AAI PYQs Set 3

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Part icipant ID 12111310349


Test Cent er Name iON Digit al Zone iDZ Bopal
Test Dat e 25/03/2021
Test Time 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Subject Jr. Execut ive (ATC)

Section : General Kno wledge

Q.1 A bill CANNOT beco me a law unless t he ___________ finally approves it .

Ans A. Chief Justice of India

B. Prime Minster

C. Deputy Prime Minister

D. President

Question ID : 9767557726
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.2 Which o f t he f o llo wing is t he co rrect sho rt f o rm o f CPI?

Ans A. Consumer Price Interest

B. Consumer Price Index

C. Customer Price Index

D. Customary Price Index

Question ID : 9767557718
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.3 What is t he healt hy pH range f o r a human bo dy?

Ans A. Between 7 to 7.8

B. Between 6 to 6.8

C. Between 9 to 9.8

D. Between 8 to 8.8

Question ID : 9767557720
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.4 Who is a ‘malakar'?
Ans A. Author

B. Dancer

C. Garland maker

D. Musician

Question ID : 9767557717
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.5 Where was India’s first at o mic po wer st at io n est ablished?

Ans A. Tarapur, Maharashtra

B. Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh

C. Rampur, Uttar Pradesh

D. Dharampur, Himachal Pradesh

Question ID : 9767557722
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.6 Hagio graphy is t he lif e st o ry o f a _____________.

Ans A. religious leader or saint

B. common man

C. place

D. king or queen

Question ID : 9767557725
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.7 Which is t he mo st lit erat e st at e o f India acco rding t o Census 2011?

Ans A. Delhi

B. Assam

C. Goa

D. Kerala

Question ID : 9767557721
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.8 Which is t he o nly met al who se nat ural f o rm is liquid?
Ans A. T in

B. Sodium

C. Mercury

D. Iron

Question ID : 9767557719
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.9 T he name 'Hindu' was co ined t hro ugh Persian language f ro m a Sanskrit wo rd
meaning ______________.
Ans A. a particular religion

B. Sindhu, the river Indus

C. cultured

D. belonging

Question ID : 9767557723
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.10 Which o f t he f o llo wing rulers ruled Vijayanagar Empire?

Ans A. T enali Raman

B. Chandragupta

C. Vikramaditya

D. Krishnadeva Raya

Question ID : 9767557724
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : General Int elligence

Q.1 T wo dif f erent po sit io ns o f t he same dice are sho wn. Select t he number t hat will be
o n t he f ace o ppo sit e t o t he f ace having t he number 1.

Ans A. 6

B. 2

C. 4

D. 3

Question ID : 9767557740
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.2 Read t he given st at ement s and co nclusio ns caref ully. Assuming t hat t he
inf o rmat io n given in t he st at ement s is t rue, even if it appears t o be at variance wit h
co mmo nly kno wn f act s, decide which o f t he given co nclusio ns lo gically f o llo w(s)
f ro m t he st at ement s.
St at ement s:
1. All pads are keybo ards.
2. All keybo ards are mo nit o rs.
Co nclusio ns:
I. So me keybo ards are pads.
II. So me mo nit o rs are pads.
Ans A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both conclusions I and II follow

C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows

D. Only conclusion II follows

Question ID : 9767557733
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.3 Select t he o pt io n in which t he numbers are relat ed in t he same way as are t he

numbers o f t he f o llo wing set .
(258, 112, 146)
Ans A. (245, 120, 115)

B. (145, 90, 55)

C. (60, 20, 3)

D. (40, 4, 10)

Question ID : 9767557737
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.4 During a discussio n, a gro up o f 8 classmat es, namely Sunit a, Faheem, Anupam,
Dickso n, Bano , Dilan, Juhi and Punit , are sit t ing in a circle, f acing t he cent re. Bano is
sit t ing bet ween Punit and Dilan. Dickso n is sit t ing bet ween Anupam and Punit . Bano
and Juhi are no t sit t ing o ppo sit e each o t her. Sunit a is t hird t o t he lef t o f Bano and
seco nd t o t he right o f Anupam.
Who is t hird t o t he lef t o f Sunit a?
Ans A. Anupam

B. Dickson

C. Faheem

D. Bano

Question ID : 9767557734
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.5 Select t he co rrect mirro r image o f t he given figure when t he mirro r is placed o n t he
line MN.






