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TERMINOLOGIES BOOK 1: 2. Penalties and liabilities (Art.

21-113) Book 1
3. Felony and their penalties ( Art. 114-366)-
Law- rule of conduct just and obligatory
Legislative branch- congress
Characteristics of criminal law:
 Upper house: senate
1) Generality/general (who committed the crime)
 Lower house: house of representatives
 Applies to al people living (residing) or sojo
Local legislative (sangguniang lalawigan o lungsod)-  urning (temporary) on the phil.
Ordinance: local laws
Exceptions: (what are the exceptions)
Reason why laws are pressumed valid and
A. Treaties- agreements between or among
constitutional - People authorized by law
countries gratified by congress.
Common observance- it applies to all people, it is B. Laws of preferential application – 1987
beneficial to all people constitution
C. Principals of international law- gratified by
Tort-violation of public laws different countries
Crime- act or an ommission punishable by criminal Exceptions: (who are exempted)
Act- any bodily movement tending to produce a effect A. Soveriegns and chied of state
to external world.
 President, king, queen, emperor, prime
Ommission- failure to perform an act minister..
 Includes official family
Criminal law- branch of law B. Ambassador, minister, plenipotentiaries,
1. Defines crime minister resident, and charge of affairs
2. Treats of nature C. Official of entourage/ retinue (household)- list
3. Provides for their punishment (penal law) of their names must be submitted to the
 All criminal law are penal law because it is department of foreign affairs
penalties. Note: consule is not included
Kinds of crime: Diplomant- representatives of a state
1. Felony/delito-RPC-mala in se (karamihan) Immunity- freedm from prosecution
2. Offenses-SPL-mala prohibita (only becomes
Sovereigns to ambassador (personal immunity)
wrong because there is law punishing them)
Minister to household (functional immunity)
3. Misdemeanor- violations of simple rules and
regulations 2 kinds of diplomant immunity
 There are mala prohibita 1. Personal immunity- based on the personal
a. Infraction- C/M or municipal ordinances circumstances of the grantee (based on who is?)
b. Delinquency- petty offenses or public 2. Functional immunity- crime must be committed
nuisance, anything in public irritations along the performance of official function in
order to be immuned
RPC- primary source of philippine criminal law 2) Territoriality (where?)- criminal law applies to
all crimes committed on the phil. Territory
 Created by Act 3815 (mere act)
Exceptions: Art.2 (extraterritorial jurisdiction)
 Enactment: Dec. 8, 1930
a. Crimes committed on board a phil. Vessel or
 Effectivity: Jan. 1, 1932 airship
Parts of RPC: b. Counterfieting of forging Phil. Currency or
securities and obligations issued by the
1. Principals effecting criminal liability (Art. 1-20) government.
Book 1
c. Introducing into Phil. Courts (import) the above The fault of one is the fault of all- crimes committed
mentions items. must be within the conspiracy- all crimes outside the
d. Crimes committed by public officers while conspiracy are not included unless the co-conspirations
performing their official functions gave consent (implied or express)
e. Crimes against national security and laws of
nations (the crime can be committed anywhere) Exceptions: considered a crime if: specififcally provided
by law
3) Prospectivity (when?) – also known as Example: proposal ro conspiracy to cmmit
irretroactivity/ irretrospectivity a. Treason
 CL applies crimes committed after it took effect. b. Rebellion/insurrection
c. Coup D’ etat
Lex prospicit non respicit (laws look forward and not d. Sedition (conspiracy)
Exception: retroactive application (backward
application) – new law can retroact if it is favorable, 1. Consumated- all elements of the crime are
linient, or beneficial to the accused complete
2. Frustrated (1 degree lower)
Exception to exception: cannot retroact even if it is a. Offender performs all acts of execution that
beneficial to the following: would produce the crime.
 Habitual criminal/ delinquent (FRETSL) 3 times b. The expected crime was not produced
within 10 years c. Reason of case independent of the will of
 The new law provides for non-retroactive prepetrator (outside his control)
3. Attempted felony ( 2 degrees lower)
Ex post facto law: 3 definitions
1. Law that punishes an act which was not a crime ART. 17 PRINCIPALS
when committed a. Principal by direct participation (doer of the
2. Law imposing a graver penalty to a crime crime)
punishable by lower penalty at the time of b. Principal by inducement (before/during)
crime commissioned  Convinces PDP to commit the crime by
3. Law that deminishes available defense at a time giving reward, promises, consideration.
of crime commission.  Ordered PDP to commit a crime
 Coerced PDP to cmmit a crime
Bill attainder- a law that punishes an act without due  Motivated PDP to cmmit a crime: P.I
process, without trial only becomes liable if his PDP
committed the crime.
Ex post facto law and bill attainder- constitutional c. Principal by indespensable cooperation
limitations in the enactment of the law. (before/during)- helped (highly necessary) PDP
in the crime of commision
Proposal- one wherevy a person decides to cmmit a  Before/during
crime and proposes its execution to another.  Help (not necessary) PDP in the crime
 There must be a minimum of 2 person commision
 The proposing part will only be liable
Conspiracy- two or more persons come to an ART.19 ACCESSORY (after)
agreement and decide to cmmit a crime. ( a proposal 1. Profited or helped PDP profit
which is accepted is a conspiracy) 2. Concealed or destroyed evidence
3. Harbored or helped PDP to escape
General rule: not crimes (unless it was already put in TAMP (treason, attempt in the life of the president,
the action) but mere manner of commission (must be mudrer, parricide)
put into action)
ART. 20 EXCEMPTED ACCESSORIES Effect: repeal of the reapealing law by a new law will
 Spouse not revive the repealed law unless the new law provides
 Ascendants and descendants for its revival.
 Natural. Legitimate, adopted, BRD
 Relative by affinity within the same degree 4. Implied repeal
(marriage)  Provisions of the repealing law are repugnant or
Note: only in 2 and 3 Art. 19 inconsistent with repealed law.
 Not recommended (avoided)
“ lex specialis derogat generali “ Effects: repeal of the repealing law by a new law woll
 Special penal law prevail over the RPC revive the repealed law.
 Acts which in the future are punishable by SPL Unless: the new law provides for non0revival of the
are not subject to RPC repealed law.
 The RP code shall be supplementary SPL unless
otherwise provided exceptions to the
supplementary of the nature of RPC.
 RPC shall supplement SPL unless the SPL
provides otherwise.

1. Application is impossible
2. SPL prohibits the application of the RPC

Repeal ( laws must be repealable)

 Modification or a change of the law

1. Absolute or total repeal- decriminalizes an act

or ommission

a. Cases is not yet yield- can no longer be filed
b. Case is pending- dimissed
c. Pending appeal- reversal of conviction
(acquital), appeal is dismissed
d. Serving sentence- released
Exception: habitual Delinquent
Writ of habeas corpus- if not release repealed by dump

2. Partial repeal- crime remains to be a crime,

modified the provisions of the law
a. Beneficial- apple
b. Not beneficial- do not apply (becomes ex post
facto law)

3. Express repeal – repealing law-

Repealed law- old law that was repealed or
modified by the new law

Preffered repeal- repealing law specifically

provides that it is the repealed law.

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