Describe Procedures To Be Implemented in An Organization To Allow Them To Operate in Legal, Moral and Ethical Ways

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describe procedures to be implemented in an organization to allow them to

operate in legal, moral and ethical ways.

 Online behavior and netiquette

'Netiquette’ refer to rules of good online behavior. The principles of online communication are
similar to those for face-to-face conversation, but there are important differences too. Many of
us are used to communicating online using e-mail and private and informal platforms, the
employees must know ethical principles of the company they should speak politely with each other and
when they write comments, they shouldn’t write anything illegal and apply the ethical standards of the

 Privacy

Information privacy is the relationship between the collection and dissemination of data,
technology, the public expectation of privacy, and contextual information norms. It is also
known as data privacy or data protection. we must Develop a privacy policy that sets out clear
expectations of how client data will be collected and used and we must ensure that client’s data is being
secured very well

 Acceptable use
an acceptable use policy (AUP) is a document stipulating constraints and practices that a user
must agree to for access to a corporate network, which outline guidelines for what is morally
and ethically permissible the internet or other resources. Many businesses and educational
institutions require employees or students to sign an AUP before being granted a network ID.

 Unequal access
An unequal system or situation is unfair because it gives more power or privileges to one
person or group of people than to others, and Inequality in access to information is considered
one of the most important things in ethical and moral terms in the company the all employes
take the same access to data the we can’t give it one employe and other not
 Legal issues
If you have important data in your device and if someone want to steal the data you have then
that is illegal, when someone tries to put a virous in the gym or any company and his purpose is
to steal the data and the information then he deserves to be punished

 Freedom of speech and censorship

the right to speak and the right to publish under the First Amendment has been interpreted
widely to protect individuals and society from government attempts to suppress ideas and
information, and to forbid government censorship of books, magazines, and newspapers as well
as art, film, music and materials on the internet and The company must allow employees and
customers to speak and express their opinion, even if it is a negative opinion, and in relation to
the employees, even if the employee expresses a negative opinion about the company, I must
respect his opinion and not take negative action with him

 Ethical hacking (white hat and grey hat)

(White hat) A white hat hacker or ethical hacker is an individual who uses hacking skills to identify
security vulnerabilities in hardware, software or networks

(grey hat) A grey hat is a computer hacker or computer security expert who may sometimes violate
laws or typical ethical standards, but usually does not have the malicious intent typical of a black
hat hacker, there are actually three different labels for ethical hackers

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