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Complexity of structures: A possible measure and the role for robustness

Article · January 2013


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2 authors, including:

Valerio De Biagi
Politecnico di Torino


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VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures
J.G.M. Van Mier, G. Ruiz, C. Andrade, R.C. Yu and X.X. Zhang (Eds)



Valerio De Biagi∗ , Bernardino Chiaia

∗ Politecnico di Torino
Dept. of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, 10129 Torino, Italy

Key words: Structural complexity, Graph theory, Information theory, Robustness

Abstract. Complexity is a concept widely applied in many fields of science and humanities. Although
the word is extensively used in construction engineering, no definition and measure has been already
given. As a practical rule, a structure subjected to loads is considered simple if load paths are easily
identifiable. On the contrary, complex schemes are those in which the structural behavior is difficult
to catch.
The previous generalized concepts are inserted in a more precise framework. Using information
theory, a definition of structural complexity is given. A simple example is made in order to describe
the new measure. Some issues of the approach are presented and discussed. The references to alge-
braic graph theory, required for reducing the computational effort, are briefly presented.
Then, the complexity measure is applied for evaluating the “damage tolerance” of a frame, i.e.
its robustness. This concept, as introduced by Lind, can be defined as the capacity of the system to
sustain local damage without failure. Robustness is a prerequisite in the design of a structure and
represents a modern research topic in the field of structural engineering.

1 INTRODUCTION the information content or the description of a

In structural engineering, the word “com- process, e.g. periodical systems are less com-
plex” is often employed to define something plex than random ones. On the other side, com-
that is difficult to understand or to solve. There plexity depends upon the size of the process:
are many ideas that surround the concept of the larger the system the greater the complexity.
complexity: the size, the presence of elements Both categories interfere in structural engineer-
with different functions, or the difficulties in ing.
modeling and calculus. In general, a complex
structure is the one that cannot be reduced to 2 STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY
a simple scheme without missing important as- Although the concept of structural complex-
pects of its structural behavior. ity is extensively employed in civil engineering
The concepts linked to complexity are ex- practice, a proper definition has not been formu-
tensively used in many disciplines, e.g. bi- lated yet. Extending the general definition given
ology, game theory, communication, computer by Simon [2] a complex structure can be defined
science, etc. Lloyd [1] found more than 30 as the one made up by a large number of parts
different definitions, which can be substantially that interact in a non-simple way. The whole
grouped into two categories. On one side, there system is not simply the mere sum of the single
are the measures that capture the randomness, resisting mechanisms, it takes into account the

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

interaction that the different mechanisms have i=1 pi = 1, a measure of how much uncertain
with one another [3]. is the choice (or how much chance is involved
In another way, let us imagine to create a du- in the event) can be expressed as
plicate of the structure to define the complexity. Xn
Rather than creating a perfect copy of the origi- H = −K pi log pi , (1)
nal, we suppose to formulate a scheme which i=1

(1) is able to behave similarly to the original where K is a positive constant that depends
structure under the same set of external loads, upon the unit of measure, as well as the base
and (2) has the minimum possible number of el- of the logarithm. This quantity H is called
ements. The simpler the structure, the lower the information-entropy and is the only function
number of elements in the copy. As limit case, that satisfies the following axioms:
the simplest structure is the one that can be con- 1. H = 0 if and only if all the pi are zero, ex-
densed into a single element. On the contrary, if cept one having unit value. The entropy
the duplicate has the same number of elements is null if the outcome is certain.
which absolve to the same functions, the struc-
ture is considered complex. 2. If all pi are equal, i.e. pi = n1 , then H is
Therefore, for a given set of external forces a monotonically increasing function of n.
acting on a scheme, the complexity of a system This means that with equally likely events
can be calculated by considering the amount there is more choice, or uncertainty, when
of information carried in it, i.e. the possibil- there are more possible events.
ity of reducing the size of the scheme without 3. For a given number of outcomes n, H
changing the overall behavior. The approach achieves its maximum, log n (for K = 1),
is based on the concept of entropy introduced when all the events have equal probability
by Shannon [4] that captures the amount of in- to occur:
formation within a sequence. It can also be
found in other approaches to complexity [5, 6]. p1 = p2 = .... = pn = .
In statistical mechanics, entropy is essentially
a measure of the number of ways in which a This situation corresponds to the maxi-
system may be arranged, often taken to be a mum uncertainty.
measure of disorder: the higher the entropy, In graph theory, this concept has been ex-
the higher the disorder. The entropy is propor- tended by substituting the outcomes with the
tional to the logarithm of the number of possi- decompositions that can be made on the graph,
ble microscopic configurations of the individ- and the probabilities with the ratios between a
ual atoms and molecules of the system (micro- functional assigned to each decomposition, fi ,
states), which could give rise to the observed and the sum of all the functionals extended to
macroscopic state (macro-state) of the system, all the possible decompositions, i.e.
e.g. through Boltzmann’s constant of propor- X fi
tionality. Hf = − P log P . (2)
i j f j j f j

