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Kansas MPJE Exam 2023 Studyguide

When does a pharmacist license need to be renewed in KS? - ANSWER Biennially,

June 30th

What are the CE requirements in KS? - ANSWER 30hours /2years, board

approved, this number is prorated for the year that you are a new grad

Intern hour requirement in KS? - ANSWER 1740 hours

Intern license expiration in KS? - ANSWER 6 years

Regulations on the sale of pseudoephedrine containing products specific to

Kansas? - ANSWER Must be 18 or over to purchase

Purchase information must be logged into the national precursor log exchange
(NPLEx) BEFORE completing the sale

Products cannot be sold if a "stop sale" alert is generated by NPLEx

Log must include name or initials of dispensing pharmacist

Pharmacist to technician ratio in KS? - ANSWER 1:2

Can increased to 1:3 if 2 are certified

Pharmacist to intern ratio in KS? - ANSWER 1:2

What tasks can technicians legally perform in KS? - ANSWER Under direct RPh
supervision and control may perform:




Other non discretionary tasks related to the processing of an Rx or med order

Assist the RPh in the performance of but who does not perform duties restricted to
a pharmacist

Regulations regarding patient counseling in KS? - ANSWER RPH or intern must

personally offer to counsel on new Rx yearly or if RPH deems appropriate with
Verbal counseling must be in person or on the phone

Additional pt information may supplement verbal counseling HOWEVER it is not a


RPH or intern must notify pt if a brand has been substituted for generic

RPH does not need to provide counseling if patient refuses

PRH does not need to counsel if it may be detrimental to patients care or

pt/prescriber relationship

Size, design, layout, security features or formatting requirements for Rx pads in

KS? - ANSWER Blank forms for written Rx can have 2 signature lines, 1 must say
DAW and the other "brand exchange permissible"

Controlled Rx (II-V) can't be issued on Rx blank that is preprinted with drug name,
strength, quantity, or directions

How long is a non-controlled Rx valid in KS? - ANSWER One year from the date
of issue

How many refills can be on a non-controlled Rx in KS? - ANSWER Unlimited

How long is a schedule III, IV, or V script valid in KS? - ANSWER 6 months

How many times can a schedule III, IV, or V script be refilled? - ANSWER 5 times

How long is a scheduled II script valid in KS? - ANSWER 6 months from the date
of issue

How long must Rx records be kept in kansas? - ANSWER 5 years

Which drugs must be reported to the PDMP (KTRACS)? - ANSWER II-IV

scheduled drugs


Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine

How often does dispensing data need to be reported to the state PDMP? - ANSWER
Within 24 hours of dispensing (0 reports may still be filed every 7 days?

6 requirements for emergency verbal scheduled II prescriptions? - ANSWER 1.

Limit quantity to treat pt for emergency period
2. After RPH views Rx Drug order, it shall be reduced to a hard copy

3. RPH exercise profession judgement on validity of drug order

4. Within 7 days, Dr must send written RX (must say "authorized for emergency

5. In person within 7 days or postmarked within 7 days

6. Upon receipt, RPH must attach hard copy, if not sent by Dr contact DEA

What information can the pharmacist correct on a scheduled II Rx in KS? (6) -

ANSWER Address, dosage form, strength, quantity, directions of use, issue date

Is identification required prior to picking up an Rx in KS? - ANSWER NO

Could a pharmacist dispense an emergency refill without the prescribers

authorization? Are there any quantity or days supply restrictions? - ANSWER A
refill may be authorized up to a 7 day supply - this does NOT include controlled
substances or narcotics

Which drugs must be written on a tamper resistant security form? - ANSWER

Medicaid prescriptions only

Are scheduled V drugs available OTC in kansas? - ANSWER Yes

How soon must controlled substance loss or theft be reported in KS? - ANSWER
PIC or owner must notify the board within 1 business day

What form must be provided to the board following controlled substance loss or
theft? - ANSWER DEA 106 form

Can a RPH prescribe naloxone to patients and caregivers at risk of opioid overdose
in KS? - ANSWER Yes

Does KS permit off-site storage of pharmacy records? - ANSWER Yes -

prescriptions and drug distribution records

If offsite records are requested by an inspector in what time period must the
pharmacy retrieve the records? - ANSWER 2 days

What/who/how many is studied in pre clinical phase of drug development?

Purpose? - ANSWER Animals

Relative safety, therapeutic potential

What/who/how many are studied in phase 1 clinical trials? Purpose? - ANSWER
Approx 20 healthy subjects

#1 SAFETY, also (SE, AE, PK, PD)

What/who/how many is studied in phase 2 of clinical trials? Purpose? - ANSWER

Approx 200 patients (people who have the disease)

Safe and Effective

What/who/how many are studied in phase 3 of clinical trials? Purpose? - ANSWER

Approx 2000 patients

Determine if the drug is better than a standard drug treatment

What is submitted after pre clinical trials are completed? - ANSWER INDA
(investigational new drug application)

What/who/ how many are studied in phase 4 of clinical trials? Purpose - ANSWER
Approx 200,000

Post marketing surveillance - long term effects of exposure to the drug

What is submitted after phase 3 of clinical trials? - ANSWER NDA - new drug
application or BLA - biological license application

What is submitted to change the label, add a new indication, dosage, strength, or
change the way a drug is manufactured? - ANSWER SNDA - supplemental new
drug application

How are OTC drugs approved by the FDA? - ANSWER Either NDA process or OTC

If a company submits an OTC drug monograph to the FDA what will the FDA try to
determine in order to bring the drug to market? - ANSWER If the drug is
generally recognized as safe and effective

What type of form is required for generic drug approval with the FDA? - ANSWER
ANDA - abbreviated new drug application

Where should all adverse events from drugs be reported to? - ANSWER
Medwatch (FDA)

An unapproved drug will have an NDC number but will not be listed where? -
ANSWER Orange book

