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Accounting for Decision Making and Control 8th Edition Zimmerman Test Bank


1-1: Accounting and Control

The controller of a small private college is complaining about the amount of work she is
required to do at the beginning of each month. The president of the university requires the
controller to submit a monthly report by the fifth day of the following month. The monthly
report contains pages of financial data from operations. The controller was heard saying, "Why
does the president need all this information? He probably doesn't read half of the report. He's an
old English professor and probably doesn't know the difference between a cost and a revenue."


a. What is the probable role of the monthly report?

b. What is the controller's responsibility with respect to a president who doesn't know much

2-1: Fixed, Variable, and Average Costs

Midstate University is trying to decide whether to allow 100 more students into the
university. Tuition is $5000 per year. The controller has determined the following schedule of
costs to educate students:

Number of Students Total Costs

4000 $30,000,000
4100 30,300,000
4200 30,600,000
4300 30,900,000

The current enrollment is 4200 students. The president of the university has calculated the cost
per student in the following manner: $30,600,000/4200 students = $7286 per student. The
president was wondering why the university should accept more students if the tuition is only

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a. What is wrong with the president's calculation?

b. What are the fixed and variable costs of operating the university?

2-2: The Elements of Cost Volume Profit

The M Company’s variable costs are 75% of the sales price per unit and their fixed costs
are $240,000. If the company earned $60,000 in selling 150,000 units, what was the sales price
per unit?

2-3: Opportunity Costs

The First Church has been asked to operate a homeless shelter in part of the church. To
operate a homeless shelter the church would have to hire a full time employee for $1,200/month
to manage the shelter. In addition, the church would have to purchase $400 of supplies/month
for the people using the shelter. The space that would be used by the shelter is rented for
wedding parties. The church averages about 5 wedding parties a month that pay rent of $200 per
party. Utilities are normally $1,000 per month. With the homeless shelter, the utilities will
increase to $1,300 per month.
What is the opportunity cost to the church of operating a homeless shelter in the church?

2-4: Fixed and Variable Costs

The university athletic department has been asked to host a professional basketball game
at the campus sports center. The athletic director must estimate the opportunity cost of holding
the event at the sports center. The only other event scheduled for the sports center that evening
is a fencing match that would not have generated any additional costs or revenues. The fencing
match can be held at the local high school, but the rental cost of the high school gym would be
$200. The athletic director estimates that the professional basketball game will require 20 hours
of labor to prepare the building. Clean-up depends on the number of spectators. The athletic
director estimates the time of clean-up to be equal to 2 minutes per spectator. The labor would
be hired especially for the basketball game and would cost $8 per hour. Utilities will be $500
greater if the basketball game is held at the sports center. All other costs would be covered by
the professional basketball team.


a. What is the variable cost of having one more spectator?

b. What is the opportunity cost of allowing the professional basketball team to use the sports
center if 10,000 spectators are expected?

c. What is the opportunity cost of allowing the professional basketball team to use the sports
center if 12,000 spectators are expected?
2-5: Opportunity Cost of Attracting Industry

The Itagi Computer Company From Japan is looking to build a factory for making DVD
burners in the United States. The company is concerned about the safety and well-being of its
employees and wants to locate in a community with good schools. The company also wants the
factory to be profitable and is looking for subsidies from potential communities. Encouraging
new business to create jobs for citizens is important for communities, especially communities
with high unemployment.
Wellville has not been very well since the shoe factory left town. The city officials have
been working on a deal with Itagi to get the company to locate in Wellville. Itagi officials have
identified a 20 acre undeveloped site. The city has tentatively agreed to buy the site for $50,000
for Itagi and not require any payment of property taxes on the factory by Itagi for the first five
years of operation. The property tax deal will save Itagi $3,000,000 in taxes over the five years.
This deal was leaked to the local newspaper. The headlines the next day were: "Wellville Gives
Away $3,000,000+ to Japanese Company".


a. Do the headlines accurately describe the deal with Itagi?

b. What are the relevant costs and benefits to the citizens of Wellville of making this deal?

2-6: Cost, Volume, Profit Analysis

With the possibility of the US Congress relaxing restrictions on cutting old growth, a
local lumber company is considering an expansion of its facilities. The company believes it can
sell lumber for $0.18/board foot. A board foot is a measure of lumber. The tax rate for the
company is 30 percent. The company has the following two opportunities:

• Build Factory A with annual fixed costs of $20 million and variable costs of
$0.10/board foot. This factory has an annual capacity of 500 million board feet.

