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The Exclusiae

Source of
Jacob O. MeUer

O hpAright l{Ng Awemblies of Yahtreh

BetheL PA 19507
AU Rights fuseroed

o ptblicotion of Auembllee of Yahtnh

The Exclusiae
Source of
in the near
sweep across this earth in these last days, just before the the past few years, as future. A closer personal relation- close of the age, to search the
this end-time message of truth has ship with the Almighty Heavenly Scriptures daily to find the "narrow
been going out over the air with Father Yahweh and our Savior and pathway" to salvation, just as did
ever-increasing power, some groups the noble
and individuals have begun to attack
Redeemer Yahshua the Messiah can Bereans in the ea rly
be achieved through coming to know Apostolic era, Acts 1Z:11.
the necessitv for the use of the them perconally by their revealed In our contemporary era we see
Sacred Name in our quest for salva- Names which were directed to be many sincere and dedicated people,
tion. It has only been after very written into the Inspired Scriptures highly educated, who definitely
d iligent, thoughtful, and careful by the Holy Spirit. preach "another Evangel," as hap
study that the author has reached In this article it is our intention pened during the days of the Apos-
the conclusion that the Sacred Name to refute the unfounded objections tles, Galatians l:G12. While these
of our Heavenh' Father "YAHWEH" which have been raised against this people preach a message which
and of our Savior "YAHSHIIA, the vital end-time message by those who appearc on the surface to be plausi-
Messiah" are absolutely imperative have not understood just how vital it is
to our eternal salvation.
ble, when held up to the
"The Sacred Name" really is as an scrutiny of the light of the Inspired
The message preached by the integral part of the Scriptures. All Scriptures, the arguments which
Assemblies of Yahweh is not slanted of the objections which have been have been so ingeniously formulated
toward destroying the Christian raised can be biblically and catego and presented fall flat.
Faith, but rather it is designed to rically answered and refuted. For instance, most of the readerc
give you ever-increasing knowledge It should be the exclusive objec- of this article are familiar with the
and understanding to withstand the tive of each one of the true and reams of literature which may be
end-time persecution predicted to sincere worshipers of the Almighty obta.ined, arguing against the true
What is the eficlusiue
source of truth?

What are the original

Inspired Scriptures?

Where do u)e go to find the

reaealed, personal Name oI
the Hea'uenly Father and
our Saaior?