Who regulates prescription drug advertising? - ANSWER FDA

Who regulates OTC drug advertising? - ANSWER FTC - federal trade commission

Any false of misleading statements in the advertisement of a drug is considered

what? - ANSWER Misbranding

What was the main point of the 1938 FDCA? - ANSWER Safety

A drug is filthy, putrid or decomposed. What is this considered? - ANSWER


A drug has been packed or stored in unsanitary conditions where it may have
become contaminated. What is this considered? - ANSWER Adulteration

A drug is recognized in official compendium but its strength is different from

official standards. What is this considered? - ANSWER Adulteration

A drug is recognized in official compendium but its purity is lower than official
standards. What is this considered? - ANSWER Adulteration

There is a lack of required information on the package labeling of an Rx. What is

this considered? - ANSWER Misbranding

There is false of misleading product information on a drug. What is this

considered? - ANSWER Misbranding

There is a lack of special precautions needed to prevent the decomposition of a

drug. What is this considered? - ANSWER Misbranding

There is information that is illegible on a Rx. What is this considered? - ANSWER


What is the big take away from the Durham-Humphrey amendment of 1951? -
ANSWER Rx vs OTC drugs established

What was the big take away from the Kefauver Harris amendment? - ANSWER
Drugs must be safe and effective before coming to market

What was the purpose of the controlled substances act of 1970? - ANSWER
Establish a closed system with the purpose of reducing drug diversion

What was the big take away from the poison prevention packaging act of 1970? -
ANSWER It requires household substances to be placed in CHILD RESISTANT
(C-R) packaging

Break down an NDC for me - ANSWER 10-11 digit code

Labeler code - tells you the manufacturer

Product code - strength and dosage form

Package code - package size and type

Benefits provided by the orphan drug act? - ANSWER 1. Tax credit (50%)

2. 7 year period of exclusivity

Define an orphan drug - ANSWER Treats diseases that affect < 200K people


No reasonable expectation that the cost will be recovered in salary revenue

What was the big deal about hatch waxman? - ANSWER ANDA

What must be provided for an ANDA to be approved? (5) - ANSWER Proof that
the new drug has the same, active ingredient, ROA, dosage form, strength, and is

In what cases can a person bring in a drug from overseas? - ANSWER Quantity is
<90 day supply (can't be resold)


Effective treatment not available in the US, condition is serious, imported under
no reasonable risk

What is the main thing from OBRA-90? - ANSWER RPH must counsel and
perform DUR on all medicaid patients

If a products claims to cure, prevent or treat a disease it is considered a....... -


What can a product claim and get a way with being called a dietary supplement> -
ANSWER It addresses a nutrient deficiency, supports health, or is linked to a
body function

List the 3 requirements for a drug to be an OTC drug - ANSWER 1. Effective for
self diagnosed conditions by the general public

2. Have adequate written directions

3. Do not require physician supervision

Which part of an OTC drug label that is most likely to be displayed or examined in
a retail setting? - ANSWER Principal display panel

Federal regulations require the labeling of what if the content per dosage exceeds
the threshold amount set by the FDA? - ANSWER Electrolyte content - (sodium,
calcium, magnesium, potassium)

What are the 2 FDA approved drugs for emergency contraception and what is their
regulatory status? - ANSWER Levonorgestrel (Plan -B) - Rx and OTC

Ulipristal (Ella) - Rx only

How soon after unprotected sex should Plan B be taken? Ella? - ANSWER Plan B -
preferred up to 72 after but can be recommended up to 120 hours

Ella - preferred when it has been 72-120 hours

Which DEA form for registration of pharmacies, hospitals, practitioners or

teaching institutions? - ANSWER 224

Which DEA form for registration of manufacturers, distributors, researchers,

analytical laboratories, importers or exporters? - ANSWER 225

Which DEA form is for registration for narcotic treatment programs? - ANSWER

Which DEA form is used for ordering schedule 1 or 2 drugs? - ANSWER 222

Which DEA form is used for reporting theft, significant loss of controlled
substances? - ANSWER 106

Which DEA form is used to record destroyed controlled substances? - ANSWER 41

"A practice of pharmacy in which an RPH performs pharmacy related patient care
functions for a specific patient that have been delegated to a RPH by a physician
through a collaborative practice agreement" What is this called? - ANSWER
Collaborative drug therapy management

"A signed agreement or protocol voluntarily entered into between an RPH and a
physician that provides collaborative drug therapy management" What is this? -
ANSWER Collaborative practice agreement

How soon after making a drug or drug therapy change must the PRH initiate
contact with the physician? - ANSWER 48 hours

Who must be notified if an RPH has entered into a CPA? - ANSWER The board of
pharmacy within 5 business days after the CPA or update has been signed

How often must a CPA be reviewed and updated? - ANSWER At least every 2 years

Who must sign and date a CPA? - ANSWER All physicians and pharmacists

Who is entitled to enforce conditions of places that sell drugs (pharmacy,

drugstore)? - ANSWER Secretary of Health and Environment

How many different nonprescription drugs can be sold in one vending machine? -

Which things can't be sold in a vending machine? (4) - ANSWER Poison

Rx only drugs

Ephedrine alkaloid containing drugs

Drugs intended for human use by hypodermic injection

What must labeled on a vending machine? (4) - ANSWER 1. Owner of the

2. Toll-free number of the owner

3. Statement advising purchaser to check the date of the product before using

4. Telephone number of the state board of pharmacy

Which titles are restricted from being displayed at a place where a PRH is not
continuously employed? (3) - ANSWER Drugstore



What condition must be met in order to display the words "drugstore",

"pharmacy", or "apothecary" in the title? - ANSWER An RPH licensed by the state
board in continuous employ