Question ID : 9767557741
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.6 Select t he o pt io n t hat is relat ed t o t he t hird figure in t he same way as t he seco nd
figure is relat ed t o t he first figure.






Question ID : 9767557739
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.7 Select t he let t er-clust er f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he

quest io n mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series.
KB, ED, YF, SH, ?
Ans A. LI




Question ID : 9767557727
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.8 Select t he alphanumeric-clust er f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he
quest io n mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series.
R36, T 25, X16, Z9, D4, ?
Ans A. F2

B. H1

C. H0

D. F1

Question ID : 9767557728
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.9 Select t he o pt io n in which t he let t er-clust ers share t he same relat io nship as t hat
shared by t he given pair o f let t er-clust ers.
Ans A. T O: WJ


C. RV : WT

D. IN : NI

Question ID : 9767557730
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Select t he alphanumeric-clust er f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he

quest io n mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series.
Z49, ?, Y25, P,16 J9
Ans A. I38

B. J36

C. L36

D. K36

Question ID : 9767557731
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.11 Select t he number f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he quest io n

mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series.
28, 56, 168, 840, ?, 64680
Ans A. 5880

B. 7560

C. 5040

D. 6580

Question ID : 9767557736
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.12 Select t he number f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he quest io n
mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series.
18, 19, 42, 135, 556, ?
Ans A. 2240

B. 3000

C. 2805

D. 2800

Question ID : 9767557732
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.13 Select t he figure f ro m amo ng t he given o pt io ns t hat can replace t he quest io n mark
(?) in t he f o llo wing series.






Question ID : 9767557738
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.14 Select t he co rrect o pt io n t hat indicat es t he arrangement s o f t he given wo rds in a
lo gical and meaningf ul o rder.
1. Int erview
2. Jo b
3. Applicat io n
5. Exam
6. Publicit y
4. Select io n
Ans A. 6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2

B. 6, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4

C. 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6

D. 6, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Question ID : 9767557735
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.15 Select t he o pt io n t hat is relat ed t o t he t hird wo rd in t he same way as t he seco nd

wo rd is relat ed t o t he first wo rd.
Angle : Radian :: Energy : ?
Ans A. Watt

B. Power

C. Strength

D. Joule

Question ID : 9767557729
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : General Apt it ude

Q.1 If t he co st o f 12 pens is Rs. 36, t hen find t he co st o f 240 pens.

Ans A. Rs. 750

B. Rs. 690

C. Rs. 660

D. Rs. 720

Question ID : 9767557747
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans A. 101.0011

B. 101.1010

C. 111.1001

D. 110.1110

Question ID : 9767557745
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.3 If m and n are t he t wo digit s o f t he number 1798mn such t hat t his number is divisible
by 70, t hen (m + n) is equal t o :
Ans A. 4

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

Question ID : 9767557742
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.4 Ten men went t o a ho t el. Nine o f t hem spent Rs. 50 each o n t heir meals, and t he
t ent h spent Rs. 9 mo re t han t he average o f all o f t hem. Ho w much did t he t ent h
man spend?
Ans A. Rs. 59

B. Rs. 62

C. Rs. 60

D. Rs. 51

Question ID : 9767557752
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.5 Adit ya was asked t o divide a number by 5 and subt ract 20 f ro m t he quo t ient . He,
ho wever, first subt ract ed 20 f ro m t he number and t hen divided it by 5, get t ing 192 as
t he answer. T he co rrect answer sho uld have been:
Ans A. 174