2.1 Information theory As an example, consider the two schemes

In information theory, the entropy is the of Figure 1. Both structures support horizontal
amount of information required to describe the forces. The difference between the two is the
state of the system. Shannon [4], in a general size of the central column and, therefore, the
theory of communication, introduced a metric relative stiffness between the elements. Easily,
for measuring the entropy. Supposing to have one recognizes in structure (b) the path of loads
a set of possible n outcomes to which a set from the elevation to the foundation, i.e. struc-
of probabilities (p1 , p2 , ..., pn ) is assigned, i.e. ture (b) is simpler than structure (a).

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Two similarly connected and loaded structures. The one on the left-hand side (a) is composed by elements that
have comparable stiffness, while the other (b) is composed by certain elements with higher stiffness [8].

2.2 Decomposition of the structure 2.3 Choice of the functional

In order to follow the same procedure Many authors dealt with the choice of a
adopted in graph theory and previously il- proper descriptor of the structure. For exam-
lustrated, the original statically indeterminate ple, Biondini [10] used the properties of stiff-
structure is decomposed. To explain the idea at ness matrix as an indicator of the performance
the base of decomposition, consider the struc- of the structure. Unfortunately, the stiffness ma-
ture as set of edges, the beams, and vertices, trix contains quantities with different physical
the nodes of the structure. To each edge, some meaning and different physical units. More-
properties are assigned. In this manner, the over, the stiffness matrix contains information
structure is turned into a graph; the nodes, or the on the connections between the elements, but
vertices, belong to one of the following classes: it does not take into account the direction and
the magnitude of loads on the structure. Kine-
• loaded nodes: the nodes of the structure, matical quantities may synthesize both the stiff-
on which an external set of forces acts; ness properties and the external action. Anyway
they suffer the same problem of the components
• foundation nodes: the nodes which have of stiffness matrix since the physical meaning is
restrictions in displacement; different for displacements and rotations. At the
same time, it is necessary to identify a quantity
• connection nodes: the nodes which con-
which summarizes the behavior of all nodes and
nect the elements, with no loads directly
acting on them.
It has been found that the work of internal
The foundation node has to be unique [7]: it deformation can represent an efficient param-
represents a unique point to which all the loads eter able to represent both the distribution of
are transferred. stiffnesses across the structure and the inten-
The decomposition procedure consists in sity and direction of the external loads. More-
identifying all the possible paths between the over, internal deformation work can be com-
loaded nodes and the unique foundation node. puted easily by means of Clapeyron’s Theorem,
The paths have not to create closed circuits. In if linear elasticity is supposed as material prop-
frames, the set of the decomposed structures, erty.
called fundamental structures, is the set of the
rooted trees which contains all the loaded nodes 2.4 The Index of Structural Complexity
[8, 9]. This is possible if the loads act only on The Authors already demonstrated that the
nodes (not distributed on the elements), and if internal deformation work in each fundamen-
no internal hinges are present. tal structure is greater or equal to the deforma-