Can pharmacists repackage poisons? - ANSWER Yes, as long as they conform to

applicable packaging and labeling laws

Is amygadlin (Laetrile) considered a drug? - ANSWER No

What is amygadlin (Laetrile)? - ANSWER I compound found in apricot seeds that

has been falsely promoted to cure cancer

Are pharmacists allowed to sell amygadlin(Laetrile)? - ANSWER Not unless the

first obtain a permit from the secretary of health and environment

What supplement requires a pharmacist to get a permit from the secretary of

health and environment in order to sell it? - ANSWER Amygadlin (Laetrile)
Where must an PRH obtain a permit from if they want to sell Amygadlin (Laetrile)
- ANSWER The secretary of health and environment

What must be on the label of DMSO sold OTC? (4) - ANSWER Description of all
contents of the solution

Statement of purity

Percent DMSO

Manufacturers name and address

Which types of products does kansas law require require RPH to put BUD's on? -
ANSWER Non-sterile compounding/repackaged

Sterile - compounding/repackaged

In the absence of stability data to the contrary, non-sterile solid and liquid dosage
forms that are packaged in single unit/unit dose containers have a BUD of... -
ANSWER 1 year from date of packaging


Expiration date on manufacturers container whichever comes first

What is the max BUD for a compounded non-sterile preparation that is

non-aqueous? - ANSWER Earliest expiration of an ingredient


6 months whichever is earlier

What is the max BUD for a compounded non-sterile preparation that is a

water-containing oral formulation - ANSWER Not later than 14 days
What is the max BUD for a compounded non-sterile preparation that is a water
containing topical/dermal/mucosal liquid or a semisolid formulation? - ANSWER
Not later than 30 days

How many times can a C2 Rx be transferred? - ANSWER NONE

How many times can a CIII-CV Rx be transferred? - ANSWER 1 time

Except if pharmacists share a real time online database then they can transfer up
to the number of refills

Who can transfer controlled substance prescriptions? - ANSWER ONLY between

two licensed pharmacists

How many times can non-controlled substances be transferred? - ANSWER Up to

the number of refills authorized

Can a pharmacy tech perform an Rx transfer in KS? - ANSWER NO

How long must the original and transferred rx's be maintained? - ANSWER 2
years from the date of the last refill

What must the transferring pharmacist write on the invalidated Rx or in the

computer record? - ANSWER 1. Void on the face or transferred in the computer

2. Name and address of receiving pharmacy, the date, names of both pharmacists

3. If controlled, the DEA number of the receiving pharmacy

What must the transferring pharmacist record? - ANSWER 1. The word transfer
on the face of the Rx
2. Date of issuance and original dispensing, refills (quantity and dates), Rx
number, name address and phone number of transferring pharmacy, name of
transferring pharmacist

3. Electronic Rx require Rx numbers for each dispensing

4. If for a controlled Rx need DEA of transferring pharmacy and physician

What are the appropriate indications for amphetamine prescribing? (8) - ANSWER

Drug induced brain dysfunction


Depression - psych evaluation

Resistant depression

Clinical investigation of drug effects - approved by the board

Treatment of obesity with controlled substances

Other disorders with board approval

Can a physician prescribe amphetamine to treat obesity? - ANSWER NO

When treating obesity with a controlled substance the physician shall NOT
dispense or prescribe more than how many days supply at one time? - ANSWER

When must a physician stop treating a patient for obesity with a controlled
substance? - ANSWER If a weight loss of 5% of the patients initial body weight
does not occur in the first 90 days of treatment

Give me 3 examples of a mid-level-practitioner - ANSWER Certified nurse

APRN - advanced practice registered nurse

PA - physicians assistant

Are hypodermic syringes and needles considered drug paraphernalia? - ANSWER


Where can CV OTC's be kept? - ANSWER Behind the counter

Can samples of controlled substances be provided? - ANSWER No, except

ezogabine, lacosamide, and Pregabalin (schedule V CNS narcs)

How often dose kansas law require a CS inventory? - ANSWER Every year at least
8 months after the previous inventory

Each pharmacist involved in dispensing a CIII or IV must verify the accuracy by

doing what? - ANSWER Signing a hard copy printout, bound book, of separate
file within 72 hours of dispensing

If a centralized computer system is used to dispense CIII or IV it must be capable

of providing a printout in what amount of time to give to the board? - ANSWER
48 hours

Which drugs to kansas list as "drugs of concern"? (5) - ANSWER




Promethazine with codeine

What is the term for drugs that were already on the arrest prior to the FDCA in
1938? - ANSWER Grandfathered

How long is a registration valid for a pharmacy that registers as a dispenser of

controlled substances? - ANSWER 3 years

How do you determine if a DEA number is correct? - ANSWER 1st + 3rd + 5th = X

(2nd + 4th + 6th) x 2 = Y

X+Y=Z (last number of z = 7th number)

First letter tell what kind of prescriber (A,B,F for Dr, M for mid level practitioner)

Second letter if the first letter of the last name of the prescriber (for pharmacy it
may be last name of pharmacy name)

Where can a pharmacies controlled substance stock be stored? - ANSWER In a

locked cabinet


Dispersed throughout the pharmacy stock

Where can C2 records be kept? - ANSWER They must be kept separate from all
the other invoices

What are the exceptions to the 72 hour rule for dispensing the remainder of a C2
RX? - ANSWER Terminally ill patients and long term care patients (60 days)

What is the limit for OTC syrups with codeine (schedule V) in KS? - ANSWER
120ml (24units) in 48 hours of non-opium CS containing medication

What is the pseudoephedrine sale limit in KS? - ANSWER 3.6g/day or 9g/month

of base

Which drugs require the following statement "caution: federal law prohibits the
transfer of this drug to any person other than the person it was prescribed" -

How soon must a pharmacist intern notify the board with new employer after
hire? - ANSWER 30 days

What must be written on a C2 being sent to central fill? - ANSWER write "central
fill" on the face of the rx

name, address, and DEA of central fill pharmacy

name of the retail pharmacy

date of transmittal

In Kansas can a central fill pharmacy deliver the drug directly to the patient? -
ANSWER Yes at the request of the requesting pharmacy

Do pharmacies have to have the same owner to do central fill? - ANSWER No,
they can have a written contract

