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Goats or Capra Aegagrus Hircus are mammals with four legs, two ears and
tail. They also have horns both males and females. They are communicated by
bleating. Goats hate water and prefer to jump rather than walk in water. grass,
leaves, shoots and weeds are eaten by them so they are herbivores. Usually Goats
are brought by herder to eat so we can see them on the road, field, farm, and
village. They produce milk too and more famous than cow milk.

Goat height IS 41-58 cm, male goat weight 30 kg and 25 kg female, they
have a thin body. The color of the fur is brown, white and black. They have square
pupils so they can see 360 degrees. Goats sleep 5 hours a day, and the rest is spent
eating and playing with their friends because they are friendly animals. Goats are
pregnant for 150 days or 5 months and live for 15-18 years. In Islam, the goat is
one of the sacrificial animals and there is a beautiful Islamic history behind it.
Goats like to explore unfamiliar places around them by relying on their sensitive
lips and tongue.

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