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Hence, given statement is true.

2 Case Study Based
e VQuestions
Case Study 1
The below pictures show few natural examples
of parabolic shape which can be represented by
a quadratic polynomial. A parabolic arch is an
arch in the shape of a parabola. In structures, there
curves helps in fact loading and delivering that
is why there curves are found in bridges and in

Based on the above

information, solve the
following questions:
Q1 In the standard form of
ax + bx +C, a, b and c are:
quadratic polynomial
a. all are real
b. all are rational
C. a'is
anon-zero real number while
real numbers b and care any
d. all are
02. f a and are the zeroes of the quadratic
polynomial 2x 8k,then kis:
a4 b d 2

03. The graph of x +4-0:

a intersects Xaxis at two distinct
b. touches X-axis at a
C. neither touches nor
intersects X-axis
d. either touches or intersects X-axis
04. f the sum of the zeroes is -p and
product of the
zeroes is then the
quadratic polynomial is:

a -p b. k px

C. + px- d. kx-px+

Q5. The maximum number of zeroes of cubic

polynomial has:
a. 0 b. 1 C. 2 d. 3
. ..
. .
-i. . 3. .2..

- **** ..i.....i.. i. .i...:. i.2..:.. *******i

* . .3...

.. .i..i. .i.. HT::


. .. . .3. : : i

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. . T****:*

. .....2... :* ***:****?*:*

*******:*******f************* ******: * *i i*
.. 22

N : . . 3.. .gj.i...j.. . 3.:.J... J

.... . .. . . ..

. . ...J :

****:* i**ii . i..:. .....i.3


**** .... 3..


i..i.i i. .iji. .i.2

i.i . .i...i. :. ..... g.....i.i.i. .

****7*****:: *******:"*"******:***:**********:**7** ***
..i..i.i..:. ... .. .s .:.i:. .i.. i... ...
- -

i i.amiii.sdinitai idonid.ivboi iairkaipipioion. **.*h*isdsshsindesvidi iiniiiiiihói.d di

in the
04. The quadratic polynomial of the two zeroes
above showngraph are:
b. k 2x - 8)
k-2x - 8)
K(x2x+8) d. 2x 8)
of the quadratic polynomial
Q5. The zeroes

Bx2 S x - 2 3 are:

2 3 2 3
b 4

Case Study 3
The figure given below shows the path of a diver
when she takes a jump from the diving board
Clearly it is a parabola.

Annie was standing on a diving board, 48 feet

above the water level. She took a dive into the
pool. Her height (in feet) above the water level at
any time 't in seconds is given by the polynomial
ht) such that h(t) = -

16/ + 8t + k.
Based on the above information, solve the
following questions:
01 What is the value of k?
a.0 b.-48
C. 48 d. 48/-16
2. Atwhat time will she touch the water in the pool?
a. 30 sec b. 2 sec
C. 1.5 sec d.0.5 sec
Q3. Rita's height (in feet) above thee water level is given
by another polynomial p(t) with zeroes -1 and 2.
Then plt) is given by:
a. +t-2 b.+2t-1
C. 24t-24t +48 d.-24t+ 24t+ 48
4. A polynomial q(t) with sum of zeroes as 1 and the
product as -6 is modelling Anu's height in feet
above the water at any time t (in
g)is given by
a. +t+6 b. +t-6
C. -8t+8t+ 48 d. 8t-8t+ 48
Q5. The zeroes of the polynomia
-12+ (k-3) t+ 48
are negative of each other. Then k is:
a. 3
b.0 C. -1.5 d. -3
Case Study 5
friends went on an expedition
A group of school
One remarked that the
to see caves. person

entrance of the caves resembles a parabola and

can be represented by a quadratic polynomial
f(x)=ar+br+ c, a + 0, where a, b and c are real

Based on the above information, solve the

following questions:
Q1 fone ofthe zeroes ofthe quadratic polynomial
(p-1)x+Px+1 is 4. Find the value of p.
Q2. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
*+20x +96 are both negative.
03. Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are
5 and -12.
04. If one zero of the polynomial fix) = 5x+13x +m
is reciprocal of the other, then find the
value of m.
Q5. Identify, which of the following cannot be the
graph of a quadratic polynomial?