Pharmacies engaged in "shared services" (central fill) must be able to obtain any
record within how many hours at the request of the board? - ANSWER 72 hours

What does the term "scheduled listed chemical product" mean? - ANSWER it
contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine (EPP)


may be marketed as a nonprescription drug

With what entity must a seller self-certify before selling any scheduled listed
chemical product(pseudoephedrine)? - ANSWER The Attorney General

What is the pseudoephedrine 30 day base limit from a mobile retail vendor? -

In what case does someone not have to sign the PSE logbook or show ID? -
ANSWER if the customer buys a single package of PSE containing not more than

What must purchaser do to get pseudoephedrine? - ANSWER -provide photo ID

showing proof of 18 years of age

-sign paper/electronically in logbook that contains (name, address, time and date
of sale)

How long must the PSE logbook be maintained? - ANSWER 2 years after the date
of purchase

Under what circumstances can a previously dispensed medication be resold? -

ANSWER If they are in a unit dose system that contains only one medication
which has not reached the patient and is still in tact

In order to participate in donating unused medications to the medically indigent

what must a pharmacy do? - ANSWER Submit a written notification to the board
of pharmacy
Can unused controlled substances be donated? - ANSWER No

Who is allowed to accept donated medications? - ANSWER "qualifying centers or

clinics" - indigent health clinic, federally qualified health center or community
mental health center

What entities can donate unused medications? (3) - ANSWER Adult care home

Mail order

Medical care facility

Can a fee be charged to the patient for donated medications? - ANSWER Yes, but
only a handling fee not to exceed 200% of the medicaid dispensing fee

Can a physician obtain a controlled substance for general dispensing to patients? -


Controlled substances can not be issued on what type or prescription blank? -

ANSWER Pre-printed with the drug, quantity or directions

When must a CS inventory be performed in relation to a change in PIC? - ANSWER

Old PIC - before leaving the position

New PIC - Within 72 hours after starting

Which act was enacted to address the increasing problem of CIII-V drug sales
through rogue internet sites? - ANSWER Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy
Consumer Protection Act (2008)
In order for an internet prescription to be valid how often must the practitioner
see the patient? - ANSWER At least once IN-PERSON evaluation

If a controlled substance is issued without an in-person evaluation via an online

pharmacy who will be mad? - ANSWER The DEA says its a violation of the CSA

Is a pharmacist still responsible for checking if a drug is for a legit medical

purpose and there is a prescriber/patient relationship with an online RX? -

What type of permission must a pharmacy gain to operate as an online pharmacy?

- ANSWER DEA modification of registration

When must online pharmacies notify the DEA and state boards of pharmacy if they
are going to dispense CS? - ANSWER 30 days before starting

Which program accredits online pharmacies? - ANSWER VIPPS

In what 3 situations are refills required for OTC medications? - ANSWER 1. If

dose on RX is higher than recommended for commercial use

2. If Rx has refill directions

3. If its for a CV

Can a faxed C2 be kept as the hard copy? - ANSWER NO, must have a signed
original before dispensing except:

1. If the rx is for direct admin to the pt (IV,IM,SQ)

2. If the pt is in a LTCF
3. Hospice care patient

How long must the rest of a partially filled C2 rx be dispensed? - ANSWER Within
72 hours of the date of the first partial filling

When can partial fills of C2's be dispensed longer than 72 hours after initial filling?
(2) How long after? - ANSWER 1. Pt is in an adult care home

2. terminal illness

60 days after date of issue

What must also be included on a prescription written by an APRN? - ANSWER

The name, address, and phone number of the responsible physician

What must be indicated when a prescription order is being transmitted by a PA? -

ANSWER If it is the direct order of the physician, pursuant to a protocol, or
because of an emergency

can optometrists prescribe controlled substances? - ANSWER Yes, if registered

by the FDA

Can an optometrist dispense a prescription medication? - ANSWER Yes, but it is

limited to a 24hr supply or minimum quantity necessary until rx can be filled by a

How long does a pharmacist have to obtain the original rx from a physician for an
emergency C2 fill? - ANSWER 7 days
Allowable time to complete a partial fill for C2 for a patient in a LTCF? - ANSWER
within 60 days of the date of issuse

allowable time to complete a partial fill for C2 for an ambulatory patient? -

ANSWER 72 hours of the first partial fill

Allowable number of times and/or length of time a pharmacist may refill a CIII or
CIV if authorized? - ANSWER 5 times or 6 months

Allowable number of times and/or length of time a kansas pharmacist may refill a
CV prescription if authorized? - ANSWER 5 times or 6 months

Quantity of drug a pharmacist may dispense on a CII emergency prescription? -

ANSWER Enough for the emergency period; Not limited to a specific number of

The CS schedule of a preparation containing more than 50mg of morphine per

100ml or per 100g combined with 1 or more active non-narcotic ingredients? -

The controlled substance schedule of buprenorphine S.L? - ANSWER Schedule III

A drug wholesaler, acting as a supplier, has how much time to complete a DEA
Form 222 before it becomes void? - ANSWER Within 60 days of the date of issue

Pharmacists can see no more than how many mL/doses of a codeine-containing CV

OTC? in how many hours? - ANSWER 120ml/24doses in 48 hours
A C2 Rx is valid for how many days from the date of issue? - ANSWER 6 months

Allowable time to complete partial fills on a C2 rx for a patient diagnosed as

terminally ill? - ANSWER 60 days

How many times can a C2 rx be transfered? - ANSWER 0

How many times can a C3-C5 rx be transferred in Kansas if pharmacies do not

share real-time computer system? - ANSWER 1

Number of days a physician may administer methadone to a patient while waiting

for admission to a narcotic treatment program? - ANSWER 3 days, 1 day at a time

The length of time a DEA "Dispenser" registration is valid? - ANSWER 3 years

The length of time a pharmacist has to verify accuracy of the computer record for
refilling/filling of CIII & CIV prescriptions? - ANSWER 72 hours