B. 178

C. 172

D. 176

Question ID : 9767557755
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Marks o bt ained in dif f erent subject by a st udent present ed in above diagram, figures
being given in t erms o f t he angles f o rmed by t he sect o rs at t he cent re o f t he circle.
If t he t o t al marks were 1800, t hen t he marks in English wo uld be:
Ans A. 400

B. 325

C. 300

D. 425

Question ID : 9767557756
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.7 Meera st art s at 7:00 a.m. by bicycle t o reach scho o l. She cycles at t he speed o f 20
km/h and reaches scho o l at 7:30 a.m. What sho uld be Meera's new speed if she has
t o reach t he scho o l at 7:25 am?
Ans A. 24 km/h

B. 18 km/h

C. 22 km/h

D. 20 km/h

Question ID : 9767557748
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.8 If 20% o f (X + Y) = 50% o f (X – Y), t hen find X : Y.

Ans A. 2 : 7

B. 7 : 3

C. 7 : 2

D. 3 : 7

Question ID : 9767557746
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.9 Sara’s expendit ure and savings are in t he rat io o f 5 : 1. Her inco me increases by 10%.
If her savings increase by 8%, t hen by ho w much percent age her expendit ure has
Ans A. 12.2%

B. 13.4%

C. 14.2%

D. 10.4%

Question ID : 9767557749
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Evaluat e t he above expressio n.





Question ID : 9767557744
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 A rect angular hall, 142 met re lo ng, is paved wit h 12425 t iles, each measuring 8 dm 2
(decimet re square) . T he widt h o f t he hall is:
Ans A. 8 m

B. 6 m

C. 9 m

D. 7 m

Question ID : 9767557754
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.12 A leak in t he bo t t o m o f a t ank can empt y t he f ull t ank in 8 ho urs. An inlet pipe fills
wat er at t he rat e o f 3 lit res per minut e. When t he t ank is f ull, t he inlet is o pened and
due t o t he leak t he t ank is empt y in 10 ho urs. Find t he capacit y o f t he t ank.
Ans A. 6600 litres

B. 7000 litres

C. 6800 litres

D. 7200 litres

Question ID : 9767557750
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.13 T he great est number o f five digit s which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is:
Ans A. 99600

B. 99800

C. 96000

D. 94500

Question ID : 9767557743
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.14 A and B can do a piece o f wo rk in 80 days; B and C can do it in 120 days; A and C can
do it in 112 days. In ho w many days can B alo ne do it ?
Ans A. 182

B. 158

C. 168

D. 172

Question ID : 9767557751
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.15 @ 5% per annum, t he co mpo und int erest o n a cert ain sum f o r t wo years is Rs. 82
and t he simple int erest is Rs. 80, find sum.
Ans A. Rs. 750

B. Rs. 800

C. Rs. 850

D. Rs. 700

Question ID : 9767557753
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Section : General English

Q.1 Select t he o pt io n t hat expresses t he given sent ence in passive vo ice.
Tensing No rgay est ablished t he Himalayan Inst it ut e o f Mo unt aineering in Darjeeling
o n 4 November 1954.
Ans A. T he Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering was established in Darjeeling on 4
November 1954 by T ensing Norgay.
B. T ensing Norgay has established T he Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering in
Darjeeling on 4th November 1954.
C. T ensing Norgay had established T he Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering
Darjeeling on 4 November 1954.
D. On 4 November 1954, T ensing Norgay established T he Himalayan Institute of
Mountaineering in Darjeeling.

Question ID : 9767557768
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.2 T he f o llo wing sent ence has been divided int o part s. One o f t hem may co nt ain an
erro r. Select t he part t hat co nt ains t he erro r f ro m t he given o pt io ns.
Financial hardships ruined my plans / f o r a Mast er's at Cambridge / but t his inspired
me t o help t he po o r and t alent ed st udent s / t o cracking t he co mpet it ive exam.
Ans A. but this inspired me to help the poor and talented students

B. Financial hardships ruined my plans

C. to cracking the competition exams

D. for a Master's at Cambridge

Question ID : 9767557763
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.3 Fill in t he blank wit h t he mo st appro priat e idio m.