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

tion work in the original statically indeterminate eqn. (4) by the maximum value of complexity
structure [8]. In other words, for a structure with s load paths, i.e. when all
Win the load paths have performance ratio equal to
ψi = ≤1 (3) 1/s, as stated in the introduction. The Normal-
ized Structural Complexity Index is, thus,
where Win is the deformation work in the orig-
inal statically indeterminate structure and WS,i SCI SCI
N SCI = = . (5)
is the deformation work in the i-th fundamental − log (1/s) log (s)
structure. This ratio can be used to compute the
performance of each fundamental structure, or Values of the N SCI close to one indicate that
possible load path. Depending on the value of the scheme is complex, on the contrary values
ψi , the performance of the fundamental struc- near to zero imply that the scheme is simple.
ture is compared with the one of the original
structure. In other words it is possible to asses
if the removed internal restrains do not give a In this section, an example of the metric de-
significant contribution to the overall behavior. scribed above is presented. Consider the frame
The ratio has been called performance ratio, structure sketched in Figure 2. It is composed
to highlight its capacity to identify predominant of 10 nodes –9 nodes in elevation, one founda-
load paths. In summary: tion node– named with capital letters A,. . . , J,
and 15 beams. Beam dimensions are 30 × 60
• ψi ≈ 1 the fundamental and the orig- cm, column dimensions are 40 × 40 cm. The
inal structures have similar deformation frame is made of concrete (with Young’s mod-
works, i.e. the load path is representative ulus equal to 25 GPa). Linear elasticity is sup-
of the behavior of the original structure; posed for material behavior.
• ψi ≈ 0 the deformation work in the fun-
damental structure is larger than the cor-
responding in the original structure. The
load path is not representative of the orig-
inal structure;
• intermediate values are possible.
Since the ψi -values give an information
about the way the loads are transferred from
the elevation to the foundation, it can be used
as the functional fi of eqn. (2). The study of
the entropy of the distribution of the values of
the ratio gives a measure of the complexity of
the structure. Applying eqn. (2), the Structural
Complexity Index is defined as
X ψi ψi
SCI = − Ps log2 Ps ,
i=1 j=1 ψj j=1 ψj
where s is the number of fundamental struc-
tures, or load paths. In order to compare differ- Figure 2: Sketch of the frame. The measures are in me-
ters. The foundation node is considered unique, as re-
ent structures with different number of funda-
ported in the text.
mental structures. This can be done by dividing

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

As a first example, the following nodal For example, we suppose a ratio H/V =
forces are applied on all elevation nodes (i.e. 0.50, that means that H = 50 kN. In this case,
A,. . . , I) the values of the complexity parameters reduce,
showing that the structural behavior is turning
V = 100 kN into a simpler one. In particular, we get
H = 100 kN. (6)
SCI = 9.3588
First, the frame is converted into a graph and, by N SCI = 0.9168. (8)
means of algebraic graph procedures, the funda- As stated before, the analysis of the perfor-
mental structures are defined, see the Appendix mance ratios gives an idea on how the loads are
for details on the procedure. The number s of transmitted to the foundation. In this case, dif-
fundamental structures is 1183 and the com- ferently from before, the fundamental structure
plexity parameters are computed with eqns. (4) which exhibits the highest value of ψ (0.1716)
and (5). is illustrated in the right-hand side of Figure 3.
SCI = 9.5849 The main differences refer to the upper-left part
in which the contribution of the columns be-
N SCI = 0.9389. (7)
comes more relevant as much as the horizon-
The previous results illustrate that, in the do- tal force reduces, i.e. the resultant nodal force
main of the information related to load paths, tends to be vertical. As a limit situation, the
the loaded structure is complex. The perfor- case H = 0 kN is considered. In this sense, the
mance ratios, computed with eqn. (3), indicate N SCI is equal to 0.4527 and the fundamental
the load paths in the structure and its efficiency. structure with higher performance index is the
The highest value of the performance ratio is one constituted by the loaded columns alone.
0.2064 and relates to the fundamental structure The associated ψ-value is, as expected, 0.9999.
depicted in left-hand side of Figure 3.
Table 1: Number of fundamental structures with perfor-
mance ratio greater than a given percentage of the maxi-
mum value, ψmax . Values are cumulative.
ψ ∗ /ψmax 1.00 0.50 0.10 0.00
≥ 0.90 6 5 1 1
≥ 0.80 9 9 1 1
≥ 0.50 69 27 1 1
≥ 0.20 262 82 2 1
≥ 0.10 581 256 4 1

In order to study the contribution of differ-

Figure 3: Fundamental structures for H/V = 1.00, on ent fundamental structures, we ordered the ψ-
left-hand side, and H/V = 0.50, on right hand side. The values obtained from the analysis of the 1183
fundamental structures are represented by thick lines.
statically determinate structures in ascending
order. To control easily if there are more
We perform now a parametric analysis con- than one mechanisms with relevant ψ, we nor-
trolling the ratio between the horizontal and the malized each order position by dividing it by
vertical forces acting on the structure. In par- the number of fundamental structures. Plot-
ticular we fix the vertical force on each node ting these data on a graph like the one of Fig-
in 100 kN, and we reduce the magnitude of the ure 4(a), it is possible to asses the percentage
horizontal force from 100 kN to zero. of mechanisms with performance ratio smaller