The maximum amount of codeine (mg) per dosage unit combined with one or
more active non-narcotic ingredient to be a scheduled as CIII - ANSWER 90mg

Maximum amount of pseudoephedrine that may be sold to a purchaser in a day? -


A registrant transferring a pharmacy business operation to another registrant

must notify the nearest DEA office at least how many days before the date of the
proposed transfer? - ANSWER 14 days
The controlled substance schedule of oral diphenoxylate with atropine? - ANSWER
Schedule V

The minimum age of individuals allowed to purchase CV-OTCs in KS? - ANSWER

18 years old

The allowable number of refills for phentermine prescribed for treatment of

obesity in kansas? - ANSWER 0

Following the initial CS inventory, a registrant must conduct the next CS inventory
within what time period (KS)? - ANSWER one year, not sooner than 8 months
after the last one

What is the maximum number of doses(quantity) that may be prescribed and

dispensed on a single CII RX? - ANSWER No quantity limit

What is the max number of days supply that may be prescribed and dispensed on
multiple C2 prescriptions? - ANSWER 90 days

What DEA form must be used by pharmacists to report theft or significant loss? -

What is the maximum amount of pesudoephedrine that can be sold to a purchaser

in 30 days? - ANSWER 9g

Length of time a kansas pharmacy must keep CS records? - ANSWER 5 years from
the date of last entry
How frequently must a community pharmacy submit dispensing data to KTRACS? -
ANSWER every 24 hours (or 7 days if 0)

What is the length of time in which a pharmacy must notify the local DEA
Diversion Field Office after discovery of a theft or significant loss? - ANSWER 1
business day

What DEA form is used to report the destruction or disposal of CS? - ANSWER 41

What is the maximum amount of codeine (mg) per 100ml or 100g combined with
one or more active non-narcotic agents to be scheduled as a CV? - ANSWER

A PIC must notify the board within how many days of ceasing to serve as the PIC? -
ANSWER 5 days

Within how many hours after beginning to function as a PIC shall the PIC conduct
a controlled substance inventory? - ANSWER 72 hours

If a pharmacy operates for more than how many days without a designated PIC the
board may revoke the pharmacy registration? - ANSWER 30 days!!

Who administers the PPPA? - ANSWER US consumer product safety commission

What was the first substance to be regulated by the PPPA? - ANSWER Aspirin

What is the responsibility of the pharmacist under the PPPA? - ANSWER The
pharmacist MUST dispense oral rx drugs in special packaging unless exempted by
the patient or prescribing practitioner requests non-special packaging

Can a patient request that all of their rx be filled with non-CR packaging? -

Can the pharmacist make the decision to give the patient non CR packaging if they
know they want it? - ANSWER No, the choice must be that of the customer

Must the customer make the choice for conventional packaging in writing? -
ANSWER No, but it is recommended

Can a pharmacist dispense an rx in non-CR packaging in response to a standing

order from a physician? - ANSWER Only when it is a refill of an rx where the DR
has asked for non-CR.

Otherwise only if the rx directs for non-CR or the patient requests it

Can a physician simply check a box on an Rx-blank for non-CR packaging? -

ANSWER Yes, but it is discouraged

In the case of refills, can rx bottles be reused according to the PPPA? - ANSWER
No (unless its glass)

Do inhaled drugs need to be in CR packaging? - ANSWER NO

Do topically applied drugs to the teeth or mouth need to be in CR packaging? -


Can you give someone a non-CR cap in addition to the CR cap that is on the bottle?
- ANSWER Yes, but it is not recommended

Are IND's subject to PPPA standards? - ANSWER yes oral IND's are

Can you use use reversible/dual purpose lids on rx bottles? - ANSWER Yes but it
is not preferred

How should a pharmacist advise someone who thinks their child has been
poisoned? - ANSWER Call poison control center or the nearest hospital ER

Does a drug for inpatient use need to be in CR packaging? - ANSWER No as long

as the patient stays in the hospital

Does a drug for a nursing home patient need to be in CR packaging? - ANSWER


Does a drug for an assisted living facility need to be in CR packaging? - ANSWER

Yes because the patient is storing their own meds

What is the penalty for not putting something in CR packaging that it supposed to
be in it? - ANSWER 1 year in prison

fined up to 250K

Does tamper evident packaging for OTC drugs replace the need for CR packaging?

Who should be contacted if an RPH/DR thinks that the PPPA is being violated? -
Can states mess with the PPPA? - ANSWER Basically no but they could require
CR packaging of a substance not regulated by the CPSC

Do pharmacy interns count in the tech ratio? - ANSWER No

What is the max number of intern hours that can be acquired in 1 week? - ANSWER
60 hours

States have to grant a pharmacist reciprocity if they have met one of which two
conditions? - ANSWER 1. met the states intern hour requirements

2. Practiced as a licensed pharmacist for 1 year

Who is responsible for submitting hours to the board, the intern or the preceptor?
- ANSWER Intern

How old does a person have to be to be a pharmacist in KS? - ANSWER 18

A prospective PIC must take a board examination and get what score? - ANSWER

How many years of a pharmacist failing to renew their license requires a written or
oral exam prior to reinstatement? - ANSWER 3

Who's responsibility is it that a pharmacist be staffed at all times when the

pharmacy is open? - ANSWER The PIC
Where must a pharmacist display their license? - ANSWER In public or a place
that is visible to the public

How much is the application fee for examination in KS? - ANSWER $40

How much is the application fee for reciprocal licensure in KS? - ANSWER $64

How much does it cost to renew your KS license? - ANSWER $120

What is the penalty for late renewal of a pharmacy license? - ANSWER $160

How soon after a pharmacist changes address must they notify the board? -
ANSWER Within 30 days

In a pharmacy, who is required to wear a nametag, what must it include and when
must they wear it? - ANSWER pharmacist, student, intern, tech

name and designation(role)

while performing pharmacy functions in a pharmacy

How soon must a pharmacist submit a form to the board after signing an opioid
antagonist protocol? - ANSWER 5 days