• Build Factory B with annual fixed costs of $10 million and variable costs of
$0.12/board foot. This factory has an annual capacity of 300 million board feet.


a. What is the break-even point in board feet for Factory A?

b. If the company wants to generate an after tax profit of $2 million with Factory B, how
many board feet would the company have to process and sell?

c. If demand for lumber is uncertain, which factory is riskier?

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—— Heldenbuch. Altdeutsche Heldenlieder aus dem
Sagenkreise Dietrichs von Bern und der Nibelungen. Meist
aus einzigen Handschriften zum erstenmal gedruckt oder
hergestellt. Leipzig, 1855. 2 vols.
—— Minnesinger. Deutsche Liederdichter des zwölften,
dreizehnten und vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1838. 4
—— See Arabian Nights.
—— See Tausend und Ein Tag.
—— and Büsching, Johann Gustav. Buch der Liebe. Berlin,
1809. 1 Bd. [No more published.]
Hagen, F. H. von der, and Büsching, J. G. Deutsche Gedichte
des Mittelalters. Berlin, 1808.
—— and Primisser, A. Der Helden Buch in der Ursprache.
Berlin, 1820-25. 2 pts.
Hahn, Johann Georg von. Griechische und albanesische
Märchen. Gesammelt, übersetzt und erläutert. Leipzig, 1864.
2 pts. See Pio, Jean.
Hahn, Karl August. Das alte Passional. Neue Ausgabe.
Frankfurt a.-M., 1857.
—— See Titurel.
—— See Ulrich von Zatzikhoven.
Hales, John W. See Percy MS.
Hall, Andrew. Interesting Roman Antiquities recently
discovered in Fife. 1823. [See II, 378.]
Hall, Edward. Hall’s Chronicle; containing the History of
England during the reign of Henry the Fourth, and the
succeeding Monarchs, to the end of the reign of Henry the
Eighth. London, 1809.
Hall, Fitzedward. See Lindsay, Sir David; Wilson, H. H.
Hall, Spencer Timothy. The Forester’s Offering. London,
1841. 2 pts.
Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional History of England from
the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. Paris,
1827. 4 vols.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Ballads and Poems
respecting Hugh of Lincoln. Brixton Hill, 1849. In
Contributions to Early English Literature. London, 1849.
—— Descriptive notices of Popular English Histories.
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—— A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete
Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the fourteenth
century. London, 1847. 2 vols.
—— The Early Naval Ballads of England. London, 1841.
(Percy Society, 2.)
—— Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer
Night’s Dream. London, 1845. (Shakespeare Society, [26].)
—— Ludus Coventriae, a collection of Mysteries represented
at Coventry on the feast of Corpus Christi. London, 1841.
(Shakespeare Society, 4.)
—— The Nursery Rhymes of England, collected principally
from Oral Tradition. London, 1842. (Percy Society, 4.)
—— The Nursery Rhymes of England, obtained principally
from Oral Tradition. Second edition, with alterations and
additions. London, 1843.
—— Palatine Anthology, a collection of Ancient Poems and
Ballads, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. (For Private
Circulation only.) London, 1850.
—— Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: a sequel to the
Nursery Rhymes of England. London, 1849.
—— The Thornton Romances. The early English metrical
romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant.
Selected from manuscripts at Lincoln and Cambridge.
London, 1844. (Camden Society, 30.)
—— See Ellis, George.
—— See Four Elements.
—— See Lady Bessy.
—— See Torrent of Portugal. See Sir Triamour.
Haltrich, Joseph. Deutsche Volksmärchen aus dem
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—— The Poems and Songs of William Hamilton of Bangour;
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persischen Dichtungen. Wien, 1818.
