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Malak Mostafa


Moral and ethical ways:


Not to interfere with the company's privacy, such as eavesdropping on calls during a customer
conversation, and not to allow anyone to know the customer's information.

Environmental protection: Electronic equipment that is not used must be disposed of because it causes
cancer and affects the environment by depleting resources.

Equality in work ethics: each person has different powers from the other, and it is not ethical for a person
to use the powers of another person to access information

Acceptable use: The company applies an acceptable use policy Information technology prescribing
protocols Including: Restrictions (time, activities and websites)\ Devices (use and type, and if personal
devices can be used for business activities and vice versa)

Online behavior: It is the etiquette of dialogue during a customer call or conversation with the customer
and respect for the customer's opinion

Freedom of Speech and Censorship: Supports that everyone has the freedom of opinion and acceptance
of opinions/ Censorship by way of speaking and taking thoughts that follow another person

Ethical Hacking: There must be a company specialist who conducts tests to ensure the security of the
company's IT system such as: White hackers - or "white hackers" for short - are what are called ethical
hackers, and they are hackers organized to penetrate a company's system with permission and are
authorized to hack according to instructions, with the intent of exposing vulnerabilities to remediate

so, the procedures must be as following:

▪ The information can not be shared with anyone unless there is a permission.
▪ The company’s internal information must not be shared with anyone.
▪ The company’s rules must be clearly included in a policy.

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