What training/cetifications must someone who administers vaccines have? -

ANSWER ACPE/board approved raining

current CPR

What age can a pharmacist give an influenza vaccine? - ANSWER 6 years old

What age can a pharmacist give any vaccine other than an influenza vaccine? -
ANSWER 12 years old

How often does pharmacy tech registration expire in KS? - ANSWER every 2 years

How much CE do pharmacy techs need? - ANSWER 20hrs every 2 years

What 4 scenarios could a tech-check-tech be performed in a medical care facility? -

ANSWER Filled floor stock

crash cart tray

unit dose cart

automated dispensing machine

What 3 criteria must be met for a pharmacy tech in a tech-check-tech program in a

med care facility? - ANSWER 1. certified tech

2. 1 year experience in med care facility or 1 year out and 6 months in

3. completed written training program designed by the PIC

How many member are on the board of pharmacy? Who makes up the board? -
ANSWER 7 members:

6 pharmacists

1 consumer
Who appoints members of the board of pharmacy? - ANSWER governor

How long is a term for a pharmacy board member? - ANSWER 4 years, up to 2


What is the difference between a prescription and a medication order? - ANSWER

prescription = out-patient

med order = in-patient

A patient requests a copy of their prescription. What must it contain? - ANSWER

"This prescription copy is issued for reference only"

Who can receive a new prescription? - ANSWER An RPH or Intern

When may a pharmacist provide 90 days of prescription to a patient? - ANSWER

If the script has sufficient quantity and is not a controlled substance or

If someone other than the prescriber transmits a prescription what must be

included? - ANSWER The first and last name of the transmitting agent

Who can receive a refill prescription order? - ANSWER RPH, intern, or registered

Can a pharmacist be a PIC at more than one location? - ANSWER No, they can't
be PIC at two full time pharmacies (where RPH services are at least 30hr/week)
Under KS law what must a generic product be rated in order for the RPH to
substitute? - ANSWER A rated

Can an intern transfer a controlled substance? - ANSWER No, must be between

licensed pharmacists

What grade is required to pass the law examination? - ANSWER 75%

Does the state of KS allow conscientious objection? - ANSWER Yes

When must the PIC notify the board if they are not serving as the PIC anymore? -
ANSWER within 5 days

How long must an incident report be maintained? - ANSWER 5 years

How often must the pharmacy have a CQI meeting? Who must be there? - ANSWER
quarterly, PIC

Can a tech be in a hospital pharmacy when the RPH in on the premises but not in
the pharmacy? - ANSWER Yes

Can a tech distribute meds in a hospital if the RPH is not in the pharmacy? -
ANSWER No, unless authorized by the RPH

Who is allowed in the pharmacy when a pharmacist is not on the premises? -

ANSWER Only designated nurses
How many techs can a pharmacist supervise electronically at one time? - ANSWER

Within how many days must a pharmacist review a hospital order after the fact? -
ANSWER within 7 days of the date written

Can a health department dispense controlled substances? - ANSWER NO

Can a non-for-profit family planning clinic dispense controlled substances? -


The PIC shall physically inspect and review the storage of drugs at a home health
agency or hospice how often? - ANSWER quarterly

What is medicare parts ABCD? - ANSWER A = hospitalization

B = physician services

C = medicare advantage program

D = Drugs

Who has the authority to schedule, unschedule, and change schedule of drugs? -
ANSWER AG and Secretary of DHHS

Which form is used to renew a DEA registration for a pharmacy? - ANSWER 224a

Who gets what copy of DEA 222 forms? - ANSWER Brown goes to the supplier

Green goes to the DEA

Blue goes to the Requester/Recipient

The total number of dosage units of all controlled substances distributed to DEA
registrants by a practitioner during the twelve-month calendar year in which the
practitioner is registered to dispense cannot exceed ___ percent of the total
number of dosage units of all controlled substances distributed and dispensed
during this time period. - ANSWER 5%

Who can sign a DEA 222 form and CSOS? - ANSWER person granted POA

person who signed the DEA form 224

which records can be kept off-site? - ANSWER financial and shipping records

According to federal law how long is a C2 valid? - ANSWER never expires (6

months according to KS) same with CV, C3-C4 expire after 6 months

Above what quantity of magnesium will the labeling of a non rx drug need the
following statement: "ask dr before use if you have kidney stones or a mg rich
diet"? - ANSWER 600mg

Is an NDC number required on the label of an OTC drug? - ANSWER No

Above what quantity of sodium will the labeling of an OTC drug need the following
statement, "ask dr before use if you have a sodium restricted diet"? - ANSWER

Above what calcium quantity must the labeling of an OTC drug have the warning
"as dr before use if you have kidney stones or a calcium restricted diet? - ANSWER
Who can buy plan B? - ANSWER anyone

What stupid rules for combining electrolyte warning statements?!?!? - ANSWER

they can be combined if the ingredients are listed in alphabetical order

Above what quantity of potassium will the labeling of an OTC need the following
warning statement "ask dr before use if you have kidney stones or potassium rich
diet"? - ANSWER 975mg

The drug quality and security act of 2013 differentiated between what two areas? -
ANSWER traditional compounding vs outsourcing facilities

What are the 3 new pregnancy categories? - ANSWER Pregnancy


Males and Females of reproductive potential

A unit dose label for a drug does not have a BUD. Which of these 3 is accurate?



