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Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

Define data

Data refers to any information, facts, or statistics that can be collected, analyzed, and used for various
purposes. It can take many forms, including numbers, text, images, audio, video, and more. Data can be
structured or unstructured, and can come from a variety of sources, including surveys, sensors, databases,
social media, and many other sources.

In the context of computing and technology, data often refers to digital information that can be processed
by computers and software. This data is typically stored in files or databases, and can be manipulated and
analyzed using a variety of tools and techniques, such as data mining, machine learning, and statistical
analysis. The value of data lies in its ability to provide insights, make informed decisions, and improve
processes and outcomes in many different fields, including business, science, healthcare, and more.

Example of data : name , phone ,Age , number and birthday

Name Age Gender Favorite Color

Alice 25 Female Blue
Bob 32 Male Green
Charlie 45 Male Red
Diana 28 Female Yellow

This is a simple table with four rows of data, each row representing a person. Each row contains several
columns of data, including the person's name, age, gender, and favorite color. This is just one example of
what data can look like - data can take many different forms depending on the context and the purpose for
which it is being colleced.

Internal data:- is private or proprietary data that an organization owns, controls, or collects. Examples of
internal data include sales data, website data, customer information, and financial data
External data:
Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

External data is information that originates from outside the company and is readily available to the
public. External data is used to help a company develop a better understanding of the world in which it
operates. Possible sources of external data include job portals, career websites, and business-focused
social networks.

Feature and characteristics : -

1- Strategic level decisions are high-level choices about the direction of the organization, its goals
and objectives, and the allocation of resources to achieve them

2- Management level: data processing focuses on operational activities – for example, customer
data, such as customer preferences when shopping or locations or seasons where customer spends is
higher or lower; employee data, including attendance, punctuality

3- Operational level : it is the day to day running of the business and level of this products

Level of data : -
1- Sector and type organization - the service will need suppliers, staff, premises and equipment

2- The size of the organization - the larger the, organization the greater the number of data and
information used in decision-making. In addition, the larger the organization, the more data must be
managed. While the customer base may not necessarily be large, for example an selling organization to a

3- Services and/or Products: Availability of the organization - The restaurant will have different needs
than those of the local beauty salon, not least because one produces products and the other provides a
service. Both will work with suppliers of products and ingredients

4- Objectives of the organization - The organization can measure its success in achieving its goals and its
revenue using the information generated from the data. To do this, goals and objectives will be agreed

5- Determine the scope of the customer's needs - Data collected could be from customer feedback,
complaints, compliments and sales. Difficulty encountered almost daily by organization seeking customer
Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

6-Aims and goals :the organization success measure though using information from data

7-Identifying and planning improvement : the organization must improve his product to maintain

8-Setting and developing policy :any organization must be policy to save its data

Ensure data:- Security data refers to information that is used to protect and secure a system,
network, or application from unauthorized access, attacks, or vulnerabilities. This type of data
includes sensitive and confidential information that is used to authenticate users and authorize
access to resources. Examples of security data may include passwords, access control lists,
encryption keys, security certificates, biometric data, and security policies.

Security data is critical to maintaining the security of an organization's IT infrastructure and

ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It is typically stored in secure
databases, systems, or devices and is accessed and managed by security professionals or
authorized personnel with appropriate clearance and credentials.

Security data is also used to detect and respond to security incidents and events, including
intrusion attempts, malware infections, and other types of attacks. Security data analytics and
monitoring tools are used to collect and analyze security data to identify threats and
vulnerabilities, track user activity, and generate alerts and reports to help security teams
mitigate risks and respond to incidents.



Any information means that information can be available in any form, it can be objective or subjective,
and may contain various facts that are not necessarily related to a person's personal life. The relationship
between the individual and.

Internal Information:
Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

Inside information means information of a precise nature that has not been released to the public that
relates to one or more products and which, if made public is likely to significantly affect the prices of
those products. The company is hurt

External information

External data is information that originates outside the company and is readily available to the public

Social media

Sites it is possible that Face book is the most popular social networking site in the world, and the second
is twitter. Despite the concerns of many, about the flaws, these two websites are used by government

2- Blogs, micro blogs, and videos are like online magazines. There are blogs on various topics including
gossip, hobbies, special interests, and news articles. Computing and software manufacturers have blogs
that provide usage information

3- Wiki
A wiki is a database contributed by a community of users who work together to add content on a
particular topic.

4- Chart room: It is possible that you have used the chart room, perhaps as an alternative to a video call on
Skype or WhatsApp. Map rooms enable virtual meetings or social networking, no matter where
individuals or groups are located.


An online forum is where people are invited to participate in a discussion, usually focused on a topic in
which they share a vested interest. Each GEM member can post their comments and opinions, which can
be read later.

Data sources

Are what refer to the source data as raw data, meaning that the data is not redundant and that something
needs to be done with the data in order for it to become information.

Primary data:
Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

It is the data that the c GEM collects or produces itself. The primary data might be, for example, a list of
customer details

Secondary Data:

Data that has been "purchased" or collected by another person. Secondary data includes used data

For example:
1- research articles

2- Government reports

Data Modeling: Data modeling means creating a model of the meaning of data to help you think
about alternatives. Modeling data in different ways enables the user to evaluate the usefulness of
the model and how to justify decisions

Personal details
Course studied
Study support
This popular data model example arranges the data into tables. The tables have columns and rows, each
cataloging an attribute present in the entity. It makes relationships between data points easy to identify.
.For example, e-commerce websites can process purchases and track inventory using the relational model

staff Strategic level:

Client Operational level

owner Management level

level Online communitiesn
- Determine the scope of the customer's needs WhatsApp
Objectives of the company Face book
The size of the GEM Chartrooms
Name : Abdalrhman Mohmmed

Class : 1/6

Services and/or Products Forums

Sector and company wiki

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