OB Mid-Term Assignment

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Organizational Behaviour Assignment

Topic – Motivating others - Selected Vignettes

Guided By – Dr. Vinit Singh Chauhan

Submitted by

Name Roll No.

Ashish Patel 2023510
Aditya Dixit 2023504

Case 1: The New Boss – Peer and Supervisor?

Lydia Geller faces the challenge of transitioning from a peer to a supervisor as she becomes the Vice
President of Business Development at The Alverstone Group. She grapples with maintaining
camaraderie while asserting her authority and wonders how her promotion will impact her personal
relationships within the organization. This case explores Lydia's journey, highlighting the importance
of open communication, setting clear expectations, and empowering her team to succeed in her new
leadership role.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis for Lydia's Transition to Vice President of Business Development:


1. Experience and expertise in the industry: Lydia has a strong background in business
development, which gives her credibility and knowledge in her new role.

2. Existing relationships with team members: As a former peer, Lydia already has established
connections with her team, which can facilitate communication and rapport.


1. Lack of managerial experience: Lydia may lack experience in leading and managing a team,
which could lead to uncertainty and challenges in her new role.

2. Potential conflict of interest: Lydia's close relationships with some team members might
affect her decision-making process, compromising her impartiality.


1. Building a cohesive team: Lydia has the opportunity to foster a strong sense of teamwork
and collaboration among her team members, leveraging their existing camaraderie.

2. Developing new skills: This new role presents a chance for Lydia to enhance her managerial
and leadership abilities, benefiting her professional growth.


1. Team dynamics and resistance: Some team members might struggle to accept Lydia's
transition from peer to manager, leading to resistance and potential friction within the team.

2. High expectations and pressure: As the new Vice President, Lydia may face heightened
expectations from senior management, adding pressure to perform.

Case issues and solutions

1. The main issue in this case is Lydia Geller's transition from being a peer to becoming the new
Vice President of Business Development at the Alverstone Group, where her former
colleagues and friends are now her direct reports. Lydia must navigate the challenges of
redefining her relationships with her team, striking the right balance between maintaining
camaraderie and asserting her authority, and ensuring a smooth and productive work
2. She is also concerned about potential conflicts of interest, resistance from team members,
and maintaining professionalism without compromising her personal relationships within the
3. The issue revolves around how Lydia can successfully lead her team while addressing these
complexities and potential pitfalls that come with the promotion.


To successfully navigate this transition and maintain positive relationships with her team, Lydia
should consider the following steps:

1. Open communication: Lydia should address her feelings of discomfort and apprehension
openly with her team. Acknowledging the change in dynamics and expressing her desire to
maintain a positive working relationship will create a foundation of trust and understanding.
She should create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their
thoughts without fear of alienation.

2. Lead by example: Lydia should strive to strike a balance between maintaining her previous
successful approach while adapting to the new managerial responsibilities. She can
demonstrate confidence and assertiveness without appearing insincere by being genuine
and considerate in her interactions.

3. Establish clear expectations: As a new manager, Lydia needs to establish clear expectations
and objectives for her team. She should communicate these expectations openly and ensure
that her team understands their roles and responsibilities under her leadership.

4. Fairness and impartiality: Lydia should make decisions based on merit and performance
rather than personal relationships. Demonstrating fairness and impartiality will foster trust
and respect among her team.

Case 2: Satisfying The Superstar Salesman

Jeremy Sawyer, CEO of the Boston-based enterprise software company, glanced through a summary
of the company's quarterly sales figures. While Jeremy was happy to learn that quarterly sales had
increased by 25% year over year, a more detailed study turned out to be a little unsettling. Sales for
the quarter would have decreased if Victor Mason, the company's top salesman, had not put in yet
another outstanding performance.

Victor continued to hold the title of organization's top seller. The company's growing reliance on
Victor's sustained great performance caused Jeremy to be both happy and deeply anxious at the
same time.

SWOT Analysis

1. Victor Mason is a star salesperson with exceptional skills and a proven track record.
2. Jeremy has implemented financial rewards and non-monetary incentives to recognize
Victor's performance.
3. The President's Club provides an enjoyable and rewarding experience for top-performing
sales representatives.


1. The company's increasing dependence on Victor poses a risk if he were to leave.

2. Jeremy might not be fully aware of all of Victor's aspirations and what motivates him to stay
in the company, which could eventually impact his satisfaction.


1. Further explore Victor's career aspirations and offer opportunities for advancement and job
2. Strengthen the company's employee development programs to enhance skillsets and


1. Victor periodically receives inquiries from head-hunters, increasing the risk of potential
2. If Victor's satisfaction wanes, it might affect his performance and overall team morale.

Case Issues and Solutions

1. The major challenge faced by the company is overdependency of sales on Victor, the
company recorded 25% increase in sales year on year in which major portion was covered by
him only and if he left the company the sales would decline drastically.

2. Another issue that Jeremy (CEO of Mariposa Networks) facing is how to increase the
satisfaction level of Victor so that he doesn’t leave the company.

To address Victor's aspirations and concerns, Jeremy could consider the following measures:

1. Professional Development: Discuss Victor's career goals and provide opportunities for skill
development and growth within the organization. This could include specialized training,
mentorship programs, or new responsibilities that align with Victor's interests.

2. Flexibility: Offer flexible work arrangements or benefits that cater to Victor's personal needs
and preferences, such as remote work options or flexible hours.

3. Involvement in Decision-Making: Involve Victor in strategic decisions or projects,

demonstrating trust in his abilities and valuing his input.