Expired - ANSWER misbranded and expired

The information in the package insert is intended for whom? - ANSWER The
healthcare provider

What must be done with expired medication? - ANSWER The must be removed
from regular drug stock
What is it called when the pharmacist watches the patient take the medication? -
ANSWER Directly observed treatment

What DEA registration form is required for a narcotic treatment program? -


DEA registration renewal notices are sent how much time in advance before
expiration? - ANSWER 60 days

Can a hospital pharmacy get drug samples? - ANSWER Yes

The privacy rule allows covered entities to disclose limited information to whom? -
ANSWER Friends, family members, or other individuals regarding the
individuals care even when the individual is not present (wife, answering machine,
friend staying at home)

OBRA90 requires that the offer to counsel be made to which patient population? -
ANSWER medicaid patients

When must a notice of privacy practices be given to the patient (3)? - ANSWER
upon request

at the time of first service

when the privacy practice is updated

Patient acknowledgement of HIPAA records must be kept by the pharmacy for this
time period federally? - ANSWER 6 years

OBRA90 requires who to perform the retrospective DUR in order to get medicaid
reimbursement? - ANSWER The state

What is the maximum number of lines that can be ordered on a 222? - ANSWER
10 lines

Who can sign and date a 222 form? - ANSWER the person authorized to sign the
registration application


a person who has been granted POA

When must a supplier send the green copy (copy 2) of the DEA form 222? - ANSWER
by the end of the month during which it was ordered

Where must records related to schedule 2 drugs be kept? - ANSWER separate

from other forms

What happens if a DEA form 222 is lost or stolen? - ANSWER The RPH prepares a
statement that the order was not received, includes the serial number of the form,
and the date of loss. This is sent to the supplier along with a new order

Which drugs can be ordered using CSOS? - ANSWER All drugs (C1-5 and non

What is the limit for the number of drugs that can be ordered through CSOS? -
ANSWER No limit

When must the supplier report transactions to the DEA following a CSOS order? -
ANSWER Within 2 business days of filling the order
Can electronic CSOS orders be endorsed to another supplier? - ANSWER NO

When can someone who has granted someone POA revoke it? - ANSWER At any

Which healthcare providers are exempt from registering with the DEA? - ANSWER
US public health service, federal bureau of prisons, US armed forces, indian
healthcare facilities

2 of what 3 authentication factors must the prescriber use for electronically

prescribing a controlled substance? - ANSWER 1. password

2. token/key/smart card etc

3. eye/fingerprint scan

Can a prescriber sign multiple electronic prescriptions for controlled substances

for a single patient with a single digital signature? - ANSWER Yes

What is the DS limit for multiple C2 rx's? - ANSWER 90 DS

Can a prescriber postdate C2 rx's? - ANSWER No

Federally which 3 things can't be changed on a controlled substance rx? - ANSWER

Patient name, drug(except generic), prescribers signature

Which drugs are required to have the "CAUTION: federal law prohibits transfer..."
on the label according to federal law? - ANSWER C2, C3, C4
What is the exception to the one time transfer of controlled substances? - ANSWER
shared real-time online database, then you can transfer up to the number of refills

A pharmacy may compound a preparation containing C2-CV drug as long as it does

not contain what percent of controlled substances? - ANSWER > 20%

Drugs stocked in a LTCF automated dispensing cabinet belong to whom? -

ANSWER The pharmacy, and the pharmacy must have a separate DEA number
for the ADC

The DEA requires a monthly report of the total quantity of controlled substances if
greater than what number? - ANSWER 100 rx's or 5000 dosage units

How long must a patient visit the opioid treatment clinic DAILY before being able
to reduce visit frequency for methadone? - ANSWER a minimum of 3 months

Does both the prescribers DEA number and XDEA number have to be on the
script? - ANSWER Yes

What is a physician called who has been trained to treat addiction? - ANSWER
DADA waived practitioner

A pharmacy can sell CS to pharmacies or prescribers without being registered as a

distributor as long as the total number of dosage units does does not exceed what?
- ANSWER 5% of the total CS units dispensed per calendar year

Who is responsible for submitting the DEA form 106 is a shipment is lost in
transit? - ANSWER The wholesaler/distributor
Which rx's require a red letter C stamped on them and in what situation? -
ANSWER C3,C4,C5 when mixed with all other dispensed drugs, 1 inch high in the
lower right hang corner

Where must the red C be located on a C3-C5 rx in a paper record keeping system? -
ANSWER bottom right hand corner, 1 inch high

In what situation can you estimate on a CS inventory? - ANSWER C3,C4,C5 open

bottles holding <1000 dosage units

What is the max PSE sold via mail order? - ANSWER 7.5g in 30 days

Which FCA amendment exempted certain drugs from the adequate directions for
use labeling requirements if the bear "rx only" on their labels? - ANSWER
Druham Humphrey

What does the FDCA designate as the official source of standards for quality and
purity of drugs and excipients? - ANSWER USP/NP and Homeopathic

According to the Prescription drug marketing act what can no person sell,
purchase or trade? - ANSWER prescription drug samples

Can a pharmacist reuse a plastic non-child-resistant container and lid on a

prescription for which the patient has requested waiver? - ANSWER Yes

Does birth control require CR packaging? - ANSWER No

Ipecac syrup, dispensed in a 4 ounce bottle to patient, is considered to be a(n):

a. prescription drug and dispensed only upon prescriptive authorization.

b. OTC drug and labeled accordingly.

c. OTC drug and labeled with specific FDA labeling requirements. - ANSWER a

How much ipecac can you buy over the counter? - ANSWER 30 mL

how often must a pharmacies reference library be updated? - ANSWER yearly,

can be electronic instead of paper

For what indication(s) can a pharmacist dispense Methadone? - ANSWER Pain

ONLY - for treatment must be done in a methadone clinic

Is there an age limit for CV cough preparations? ID requirements? - ANSWER

must be 18 years old; need to see their ID if you don't know them

Which drugs must be stamped with a red C in the 2 drawer filing system? -

If a Dr came up with a new drug that he wanted compounded in large quantities

and shipped across state lines. How would the FDA see this? - ANSWER
manufacturing and marketing a new drug without an approved NDA

What are the two requirements for serving on the board of pharmacy? - ANSWER
1. be a KS resident

2. have been actively engaging in the practice of pharmacy in KS for 5 years prior to
When a manufacturer refuses to recall a drug what can the FDA do? - ANSWER
Issue an injunction action


Seize the product

Can you carry forward CE hours to the next licensure period? - ANSWER NO

A licensed Kansas PA can do which of the following?