Sabbath of the Almighty. The We do not find that a doctrine can
writers of this literature certainly be stated in one particular place in
appear to be sincere in their convic- the Word, while in another the
tions. However, misguided sincer- Almighty would contradict Himself
ity cannot circumvent the fact that by saying something diametrically
the Inspired Scriptures unequivocal- opposite. Our Heavenly Father is
ly state that the 7th Day Sabbath is certainly not a Being who is given
the day which our Heavenly Father to double talk or confusion, 1 Corin-
directs us to rest from our labors thians 14:33; Malachi 3:6; and
and worship Him. No amount of Hebrews 13:8. Neither is He a
literature which may ever be pub- "doddering old senile recluse" who
lished, no sincere Sunday worchip, needs to be told what His Word
no seemingly authoritative, theologi- says.
cal statement, will be able to alter He certainly is not guilty of being
the unchangeable TRllTH, as com- unable to know His own Name! He
manded in Scriptures such as is the Creator and Sustainer of the
Exodus 20:8-11 and 31:12-18, and univetse, and, consequently, should
other passages. be capable of knowing His own
This is exactly the honor that we mind.
who revere the true, revealed Sacred Mortal human beings, even
Name of our Heavenly Father though we may possess fantastic
Yahweh and His Messiah, Yahshua, understanding and knowledge, in
bestow upon the Holy Scriptures. comparison to our Heavenly Father
canonical order the cart before the horse"! The
by Jerome during Hebrew Scriptures are those which
the years 382 to 405 testify of Yahshua the Messiah, John
in our common era. 5:39.
The Apostle Paul, You may read His own reference
in writing to the to this truth in Luke 24:44-48. The
young minist€r, Scriptures which He opened to the
we can best be classed as inferior Timothy, exhorts him to, "Giae understanding of the disciples were
and of worthless substance. Mortal diligence to present yourself approoed to the Old Testament Hebrew Scrip
man must never find himself in the Yahweh, a workman that needs not be tures. In Isaiah 8:20 we read a
position where he presumes to dic- ashamed, handling properly the word of frequently quoted passage relative to
tate his wishes to the Almighty, or truth," 2 Timothy 2:15. the keeping of the L,aw of Yahweh.
decide for our Heavenly Father what The studying which Paul urged "To the law and to the testimony! If thea
is true and correct. The Word, the Timothy to do is explained in the speak not aeeording t0 this word, surely
sacred Scriptures, represents the third chapter of this same second there is no morning for them-" Conse-
final will of the Most High. epistle, verse 14 to .
"But remain in
17 quently, we must conclude that if
The worship of Yahweh is totally the things whieh Aou haoe learned and the New Testament would presume
different from all other religions! In haae been assured oi knowing of whom to teach a doctrine opposed to that
True Worship, Yahweh commands, Aou haoe learned them; and that from a which is contained in the Old Testa-
mrrn obeys. In nominal religion, babe Aou haae known the sacred writings ment, we would be required to
man molds the Almi.qhty to his own which are able to make Aou wise to discard it immediately as having no
concepts rnd ideas. To stand at salaation through faith which is in the light!
txids with Yahweh is to make a Messiah Yahshua Eaery scripture However, I would like to allay all
most unwise choice, resulting in that Yahweh-breathed is profitable for teaehing, fears in this regard instantly. The
person's being rejected by the for reproof, eorrection, for instruction New Testament is completely in
Heavenly Father. which is in righteorrsrress.' that the man of harmony with the OId, and we can
Yahweh maA be eomplete, furnished trust its message. If we do not
What Is the Word eompletely to eaerA good tDork." distort its true teachings with extra-
of Yahweh? Once more we are given to under- neous theological interpretations, its
stand that the Inspired Scriptures to intrinsic message harmonizes com-
The only correct and absolute which Paul refers are the Hebrew pletely and accurately with the Old
placeto find the basis of our F'aith Scriptures, commonly known as the Testament.
is in such Scriptures as John 5:39 OId Testament. These were the The New Testament does, in fact,
and 10:35. "seareh the Scriptures, writings inspired directly by the teach the same message as does the
beeause llou I hink that in them Aou haoe Almighty through His Prophets. As Old and we can prove this by
eternal life; and lhese are lhey which bear I have already noted, the New diligent study, searching and ques-
witness of me," John 5:39. "If he Testament was not written at this tioning. There is an abundance of
called them Elohim, to whom the word of time (this epistle Timothy forms a evidence that the Sacred Name of
Yahweh eame hnd the SCRIPTIIRE part), and had yet to be compiled in our Heavenly Father appeared in
CANNOT BE BROKEN).. .', JOhN 10:35. its present canon. the original texts of the New Testa-
It is imperative that we search In addition, Paul continues in the ment and was revered by the early
the Scriptures daily, and these Scrip- fourth chapter and verse 2, by Apostles, who suffered severe perse
tures are the Inspired, exhorting Timothy to, "Preach the cution to proclaim the necessity for
"Yahweh-breathed Word. " Word." Again, the lVord to which using it in True Worship. Also, we
I would like to focus youl' atten- Paul refers must have been the can prove conclusively that the name
tion on the startling fact that when Inspired Hebrew Scriptures, the pas- of our Savior, Yahshua the Messiah,
our Savior was speaking these sage beginning, "Thus saas Yahweh. . ." was preached by the Apostles in the
words, the New Testament had not If Paul was so emphatic in early Messianic Assembly.