S0, 0ption ( ) is Co

Case Study 2
fair in her village. She
al Akhila went to a anted
wheel and play hoon.
to enjoy rides on the giant
throw a ring on the item
(a game in
which you ems
covers any obien
a stall and if the ring
kept in
it). The number of times she
is completely you get
number of times she ridses
played hoopla is half theride costs 3 and a gam
the giant wheel. If cach
4 and she spent R 20 in the fair
of hoopla costs


solve the
Based on the above information,
following questions:
QL Therepresentation ofgiven
a. x-2y= 0 and 3x+ 4y 20
b. X+2y= 0 and 3x-4y =20
Cx-2y=0and 4x+3y=20
d. None of the above
intersect at one
Q2. Graphically,if the pair of equations
point, then the pair of equations

a. consistent
b. inconsistent
C. Consistent or inconsistent
d. None of the above

lines are:
Q3. The intersection point of two
a.(4,-2) b.(4,3) c.(2.4) d. (4. 2)

Q4. Intersection points of the line x


2y =0 on Xand
Y-axes are
a. (2.0). (0.1) b. (1.0). (0. 2)
d. None of these
Case Study 3
The residents of a housing society at Jaipur
decided to build a rectangular garden to beautify
the garden.

One of the members of the society made some

calculations and informed that if the length of the
rectangular garden is increased by 2 m and the
breadth reduced by 2 m, the area gets reduced by
12 sq. m. However, when the length is decreased
by I m and breadth increased by 3 m, the area of
the rectangular garden is increased by 21 sq. m.
Based on the above information, solve the
following questions.
Q1. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
Q2. If the graphs of the equations in the given situation
are plotted on the graph paper, then lines
will intersect. Check whether given statement is
03. Find the coordinates of the points on X-axis, where
the two lines, plotted on a graph
paper intersect
the X-axis.
04. Find the value of kfor which the system of equations
X+y-4=0and 2x + ky= 3 has no solution.
Case Study 2
Noida authority decided to make a park for the
people, so that the persons make them physically
fit and take a fresh air.
A grassy park is in the form of rectangle havinp
length 20 m and breadth 14 m. At the centre of
the park, there is a rectangular pool, which is ata
distance of cqual width around it having an area
120 m


Based on the above information, solve the

following questions:
Q1 If the centre path is at x metre distance from
around the park, then length and breadth of the
path (in metre) will be:
a. (20-4x), (14 -4x) b.(20-x), (14- x)
c(20-2x). (14-2x) d.(20+2x), (14 +2x)
Q2. If the
area of path is 120 m', then the quadratic
equation in terms ofx is:
a. -17x+48 0 b. x-17x+30 = 0
C.-17x + 36 = 0
d.x-16x+138 0
Q3. Find the nature of the roots of the
in part 2.
equation formed
a. Real and equal b. Real and distinct
C. Imaginary d. None of these
4. Width of the path is:
a. 6m
b. 2m
C. 12 m
d. 7 m
Q5. The area of the
a. 30 m
rectangular pool is:
b. 40 m2
C. 46 m2
d. 160 m2
So. option (d) is
Case Study3
In an
examination hall, the examiner
students Sit in such a makes
cheat from other studentway that no students can
and make no
uncomfortably. So, the teacher student sit
decides to mark the
numbers on each chair from 1,2,3,
There are 25 students and each student

is seated at
alternate position examination
room such that
thesequence formed is 1,3, 5..

Based on the above information, solve the

following questions
sequence is formed, to
1Q1 What type of
students in the
the seating arrangement of
examination room?
Mean Progression
àArithmetic Progression b.
CBoth a and b. d. None of these
Q2. Find the seat number of the last student in the
examination room.
a. 47th b. 48th
C. 49th d. 50th
Q3. Find the seat number of 10th vacant seat in the
examination room.
a. 18 b. 19 C. 16 d. 20
Q4. The sum of AP is determined by:
a. S - 2 a +(n-1)d] b. 5,-20-(n-1d)

S,-20+(n-1d) d. 5.(20 +(n+1)d)

Q5. Ifa, b and c are in AP, then b is equal to:

a. a+C b.
C. d. 2(a+
Case Study 4 C
Push-ups are a fast and eflective exercise for
building strength. These are helpful in
all sports including athletics. While the push-up
primarily targets the muscles of the chest, arms
and shoulders, support required from other muscles
helps in toning up the whole body.

Nitesh wants to participate in the push-up challenge.