Cert ain po lit ical part y leaders wo o peo ple t hro ugh rich o rat o ry and big pro mises.
Inno cent and simple peo ple t end t o ------------------------ o nly t o realise ho w ho llo w
t heir pro mises were.
Ans A. take them at the face value

B. put on a face

C. make a big face

D. lose face

Question ID : 9767557760
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.4 Select t he o pt io n t hat is expressed in passive vo ice.

Ans A. Take a piece of fine paper and draw your kite scale on it.

B. Now lay your paper on a flat surface and mark three dots to make an isosceles
C. T he kite is then cut along the shape and a tail is attached to it.

D. Finally, attach a string and your kite is ready to fly.

Question ID : 9767557767
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.5 Sent ences o f a paragraph are given belo w. While t he first and t he last sent ences are
in t he co rrect o rder, t he sent ences in bet ween are jumbled up. Arrange t he
sent ences in t he co rrect o rder t o f o rm a meaningf ul and co herent paragraph.

S1. At a great celebrat io n in ho no r o f King Lio n, t he Mo nkey was asked t o dance f o r

t he co mpany.

A. But t he big hulking Camel made himself very ridiculo us as he kicked o ut his kno t t y
legs and t wist ed his lo ng clumsy neck.
B. He was very sure t hat he co uld dance quit e as well as t he Mo nkey, so he pushed
his way int o t he cro wd and rising o n his hind legs, began t o dance.
C. His dancing was very clever indeed, and t he animals were all highly pleased wit h his
grace and light ness.
D. T he praise t hat was sho wered o n t he Mo nkey made t he Camel envio us.

S6. T he animals were so disgust ed wit h t his dancing t hat t hey set upo n t he Camel in
a rage and drove him o ut int o t he desert .




Question ID : 9767557771
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.6 T he f o llo wing sent ence has been divided int o part s. One o f t hem may co nt ain an
erro r. Select t he part t hat co nt ains t he erro r f ro m t he given o pt io ns.
Af t er a great est perio d o f hust ling and grinding / t hro ugh t he mo delling wo rld /
Deepika finally go t her break in films / wit h t he movie ‘Om Shant i Om’ at t he age o f
ninet een.
Ans A. After a greatest period of hustling and grinding

B. Deepika finally got her first break in films

C. with the movie ‘Om Shanti Om’ at the age of nineteen

D. through the modelling world

Question ID : 9767557764
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.7 Select t he o pt io n t hat is expressed in act ive vo ice.

Ans A. Problem solving situations are included in the selection process for a career in the
B. Only two candidates were found suitable for the job.

C. T he panel asked very tricky questions from each candidate.

D. T hree rounds of interviews were faced by him before he was finally selected.

Question ID : 9767557769
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.8 Select t he mo st appro priat e o pt io n t o fill in t he blanks.

T he Odisha Government ___________________ t o develo p a wo rld class inf rast ruct ure
______________ t he premises o f t he Ko nark t emple.
Ans A. will be planning; at

B. was planning; with

C. is planning; around

D. has planned; about

Question ID : 9767557761
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.9 Select t he o pt io n t hat is NOT an example o f indirect speech.

Ans A. Anirudh said that he wanted to specialise in Artificial Intelligence and work in
B. In his first address to the staff after his appointment as CEO he made it clear that
he wanted punctuality and excellence.
C. Mr. Sanjeev said that he would like to live in his old village house after retirement.