Hampson, R. T. Medii Aevi Kalendarium; or, dates, charters,
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tenth to the fifteenth century; and an alphabetical digest of
obsolete names of days: forming a glossary of the dates of the
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London, 1841. 2 vols.
Hapgood, Isabel Florence. The Epic Songs of Russia, with an
introductory note by Francis J. Child. New York, 1886.
Hardwick, Charles. Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore
(chiefly Lancashire and the North of England), their affinity
to others in widely-distributed localities, their Eastern origin
and mythical significance. Manchester and London, 1872.
Hardy, James. See Denham Tracts.
Hardy, R. Spence. A Manual of Budhism in its modern
development; translated from Singhalese MSS. London and
Edinburgh, 1860.
Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus. Descriptive Catalogue of
Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland,
to the end of the reign of Henry VII. London, etc., 1862-71. 3
vols. (Rolls Series.)
—— See Gaimar, Geoffroi.
Harland, John. Ballads and Songs of Lancashire, chiefly older
than the 19th century. London, 1865.
—— Ballads and Songs of Lancashire. Ancient and Modern.
3d edition, corrected, revised, and enlarged by T. T.
Wilkinson. London, 1882.
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. New York, 1850-.
Hartland, Edwin Sidney. Fairy Births and Human Mid-wives.
In The Archæological Review, IV, 328-43. 1889.
—— The Legend of Perseus, a study of tradition in story,
custom and belief. London, 1894-96. 3 vols.
Hartmann von Aue. Herausgegeben von Fedor Bech. Dritter
Theil: Iwein. Leipzig, 1869.
Hartshorne, Charles Henry. Ancient Metrical Tales, printed
chiefly from original sources. London, 1829.
Hartwig, O. See Gonzenbach, Laura.
Hasdeŭ, B. P. See Columna luĭ Traĭan.
Haslewood, Joseph. See Brydges, Sir Egerton.
—— See Painter, William.
Haug, Martin, and West, E. W. See Arda Viraf.
Haupt, Moriz. See Pyramus und Thisbe.
—— und Hoffmann, Heinrich [von Fallersleben]. Altdeutsche
Blätter. Leipzig, 1836-40. 2 vols.
Haupt’s Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum.
Hausknecht, Emil. See Floire et Blanceflor.
Havercamp, S. See Josephus.
The Hawkins’ Voyages during the reigns of Henry VIII,
Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Ed. by C. R. Markham.
London, 1878. (Hakluyt Society.)
Haxthausen, August, Freiherr von. Transkaukasia.
Andeutungen über das Familien- und Gemeindeleben und die
socialen Verhältnisse einiger Völker zwischen dem
Schwarzen und Kaspischen Meere. Reiseerinnerungen und
gesammelte Notizen. Leipzig, 1856. 2 pts.
Haydon, Frank Scott. See Eulogium Historiarum.
Hazlitt, William Carew. Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical,
and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the invention
of printing to the Restoration. London, 1867.
—— Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England;
collected and edited, with introductions and notes. London,
1864-66. 4 vols. (Library of Old Authors.)
—— Shakespeare Jest-Books; reprints of the early and very
rare jest-books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare.
Edited, with introduction and notes. London, 1864. 3 vols.
(Old English Jest-Books, I-III.)
—— See Brand, John.
—— See Browne, William.
—— See Dodsley, Robert.
—— See Warton, Thomas.
Headrick, James. See Barry, George.
Hearne, Thomas. See Elmham, Thomas de.
—— See Fordun, Joannes de.
—— See Guilielmus Neubrigensis.
—— See Langtoft, Pierre de.
—— See Leland, John.
—— See Otterbourne.
—— See Robert of Gloucester.
—— See Titus Livius.
Gli Hecatommithi di M. Giovanbattista Giraldi Cinthio nobile
Ferrarese. Nel Monte Regale appresso Lionardo Torrentino.
MDLXV. 2 parts.
Heinrich Julius, Herzog von Braunschweig. Die Schauspiele
des Herzogs Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig nach alten
