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52683 User Experience Research -



STUDENT EMAIL Yujian.Lin-1@student.uts.edu.au
Emily Booth


ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER/TITLE GoGet user analysis report
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Shan Ning 13595018


Table of Contents

GoGet user analysis report............................................................................................. 3

Part A..............................................................................................................................3

Introduction and background..................................................................................... 3

User experience research plan....................................................................................3

Research aims and objectives.....................................................................................4

Target participants...................................................................................................... 5

Research methods and methodologies....................................................................... 6

Part B..............................................................................................................................9

References.................................................................................................................... 12


Appendix 1-Survey questionnaire............................................................................14

Appendix 2- Interview questions............................................................................. 17

Appendix 3- Contextual enquiry..............................................................................20

Appendix 4- Evidence of engagement with peer collaboration............................... 23

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GoGet user analysis report

Part A

Introduction and background

GoGet is the first car-sharing service launched in Sydney, Australia. It became the

biggest car-sharing network in the country with yearly, monthly and hourly fees with a

discount for students. With car rental, the company offers additional services such as car-

cleaning, insurance, exemption of petrol fares on renting cars from the brand, and book

parking lots. As evident from the earlier assessment (A1), the company targets mainly

business people, students, white-collar workers, and excursionists. The key user that needs to

be identified for the consumer base of GoGet is instant, clean car services, access to parking

lots, multipurpose vehicles, and well-rounded car-sharing services with convenient payment

options. At the same time, the pain points of the users were recognized in A1 as the unclean

state of the cars provided to clients, inefficient employee maintenance for the car regularly,

long wait time in case of refunds, ambiguous policies related to financial transactions, and

limited availability of some particular types of cars and expensive charge for extra distance.

Additionally, with Hertz as the major competitor and no company enjoying a majority market

share in the industry, competition is tough for GoGet despite being the pioneer in the market

(IBIS, 2022).

User experience research plan

The current research will be undertaking the research methods of primary data

collection to retrieve user perspectives on the experience of using the GoGet car-sharing app.

A1 highlighted the credit card option for car-renting services provided by Hertz as a

significant advantage over GoGet services besides the better customer care services in service

delivery. On the other hand, reviews posted by GoGet app users over Google play store

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reflected poor user satisfaction with the state of cleanliness of the cars, refund process, and

regular car maintenance services provided by the company. This information was retrieved

through secondary research. Secondary data are wide-ranging and less time-consuming to

accumulate but also lack the accuracy and validity of the information in present times

(Weston et al., 2019). Thus, in this research, primary data from users through interviews,

surveys and contextual inquiry will be collected to identify their experiences with the app.

Interviews and contextual inquiries are efficient methods of retrieving subjective qualitative

information on a research subject through practical observation and psychological inputs

shared by the respondents (Kallio et al., 2016; Kip, Beerlage-de Jong, & Wentzel, 2018). At

the same time, surveys efficiently derive quantitative (figurative and measurable) data on the

research subject that could be calculated to interpret the accuracy and relevancy of the

information to the research concern (O'Sullivan et al., 2016). Using these methods would

enable the retrieval of substantial information on the user experience, needs, challenges with

GoGet app usage, and ways to improve the app.

Research aims and objectives

This research will be executed to determine the challenges faced by users in using

GoGet app for car-renting services, thereby devising solutions to improve the user experience

in the future.

The key objectives with which this research will progress are tabulated below:

1. To identify the target users of the GoGet app

2. To determine the user needs for car-renting services industry in Australia

3. To assess the issues faced by users of GoGet app

4. To devise relevant solutions for addressing identified user concerns and improve

user experiences of GoGet app

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To fulfill the research aim, identification of the target users, user needs, and pain

points are essential. Hence, the objectives will be to pave the way to develop relevant

solutions for improving the app's user experience.

