investigation / Awareness
against their Etiquette / Awareness. With a success,
you learn the identity and rank of their lowest Mental
Trait and their lowest Social Skill that has at least one
Rank. You may spend a Void Point to also learn their
next lowest Mental Trait and next lowest Social Skill.

Technique Cards.indd 100 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Secrets Are Birthmarks

Bayushi Courtier School • Rank 3


By speaking with someone for a few minutes, you may make a Contested
Roll of your Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness against their Etiquette
(Courtesy) / Awareness to force them into revealing one Mental or
Social Disadvantage they possess. If they have none, this will instead
reveal a Mental or Social Advantage. If the roll succeeded in revealing a
Disadvantage, with the GM’s permission you may take a 2-point Blackmail
Advantage against this individual for no cost in Experience Points.

Technique Cards.indd 101 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Scrutiny’s Sweet Sting

Bayushi Courtier School • Rank 4


Any time you make a Contested Social Skill Roll

against someone on whom you have Blackmail,
his dice cannot explode. In addition, any time
you make a Contested Social Skill Roll against
someone, you may spend a Void Point to force
them to use a Mental Trait of your choice rather
than the one normally associated with the roll.

Technique Cards.indd 102 4/28/12 10:24 AM

No More Masks

Bayushi Courtier School • Rank 5


A number of times per session equal to your School Rank, you may make a
Contested Roll using your Courtier (Gossip) / Awareness against an opponent’s
Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness. If you have Blackmail on this person,
you gain a bonus of +5k0 to the total. With a success, you may inflict one
Disadvantage on the target: Bad Reputation, Sworn Enemy, or Obligation
(to someone of your choice). This Disadvantage lasts for one month. This
Technique cannot be used on the same target again until its effects expire.

Technique Cards.indd 103 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Path of Shadows

Shosuro Infiltrator School • Rank 1


You lose no Honor for use of Low Skills

or Ninjutsu Weapons in the service
of the Scorpion Clan (subject to GM
approval). You gain a bonus of +2k0 to
the total of all Stealth Skill Rolls.

Technique Cards.indd 104 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Strike from Darkness

Shosuro Infiltrator School • Rank 2


Whenever you declare an attack against an opponent who is unaware

of your presence until the moment of the attack, your Raises are
not limited by your Void Ring and you roll additional dice equal
to your School Rank on the attack roll. You also roll half this
number of additional unkept dice on an attack roll against any
opponent suffering from a Condition effect. These two effects are
not cumulative, and if both could apply, you must choose one.

Technique Cards.indd 105 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Steel within Silk

Shosuro Infiltrator School • Rank 3


When attacking from an ambush as described

in Rank 2, or when using Ninjutsu weapons,
you may make a melee attack (or ranged
attack using shuriken or tsubute) as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action.

Technique Cards.indd 106 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Whisper of Steel

Shosuro Infiltrator School • Rank 4


Even after attacking a target, your opponents

and bystanders must succeed at a Contested
Roll using Investigation (Notice) / Perception
against your Stealth / Agility to detect
you. You may only use this Technique if
you make a single attack per round.

Technique Cards.indd 107 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Final Silence

Shosuro Infiltrator School • Rank 5


After you make a damage roll as a result of a

successful attack, you may spend a Void Point to
increase any two dice to show 10s. These 10s do
not explode. You may spend multiple Void Points
in this manner, with each Void Point spent
increasing the result of up to two damage dice.

Technique Cards.indd 108 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Way of the Spider

Daigotsu Bushi School • Rank 1


At the beginning of each Round, you may choose to either

reduce TN penalties from Wound Ranks by your Strength
Trait Rank plus your Taint Rank until the end of the
Round, or increase your damage rolls by the same amount.
Additionally, the TN on any roll made to detect the presence
or effects of the Shadowlands Taint on you is increased by 10.

Technique Cards.indd 109 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Aura of Blood

Daigotsu Bushi School • Rank 2


You may spend a Void Point as a Simple Action to activate

this Technique. While this Technique is active, you and all
of your allies within 30’ add +2k0 to the total of all damage
rolls. This lasts for a number of Rounds equal to your
Shadowlands Taint plus your Strength. This bonus is not
cumulative with other applications of Aura of Blood. Using
thish Technique while under its effects refreshes the duration.

Technique Cards.indd 110 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Ashura’s Wing

Daigotsu Bushi School • Rank 3


The Daigotsu Bushi moves and strikes as

swiftly as ash borne away by the wind.
You may make melee attacks as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action.

Technique Cards.indd 111 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Devouring Wrath

Daigotsu Bushi School • Rank 4


Any time you hit an opponent in melee, you

immediately regain 5 Wounds. Thish can
potentially grant additional Wounds beyond
your normal maximum, but this bonus
will not increase over 20 Wounds. Excess
Wounds are lost at the end of the skirmish.