Drucken und Handschriften herausgegeben von Dr. Wilhelm
Ludwig Holland. Stuttgart, 1855. (Bibliothek des
Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 36.)
Heinrich von dem Türlîn. Diu Crône, hrsg. v. Gottlob H. F.
Scholl. Stuttgart, 1852. (Bibl. d. Litt. Ver. in Stuttgart, 27.)
—— Der Mantel. See Warnatsch, Otto.
Heinrich von Freiberg. See Tristan.
Heinrich von Neustadt. Apollonius. Von Gotes Zuokunft. Im
Auszuge, mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar
herausgegeben von Joseph Strobl. Wien, 1875.
Heinrich, Gustav. Ungarische Volksballaden. In Ungarische
Revue, 1883, pp. 138-161, 755-66.
Heinz der Kellner. See Turandot.
Heldenbuch. Deutsches Heldenbuch.
Teil I. Biterolf und Dietlieb, herausgegeben von
Oskar Jänicke. Laurin und Walberan, mit Benutzung
der von Franz Roth gesammelten Abschriften und
Vergleichungen. Berlin, 1866.
Teil II. Alpharts Tod, Dietrichs Flucht,
Rabenschlacht, herausgegeben von Ernst Martin.
Berlin, 1866.
Teil III, IV. Ortnit und die Wolfdietriche, nach
Müllenhoff’s Vorarbeiten herausgegeben von Arthur
Amelung nnd Oskar Jänicke. Berlin, 1871-73.
Teil V. Dietrichs Abenteuer von Albrecht von
Kemenaten, nebst den Bruchstücken von Dietrich
und Wenezlan, herausgegeben von Julius Zupitza.
Berlin, 1870.
—— See Hagen, F. H. von der.
Heliodorus. Ἠλιοδώρου Αἰθιοπικῶν βιβλία δέκα. Hieronymi
Commelini opera. [Heidelberg,] 1596.
Helmold. Helmoldi Presbyteri Chronica Slavorum ex
recensione I. M. Lappenbergii in usum scholarum ex
Monumentis Germaniae Historicis recudi fecit Georgius
Heinricus Pertz. Hannoverae, 1868. (Scriptores Rerum
Helwig, Christopher. Erster (Ander) Theil jüdischer Historien,
oder Thalmudischer, Rabbinischer, wunderbarlicher
Legenden. Durch Christophorum Helvicum. Giessen, 1612. 2
Henderson, William. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern
Counties of England and the Borders. A new edition, with
many additional notes. London, 1879. (Folk-Lore Society,
Publ., 2.)
Hengwrt MSS. Selections from the Hengwrt MSS preserved
in the Peniarth Library. Edited by R. Williams (and J. H.
Jones). London, 1876 [’74-76]-92. 2 vols.
Henne, Anton. Alte Volkssagen aus der Schweiz. In
Schweizerblätter, II, 28-31, 106-08, 184-88, 229-32, 303-10.
St. Gallen, 1833.
—— See Schweizerblätter.
Henry of Huntingdon. Henrici Archidiaconi Huntendunensis
Historia Anglorum. The History of the English, by Henry,
Archdeacon of Huntingdon, from A. C. 55 to A. D. 1154, in
eight books. Edited by Thomas Arnold. London, 1879. (Rolls
Henry the Minstrel. The Actis and Deidis of the illustere and
vailȝeand Campioun Schir William Wallace, Knicht of
Ellerslie, by Henry the Minstrel, commonly known as Blind
Harry. Edited by James Moir. Edinburgh and London, 1889
[1885-89]. (Scottish Text Society, 6, 7, 17.)
Henryson, Robert. Robene and Makyne. In The Poems and
Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected. With notes
and a memoir of his life. By David Laing. Edinburgh, 1865.
Henslowe, Philip. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591
to 1609. Printed from the original manuscript preserved at
Dulwich College. Edited by J. Payne Collier.... London, 1845.
(Shakespeare Society, [28].)
Herberay, Nicolas de. See Amadis de Gaula.
Herbert. Li romans de Dolopathos. Publié pour la première
fois en entier ... par Charles Brunet et Anatole de Montaiglon.
Paris, 1856. (Bibliothèque Elzévirienne).
Herbert, Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. The Life and
Raigne of King Henry the Eighth. London, 1649.
Hercher, R. See Aelian.
Hereward. De gestis Herwardi Saxonis. In Chroniques Anglo-
Normandes, publiés par Francisque Michel, II, 1-98. Rouen,
Héricault, Charles d’. See Moland, Louis.
Hermannus Contractus. Chronicon, una cum ejus vita et
continuatione a Bertholdo, ejus discipulo, scripta. Subjicitur