D. Radha, you look smashing in that golden saree.

Question ID : 9767557766
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.10 Sent ences o f a paragraph are given belo w. While t he first and t he last sent ences are
in t he co rrect o rder, t he sent ences in bet ween are jumbled up. Arrange t he o pt io ns A
t o D in t he co rrect o rder t o f o rm a meaningf ul and co herent paragraph.
S 1: Market ing depart ment s o f t en f eel a need t o just if y t heir exist ence.
S 2:____________
S 3:____________
S 4:________________
S 5: ________________
S 6: Almo st wit ho ut except io n, t hese co mpro mises are wo rse t han do ing no t hing.
Opt io ns:
A: All t o o o f t en, we can say t heir ef f o rt s are a result o f a co mpro mise.
B: And if ret ail sales are do wn, market ers will hire a co nsult ant t o f reshen up t heir
lo o k.
C: If last year’s slo gan f eels o ld, t hey will spend a millio n do llars t o invent and
pro pagat e a new o ne.
D: T hey will t hen make co mpro mises eit her in t heir budget o r in t heir pro duct .
Ans A. A, B, D, C

B. A, D, C, B

C. C, B, D, A

D. B, C, D, A

Question ID : 9767557770
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.11 Select t he mo st appro priat e ANT ONYM o f t he given wo rd.
Ans A. Harsh

B. Mild

C. Fair

D. Serene

Question ID : 9767557758
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.12 Select t he mo st appro priat e o pt io n t o fill in t he blank.

As I had t o cat ch an early mo rning flight , I asked my f riend whet her I he wo uld dro p
me at t he airpo rt in his car. He gave me a flimsy excuse. T hat ’s when I realised, he
was o nly _____.
Ans A. birds of a feather flock together

B. a friend in need is a friend indeed

C. a friend in high places

D. a fair-weather friend

Question ID : 9767557759
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.13 Select t he o pt io n t hat expresses t he given sent ence in repo rt ed speech.

At an int erview, Anand said, “During my childho o d days, I lived wit h my f amily in a
small, rent ed ho use by t he railway t racks in Pat na.”
Ans A. At an interview, Anand recalls that during his childhood days, he lives with his
family in a small, rented house by the railway tracks in Patna.
B. At an interview, Anand disclosed that during his childhood days, he lived with his
family in a small, rented house by the railway tracks in Patna.
C. At an interview, Anand told that during his childhood days, he lived with his family
in a small, rented house by the railway tracks in Patna.
D. At an interview, Anand says that during his childhood days, he lived with his
family in a small, rented house by the railway tracks in Patna.

Question ID : 9767557765
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.14 Select t he mo st appro priat e o pt io n t hat can subst it ut e t he underlined wo rds in t he

given sent ence.

We st art ed panicking when we f o und o urselves caught in a t errible sno w st o rm wit h

unco nt ro llable winds.
Ans A. whirlpool

B. storm

C. blizzard

D. cyclone

Question ID : 9767557772
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.15 Select t he mo st appro priat e ANT ONYM o f t he given wo rd.
Ans A. Seduce

B. Repulse

C. Beguile

D. T empt

Question ID : 9767557757
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.16 Select t he mo st appro priat e o pt io n t o fill in t he blanks.

2020 has been a difficult year f o r India which had t o f ace t win ______________ t he
Covid-19 pandemic and _____________ wit h neighbo uring co unt ries o n it s bo rders.
Ans A. records; wars