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

than a given value ψ ∗ . The loading cases con- 4 ROBUSTNESS

sidered refer to H/V values equal to 1.00, 0.50, 4.1 Basic concepts
0.10 and 0.00. Referring to cases 1.00 and Structural robustness plays a fundamental
0.50, there are many mechanisms with rela- role in the design of structures [11]. This
tively high performance indexes. In Figure 4(b) fact is confirmed by the requirements that de-
the values of ψ ∗ are normalized to the maxi- sign codes have given after serious accidents
mum value. There are six fundamental struc- in the past (for example Ronan Point Apart-
tures in the range 0.90 − 1.00 ψmax in the case ment Building in 1968). For the EuroCodes,
H/V = 1.00, which reduces to five in the case the structures should be robust in the sense that
H/V = 0.50. There is only one in the cases the consequences of structural failure should
H/V = 0.10 and 0.00. These data are reported not be disproportional to the effect causing the
in Table 1. The representativeness of a partic- failure [12]. Lind [13] introduced the concept
ular load path in the case of H/V = 0.00 is of damage tolerance and Masoero and others
clearly visible. This aspect makes the corre- [14] recently proposed the analogy of structural
sponding N SCI low. robustness with material’s toughness, a well-
known concept of material science and fracture
In practice, structural robustness can be
0.9! achieved in different ways, such as alternating
0.8! the load paths or compartmentalizing the struc-
0.7! ture. As reported in the previous sections, frame
behavior exhibits a sort of redundancy that can
P(ψi  <  ψ*)  


0.5! be intended as the capacity to redistribute the

loads and to vary the load paths.
H/V=0.50! Moreover, recent research trends show that
0.2! H/V=0.10!
the events with the smallest occurrence proba-
0.1! H/V=0.00!
bilities are the ones that have the worst effects
0.00001! 0.0001! 0.001!
ψ*     0.01! 0.1! 1! on the structure [15]. This is the case of so-
called “black-swan” events, i.e. events whose

existence was not known (or easily predicable)
before the fist occurrence. In this sense, it is
more convenient to approach the problem of
0.6! structural safety with the so called consequence
P(ψi  <  ψ*)  

0.5! based design, as already done in other design

0.4! fields such as natural hazards, aerospace and
0.3! material engineering.

0.1! 4.2 Complexity and Robustness
0! 0.2! 0.4! 0.6! 0.8! 1!
In order to analyze the implications of the
ψ*  /ψmax    
(b) proposed complexity metric on structural ro-
bustness, we propose to remove column JH
Figure 4: Cumulative probability plots. Probabilities from the frame sketched in Figure 2. This event
of occurrence of mechanisms with performance ratio can be caused e.g. by an explosion or by a lo-
smaller than ψ ∗ , i.e. P (ψi ≤ ψ ∗ ). On plot (a), the values cal failure, e.g. during and earthquake. We
of ψ ∗ are absolute, on plot (b) the values are normalized take the increment of deformation work after
to the maximum ψ-value of each load case. The consid-
the removal as a parameter which gives an idea
ered load cases are H/V = 1.00, 0.50, 0.10 and 0.00.
about the effects of the removal. The greater

