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UTS Lesson Plan Format

Key Learning Area/s: Mathematics Stage 5.1/2 Class/Year: 9MT27 Date:

Time: Start _____ Finish ___________

Lesson Goal: Financial Maths (Piecework and commissions and royalties)

Recent Prior Experience: They already have gone through salaries and wages and penalty rates.

Syllabus Outcome(s): Learning Intentions: Success (assessment) criteria:

One or two only. Include content and Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Observable and measurable behaviours
processes. Please note the syllabus reference Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands demonstrated in attainment of learning content.
number AND write out in full. may be used as headings. Should be linked to each learning content area.
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- Solve financial problems that do not include wages - Understand that they are dealing with non-wage
Solves financial problems involving earning, earnings
spending and investing money MA5.1-4NA
- Know how to solve piecework problems given “number of items
sold” and price per item - See that non-wage earnings are calculated
Content based on “performance”

calculate earnings from non-wage sources, - Know how to solve piecework problems where a person wants to
including commission and piecework figure out how many items to sell given a target.

- Solve problems involving commissions and royalties

Assessment (what and how)
Ex 2.4 and 2.5 (see below)

Lesson Content (What is Taught): Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
Note key skills, concepts and values (How it is taught). Write detailed steps showing what the
addressed in each section. Link to your teacher (T) will do and what students (Ss) will do. Include
Learning Intentions. plans for differentiation (content and skills) and opportunities
for assessment.

INTRODUCTION (link to previous understanding, skill attitudes. Explain new understanding, skills, attitudes to be investigated)
Introduce the topic Ask students if they already know the terms “piecework” and On whiteboard:
“commissions” and “royalties”. You may want to go back to the
What is a wage? What is piecework?
notion of wages and how these new terms are non-wage
related. Ans: piecework does not have any rate (e.g.,
hourly rate) unlike a wage. Piecework is fixed.
min Commissions, royalties (Describe in your own
words what your current understanding of these
terms area)
Commissions = for employees and performance
Royalties = for “owners” of some product (both
calculated as a percentage of items sold)
DEVELOPMENT (the body of the lesson)
Go through different style of problems 15-20 Questions: Ans:
involving piecework min At Bunnings, a group of people organize a sausage sizzle to $5 ×100=$ 500
sell sausage sandwiches at $5 for each sausage sandwich. Explanation:
If one sandwich was sold, $5 was earned
If they sell 100 sandwiches, how much did they earn? Two sandwiches => $5 + $5 = $5 x 2 = $10
If they sell 25 sandwiches, how much did they earn? $5 x 25 = $125 (get students to do this on their own
Given they earned $100, how many sandwiches did they sell?
and get a random student to explain their solution)
A specific store at a night market sells handmade gloves. 5×amount sold = 100
Fingerless gloves cost $11 each while normal gloves cost $5 100
Amount sold = = 20
each. If they managed to sell 12 fingerless gloves and 50 5
normal gloves, how much money did they make?
($11 x 12) + (50 x $5) = $132 + $250 = $382
A person will earn $48 dollars per 100 brochures sold. How Slowly work through this problem asking students
much will they earn if they sold one brochure? How about if questions along the way as you progress through the
they sold 150? problem.

$48/100 = $0.48 (one brochure)

150 x $0.48 = $72 (150 brochures)
Go through some examples of commissions 15-30 Questions: Ans:
and royalties min One book sells for $20
Mark writes a book and makes it available for consumers to
100 of them sells for $20000
buy at a bookstore. The bookstore sells the book for $20.
5% of $20000 = $1000
Suppose Mark is paid a royalty of 5% of all the sales of the
Therefore, Mark earns $1000 in total.
book at that bookstore. Calculate the amount Mark earns if
1000 books were sold. (Go through this example, ask students
Alternate solution:
along the way if they have any questions).
One book sells for $20
Mark earns 5% of $20 = $1 per book
Therefore, Mark earns $1000 in total
A car dealer sells Toyota cars and earns commission of 10%
of the profits. The profit ended up being $7500 over one week. Car profit total = $7500
Suppose further this car dealer has a weekly wage of $200. Commission = 10% of $7500 = $750
How much does this car dealer earn in total? Total earnings = $750 + $200 = $950

Commission for first 500000 = 3% of 500000 = 15000

A real estate agent is in charge of auctioning a house. Latter bids = 1200000 – 500000 = 700000
Suppose the real estate agent receives 3% of commission for Commission for remainder = 4% of 700000 = 28000
the first few bids up to $500 000 and 4% on the remaining bids Total commission received = $43000
that go past $500 000. If the final bid was $1.2 million, how
much commission is received?
Differentiation: Go through textbook example questions
for students who still need teacher guidance. Other
students can get started on the exercises.
CLOSURE (Allow review of new understanding, skill, attitudes)
Consolidate learning via textbook exercises Ex 2.4 Q1-7, 10, 11(challenging question)
15-40 Differentiation: Students who are up for a challenge can do
min 11. Other students should focus on consolidating on the earlier
Ex 2.5 Q1-4, 6-9,
Differentiation: Students who want more practice can focus
on 11 onwards.

Evaluation: What factors impacted on the success of the lesson? e.g. time, resources etc

Any safety issues to be considered:

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