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No Statements

Very Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Language Barrier
Difficulty in expressing ideas
I struggle to find the right
words or vocabulary when
speaking or writing in
Indonesian language.
I have problems in expressing
my ideas during class
discussions or presentations.
I actively seek opportunities
to improve my proficiency in
expressing ideas in the
Indonesian language.
Understanding Lectures
I find it challenging to
understand lectures delivered
in Indonesian language.
I feel comfortable in actively
participating in class
discussions conducted in
Indonesian language.
I need support and assistance
to help improve my
understanding of lectures in
Indonesian language.
Participating in discussions
I feel comfortable
participating in discussions
conducted in Indonesian
I actively participate in
discussions conducted in
Indonesian language.
I feel that my contributions
during discussions conducted
in Indonesian language are
valued and understood by
Completing assignments
I feel confident in completing
assignments that require using
the Indonesian language.
I encounter difficulties in
understanding assignment
instructions written in
Indonesian language.
I seek assistance or
clarification from instructors
or classmates when facing
difficulties in completing
assignments in Indonesian
Taking exams
I feel confident in taking
exams that are conducted in
Indonesian language.
I face difficulties in
understanding exam questions
written in Indonesian
I am able to effectively
communicate my answers in
Indonesian language during
I feel confident in
communicating effectively in
Indonesian language.
I am able to understand and
respond to conversations or
instructions in Indonesian
Social Barrier
Lack of teamwork
I have experienced a lack of
teamwork or collaboration
with other students in my
academic pursuits.
I feel that I have been
excluded or marginalized in
group work due to being an
international student.
I actively participate in team
discussions and activities.
I face challenges in
understanding instructions or
tasks given during team
projects due to language or
cultural differences.
Language differences
Language differences have
been a significant challenge
for me as an international
I am confident in expressing
myself and communicating
effectively in a language
different from my native
I believe that language
differences significantly
impact my academic
Cultural differences
1. I find it challenging to adapt
to the cultural norms and
2. I encounter cultural
misunderstandings or
miscommunications with
local individuals.
3. I feel comfortable engaging in
social activities with local
students or residents.
4. I participate in cultural events
or activities organized by the
Social Isolation
1. I interact with fellow local
and international students
outside of academic settings.
2. I participate in social events
or gatherings organized
specifically for international
3. I have close friends among
my fellow international
4. I feel lonely or isolated as an
international student.
5. I am involved in any
extracurricular activities or
clubs at the university.
Dissatisfaction of lecturers
Low interest in learning
1. I participate in extracurricular
activities or events related to
my field of study.
2. I faced language barriers or
difficulties understanding the
course materials in
Indonesian language.
3. I find specific courses or
subjects particularly
irrelevant to my academic
4. I am familiar with the cultural
and educational practices of
Indonesia prior to my
enrollment at the university.
5. I received orientation
specifically aimed at helping
international students adapt to
the Indonesian education
Lack of engagement
1. My lecturers are accessible
and responsive to my
academic needs.
2. There are opportunities for
meaningful discussions and
interactions with my
3. I feel comfortable
approaching my lecturers
with questions or concerns.
Poor teaching quality
1. I encounter challenges related
to the teaching quality of
2. My lecturers effectively
communicate the course
3. My lecturers engage me
through interactive teaching
4. My lecturers are responsive to
my questions and concerns.
5. I am satisfied with the overall
teaching quality provided by
the lecturers.
Unapproachable lecturers
1. My lecturers are approachable
and open to questions.
2. My lecturers are available for
individual consultations or
office hours.
3. I approach my lecturers for
academic assistance.
4. I encounter challenges in
approaching my lecturers.
5. I feel comfortable discussing
my academic progress with
my lecturers.
Inadequate feedback
1. My lecturers provide timely
feedback on assignments and
2. I am satisfied with the overall
quality of feedback provided
by my lecturers.
3. I have the opportunity to
discuss my academic
performance with my
4. I receive constructive
suggestions on how to
enhance my academic
5. My lecturers are accessible
for further discussion on the
feedback provided.

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