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SKETCH-1 THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PART-IV EXAMINATION (SCHEME 2014) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN-IV ‘Time: 18 Hours (10.30 am to 4.30 pm) Date: 19%, 20" & 21 December, 2022 Max. Mars: 500 Pass Marks: 250 Instructions for candidates: 1. At the end of first day, before leaving the examination hall the candidate shall submit tracings of all preliminary ‘drawings of site plan and floor plans, explaining the scheme/concept. 2:The tracing submitted on the first day will not be returned to the candidates . 3, Major deviations/changes in the design from the one submitted on the frst day will NOT be permitted ‘and will amount to using unfair means. 4, Allanswers shall be written in English language only. '5. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it at appropriate place. 6. Areas of the spaces given, may be altered if required, with proper justification 7. Use appropriate scale which suits the size of the sheet provided. 8. THIS PAPER CONTAINS 4 PAGES (including the site plan) (CENTRE FOR DESIGN INNOVATION ‘An institute meant for the study and innovation in craft is proposed on the outskirts of Bangalore, Its aim is to promote and encourage the study of crafts and to propagate the information to reach wider audiences ‘attisans and broa working, The institute will also function as an interface between creative pérsons, and the Industry so as to implement innovative ideas in the field of crafts within the current architecture education as well as practice. * v ae ‘ ‘The focus is on the campus design and the interactive spaces understanding the essence of the project and considering the context and regulations. This institute will offer a 3-year course for fulf-time students. The institute will also conduct month:Tong workshops for floating population of the campus from time to time. The overall design needs to be battler free and incorporate ideas of sustainable design. ‘The main activities of this center will be — 1. To conduct dedicated research, mapping, documentation, and analysis of Craft 2. Organize programs, workshops, Innovation internship and fellowship programs. 3. Consultancy, Training, curriculum development for craft and providing a platform for discussion, ‘seminar, and forum for role of cfaft in Interior Architecture at national and International level, Kindly provide the following z 1L A brief note and a sketch of the conéépt and ideas Integrated into the design, site analysis and inters in ae 25 Marks 2,Site Plan- (Showing Building Roof line, approach roads, pedestrian access, vehicular access, parking, etc:) with detailed landscape design. = — (1:30) 70 Marks — 3. all floor level plans with fenestrations & furniture layout ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN-IV ¢ " 00 Marks 4. Two elevations of the Institute building (azoq) 1 a jarks 5. Two sections (one through the Institute bullding and the other through the auditarjum) __(1:200) Sas 6. An overall view : Following are the design requirements to be considered CENTRE FOR DESIGN INNOVATION (Intake of 160 long term + 40 short term students +50 Faculty) ss “Principal's Office q a _Sééretary’s Office cigs Studios for hands-on’ practice (Without Machinery) including storage . “ Workshops (Involving = TE fe machinery; example- welding, duttlng, ete) including storage . \_Disctission Rooms oe Cafeteria + Kiosk aP a ee | tationary Shop FF = ‘a 1 —— i _-Raditorium (with a Sh 1 | Seating ~200 people dedicated parking space) CF om In addition to the above-mentioned design requirements, students should add the common lire! ts like staff toilets, student toilets, storerooms, lifts, parking space as per NBC, etc. as required. tees SITE DETAILS The site bearing institutional land use meant for academic purposes is delineated for the CENTRE FOR DESIGN \ TION institute, The site is located in an area with good access via road and metro and in an area surrounded by other educational institutions and government offices. ———— Students are permitted to use gore the plot area as the rest is to be utilized at a later phase for purposes of accommodation for students. is is ta be indicated in the site plan. é ‘ ss => th _s To consider the following 1. Maximum ground coverage: Maximum 50% of the considered 70% plot area, —_—— — 2. Permissible F.S.1 3. Setbacks: 9.0 m from the 12m roadside, 6m from the other 3 sides 4. tis mandatory for it-to universal design and hence barrier free 5. Landscape design is a crucial -aspect to be considered as this plays a large role in institutional design. —_—__——— ’ ae eles ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN-PART-IV (sketch) SITE PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED INSTITUTE thee meme tases plier 2 __12M Main Road 140m +? RESEARCH INSTITUTE ewe

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