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Name: hamza Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Abozaid


Internal threats: are security threats inside of the organization.


❖ Weak password:
❖ password made by using only numbers or very easy to know like birthday date or favorite pet or
make one pass for all accounts.

❖ Data access: giving the employees/ managers access that they need to fulfil their job.

❖ Physical data access: which means leaving your device without password and unlocked, anyone
could unlock it and take the data.

External threats: are security threats outside of the organization.


➢ Hacker: hacker is someone who tries to get into the organization device without permission of
the owner
➢ Phishing: is some type of virus in a photo or a link to steal data from your device.

➢ Virus: is a type of software (malware) designed by someone to destroy your device, steal data,
and can be downloaded from links in unsecure websites.
➢ Accidental damage: its very easy to lose data in the organization like forgetting to save after
finishing the job.


• Unequal access: the access given to a manager cant be the same as a normal employee
because the manager must have high access to fulfil his role and manage the entire
organization while the employee is only managing a small part of the organization
• Online behavior and netiquette: the organization must respect their customers even if they
are talking to them online and follow the rules.
• freedom of speech and censorship: the organization should have rules for the opinions and
limits for how people talk to each other to help them respect each other.
• Privacy: every organization has its own private information, and it shouldn’t be shared with
customers and not share the emails and passwords for anyone that doesn’t work in the
• Ethical hacking: is someone with the organization that tries to hack it to find security threats
so the organization can fix it.

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