as yet been written! It was not pointing one of his followers to the Have you read the record of the
until at least 20 years after the Old Testament Scriptures, then it is historian Eusebius, for example?
Savior spoke these words that the imperative that we also turn our Certainly the Almighty wishes for
first book of the New Testament was attention toward the Old Testament His people all over the world to read
actually written. In fact, the manu- for our guide to everlasting salva- His Words in their own languages.
scripts of the New Testament were tion. If we look merely to the Greek He desires that the true message of
only compiled in their present Scriptures, we are in effect, "placing salvation be preached to all the
world in the native tongues of all change from one language to concede that Aramaic (a late Hebrew
people sothat all men may have the another), while the Name of The dialect) was the language which was
opportunity to repent and enter the Author should be deleted! Why spoken by our Savior while He
Kingdom. should the name "Satan" be sojourned among men. Again I
retained, while the Name of the would have to reiterate here paren-
Author of the Book, Almighty Yah- thetically that there is no "inspired
weh, is deleted, and not only translation. "
Taking Liberties deleted, but replaeed ba the name
With Yahweh's Name of an idol which was once served in
worshipful reverence by the ancient
However, the idea that names Canaanite tribes. In fact, these The Language
differ in various languages consti- tribes, in worship of their idols, used of the Scriptures
tutes only a feeble and evasive a small portion of scriptural know-
excuse for inserting a name for the ledge while liberally corrupting their If the Hebrew is not the pure
Almighty and Messiah, different worship with a generous admixture Ianguage which is spoken of by the
from that which was inspired into of the thoughts, the ideas, and the prophet Zephaniah in chapter 3,
the original Scriptures, since the commandments of men, Matthew verse 9, we may ask, why did the
names of the Apostles and prophets 15:8-9. If we depart by only the Almighty choose to speak to the
were little changed or altered during smallest iota from the pure worship Hebrews in their own native tongue?
translation. There is absolutely no which has been commanded by the Almighty Yahweh chose to reveal
Scriptural authority for deleting the Inspired Scriptures, we leave that Himself to the Hebrews, and has not
Holy Name of the Almighty, or the which keeps us pure in the eyes of done so with anA other people,
Name of His Son, Yahshua the the "Word," Deuteronomy 5:29-33; Psalm 147:19-20. He spoke to the
Messiah our Savior, which alone 13:1-5. Israelites when they were coming
brings salvation, Acts 4:12. If you It is imperative that we come to out of Epypt in a language which
desire authority against changing understand that the sacred Scrip they could understand! Please read
His Name or deleting it, please read tures were written in the Hebrew Deuteronomy 4:33-36.
Matthew 4:4 and Deuteronomy 8:3! first, and were then translated into It is hardly strange that when
After noting some of the Scriptures the Greek, and subsequently into the our Savior implored the Heavenly
which caution against tampering other native tongues. This is true of Father to glorifo His Name (John
with the Word, it is almost incon- both the Old and the New Testa- 12:20-28), the instant reply from the
ceivable that the translators have ments and is a statement which can Heavens was, "f haoe hoth glorified it
taken the liberties which are so be proved historically. We cannot and wilt gtorifa it again." Notice in this
evident. Please read Deuteronomy view the Septuagint as being passage that Greeks had come to
4:1-8, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation inspired, or utilize it for a model see Yahshua. The Messiah did not
22:18-20. upon which to base substantiating even recognize their presence, but
As we pursue this thought, let me theories for new doctrines. The Old referred to the Name of the Father.
emphasize that the English King Testament was definitely written in Thus He must have had advance
James Version is not an inspired itre Hebrew language. knowledge of the Greek responsibil-
translation. Constantly we hear the Dr. George Lamsa has pointed ity for deleting the Father's Name,
term "inspired translation." There out in the preface of his translation and eventually His own saving
is no inspired translation! The that there is ample evidence that the Name also, from their translation of
originals were inspired or super- New Testament was first written in the New Testament. Additionall.y,
naturally breathed from heaven by the Hebrew or Aramaic (Semitic there is no instance recorded in the
the Holy Spirit, 2 Peter l:20-21 and Ianguages) and then later translated Scriptures where
2 Timothy 3:16. All translations of into Greek. In addition, such a any person who
those originals in our possession noted a Bible scholar as Dr. E. W. ever received the
today are merely the works of men. Bullinger in his Companion Bible Word of the
Again we should note how says, speaking of the New Almighty was
strange it
is that the names of the Testament: "ff the Greek of the lt{ew unable to speak
patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and Testament be regarded cs an inspired the Semitic lang-
even that of the evil spirit, Satan translation from the Hebrew 0r Aramaic uage. All persons
the devil, should be slavishly trans- originals, most of the aarious readings to whom the
literated (the sound of the word is would be aecounted for and understood" Almighty spoke
literally carried across without Every Bible scholar of note will knew A rama ic
make him say that all people knew
people. I will cotrcede Greek and that this was the common
that in addition to the lanugage of the time of the Messiah.
Jews, proselytes of THIS IS NOT THE CASE!
various ethnic descent The word "eommon" does not
