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Assignment for DEV501: 2022 (Summer)

(In lieu of mid-term)

Explain the capability approach and discuss how the adoption of this approach makes a
difference to (a) the assessment of development outcomes and (b) formulation of
development policies.

Word limit: Maximum 3500 words

Last date of submission: 31 August, 2022

(An electronic version must be sent to Professor Osmani at the email address:, with copy to Rajon Sharif.)

Suggested reading:

Deneulin. S. and Shahani, L. (eds.) (2009). An Introduction to the Human Development and
Capability Approach. Available at:
Osmani, S. (2021). “Introduction to Part III”. In Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti , Siddiqur
Osmani and Mozaffar Qizilbash (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of the Capability
Approach. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Robeyns, I. (2003). “The Capability Approach: An Interdisciplinary Introduction”. At:
Robeyns, I. (2006). “Capability Approach in Practice”, Journal of Political Philosophy,
2006.Sen, A. (1992). Inequality Re-examined. Clarendon Press: Oxford. (Chapter 3).
Sen, A. (1998) Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press: Oxford. (Introduction and
Chapters 1-4.)
Sen, A. (2009). The Idea of Justice. Belknap Press: Cambridge, Mass. (Chapters 11-13).


(1) Plagiarism will be severely dealt; so, please don’t copy extensively from other sources.
Use your own language. You may use a few quotations here and there but be very selective
about it – don’t use them extensively. And whenever you use quotations, keep them within
quotation marks and provide full citation – either in a footnote or in the reference list.

(2) Don’t give a bibliography, give a reference list – i.e. provide references only to those
materials which you have actually cited in the text. And any material you cite in the text must
be include in the reference list.

(3) Follow any standard style of citation and references, but do not mix-up styles or invent
one of yours.

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