Technique Cards.indd 112 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Inhuman Assault

Daigotsu Bushi School • Rank 5


Once per skirmish, you may launch a series of bone-shattering

blows by making a melee attack as a Complex Action. This attack
ignores the bonuses and effects of armor (including Reduction) and
any Stance the target assumes. If the strike hits, the target cannot
gain the bonuses of armor or Stance to his Armor TN for a number
of Rounds equal to your Taint Rank plus your Strength. If your
opponent is in Full Attack, he retains the -10 penalty to Armor TN.

Technique Cards.indd 113 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Blood Like Water

Chuda Shugenja School

Affinity: Maho (non-Void) / Deficiency: See p. 213

When casting a maho spell, you may declare one Raise to conceal the
corrupted nature of th emagic. The spell functions exactly as normal, but
there will be no outward sign that it is anything other than traditional
elemental magic. You may declare a second Raise to reduce all Shadowlands
Taint normally acquired by a maho spell to only one point, regardless of
the spell’s Mastery Level. Alternatively, you may sacrifice one point of
Honor to reduce all Taint normally acquired by the spell to one Point.

Technique Cards.indd 114 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Insidious Whispers

Daigotsu Courtier School • Rank 1


You gain a Free Raise when using Sincerity (Deceit).

Any rolls made to detect your Taint (such as
Kuni Techniques) have their TN increased by an
amount equal to your School Rank x 5. You add
your School Rank to your Honor Rank whenever
another is attempting to discern your Honor Rank.

Technique Cards.indd 115 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Cracks in the Wall

Daigotsu Courtier School • Rank 2


Any time you are engaged in conversation, you may

spend a Void Point and make a Courtier (Manipulation)
/ Awareness roll as a Simple Action (TN 25) to force
everyone within 20 feet of you to suffer a penalty of
-1k1 to all their Etiquette and Perform Skill Rolls for
the next hour. They are not aware of the source for
their lack of focus. This effect cannot be stacked.

Technique Cards.indd 116 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Darkness Cannot Be Trapped

Daigotsu Courtier School • Rank 3


Any time you are the focus of suspicion or accusation, you may spend
a Void Point as a Simple Action to try to shift the blame to someone
else who is present at the moment of the accusation. You must make
a Contested Roll using Sincerity (Deceit) / Awareness versus the
victim’s Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness in order to make the shifting
work. With success, everyone who heard you will believe your target
is the real culprit until presented solid evidence to the contrary.

Technique Cards.indd 117 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Touch of Sin

Daigotsu Courtier School • Rank 4


A number of times per session equal to your School Rank, you may speak
with someone for a few minutes and then make a Contested Roll of your
Courtier (Manipulation) / Willpower versus your target’s Etiquette (Courtesy)
/ Willpower. If you succeed, they acquire one of the seven Consumed by
Shourido Disadvantages for a number of hours equal to your School Rank. By
calling two successful Raises on your roll, you can inflict a second Consumed
by Shourido Disadvantage on the same person for the same period of time.

Technique Cards.indd 118 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Embrace of Darkness

Daigotsu Courtier School • Rank 5


By speaking with someone for at least fifteen minutes, you may make a Contested
Roll of your Sincerity (Deceit) / Awareness versusu their Etiquette (Courtesy) /
Perception. If your target has a Consumed by Shourido Disadvantage, you gain
a bonus of +5k0 on the roll. With a success, you may convince your target to
treat some other person, group, institution, or clan as an enemy. This cannot be
used to turn someone against his lord or Emperor. Subject to that limitation,
the target will continue to believe in this enemity until presented with evidence
to the contrary. This may not be used on one target more than once a month.

Technique Cards.indd 119 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Dark Path

Order of the Spider Monk • Rank 1


You gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total

of all attack rolls made using unarmed
strikes or with polearms. You also
add twice your School Rank to your
Armor TN against all melee attacks.

Technique Cards.indd 120 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Drawing in the Strike

Order of the Spider Monk • Rank 2


You may select any non-Void Ring. You gain

Reduction equal to this Ring, plus your Rank
in the Shadowlands Taint, if you possess any.

Technique Cards.indd 121 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Speed of Darkness

Order of the Spider Monk • Rank 3


When using a polearm or an unarmed attack,

you may make melee attacks as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action.

Technique Cards.indd 122 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Guarded by Chi

Order of the Spider Monk • Rank 4


When you learn this Technique, you may select

any one non-Void Ring. You add twice your
Rank in this Ring, plus your Shadowlands
Taint Rank if you possess it, to the TN of
any spell being cast against you. You may
choose to supress this effect if you wish.

Technique Cards.indd 123 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Darkness Unleashed

Order of the Spider Monk • Rank 5


You gain an additional number of Void Points

per day equal to your Shadowlands Taint rank
or your Earth Ring, whichever is higher. These
may be spent exactly like regular Void Points,
except they may also be spent to add a bonus
of +1k1 to the total of your damage rolls.

Technique Cards.indd 124 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Way of the Unicorn

Moto Bushi School • Rank 1


You may wield any two-handed weapon with

one hand (except for bows). You gain a bonus
of +1k0 to damage rolls made while mounted,
using a scimitar, or while using a two-handed
melee weapon. These bonuses do not stack.
Scimitars have the Samurai keyword for you.