B. difficulties; belligerense

C. challenges; skirmishes

D. challenges; peacefulness

Question ID : 9767557762
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Co mprehensio n:
Read the given passage and answer the following questions.
India should deploy a dedicated satellite system for tracing and managing its fisheries
sector. It should expand its patrolling in the high seas and put in place a 30 year ‘holistic’
shipbuilding plan under the Atmanirbhar initiative to give a boost to shipping and
shipbuilding sector, recommends a draft policy prepared by multiple committees led by the
Prime Minister’s economic Advisory Council.
T he draft is part of India’s ‘Blue Economy’ Framework. T his refers to tapping the economic
potential from India’s oceans and also includes allied activities such as coastal tourism,
mariculture, fisheries and deep-sea mining. Currently a ’conservative’ estimate of the size of
the Blue Economy is about 4% of the Gross Domestic Policy, the report notes.
India’s 7,517 km long coastline is home to nine coastal States and 1,382 islands. With 12
major ports and 187 non-major ports, handling about 1,400 million tonnes of cargo, 95% of
India’s trade by volume transits by sea. India’s Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million
square kilometres is rich in living and non-living resources and holds significant recoverable
resources of crude oil and of recoverable natural gas. T he coastal economy also sustains
over 4 million fishermen and other coastal communities. “With these vast maritime
interests, the Blue Economy in India has a vital relationship with the nation’s economic
growth,” said the report.
T he Ministry of Earth Sciences had drafted a similar policy in 2015 but was not finalised.
T he present report was prepared by seven committees that had government representatives
as well as private organisations such as the Resource Information System for Developing
Countries , the National Maritime Foundation , the Energy and Resource Institute, the
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Indian Ocean Rim
T he Group noted that while there is significant potential for tourism, it was necessary to
curb uncontrolled and unplanned tourist activities that cause stress on the carrying
capacity of coastal ecosystems, especially those on fragile island territories.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing
the best option.

SubQuest io n No : 17
Q.17 Which o f t he f o llo wing was NOT o ne o f t he privat e o rganisat io ns invo lved in creat ing
t he draf t po licy?
Ans A. T he Energy and Resource Foundation

B. National Maritime Foundation

C. Resource Information System for Developing Countries

D. Indian Ocean Rim Association

Question ID : 9767557774
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Co mprehensio n:
Read the given passage and answer the following questions.
India should deploy a dedicated satellite system for tracing and managing its fisheries
sector. It should expand its patrolling in the high seas and put in place a 30 year ‘holistic’
shipbuilding plan under the Atmanirbhar initiative to give a boost to shipping and
shipbuilding sector, recommends a draft policy prepared by multiple committees led by the
Prime Minister’s economic Advisory Council.
T he draft is part of India’s ‘Blue Economy’ Framework. T his refers to tapping the economic
potential from India’s oceans and also includes allied activities such as coastal tourism,
mariculture, fisheries and deep-sea mining. Currently a ’conservative’ estimate of the size of
the Blue Economy is about 4% of the Gross Domestic Policy, the report notes.
India’s 7,517 km long coastline is home to nine coastal States and 1,382 islands. With 12
major ports and 187 non-major ports, handling about 1,400 million tonnes of cargo, 95% of
India’s trade by volume transits by sea. India’s Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million
square kilometres is rich in living and non-living resources and holds significant recoverable
resources of crude oil and of recoverable natural gas. T he coastal economy also sustains
over 4 million fishermen and other coastal communities. “With these vast maritime
interests, the Blue Economy in India has a vital relationship with the nation’s economic
growth,” said the report.
T he Ministry of Earth Sciences had drafted a similar policy in 2015 but was not finalised.
T he present report was prepared by seven committees that had government representatives
as well as private organisations such as the Resource Information System for Developing
Countries , the National Maritime Foundation , the Energy and Resource Institute, the
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Indian Ocean Rim
T he Group noted that while there is significant potential for tourism, it was necessary to
curb uncontrolled and unplanned tourist activities that cause stress on the carrying
capacity of coastal ecosystems, especially those on fragile island territories.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing
the best option.

SubQuest io n No : 18
Q.18 T he cent ral idea as pro ject ed in t he passage is:
Ans A. reducing maritime trade activities