joined the ranks of the mean "ordinary" or "usual," but
True Worshipers. rather it means "beneath their
However, since the original dignitA."
or Hebrew. converts were Jews, it is logical to con- Josephus was writing just about
I am certain that each sincere clude that Paul would have written 200 years after the Maccabean War,
Bible student is convinced of the in a language which was of and the wounds of the attempted
unerring accuracy which is inherent universal acquaintance in the syna- Hellenization of the Jews were still
in the Inspired, sacred Scriptures. gogue when he wrote his epistles to festering and raw, still causing
However, we can find numerous these fledgling congregations who resentment against anything Greek.
errors in the English text. Some had accepted the Messiah. That one If Greek was the common lan-
Bible students enumerate as high as universal Jewish language was not guage of the time of the Messiah,
20,000 to 30,000 mistakes. Could Greek, but Hebrew, just as it is the what was the necessity for Pilate to
this indicate the infa'llibility of the rne common language among all the write the title of accusation which
Bible translators? It most definite- Jews of the world of today. was nailed to the tree in three
Iy reveals that the translations are The noted Jewish historian, Ianguages, Hebrew, Latin, and
indeed the works of mortal men. Josephus, writes in his history that Greek? Incidentally, it was the title
Also. I might underscore the fact he was one of the best educated men of accusation (King of the Jews)
that the Inspired Scriptures were of Judaism in his day, yet he, which was written in the three
closed around the year 96, in our himself, could not even speak Greek languages, not the Saaior's Name,
common era. with satisfactory exactness. Please Mark 15:26.
read the following quote carefully. By way of dating the manuscripts
This passage is taken from Antiqui- which have come down to us, histori-
ties of the Jews, Book 20, Chapter ans readily admit that the Aramaic
The Language of 11, Section 2. "For those of ma o.Dn "Peshitta" text is at least 100 years
the New Testament nation freely acknowledge that I far exeeed more ancient than is the Greek text
them in learning belonging to the Jews; I which has been used for the King
Historians have recorded that at haoe also taken a great deal of pains to James Version, Vatican rno,nu-
least three books of the New Testa- obtain the learning of the Greek language, script 1209.
ment were written in Hebrew. One although I haoe so long aecustomed myself Occasionally the question is
is the book of Matthew, of which one to speok our own tongue, that I cannot asked, "Why are there no original
of the early writers in the New pronounee Greek with sufficient exaetness: Aramaic manuscripts extant, if as
Testament era, Eusebius, writes, for our nation does not encourage those that the author claims, the New Testa-
"Matthew wrote the words of our learn the languages of many nations, and so ment was written in the Aramaic or
Savior in the Hebrew language." In adorn their discourses with the smoothness Hebrew and not the Greek?"
addition, the book of Hebrews was of their periods; beeause they look upon According to Talmudic law, when a
written to the Hebrew people. It this sort of accomplishment as common" not manuscript became unusable due to
would hardly be written in Greek! only to all sorfs of freemen, but to as manA deterioration which comes with age
The book of Revelation was obvious- of the seraants as please to learn them. and use, it had to be either burned
ly written in Hebrew, primarily But they giae him the testimony of being a or buried, since the Name of the
because it bears the unmistakable wise man who rs fully acquainted with our Almighty appeared there. It could
imprint of a Hebrew document. laws, and is able to interpret their meaning: not be left to fall into unclean hands
Another obvious fact emerges on whieh aceount, as there haoe been mana which could desecrate the majestic
from a close scrutiny of the book of who haae donre their endeaoors with great Sacred Name.
Acts, which lends proof that the patienee to obtain this learning, there haae a
As consequence, most of the
early Apostles went first to the Jews Aet hardly been so manu as two or three original manuscripts were not
in every city of their journeys. In that haoe sueeeeded therein, who were spared from being destroyed, al-
cities such as Ph ilippi , Ephesus, immediately well rewsrded for their pains." though we may look forward to a
Thessalonica, Corinth, and Rome, Do you understand the true meaning day when archaeologists could un-
Paul preached in the synagogues and of this passage? Some writers of earth some originals. AIso, the
raised up congregations of Messianic recent date have desired to twist history of the nominal Christian
believers with a nucleus of Jewish what Josephus has written and church has been one of militant
anti-Semitism. History records that it is imperative that we begin now ume could be written showing again
book-burnings were commonplace, &s to learn this word of praise and and again, by the use of our logical
Jewish homes, synagogues, and li- have it fixed indelibly in our minds. intelligence with which we have
braries were set ablaze by zealous Only those who respond by saying, been born, and a logical examination
Christians in an effort to persecute "HalleluYAH" will be in this great of the opposing ar€ruments, that they
the supposed murderers of the Mes- multitude. vanish as vapor into thin air.
siah. Among these books were, One of the most ingenously fabri- Let me affirm to you now that no
undoubtedly, many manuscripts of cated arguments against the Arama- argument against the necessity of
priceless significance and value, ic origin of the New Testament using the Sacred Name has yet been
probably New Testament manu- seeks to show that the Aramaic advanced that I have not been able
