DRRR Module 7 SDLP

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Date: April 11-15, 2022 Grade Level: 11

Teacher: Roberto Paolo Apilan 3rd QUARTER 2nd SEM

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Content Standard: Various elements that may be exposed to hazards: Physical, Social, Economic,
Environmental Vulnerability of each exposed element.
Performance Standard: The learners conduct hazard hunts of exposed elements and propose
corresponding corrective actions for one’s preparedness.
1. Differentiate the vulnerabilities of the different elements that may be exposed to hazards;
2. apply the different elements exposed to specific hazard in a situation;
3. value the importance of the elements exposed to hazards in your community.

I. Subject Matter
Topic: Vulnerability of Different Elements Exposed to Hazards
Lesson: Recognize vulnerabilities of different elements exposed to specific hazards
Materials: TV, Laptop, Chalkboard,
References: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

II. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Reminders

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Review:
Through a question-and-answer portion, the teacher will ask some questions related to the past topic
(Sector of Society’s Vulnerability to Disaster).
- What is population density?
- Give one solution to reduce the disaster risk.
2. Motivation:
- Picture Analysis – Scenario based learning strategy
Students is task to analyses the pictures presented by the teachers and answer the following
questions below.
Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about these pictures?
2. Were you able to experience this?
3. How did you cope with these calamities?
4. What precautionary measures have you done during the calamity?

3. Presentation:
Teacher presents the outline of today’s discussion.
a. Differentiate the vulnerabilities of the different elements that may be exposed to hazards;
b. apply the different elements exposed to specific hazard in a situation;
c. value the importance of the elements exposed to hazards in your community.
Direction: Concept map is a visual representation that shows relationships between concepts. Arrange
the following words or phrase into a concept map. Under the diagram, explain how did you come up
with your output and cite your basis. (Teacher shows an example of concept map)

Guide Words:
ecosystem exposed response and recovery tangible
elements hazard risk environmental physical

4. Lesson Proper
Teacher presents the power point presentation.
Use inquiry-based learning strategy

Ask student students if they have an idea about what is:

- Physical Vulnerability
- Social Vulnerability
- Economic Vulnerability
- Socio Economic
- Environmental Vulnerability

Integration – Pansariling Kaunlaran

Vulnerability - Adolescents are faced with a lot of challenges as they go through this stage. These
challenges are rooted in the various changes that happen in an adolescent’s life.
Review questions:
Ask student students what is:
- Physical Vulnerability
- Social Vulnerability
- Economic Vulnerability
- Socio Economic
- Environmental Vulnerability
Integration – Health Optimizing Physical Education
Elements - There are five components of physical fitness: (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3)
muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance. A well-balanced
exercise program should include activities that address all of the health-related components of fitness.
Ask a student to synthesize the discussion.

5. Application
Given the situation apply the different elements exposed to a specific hazard.

1. You are a secondary student. You are stranded in your school building. They have blocked off the
entrances and exits because the grounds are flooded. You have been trying to call your family and
trying to get news on your house, but the signal’s down. You have only gotten your books,
notebooks, and laboratory materials in your bag and locker. What elements of vulnerability are
present in the situation?
2. You and your family is living in an apartment. You knew that the location you are residing is a
flood risk area. The radio reports anticipated flooding, and you heard the rain pouring, so you
prepared water bottle, some clothes, canned goods, and cash. You placed all your electronic
appliances on top of the cabinets and tables and encased them in plastic covers. You’re ready to go
out, but you don’t know where the evacuation center is.

6. Generalization:
Some students will summarize the lesson by asking students to complete the phrases.
My chosen word is .................
I know that I know ........................
First, I know ......................
In addition, I know ........................
Finally, I know .............................
Now, you know something that I know ......
Students will be asked if they have questions or clarifications about the topic.

III. Valuing:
1. Why is it so important to determine the elements exposed to hazards in your community?

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Classify the following phrases and sentences whether it is PHYSICAL, SOCIOECONOMICAL OR
_________ 1. shutdown of telecommunication tower
_________ 2. houses built near fault lines
_________ 3. denudation of forests
_________ 4. rest houses near Boracay shoreline
_________ 5. Twenty-story building constructed on soil mainly made up of clay.
_________ 6. bridges with cracks and crevices
_________ 7. overfertilization of agricultural soil
_________ 8. Loss of job due to COVID-19 pandemic.
_________ 9. possible retrenchment of ABS CBN employees due to its shutdown
_________ 10. Destruction of coral reefs that serves as barriers against storm surge.

V. Assignment:

Hand-Made or Do-It-Yourself Information flyers

1. Observe a community (you can choose your own community or barangay).

2. Determine all the elements exposed to hazard in that particular locality.
3. Make an information flyer and include all the elements exposed to hazard. Also include hotlines in case of
emergency. Be creative.
4. You will be graded based on the rubrics given below:

Criteria’s 4 3 2 1 TOTAL SCORE

Most of the
Some of the Very little of the
All information is information is
information is information is
Accuracy and correct and all of correct and
correct and some correct and none
Relevance the sources are most of the
of the sources are of the sources
listed sources are
listed are listed
One or two of
With exceptional
the graphics Graphics made No graphics made
degree of student
Originality reflects based on the by the student are
creativity in
creativity of designs of others included
their work.
the students
The flyer includes
All required
required All but 1 are Several required
Required elements are
elements as well included on the elements are
Elements included on the
as additional flyer missing
Most of the Some of the
writing is tidy, writing is tidy,
All writing is tidy, photos and Very little of the
photos and
photos and writing is tidy,
artwork are artwork are
artwork are somewhat placed photos and artwork
Neatness mostly placed
precisely placed, are placed poorly,
carefully, and carefully, and
and all sections some of the and the sections
most of the
are orderly are disorderly
sections are sections
orderly are orderly
The brochure as a Most of the Some of the Very little of the
whole is brochure is brochure is brochure is
interesting, interesting, interesting, interesting,
Creativity engaging, engaging,
engaging, engaging,
imaginative, and imaginative, imaginative, and imaginative, and
original and original original original
Most of the
Some of the Very little of
The brochure is
brochure is the
brochure is eye catching
eye catching brochure is
eye catching and bright
and average eye catching
and vibrant colors
Colorful and/or and dull
and/or and/or
some and/or
coordinated mostly
mismatched mismatched
colors are coordinated
colors are colors are
used colors are
used used

Prepared by Checked by; Noted by


Special Science Teacher 1 Head Teacher III, Science School Principal I

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