Target participants

Target users for GoGet app are identified in A1 as:

It can be assessed from the revelations of target users in A1 that user needs vary

largely for the GoGet app and the variation in user groups is mainly based on professional

and economic status. In this research, the target participants will be the major user groups of

the brand, White-collar workers and business people. Demographically, the target participants

to recruit in this research can be indicated by:

Age: 24-55 years

Income: Middle to high income
Profession: Business owners or white-collar employees
Lifestyle: Frequent travelling in cars for work purposes

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These participants would be reached through LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook

social media platforms. These social media sites are the most used channels by professionals

worldwide. Hence, it would be easier to access them over these sites. Personal messages

would be sent to the selected candidates’ profiles to offer them a certificate of participation

in community welfare on joining the research. It would help improve the overall user

experience of the app that will ultimately support the services rendered to the community. For

the survey, 200 participants will be approached, from which around 100 participants are

expected to be selected and reply back the survey questionnaires with filled and relevant

responses. On the other hand, 8 candidates will be accessed of which four are expected to be

selected for conducting a telephonic interview and contextual inquiry. 100 participants for the

survey and 4 for an interview and contextual inquiry is a feasible number of participants.

Relevant information can be retrieved and analyzed for the current research with adequate

insights to reach a viable outcome.

Research methods and methodologies

In the earlier assessment A1, secondary research method along with persona creation

for target users are the two methods used to derive information. It identified the following


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Target users User needs Pain points

-Clean cars -Long refund

-Business people -Fast process
-Poor regular car
-White collar availability maintenance
workers -Multipurpose -Limited
availability of
-Students cars specific cars
-Excursionists -Payment -Unclean cars
-Expensive charges
options for extra distance

It can be deduced that the secondary research method used in A1 was useful for

deriving behavioral aspects of user perspectives towards GoGet app usage. However, the

detailed insights on user perceptions of the services of GoGet app are missing. For this,

primary research methods of interview, survey, and contextual inquiry will be employed in

this research. A survey on selected candidates from user segments of GoGet app would

retrieve quantitative information on the frequency of the app usage by users, user loyalty to

the app, specific features and efficiencies of the app that attract the users and specific

inefficiencies that dissatisfies the users. Surveys are useful in acquiring quantitative data that

can be tabulated for easy interpretation and provide an accurate idea of the respondent’s

feedback for the concerned topic (Story & Tait, 2019). Here, it will help to establish the

validity of the information retrieved by A1 regarding user needs and pain points of user

experience for GoGet app usage.

Interviews efficiently accumulate perceptual insights of candidates towards a

particular subject concerned in the research (Roulston & Shelton, 2015). The subjective and

qualitative information drawn through interviews and contextual inquiry in this research

would enable the identification of in-depth attitudinal aspects of the users based on their

experiences with GoGet app. This will highlight the efficiency and inefficiency of the app to
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develop favorable or unfavorable attitudes among users through the app services. Contextual

inquiry is also effective in shedding light on the practical experience of the respondents

regarding the concerned subject (Hendriks et al., 2022). This will help derive the exact

experiences of users regarding satisfying and dissatisfying features of GoGet app while using

it during the inquiry and prior to the interview. Additionally, the primary research methods

are considered to be capable of acquiring current and most relevant information from the

associated individuals (Andrew, Pedersen & McEvoy, 2019). Adopting these primary

research methods would help collect the most current and relevant data for analyzing the user

experience and developing solutions for improvement of the app based on these.

To implement the methods above, online survey questionnaire will be sent to selected

candidates through email and they will be asked to reply with completed survey forms within

a week. This would be enough time to think and answer the questions with comfort and ease

but not forget about the survey at all. The interviews and contextual inquiry will be held over

the telephone for 30-45 minutes with selected candidates. Before implementing the methods,

informed consent forms will be collected from the participants. The time of the interview and

details of telephone numbers will be decided through online discussions between the

researcher and interviewees. It is a vital aspect of research ethics to include participants based

on their voluntary will and to ensure full knowledge of the participants regarding the research

they are participating in (Saunders & Lewis, 2017). This principle will be strictly maintained

through this research process.