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

the ratio of deformation work after/before the before the removal is 1.39, in the second case
removal, the largest the effects on the structure. it is 1.16. This result may be in contrast with
The deformation work is computed by means of the fact that as much as the complexity reduces
Clapeyron’s Theorem. The values of this ratio the ratio increases. In order to explain the re-
are reported in the second line of Table 2. It is sult, and to stress the efficacy of the approach,
possible to notice that, as much as the structure consider that element JG is part of the funda-
is “simple” (following the definition previously mental structure which has highest performance
introduced), the ratio increases. The effects of ratio, ψ, for the case H/V = 1.00. On the con-
column removal in the case of purely vertically trary, it is not an element of the fundamental
loaded structure (H/V = 0.00), the deforma- structures with the highest ψ-value in the case
tion work is more than 17 times greater. Similar H/V = 0.50. In our opinion, this aspect ex-
results are given in case of removal of column plains the fact that the removal of elements that
JG, see the first line of Table 2. In this case, the are not part of the dominant load path causes
increments of deformation work are greater for limited effects on the structure.
the structures which are “simple” and snaller for A final and important consideration focuses
the complex ones. on the fact that a structure can be either complex
or simple depending upon the loading scheme
Table 2: Ratio between the deformation work after and acting on it. In this sense, element removal can
before column removal have irrelevant or disproportional consequences
Removed H/V in different cases.
element 1.00 0.50 0.10 0.00
JG 1.39 1.16 11.21 44.37 5 CONCLUSIONS
JH 1.63 2.10 8.44 17.27 A definition of structural complexity based
mean 1.51 1.63 9.82 30.82 on information theory has been given. In or-
der to estimate the amount of complexity, the
scheme is divided into a set of statically de-
The average value of the ratio between the terminate structures, called fundamental struc-
deformation work after and before the removal tures, to which a weighting parameter is given.
is then computed, see the bottom line of Table 2. Differently from previous approaches, the de-
The trend of the mean values can be compared formation work has been herein considered as
with the value of the N SCI: as much as the the parameter giving the amount of importance
complexity index decreases, the ratio tends to of a fundamental structure. The information
increase. This aspect has to be analyzed in rela- content of the structure, i.e. the capacity of the
tion to the importance the removed element has scheme to be described with the lower amount
in the original structure. Since in case of purely of fundamental structures, is used as a measure
vertically loaded structures, the columns play of structural complexity.
the fundamental role in the transfer of loads An example on a 15-elements frame showed
from the elevation to the foundation, any beam how the loads can affect the complexity of
removal would not cause substantial changes in structural bahavior, and the fact that the two
the behavior of the structure (in other words entities (stiffnesses distribution and external ac-
the deformation work does not increase signifi- tions) are intimately linked in the evaluation of
cantly). the overall structural behavior.
As a simple explanation of the results found Moreover, the links between complexity and
in the numerical simulations, consider the ef- robustness have been investigated. The numeri-
fects of the removal of element JG in the cases cal experiments conduced on the example frame
H/V = 1.00 and 0.50. In the first situation, the consisted in the removal of two columns and in
ratio between the deformation work after and the analysis of the variation of the internal de-

Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

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from undamaged to damaged frame increases as Restelli, S., 2008. On Structural Robust-
much as the Normalized Structural Complexity ness, Redundancy and Static Indetermi-
Index reduces. In parallel, if the removed ele- nacy. Crossing Borders, p. 237.
ment is part of the fundamental structure with
highest performance ratio, the effects are more [11] Starossek, U. and Haberland, M., 2008.
relevant. These preliminary aspects have to be Approaches to measures of structural ro-
taken into account in the design of structures in bustness. Structure and Infrastructure En-
which damage tolerance is required. gineering 7:625–631.
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Valerio De Biagi, Bernardino Chiaia

extraction of the set of all possible fundamen- A graph can be turned into a tree by remov-
tal structures of the scheme, since the elements ing C edges. All the possible combinations
are jointed at the nodes. This search is made of e elements taken as groups of C elements
by means of algebraic graph theory. The num- indicate the elements of the structural scheme
ber of spanning trees in a graph G is determined which have to be temporarily ignored. Clearly,
by its Laplacian, which is found from the inci- the number of combinations
dence matrix of the graph [16]. As a lemma  
of Kirchhoff’s Theorem, let n be the number of e
≥ s. (11)
vertices of G and let λ1 , ..., λn be the ordered C
eigenvalues of the Laplacian of G. The number
of spanning trees, s, is defined as This is due to the fact that the removals indi-
Y cated in the set include also the cases in which
s= λi . (9) parts of the scheme are totally separated. In this
n i=2 sense, the Laplacian of the subgraph is written
The Cyclomatic Number by Henderson and and it is controlled if the the number of span-
Bickley [7] associates the First Betti Number ning trees of the graph associated to the funda-
of the frame associated graph to the indetermi- mental structure is one, i.e.
nacy number. For a graph with n vertices and e
edges, the Cyclomatic Number C is equal to 1Y
λj = 1. (12)
C =e−n+1 (10) n j=2

The degree of static indeterminacy (Γ) of the

If eqn. (12) is equal to 0, the subgraph is com-
frame is given by
posed by two or more components and cannot
Γ = 3 × C = 3 (e − n + 1) . be considered as a fundamental structure.

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