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Why do we need to study

International Relations?
Reasons to study IR(Henderson, 1998)
1. Security
• Everyone wants a sense of security, a feeling of well being and
freedom from harm.
• War is one of the most dreaded human experiences.
• Security threats today are not wars among great powers but
numerous smaller conflicts operating mostly inside countries and
scattered around the globe.
• i.e. Conflicts in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Syria, and many more.
• Arms races are still concern
• Terrorism is a global security threat
• The world still a dangerous place and no one has the complete
guarantee of security.
2. Global Economy
• Economic activity is a global phenomenon
• Countries around the world count on one another for t he functioning
of respective economies.
• Policies regulating trade and commerce i.e. GATT
• The global economy highlights the interdependence of today’s world.
• Countries are experiencing mutual dependence.
• Interruption may have negative results i.e. Oil supply interference
• The gap between the capitalist and communist countries is decaying.
• Globalism is now a trend. Countries are now divided into Rich
Industrial countries and “Third world” or Under-developing countries.
• Economic powers of rich and industrial countries.
• Economic exploitation
• Trade wars
3. Health and Human Rights Concerns
• People’s health can harm the world
• AIDS, Malaria, Dengue Fever, SARS, Ebola Virus, Corona Virus, etc.
• Factors that affect heath and well being of people beyond borders
• Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown
• Solid wastes problems
• Global Warming
• Human rights concerns also have drawn attention of many people to
the importance of IR. International organizations such as UN and
Amnesty International demonstrate welfare of people oppressed
around the world.
• Rohingya problem, Hongkong protests, Tibetan protest, etc.
• 4. Global Communication
• Electronic technology has created the “information age”.
• Ordinary citizens now become globally aware, including security,
economic, and health concerns

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