Chronicon Petershusanum ineditum. Ex MSS. codicibus
collegit, notis et observationibus illustravit, P. Aemilianus
Ussermann. In J. P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus,
CXLIII, cols 55-380. Parisiis, 1853.
Hermann von Fritslar. See Fritslar, Hermann von.
Herodotus. Herodoti Musae. Textum ad Gaisfordii editionem
recognovit, perpetua tum Fr. Creuzeri tum sua annotatione
instruxit, commentationem de vita et scriptis Herodoti, tabulas
geographicas indicesque adiecit Io. Christ. Fel. Baehr.
Lipsiae, 1830-35. 5 vols.
Herrig’s Archiv. See Archiv für das Studium der neueren
Sprachen und Literaturen.
Herrmann, Anton; Wlislocki, Heinrich von, and Köhler,
Reinhold. Beiträge zur Vergleichung der Volkspoesie. In
Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn, I, 12-19, 34-49, 63-
77, 90-95, 165-67, 203-15, 292-308, 312-18, 319-23. 1887-
Herrmann, Anton. See Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus
Herrtage, Sidney J. See Charlemagne.
—— See Ferumbras.
—— See Gesta Romanorum.
Hertz, Wilhelm. Deutsche Sagen im Elsass. Stuttgart, 1872.
—— Die Rätsel der Königin von Saba. In Zeitschrift für
deutsches Alterthum, XXVII, 1-33. 1883.
—— Spielmanns-Buch. Novellen in Versen aus dem zwölften
und dreizehnten Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, 1886.
—— Der Werwolf. Beitrag zur Sagengeschichte. Stuttgart,
Hertzberg, Wilhelm. Nachlese zu Chaucer. In Jahrbuch für
romanische und englische Literatur, VIII, 129-69. 1867.
Herzog Ernst. Hrsg. v. Karl Bartsch. Wien, 1869.
Hesychius. De Originibus Urbis Constantinopoleos. In
Hesychii Milesii Opuscula Duo [etc.] recognovit ... Io.
Conradus Orellius, pp. 59-73. Lipsiae, 1820.
Hexham, Henry. A copious Engliscg and Netherduytch
Dictionarie, composed out of our best English Authours. With
an Appendix of the names of all kind of Beasts, Fowles,
Birds, Fishes, Hunting, and Hawking. As also a compendious
Grammar for the Instruction of the Learner. Het Groot
Woorden-Boeck, gestelt in ’t Engelsch ende Nederduytsch
[etc.] Rotterdam, 1660.
Heyne, Chr. G. See Apollodorus.
Heywood, Thomas. The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells.
Their Names, orders and Offices. The fall of Lucifer with his
Angells. Written by Tho: Heywood. London, 1635.
Heywood, Thomas. See Lady Bessy.
Hibbert, Samuel. A Description of the Shetland Islands,
comprising an account of their geology, scenery, antiquities,
and superstitions. Edinburgh, 1822.
Hickathrift, Thomas. The History of Thomas Hickathrift.
Printed from the earliest extant copies, and edited, with an
introduction, by George Laurence Gomme. London, 1885.
(Villon Society. Chap-Books and Folk-Lore Tracts. First
Series, 1.)
Higden, Ranulphus. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden Monachi
Cestrensis; together with the English translations of John
Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century.
(Vols I, II, edited by Churchill Babington; vols III-IX, by
Joseph Rawson Lumby.) London, 1865-86. 9 vols. (Rolls
Hilberg, I. See Eustathius.
Hildebrandslied. Dasz Hildebrandslied, herauszgegeben von
Al. Vollmer und K. Hofmann. Leipzig, 1850.
—— Das Hildebrandslied nach der Handschrift von Neuem
herausgegeben, kritisch bearbeitet und erläutert nebst
Bemerkungen über die ehemaligen Fulder Codices der
Kasseler Bibliothek, von C. W. M. Grein. 2te Auflage. Kassel,
Hingeston, F. C. See Capgrave, John.
Hinrichs, G. See Grimm, W.
Hins, Eugène. Légendes chrétiennes de l’Oukraine. In Revue
des Traditions Populaires, II, 401-8; 509-21; III, 318-26, 444-
51; IV, 35-37, 116-23. 1887-89.
Hippeau, C. See Amadas et Ydoine.
—— See Garnier.
—— See Le Bel Inconun.
Hippeau, C. See Messire Gauvain.
Hiseley, Jean Joseph. Recherches critiques sur l’histoire de
Guillaume Tell. Lausanne, 1843. (Société d’Histoire de la
Suisse Romande, Mémoires, tom. II, livre 3.)
Histoire des Ducs de Normandie, etc. See Michel, Francisque.