By conducting this research, the major type of data expected to be retrieved are quantitative

through the survey and qualitative through the interview and contextual inquiry. The

objective survey data are expected to inform the frequency of app usage by the target

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customer group, areas in which they face challenges and areas which satisfy them the most.

The subjective data from the interview and contextual inquiry are expected to shed light on

the attitudinal perceptions of users towards the efficiency and inefficiency of GoGet app

usage. It is also expected to provide details of the issues they face while using the app and the

areas they are satisfied with that keep them coming back to the app. Additionally, it is also

expected that innovative and unique ideas of improving the app services can be gained

through the subjective data from the users.

Part B

To ensure that this research is conducted ethically, the research ethics principles and

guidelines will be followed strictly. As per the research ethics, employment of methods that

are in compliance with data privacy, confidentiality, anonymity and safety of human

participants establishing assurance of not violating any human rights is essential (The

Practical Ethicist, 2015). In this research, the human rights of participants to participate in the

research from free will is to be ensured. Awareness about research purpose and process

among participants will be established by prior information of the same to the participants

before executing the research methods with them. This will help in their decision-making

process to voluntarily participate in the research.

Data security and individual confidentiality are essential aspects of research ethics

(Saunders & Lewis, 2017). This research will ensure that the data collected from the

participants through the research methods of survey, interview, and contextual inquiry will be

kept safe and private and prohibited from any commercial use. The responses will be used

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only for academic purposes. The identity of the respondents will be kept strictly confidential

and their responses. This research will be accessing the candidates for the research methods

over social media platforms where data leakage is high. Therefore, a strict assurance of

technical efficiency and clarity regarding privacy and confidentiality maintenance of

participants' participation and responses will be ensured. With the consent form, a clear and

detailed explanation of the need and ways to ensure data privacy over social media would be

provided to address the implications of data security and privacy for the research.

The informed consent form will also include the rights of the candidates to withdraw

their participation if they feel awkward or intruded personally. At the same time, the

participants will be informed that they can express their user experience and perspectives on

the GoGet app usage freely without any concern. This will encourage genuine responses

contributing to valid and reliable outcomes through the research. Additionally, the research

methods employed in this research work will be approved by the set research ethics

committee. As asserted by Barrow, Brannan, and Khandhar (2021), an external committee’s

monitoring and review of the research methods effectively ensures ethical research


The research will be targeting the 2 specific user segments of business people and

white-collar workers for the use of GoGet app. None of these groups will be categorized or

discriminated on the basis of race or vulnerability. Therefore, this research will not apply to

indigenous or vulnerable participants' related policies. However, consideration of privacy,

empathy, dignity and respect for the research participants will be maintained, especially while

formulating survey questionnaires and conducting the interview and contextual inquiry. For

this, the participants will be informed that if they feel intruded or awkward with any

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questions or behaviors during the research, they can immediately inform about it and

necessary steps to address the issue will be undertaken in no time. This would ensure

empathy and respect at the heart of the research conduction.

While selecting the research methods, it is kept in mind that specific data on user

experience regarding app features and service delivery that satisfies and dissatisfies the users

are to be retrieved. At the same time, any additional suggestions or ideas that the users might

have for improving the app are also needed to be acquired. Considering the data set required

to accumulate, survey, interview and contextual inquiry methods are selected. These methods

are effective in deriving quantitative, objective (survey), qualitative subjective (interviews)

and practical user behavioral and attitudinal observation (contextual inquiry) on concerned

research area. Hence, these methods were selected for the current research. Considering the

pandemic situation and risk of virus transmission, the telephonic interview is opted to avoid

face-to-face interview. The questions for the survey, interview and contextual inquiry are

formulated such that the most significant and accurate details of the GoGet app’s user

experiences are retrieved, along with additional information of consumer expectations

regarding improving the experience. Thus, this research is expected to help in the collected

necessary information for assessing user experience of GoGet app and developing

appropriate solutions for its improvement ethically.