Technique Cards.indd 125 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Shinsei’s Smile

Moto Bushi School • Rank 2


You take advantage of your opponent’s

weakened state, gaining a bonus to your attack
rolls equal to half of his Wound Rank TN
penalties, rounded down. If your opponent
is in the Crippled Wound Rank, you gain
a bonus of +10 to the total of attack rolls.

Technique Cards.indd 126 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Desert Wind Strike

Moto Bushi School • Rank 3


You may make melee attacks as a

Simple Action instead of a Complex
Action when using a melee weapon.

Technique Cards.indd 127 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Charge of Madness

Moto Bushi School • Rank 4


Once per skirmish, if you successfully bring a

target down to the Out Wound Rank, you may
immediately make an additional attack as a Free
Action. This attack may not target the same
opponent as the attack that activated this Technique.
You may not make Raises on this attack.

Technique Cards.indd 128 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Moto Cannot Yield

Moto Bushi School • Rank 5


While mounted or assuming the Full Attack

Stance, you may keep an additional number
of damage dice equal to half your Strength,
rounded down. You only gain this bonus
while wielding a two-handed weapon or
a weapon with the Samurai keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 129 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Spirit of the Wind

Iuchi Shugenja School

Affinity: Water / Deficiency: Fire

As a Complex Action, you may sacrifice one spell slot of any

element to grant on target individual an additional Simple
Move Action. This Simple Move Action is in addition to the
target’s normal Actions per Round. The additional Action
must be used on the target’s next Turn or it is lost. You also
gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Travel keyword.

Technique Cards.indd 130 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Heart Speaks

Ide Emissary School • Rank 1


In any situation in which you might inadvertantly

give offense, whether through accident or ignorance,
you may roll Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness (TN
20) to avoid doing so. You gain a Free Raise when
rolling Sincerity (Honesty), but any time you roll
Sincerity (Deceit), your TN is increased by +5.

Technique Cards.indd 131 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Piercing the Veils

Ide Emissary School • Rank 2


You may attempt to read someone else’s true emtions

in a social situation by making a Contested Roll
using your Etiquette/Awareness against the target’s
Etiquette/Willpower. With a success, you gain a simple,
general idea of their true feelings. You may Raise for
better information, subject to the GM’s approval.

Technique Cards.indd 132 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Heart Listens

Ide Emissary School • Rank 3
You may attempt to sway someone’s attitude toward you in a positive
direction. This requires at least 10 minutes in conversation, after which you
may make a Contested Roll using your Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness
against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, you shift
their attitude toward you in a positive direction. If you make at least two
Raises on this roll, the target will regard you as an Ally for the remainder
of the day. This Technique cannot be used on Sworn Enemies and may
not be possible against some non-human creatures (GM’s discretion).

Technique Cards.indd 133 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Answering the Heart

Ide Emissary School • Rank 4


When using your Rank Two and Rank

Three Techniques, you may roll additional
unkept dice equal to your School Rank.

Technique Cards.indd 134 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Immovable Hand of Peace

Ide Emissary School • Rank 5


You may spend a Void Point to make a Contested Skill Roll of your
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness against your opponent’s Etiquette
(Courtesy) / Awareness. If you win the roll, the target cannot take
any hostile action against you for a number of hours equal to twice
your School Rank, as long as you likewise refrain from hostility
against this person. This Technique does not work against those with
an Honor Rank less than 2.0, or who possess no Honor Rank.

Technique Cards.indd 135 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Riding in Harmony

Utaku Battle Maiden • Rank 1


You gain a bonus equal to your Honor

Rank to one attack roll per Round. While
mounted, you may instead choose to apply
this bonus to one damage roll if you choose.
You gain a bonus equal to your Honor Rank
to the total of all Horsemanship rolls.

Technique Cards.indd 136 4/28/12 10:24 AM

The Void of War

Utaku Battle Maiden • Rank 2


During Stage 1 of any Combat Round, you

may add 5 to either your Initiative Score or
your Armor TN. This bonus lasts until you
use this Technique again or skirmish ends.

Technique Cards.indd 137 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Sensing the Breeze

Utaku Battle Maiden • Rank 3


The natural feel of the saddle lends an Utaku

unnatural freedom of movement. While
mounted, you may make attacks as a Simple
Action instead of a Complex Action.

Technique Cards.indd 138 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Wind Never Stops

Utaku Battle Maiden • Rank 4


While mounted, you may overrun the enemy by spending

a Void Point. You may take a Simple Action to charge
the enemy and attack him at the end of your movement.
(Both the movement and the attack are part of the same
Simple Action.) If this attack succeeds, you gain a bonus
of +2k1 to the total of all damage rolls this Turn.

Technique Cards.indd 139 4/28/12 10:24 AM

Otaku’s Blessing

Utaku Battle Maiden • Rank 5


At the beginning of your Turn, you may

spend a Void Point as a Free Action to
activate this Technique. You add your
Honor Rank to all damage rolls and Bugei
Skill Rolls this Turn. This bonus stacks
with those from Riding in Harmony.

Technique Cards.indd 140 4/28/12 10:24 AM

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