He can currently make 3000 push-ups in one hour.
But he wants to achieve a target of 3900 push-ups
in lhour for which he practices regularly. With each
day of. practice, he is able to make 5 more push-
ups in one hour as compared to the previous day.
If on first day of practice he makes 3000 push-ups
and continues to practice regularly till his target is
achieved. [CBSE 2022 Term-1]
Based on the above information, solve the
following questions
Q1 Form an AP representing the number of push-ups
per day and hence find the minimum number of
days he needs to practice before the day his goal is
Q2. Find the total number of push-ups
performed by
Nitesh up to the day his goal is achieved.
Case Study 2
Gaurav placed a light bulb at a point O on the
ceiling and directly below it placed a table. He cuts
a polygon, say a quadrilateral PQRS, from a plane
cardboard and place this cardboard parallel to the
eround between the lighted bulb and the table.
Then a shadow of PQRS is cast on the table as
P'Q'R'S'. Quadrilateral PQ'R'S' is an enlargement
ofthe quadrilateral PQRS with scale factor 1:3.
Given that PQ = 2.5 cm, QR = 3.5 cm. RS =3.4 cm
and PS= 3.1 cm; ZP =115, ZQ = 95°, R =65
and 2S = 85".



Based on the above infomution, solve the
following questions:
Q1 The length of R'S is:
a. 34 cm b. 102 cm c68
cm d 95cm
Q2. The ratio ofsides PQ and QR is
a. 5:7 b. 7:5 c7:2 d 2:7
Q3. The measurement of 2Q is:
a. 115 b. 95
C. 65 d 85
Q4. The sum of the length Q'R and P'S' is
a 123 cm . 6.7 cm 19.8 cm d 9 cn
Q5. The sum of angles of quadrilateral PQRS' is:
a 80 b 270 c300 d 360
Case Study 4
All of the persons know that smoking is injurious
to health. So, some college students decided to
start a campaign. To raise social awareness about
hazards of smoking, they started "NO SMOKING"
campaign. Some students were asked to prepare
campaign banners in the shape of triangle which is
as shown in the figure:

9 P
3 Q4 R
X >X
ot i23 4 5 68 9 10
Based on the above information, solve the
following questions:
Q1 Find the coordinates of the mid-point of Q and R.
Q2. Find the area of the triangle POR.
Q3. Find the point on X-axis, which is equidistant from
points Q and R.
4. Find the centroid ofthe triangle PQR.
Case Study 1

6 Golu
5 Goru

3 Sonu

2 Monu

5 6 7
2 3 4

went to a near to his home for COVID
members. The seats
19 test along with his family
area were as per
the government
in the waiting COVID 19
during the
norms of distancing
above figure). His
shown in the
pandemic (as are
which are
members took their
family dots.
represented as black circular
solve the
Based on the above information,
following questions:
Q1 Considering O as the origin, what are

coordinates of seat of Sonu and Goru respectively?

a. (2. 3) and (6,
5) b. (3, 2) and (5, 6)
c. (3. 6) and (5. 2) d. (6,3) and (2, 5)
Q2. What is the distance between Golu and Monu?
a. V5 units b. 25 units

C. 3V5 units d. 45 units

Q3. What will be the coordinates of a point exactly

between Sonu and Goru where a person can be

(11 7
2' 2 b.2 2 c. (4,4) d.

Q4. Find the area covered by Sonu and its members, if

all four seats connected with a rope.
a. 2V5 sq, units b. 10 sq.units
C. 2V10 sq. units d. 10 sq. units

Q5. If the doctor divides the rope joining Sonu and

Goru in the ratio 1:2, then the coordinates of the
seat of the doctor is:
10 11 11 10
3 3 b. 3 c.(4,4) d. (3,4)
A sailing boat with triangular masts is as shown
below. Two right triangles can be observed
Triangles POR and POS, hoth right-angled at Q
The distance QR = 2 m and QS 3 m and height
PQ 5 m.

5 m

R 2m Q3m
Based on the above information, solve the
following questions:
QL The value ofsec S is:

Q2. The value of cosec R is:

a 29 b. 29
d 29
5 2
Q3. The value of tan S+ cot R is:
b. 15

04. The value ofsinR-cos S is:

a. 0 b. 1
85 986
Q5. Thevalue ofsin? S- cos* Ris:
a. 0 b. 1

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