1. directly administer an RX drug to a patient

2. Prescribe a C2 by phone in an emergency

3. Prescribed C3,4,5 in writing - ANSWER all of these

Is a pharmacy required to send a copy of a POA to the DEA office? - ANSWER No

Is a pharmacy required to send a copy of the most recent CS inventory to the DEA?

Is the pharmacy required to send a copy of their state pharmacy registration to the

Does KS law require a patients age to be in their medication profile? - ANSWER


How soon must the board be notified if there is a change in ownership of a

pharmacy? - ANSWER 5 days
Can a pharmacy operate without a PIC in KS? - ANSWER Yes, for 30 days

Do technicians need to be registered in KS? - ANSWER Yes

What is the renewal date for pharmacy techs? - ANSWER October 31st

How long to techs need to keep their CE in case they are audited? - ANSWER 5

Can a technician accept a new non-controlled rx by phone? - ANSWER No

Can a technician accept written rx from patient when there is no RPH on duty? -

Can a tech hand out or dispense an rx when no RPH is on duty? - ANSWER No

What is the max length of a vaccine protocol? - ANSWER 2 years

Who may extend the offer to counsel in KS? - ANSWER RPH only

Can an rx be written for office use in KS? - ANSWER No

Which diet meds can have refills? (2) - ANSWER saxenda, contrave

What is the expiration date on RTS bottles? - ANSWER 6 months or the original
exp date whichever comes first
Can patients return medications for disposal to the pharmacy? - ANSWER No

May drugs that are RTS be poured back into the original stock bottle? - ANSWER
No, because the drug has been manipulated

What is the requirement for drugs that switch from non-controlled to controlled? -
ANSWER Must be inventoried on the same day that the schedule is changed

How must the annual inventory be documented? - ANSWER Noted as either

"open of business" or "close of business", date and RPH name

What is the rule with estimating during an inventory? - ANSWER C3,4,5 can be
estimated if in bottle of <1000

How much time does the pharmacy have to notify the PIC of an error? - ANSWER
As soon as is practical

Who must be in attendance for a CQI meeting? - ANSWER PIC

What minimum requirements are needed for records that are stored off site? (3) -
ANSWER 1. equipped with an alarm system

2. no record that is <2 years old

3. must be able to retrieve in 48 hours

A medication is dispensed in a non-childproof container without patient

permission. What is this an example of? - ANSWER misbranding
When a pharmacy makes a purchase from a wholesaler who sends the DEA its copy
of the 222? - ANSWER The wholesaler

When a pharmacy returns items with a 222 form who sends the DEA its copy? -
ANSWER The pharmacy

When a DEA inspector conducts an audit of your controlled substances, what

percent error are you allowed? - ANSWER 0%

How long does a pharmacist who has had their license revoked have to wait before
reapplying for reinstatement? - ANSWER 1 year

What is the reason for the majority of REMS? - ANSWER Provision of patient
directed instructional information to accompany a drug dispensing (Medguide)

The KS PDMP requires dispenser to file a report for which drugs? - ANSWER
Drugs C2-C4, and drugs of concern

Does a CS Rx written by an APRN need the DEA registration number of the

protocol physician? - ANSWER No

What dating must be on an emergency kit at an adult care home? - ANSWER 1

year or the expiration date on any of the contents whichever is earlier

What 3 things must be included in a CS inventory besides the physical count? -

ANSWER date of the inventory

if it was at the open or close of business

the RPH name

Can a prescriber verbally request a drug sample? - ANSWER No, it must be in


What is the mail order limit for pseudophed with a prescription? - ANSWER No

Can a pharmacist dispense a 40mg methadone rx? - ANSWER No, 40mg is only
available at a methadone clinic

After PDUFA you have P and S standards. What do they mean? - ANSWER P=
priority = will get it through in 6 months

S = standard = will get it through in 10 months

A drug is found to cause temporary or medically reversible harm. What kind of

recall is this? - ANSWER Class II

What must be filed to switch from RX to OTC? - ANSWER sNDA

Refilling without authorization is considered... - ANSWER misbranding

What kind of drugs require PPI's? - ANSWER BC/estrogens

Can a B rated substance be substituted? - ANSWER No

What is the purple book for? - ANSWER Biosimilars

Who can get tax free 95% alcohol? - ANSWER Hospital pharmacies (community
pharmacy must pay tax)

Do things that come unit dosed need to be put in CR packaging? - ANSWER No

What types of drugs require CR packaging? - ANSWER All human oral rx drugs
(expect the ones excluded)

Who oversees HIPPA? - ANSWER DHHS

How long must HIPAA notices be kept? - ANSWER 6 years

How often must the consultant pharmacist at a LTCF review the patients drug
regimen? - ANSWER Monthly

Where do you end up if you defraud medicare? - ANSWER OIG exclusion list -
bad bad bad

can't have anything to do with government funds and basically you can't work

Which classes of drugs require the stamp "CAUTION: don't transfer"? - ANSWER
C2-3-4 ONLY

How can a physician get a C2 drug for office use? - ANSWER Fill out a 222 form to
get it from the pharmacy

A drug has not >1.8g of codeine/100ml or >90 per dosage unit. What schedule? -

What concentration of Hydrochloric acid is considered dangerous caustic

corrosive? - ANSWER 10%

Is it lawful for KS pharmacist to repackage poison? - ANSWER yes, must conform

with federal hazardous substances act

What is DMSO? - ANSWER Industrial solvent used to get pain meds to the site

What must a patient sign before getting amygdalin (laetrile)? - ANSWER release
of informed consent

Expired drugs are considered to be..... - ANSWER adulterated

A pharmacists license is inactive, what did they do wrong? - ANSWER Didn't do


A pharmacists license is voided, what did they do wrong? - ANSWER failure to

pay license renewal fee

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