scripts included. "Peshitta" text has incorporated the to refute completely and categorical-
parenthetical explanations which are ly. Should you feel, after reading
In the library of the Assemblies found in such places as John 1:38, this article, that you have found
of Yahweh there is a book which 4l-42. If you do not have access to such an argument, I invite you to
depich early Septuagint fragments this text, I can assure you that these send it to me and I will examine it.
showing the four letters of the parenthetical explanations do not The basic, down-toearth fact re-
Tetragrammaton, the Almighty's appear there. mains, in the final analysis, that the
Name in the Hebrew letters, appear- Actually, when we see this argu- Almighty has told us on numerous
ing within the Greek text. These ment evaporate into thin air before occasions in His Word (the Old
are very ancient fragments, indicat- our eyes, we end up with even more Testament Scriptures) that His
ing that the Sacred Name was positive proof that the originals Name is Yahweh. Please see the
carried over into the Greek text of were indeed written in either Ara- following Scriptural passages which
the first Septuagint translations. As maic or Hebrew. One notable are only a few instances among the
a consequence, this proves definitely explanation is given by Dr. George multitude which I could cite here:
that the original translators of the Lamsa (in his translation) as being a Psalm 68:4; 83:18; and Hosea l2:5.
Septuagint did revere the Sacred clarification in translation from one "f am Yahweh, that is mA name; and my
Name. We cannot look to this Aramaic dialect to another. In fuct, glory will I not giae to another, neither my
ancient Greek version to support the this actually would support prtxrf praise to earoed image& " Isaiah 42:8.
theory that since the extant Septua- that the original could have been Now, if you are as honest with
gint version deletes the Sacred Hebrew and the explanation placed yourself as I had to be when faced
Name, the New Testament must there upon translation into Aramaic. with this mountainous volume of
therefore follow suit. Even though If we begin with a basic under- evidence in affirmation of the Sacred
for the sake of argument someone standing that we must call upon the Name, you will have to begin using
might conclude that some portions of Name of Yahweh to be saved (,Ioel it in your worship just as I did. I
the New Testament were written in 2:32), quite a number of different had to become a worshiper of Yah-
Greek, that is still no reason to explanations present themselves to weh and come out of the confusion
delete the Sacred Name of Yahweh support this truth. These must be of nominal Christianity, which is
or the Name of our Savior, Yahshua reconciled and answered by those worshiping a multitude of different
the Messiah, and substitute a foreign opponents of the Sacred Name mes- mighty ones, Leviticus 20:24-26. "But
pagan name. sage who desire to retain the numer- I haoe said to yotl You shall inherit their
In Revelation 19, the word "Hal- ous uninspired names which the land and I will gioe it to Aou to possess, a
leluYAH" appears 4 times. It has translators have arbitrarily inserted land flowing with milk and honey: I am
been transliterated from the Arama- into the various translations. Let us Yohweh Aour Elohim, who has separated
ic originals into the Greek and never forget Psalm 96:5, because the Uou from the peoples, You shall therefore
appears as "Alleluia." However, names used in the different make a distinetion between the clean heast
when it is spoken this Hebrew word translations are usually those of and the unelean, and
still sounds the same in Greek as it Iocal idols (Baals). "For all the elohim between the unelean
does in Hebrew, and incidentally, it of the peoples are idols; but Yahweh made fowl and the elean:
means, "Praise Ye Yah." So when the heauens." and Aou shall not
the command goes forth in the end In this article the author has make Aour souls
time, and the great multitude of endeavored to show that the many abominable bA beast,
people are told to "Praise Ye Yah," objections to the Sacred Name of the or bU bird, or
they will respond instantly in praise Heavenly F'ather (as it was inspired bU anA thing with
with the same word which contains in the Hebrew Scriptures), are com- which the ground
the Sacred Name! If we are to be pletely contrived, fabricated, and teems, which I
numbered among that blessed group, without foundation. An entire vol- haoe separated from
Ones, whether in heatsen that exists upon the face of this
or on earth; as there earth, because we do not try to
are manA Mighty Ones, explain away any teaching of the
and manA Lords; Aet to Bible, but we accept and strive to
us there is one Elohim, live according to all that the Scrip
the Father, of whom are tures teach.
all things, and we to It is difficult to walk the "narrow
Aou oE unelean. And Aoa shall be holy to hiw and one Master, Yahshua the Meesiah pathway:' but it is also the most
me: for I Yahueh am holA, and haoe set through whom are all things, and .ae rewarding life you could live. It
Aou apart from the peoples, that Aou ehould through hint Howeoer, there is not that will assure you of everlasting life
be mine." Please note also 1 Cor- knowledge in all men: but some being ueed when the Savior returns to establish
inthians 8:4-7 . "Coneerning therefore until nou to the idoL eat at of a thing the Kingdom of Yahweh, Psalm
the eating of things saerifieed to idoh, ue sacrifieed to an idob and their eonseienee 22:28. "For the kingdom is Yahweh's;
know that no idol is anything in the world being weak, is defiled" and he is the ruler ot)er the nations."
and thot there is no Yahweh but one. For This worship of Yahweh is totally
though there be that are called Llighta different from any other religion Will you be there?

