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AVEVA Plant (12 Series)

AVEVA Diagrams Administration TM-1325

The connector line is now double sided and can be used in AVEVA Diagrams. Copy the connector line with
the HVAC Duct pattern and paste into AVEVA Diagrams and import the shape.

i Remember to Save Work

i The same procedure can be used for creating line patterns for the instrumentation Lines

4.5 Creating a Label with an Attachment Line (Worked Example)

Create the shape to represent the label and then group the shape together, this is done so the attachment
line can appear behind the label.

Now with the shape grouped and the vertexes highlighted right click and from the right click context menu
select Show ShapeSheet. The Shape sheet appears, the user now needs to insert two sections one for the
Geometry and one for the controls, to do this right click on the shape sheet and select Insert Section. The
Insert Section form appears, tick the two required sections and then click the OK button.

The two new sections are now visible inside the shape sheet window.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
AVEVA Diagrams Administration TM-1325

In the Geometry section change the MoveTo for the X and Y to Width*0.5 and Height*0.5 and change the
LineTo for the X and Y to Controls.Row_1 and Controls.Row_1.Y

This draws a line from the centre to the corner.

Use the control section to move the geometry away from the corner, in the Controls.Row_1 for the X change
to Width*1.9167

Now to get the attachment line behind the shape, right click on the shape and select Format > Behaviour
and change the group data to Behind member shapes and then click the OK button.

The attachment line is now behind the label shape.

i If the attachment line should originate from the

corner points rather than from the centre point, the
following formula could be entered on the MoveTo
line of the Geometry section:
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
AVEVA Diagrams Administration TM-1325

In case there should be a possibility to turn on and off the attachment line, this can be achieved by inserting
an Actions section with the
=SETF(GetRef(Actions.Row_1.Checked),NOT(GetVal(Actions.Row_1.Checked))) in Action, “Show
attachment line” in Menu and 001 in SortKey fields referring the Checked property using the
=NOT(Actions.Row_1.Checked) formula from the NoShow property of the Geometry section:

The attachment line can now be turned on and off by using the shape right click context menu.

To get the shape from Visio into the AVEVA Diagrams application, select the shape so the vertexes are
highlighted and right click, from the right click context menu select Copy. Return to the AVEVA Diagrams
application, right click and select Paste

Now we have to define the Shape Data for the shape, right click on the shape and select Data > Shape
Data from context menu. A message dialogue appears asking the user “Would you like to define shape data
now?” Click the Yes button.

The Define Shape Data form appears, key in the Label

name and then click the OK button, and skip the Text
attribute default value, by clicking OK button. The Text
attribute in Shape Data now exist for the shape.

To get the shape into the stencil, select the shape so the vertexes are highlighted and drag the shape into
the required stencil. A message dialogue box appears, telling the user “This stencil is open read-only. Would
you like to edit the stencil, so that the operation can be complete?” click the Yes button.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
AVEVA Diagrams Administration TM-1325

The new shape is now added to the stencil, right click on the shape and from the right click context menu
select Rename Master. Key in the new name Label_Type1

i Remember to Save Work

4.5.1 Creating a Title Block

Title Block shape can be used to annotate a diagram or template. Its behaviour is similar to Multi-label, but it
cannot be connected to any shape as it displays the attributes of the diagram or template. A shape for Title
Block can be created using the Import Shape Wizard and then be dropped on a drawing as any other shape.

Typically the Title Block consists of several fields (grouped

shapes) - each of them representing an attribute.

Similar to other annotation shapes, texts

for particular fields can be formatted
according to the Attribute Presentation
Notation (please refer to Attribute
Presentation Notation in Chapter
Appendices) and line breaks are
supported in the same way as for Shape
Text. During importing Title Block, font
and colour of text can be defined
separately for each field.

After dropping the Title Block on to a diagram/template the annotation strings defined for particular fields are
evaluated according to the existing database attributes. Those strings can be re-defined using the shape
data of a single text field.

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