B. using satellites to monitor activities along the coastline

C. ushering in the concept of self-reliant India

D. using oceans to boost economic growth

Question ID : 9767557776
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Co mprehensio n:
Read the given passage and answer the following questions.
India should deploy a dedicated satellite system for tracing and managing its fisheries
sector. It should expand its patrolling in the high seas and put in place a 30 year ‘holistic’
shipbuilding plan under the Atmanirbhar initiative to give a boost to shipping and
shipbuilding sector, recommends a draft policy prepared by multiple committees led by the
Prime Minister’s economic Advisory Council.
T he draft is part of India’s ‘Blue Economy’ Framework. T his refers to tapping the economic
potential from India’s oceans and also includes allied activities such as coastal tourism,
mariculture, fisheries and deep-sea mining. Currently a ’conservative’ estimate of the size of
the Blue Economy is about 4% of the Gross Domestic Policy, the report notes.
India’s 7,517 km long coastline is home to nine coastal States and 1,382 islands. With 12
major ports and 187 non-major ports, handling about 1,400 million tonnes of cargo, 95% of
India’s trade by volume transits by sea. India’s Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million
square kilometres is rich in living and non-living resources and holds significant recoverable
resources of crude oil and of recoverable natural gas. T he coastal economy also sustains
over 4 million fishermen and other coastal communities. “With these vast maritime
interests, the Blue Economy in India has a vital relationship with the nation’s economic
growth,” said the report.
T he Ministry of Earth Sciences had drafted a similar policy in 2015 but was not finalised.
T he present report was prepared by seven committees that had government representatives
as well as private organisations such as the Resource Information System for Developing
Countries , the National Maritime Foundation , the Energy and Resource Institute, the
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Indian Ocean Rim
T he Group noted that while there is significant potential for tourism, it was necessary to
curb uncontrolled and unplanned tourist activities that cause stress on the carrying
capacity of coastal ecosystems, especially those on fragile island territories.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing
the best option.

SubQuest io n No : 19
Q.19 While submit t ing t he repo rt , t he seven-member gro up has, caut io ned t he
government against :
Ans A. safeguarding of our vast coastline and the smaller islands

B. unplanned tourist activities which will pose a threat to the ecosystems

C. unwanted monitoring of our coastline through satellite

D. exploitation of inhabitants of the smaller islands in the region

Question ID : 9767557777
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Co mprehensio n:
Read the given passage and answer the following questions.
India should deploy a dedicated satellite system for tracing and managing its fisheries
sector. It should expand its patrolling in the high seas and put in place a 30 year ‘holistic’
shipbuilding plan under the Atmanirbhar initiative to give a boost to shipping and
shipbuilding sector, recommends a draft policy prepared by multiple committees led by the
Prime Minister’s economic Advisory Council.
T he draft is part of India’s ‘Blue Economy’ Framework. T his refers to tapping the economic
potential from India’s oceans and also includes allied activities such as coastal tourism,
mariculture, fisheries and deep-sea mining. Currently a ’conservative’ estimate of the size of
the Blue Economy is about 4% of the Gross Domestic Policy, the report notes.
India’s 7,517 km long coastline is home to nine coastal States and 1,382 islands. With 12
major ports and 187 non-major ports, handling about 1,400 million tonnes of cargo, 95% of
India’s trade by volume transits by sea. India’s Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million
square kilometres is rich in living and non-living resources and holds significant recoverable
resources of crude oil and of recoverable natural gas. T he coastal economy also sustains
over 4 million fishermen and other coastal communities. “With these vast maritime
interests, the Blue Economy in India has a vital relationship with the nation’s economic
growth,” said the report.
T he Ministry of Earth Sciences had drafted a similar policy in 2015 but was not finalised.
T he present report was prepared by seven committees that had government representatives
as well as private organisations such as the Resource Information System for Developing
Countries , the National Maritime Foundation , the Energy and Resource Institute, the
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Indian Ocean Rim
T he Group noted that while there is significant potential for tourism, it was necessary to
curb uncontrolled and unplanned tourist activities that cause stress on the carrying
capacity of coastal ecosystems, especially those on fragile island territories.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing
the best option.

SubQuest io n No : 20
Q.20 T he t erm ‘a co nservat ive budget ’ implies:
Ans A. a balanced budget

B. an interim budget

C. a supplementary budget

D. an inflexible budget

Question ID : 9767557775
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : Do main Quest io ns

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