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Andrew, D. P., Pedersen, P. M., & McEvoy, C. D. (2019). Research methods and design in

sport management. Human Kinetics.

Barrow, J. M., Brannan, G. D., & Khandhar, P. B. (2021). Research ethics. In StatPearls

[Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Hendriks, Y., Peek, S., Kaptein, M., & Bongers, I. (2022). Process and Information Needs

When Searching for and Selecting Apps for Smoking Cessation: Qualitative Study

Using Contextual Inquiry. JMIR human factors, 9(2), e32628.

IBIS. (2022). Car Sharing Providers in Australia - Market Research Report. Retrieved from


Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic

methodological review: developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured

interview guide. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.

Kip, H., Beerlage-de Jong, N., & Wentzel, J. (2018). The contextual inquiry. eHealth

Research, Theory and Development: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. London:

Routledge, 187-206.

O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G., Berner, M., & Taliaferro, J. (2016). Research methods for public

administrators. Routledge.

Roulston, K., & Shelton, S. A. (2015). Reconceptualizing bias in teaching qualitative research

methods. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(4), 332-342.

Saunders, M., & Lewis, P. (2017). Doing research in business and management. Pearson.

Story, D. A., & Tait, A. R. (2019). Survey research. Anesthesiology, 130(2), 192-202.

The Practical Ethicist. (2015). Simplifying the complexity of confidentiality in

research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 10(1), 100-102.

Shan Ning 13595018


Weston, S. J., Ritchie, S. J., Rohrer, J. M., & Przybylski, A. K. (2019). Recommendations for

increasing the transparency of analysis of preexisting data sets. Advances in methods

and practices in psychological science, 2(3), 214-227.

Shan Ning 13595018



Appendix 1-Survey questionnaire

Survey details:

Quantitative data from 100 (50 from each user segment) respondents from the

following 2 user segments:

1. Business people

2. White-collar workers

Participants information and ethical considerations:

Thanks for participating in this research. I am pursuing the research as part of my

course in Arts and Social Science at UTS. The information I collect from you will be

analysed to detect user needs and challenges along with features that you appreciate and any

recommendations for future improvement of the GoGet app. I hereby assure you that your

responses as well as your identity will be kept strictly confidential. I would also like to ensure

that your participation in this research is voluntary free from any additional influence. I must

inform you that you can withdraw from the research process if you feel awkward or intrusion

during the research methods’ execution. On informing, relevant and urgent actions will be

taken to resolve any such issues.


1. What is your age?

 24~29

 30~35

 36-45

 46-55

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2. What is your gender?

 Female

 Male

3. What is your profession

 Business

 White-collar worker

4. Do you prefer using online apps for renting car services?

Dislike 1 2 3 4 5 Like

5. How often do you rent car services through online app?

 Every day

 Weekly

 Monthly

 Yearly/ occasionally

6. What app do you usually use to travel by cab?

 GoGet

 Hertz

 Other:

7. What is the most efficient feature of GoGet app that attracts you?

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 Booked parking lot benefits

 Pricing

 Payment options

 Well-round services

 Other:

Your answer

8. How long have you been using GoGet app for?

Your answer

9. Which problem stands out as the most painful with GoGet app?

Your answer

10. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with GoGet app?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Appendix 2- Interview questions

Participant details:

4 participants (2 from each user segment) from the 2 user segments would be selected

to conduct interview with them. The user segments are:

1. Business people

2. White collar workers

Research goals:

I, ………… (student name), the student of Arts and Social science at UTS would like

to thank you for deciding to join the interview research procedure. This research is a part of

my course. The goal with which I am conducting this research is to identify the challenging

areas of GoGet app and formulated relevant solutions for improving it and thus enhancing

overall user experiences. I will use your responses in the interview to analyse and deduce the

same. My objectives for the research are:

5. To identify the target users of the GoGet app

6. To determine the user needs for car-renting services industry in Australia

7. To assess the issues faced by users of GoGet app

8. To devise relevant solutions for addressing identified user concerns and improve

user experiences of GoGet app

Equipment, confidentiality and note-taking:

For this research I will be using telephonic connection to conduct the interview,

notebook and audio-recording equipment for collecting the responses for future analysis. Rest

assure that the responses will be destroyed once the research is completed and submitted. You

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will be provided with a transcript of the interview as well. I will make the notes while my

teammate will record the audio of the interview. Please speak freely and provide genuine

answers to my questions. Your identity and responses will be kept strictly confidential and

used only for academic purposes.

Informed consent:

You are expected to provide us with an informed consent form to ensure that your

participation in research is voluntary and you are pre-informed about research purpose and

procedure before conducting the interview with you. Also, the time and date of the interview

are being set based on discussions with you.

Demographic questions~

1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

3. What is your profession?

4. Do you prefer using online car-renting app?

5. How often do you use the GoGet app for car-renting services?

Specific questions~

6. How long have you been using the GoGet app and from where did you find it?

7. Which features and aspects of GoGet app attracted you to use it?

8. Which features or inefficiencies of the GoGet app brought dissatisfaction to your


9. Do you have any recommendations for improving the app? If yes what are those?

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10. Are you willing to keep using the app and if it is improved will you be

recommending the app to others?

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Appendix 3- Contextual enquiry


Participant- EFG

Role of the user (choose any one from the following 2 segments to which you belong)-

1. Business people

2. White-collar worker

Observation place- Australia

Date and Time-

Research notes

I am a student of Arts and Social science at UTS and I am executing this research with

my teammates. The purpose of the research is to identify the features and inefficiencies of the

GoGet app that determines the user experience. I intend to use your responses here to analyse

and formulate relevant approaches to improve the app and your overall user experience with

the ap and its services. Your informed consent is precious and mandatory for the initiation of

the research.

User information

The target user segments for this research are:

1. Business people

2. White-collar worker

You will be sent the survey questionnaire at 10am in the morning on 1st day of the

week next to attaining your consent for the research participation. The questionnaire will be

sent to your email id. For interviews, the telephonic call date and time would be decided by

discussing with you, It will be for 30-45 minutes approximately. You will be asked to use the

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GoGet app before I initiate with the interview questions. My teammate will be observing and

recording your behavioural and attitudinal responses of using the app. I will take notes on

identified areas and features of the app that satisfies and dissatisfies you during your

experience of app usage. Thereafter, the interview will be commenced over the telephone.

Your feedbacks on app usage experience and interview questions will be analysed to derive

insights on areas of the app that requires improvement and any potential recommendation for

the improvement.


Survey questionnaires

Telephone connections

Legal notice and consent form


Audio recording equipment

Contextual Inquiry/ Interview structure

Age, profession, working needs and frequency at which the app is used are the key criteria

that categorised the 2 user segments. The interview will start with demographic questions and

move towards specific app usage experience related questions. The responses of the

participants will be recorded and noted to analyse them for the research.

Notes on behaviours to observe

My team member and I will be conducting the interview and observation together. I will ask

you the interview questions and note your responses in a copy. My team member will be

observing you during your experience with app usage and record the audio of the interview.

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App related features that are found to be satisfying and dissatisfying you are to be noted and

recorded for analysis through the research methods along with your responses.

Interview questions

Demographic questions~

1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

3. What is your profession?

4. Do you prefer using online car-renting app?

5. How often do you use the GoGet app for car-renting services?

Specific questions~

6. How long have you been using the GoGet app and from where did you find it?

7. Which features and aspects of GoGet app attracted you to use it?

8. Which features or inefficiencies of the GoGet app brought dissatisfaction to

your experience?

9. Do you have any recommendations for improving the app? If yes what are


10. Are you willing to keep using the app and if it is improved will you be

recommending the app to others?

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Appendix 4- Evidence of engagement with peer collaboration

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