The Assentblies of I'ahweh present

this L,olume, The Sacre d Scriptttre s,
Btthel Edition, to the reader in nur
humble endeauor to git;e Uou a spec:ial
gift of greater biblic'ol kruuledge. We Th@ SaGP@d
hoce r(.,.$ tored the Sacred lVome,
Yohueh (the Tetragrommaton) and
proper lilles lo the English text of lhe
Old Teslumenl o.s u'ell as returning the SoPflpfrmm@s
l\'ame of l'ahshua, qur Saaior, to the
te.rt of the l{eu Testantent.
The Soc red Scriptures, Bethel
Edition, is based upon the translation
work of lhe American Standard Ver-
siort, 1901, knoutn os lhe most accurate
English rer:tion el)er put into print. It
mainloirts the delic,ate bolance neees-
t;arll lrt prucide o cerll occursls, literol
lranslolittrt, u,hile pre$eruing the
majesly of expression of the original
hr this edition u)e hace sought to
eliminale lhe Shoke$peareon English
rchirh is no longer familiar in modern
usage, end u'e hare lried lo be faithful
in rendcring lhe original texls (as
closely os u'e con relurn lo them).
W'hile striaing to make lhe text of
lhe Bible more underslandable for the
nxtdern reader, the majeslg wilh which
the Bible should be comprehended u)as
not sacrificed; lherefttre, this text
emphasizes uur need to think of our
Heauenly Father and His Messiah on a
higher leuel. The Sacred Scriptu,res, Bethel Edition, is published by the
will enjoy The Sacred
We futpe Auu Assernblies of Yahweh, Bethel PA, 19507.
Scriptures, Bethel Edition. Read and
learn from this, the sacred Word of
AlmightU Yohweh.

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