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Immigrant Journal Project

With your partner or on your own create an identity for yourself and write as a
fictional immigrant who travels to a different country. Create an appropriate name,
age, country of birth, and family members (who are you traveling with and/or left back
in the old country).


➢ Your name/names should appear on the inside cover of your journal.

➢ The front cover should include your fictional character’s name (ex. “Lady Gaga’s
➢ It should also include pictures.
➢ The front cover should be creatively decorated.

Journal entries:

➢ Each entry must begin with the date it was “written.”

➢ Each entry must be a minimum of 8 sentences.
➢ Each entry should have an effective introduction and a strong conclusion.
➢ Each entry should clearly express ideas and be carefully edited for spelling and
➢ Entries must be written in first person.
➢ Entries should answer the questions listed below.

ENTRY 1: Introduction and life in your homeland. (2/08)

➢ Name and age

➢ Family history
➢ Describe life in your homeland. Tell your reasons for wanting to leave your
country and why you have chosen your destination.

ENTRY 2: Describe your trip. (16/08)

➢ Was it difficult to leave your home country? What problems did you face?
➢ How did you get to your destination? How long did it take you?
➢ Describe how the journey was like.

ENTRY 3: Arrival.

➢ How was your arrival? Was it difficult for you to communicate and understand
the language?
➢ Where are you going to stay? How did you get there?

ENTRY 4: First week and plans (23/08 entrega final)

➢ Describe your feelings about being abroad.

➢ Describe what are you going to do. (study/work)
➢ Give at least 5 details about your plan to stay.
Name/s: ___________________________________________ Due date: August 18, 2023

Rubric for the Immigration Journal Project


1 2 3 4 Cover includes pictures, character name and student name.

1 2 3 4 Cover is creatively and neatly presented.

No Yes Delivered on the due date.

Entry 1:

1 2 3 4 Entry includes family history.

1 2 3 4 Entry meets the length and formatting requirements as

stated in the directions.

1 2 3 4 Entry is free of grammar or spelling errors and is written


Entry 2:

1 2 3 4 Entry includes the information required.

1 2 3 4 Entry meets the length and formatting requirements as

stated in the directions.

1 2 3 4 Entry is free of grammar or spelling errors and is written


Entry 3

1 2 3 4 Entry includes the information required.

1 2 3 4 Entry meets the length and formatting requirements as

stated in the directions.

1 2 3 4 Entry is free of grammar or spelling errors and is written

Entry 4

1 2 3 4 Entry includes the information required.

1 2 3 4 Entry meets the length and formatting requirements as

stated in the directions.

1 2 3 4 Entry is free of grammar or spelling errors and is written


Total score: ________/60.

Further comments:



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