4. Work-Life Balance: Ensure a healthy work-life balance for Victor by promoting a supportive
work culture and encouraging time off when needed.

5. Recognition and Appreciation: Continue to publicly acknowledge and appreciate Victor's

achievements, reinforcing his value to the company.

6. Team Building: Foster a strong team environment and camaraderie among colleagues,
making the workplace enjoyable and encouraging collaboration.

7. Long-Term Incentives: Consider introducing long-term incentives, such as stock options or

profit-sharing plans, to further tie Victor's success with the company's performance.

Case 3: The Promotion Passover

Warren Soroka, Director of Eastern Sales at Maxpoint Inc., faced the challenge of selecting a
candidate for a managerial role overseeing the company's Eastern maritime client base. He narrowed
down the choice to two candidates: Brett Schultz, an experienced sales representative, and Nathalie
Bonnist, a young and highly motivated go-getter. After careful consideration, Warren decided to
promote Nathalie due to her potential to spur revenue growth and align with the company's
objectives. However, he was concerned about how to communicate the decision to Brett without
discouraging or antagonizing him, given his loyalty and consistent contributions. Warren cleared his
morning calendar to prepare for the important meeting with Brett that afternoon.

SWOT Analysis

1. Rapid growth in the maritime segment due to soaring energy prices.

2. Skilled and motivated sales team, including candidates like Brett and Nathalie.


1. Struggling to meet the increasing demand for services.

2. Nathalie has limited experience compared to Brett.


1. Nathalie's potential for revenue growth and market expansion.

2. Internal promotion and reorganization to improve efficiency.


1. Brett's potential disappointment and its impact on morale.

2. Competition from external logistics service providers.

Case Issues and Solutions

1. Warren must decide between two candidates, Brett Schultz and Nathalie Bonnist, for the
managerial role overseeing Maxpoint’s Eastern maritime client base. He needs to consider
their skills, experience, motivation, and potential impact on revenue growth.
2. Brett, an experienced sales representative, has a stable track record of meeting sales targets
but may lack the drive to go beyond expectations. Warren worries about Brett’s ability to
handle the higher-profile and more demanding managerial role effectively.
1. Warren should assess both candidates' strengths and weaknesses more thoroughly,
considering their past performance, potential for growth, and alignment with the company's
objectives. He should also seek input from other stakeholders, such as senior management
and colleagues, to gain different perspectives.
2. Warren can provide constructive feedback to Brett about the observation that his sales
flatten out after reaching quarterly quotas. He can discuss ways to motivate Brett to go
beyond expectations, set new challenges, and provide incentives to encourage exceptional

Case 4: Barrymore University: Delivering a Mixed Performance Review

The case revolves around Rachel Murphy, the Director of Academic Operations at Barrymore
University, and her staff assistant, Nick Felding, who was hired twelve months ago. Nick, a brilliant
problem-solver and knowledgeable in various subjects, impressed Rachel with his work. However, his
casual attire, inconsistent work hours, and occasionally insensitive communication style concerned
her. As she prepared for his annual review, Rachel wondered how to provide constructive feedback
without overshadowing the positive aspects of his performance.

SWOT Analysis

1. Nick's strong academic background with a bachelor’s degree in economics with highest honors.
2. Nick's reputation as a brilliant problem-solver and Renaissance student.
3. His familiarity with the university's administrative environment and student needs from his time
as an undergraduate.
4. Demonstrated ability to work independently and find efficient solutions to tasks.


1. Nick's lack of professional appearance in the office, wearing ripped jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers.

2. Unconventional and inconsistent work hours, potentially disrupting the office's workflow and
setting the wrong tone for other staff members.
3. His tendency to be curt and insensitive when assisting colleagues with technical issues, potentially
leading to team friction and distress.


1. Addressing Nick's dress code and encouraging a more professional appearance in the office.
2. Establishing clear guidelines for work hours and communication to improve team cohesion.
3. Providing feedback to Nick about his communication style, allowing him to develop more effective
interpersonal skills.


1. Ignoring the issues may lead to continued disruption and potential resentment among other staff
2. If left unchecked, Nick's communication style may harm team dynamics and reduce overall
3. Failure to address these concerns may impact Nick's long-term growth and career prospects at the

Case Issues and Solutions

1. Nick's unprofessional attire, not aligning with the office's business casual norm.

2. Nick's inconsistent and disruptive work hours, affecting the office workflow.

3. Nick's tendency to be curt and insensitive in his communication with colleagues.

4. Rachel's delay in addressing these issues, potentially impacting team dynamics and

Solutions to the issues in the case:

1. Unprofessional Attire:

 Rachel can have a one-on-one conversation with Nick about the importance of
maintaining a professional appearance in the office. She can explain the office's
business casual norm and encourage him to dress accordingly.

 If needed, Rachel can suggest implementing a dress code policy that aligns with the
university's professional standards.
2. Inconsistent Work Hours:

 During the annual review, Rachel should discuss the impact of Nick's irregular work
hours on office workflow and team dynamics.

 She can work with Nick to establish a more consistent schedule that respects the
standard operating hours while allowing for flexibility when necessary.

3. Insensitive Communication:

 Rachel should address the issue of Nick's communication style during the review,
providing specific examples and explaining how it can affect team morale.

 She can offer guidance on how to provide constructive feedback and encourage
empathy and respect in his interactions with colleagues.

4. Delayed Feedback:

 Rachel should acknowledge the delay in addressing these issues and emphasize the
importance of timely feedback.

 Moving forward, she can schedule regular check-ins to address any concerns or
feedback promptly.

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