Histoire Littéraire de la France. Par des Religieux Benedictins
de la Congregation de S. Maur; continuée par des Membres
de l’Institut. Paris, 1733-1893. 31 vols.
Historia de Enrique, fi de Oliva. See Oliva.
Historia de Preliis. See Leo.
Historia Miscella. Franciscus Eyssenhardt recensuit. Berolini,
[Historical Manuscripts Commission.] The Royal
Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Reports. London,
Historical and Traditional Tales in Prose and Verse, connected
with the South of Scotland. Original and Select. [By William
Mackenzie?] Kirkcudbright, 1843.
Historie of King James the Sext. See James VI.
The History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans, in
the northern parts of Scotland, and in the Western Isles. From
the year M.XXXI. unto M.DC.XIX. Now first published,
from a manuscript, wrote in the Reign of King James VI.
Glasgow, M.DCC.LXIV. Re-printed, 1818. In Miscellanea
Scotica, I, iii. Glasgow, 1818.
Hobhouse, Bishop. See Church-wardens’ accounts, etc.
Hoccleve, Thomas. See Occleve, Thomas.
Hocker, N. Frouwa und der Schwan. In Zeitschrift für
deutsche Mythologie, I, 305-10. 1853.
—— Volkslieder von der Mosel. In Zeitschrift für deutsche
Mythologie, I, 250-52. 1853.
Höpfner, Ernst. See Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie.
Hofberg, Herman. Nerikes gamla Minnen, sådana de ännu
qvarlefva i fornlemningar, fornfynd, aflefvor af medeltidens
kyrkliga konst, folklif, sånger, sägner, folkspråk, m.m. Ett
bidrag till fadetneslandets fornkännedom, konst- och odlings-
historia. Örebro, 1868.
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich. Horae
Belgicae. Hannoverae, etc. 1833-62. 12 pts.
—— Niederländische Volkslieder. 2te Ausg. In his Horae
Belgicae, II. Hannover, 1856.
—— Unsere volksthümlichen Lieder. 2te Auflage. Leipzig,
—— Fundgruben für Geschichte deutscher Sprache und
Litteratur. Breslau, 1830-37. 2 pts.
—— See Floire et Blanceflor.
—— See Haupt, Moriz.
—— See Weimarisches Jahrbuch. See Wernher.
Hofmann, Konrad. Zur Gudrun. In Sitzungsberichte der k.
bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1867, Bd II, pp.
205-30, 357-74.
—— See Amis et Amiles.
—— See Hildebrandslied.
—— See Joufrois. See Jourdains de Blaivies.
Hohenhausen, Elise von; Alexis, Willibald, and Lüdemann,
Wilhelm von. Historische und romantische Balladen der
Schottischen Grenzlande, von Walter Scott, Esq. Aus dem
Englischen und Schottischen übersetzt von ——. Zwickau,
1826-27. 7 Bdchn. [I, II, by E. von H.; III-V, by W. A.; VI,
VII, by W. von L.]
Holder, Alfred. See Saxo Grammaticus.
Holinshed, Raphael or Ralph. Holinshed’s Chronicles of
England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807-08. 6 vols.
Holland, W. L. See Altswert.
—— See Heinrich Julius.
Holmboe, C. A. See Norske Universitets- og Skole-Annaler.
Holtzmann, Adolf. Der grosse Wolfdieterich. Heidelberg,
Home, John. Douglas, a Tragedy. In Works, now first
collected. To which is prefixed an Account of his Life and
Writings. By Henry Mackenzie. I, 287-385. Edinburgh and
London, 1822. 3 vols.
Hondorff, Andreas. Promptuarium Exemplorum. Das ist
Historien vnd Exempelbuch nach Ordnung vnd Disposition
der heiligen zehen Gebott Gottes, ausz heiliger Schrifft vnd
andern bewerten vnd glaubwirdigen, Geistlichen vnd
Weltlichen, alten vnd newen Scribenten, mit allem fleisz
zusammen getragen. Frankfurt am Main, 1574. (Grässe.)
—— Promptvarivm Exemplorum. Historien vnd
Exempelbuch. Darinnen ordentlich nach den heiligen Zehen
Geboten Gottes allerley gute vnd böse Exempel von
Tugenden vnd Lastern rechtem brauch vnd missbrauch
derselben Gebot Gottes begriffen werden. Zum spiegel des
Menschlichen lebens vud warhafftiger Busse aus heiliger
Schrifft vnd bewerten Scribenten menniglich zu gut
zusammen verfasset durch Andream Hondorff. Nun aber mit
vielen newen Historien vnd Titteln auffs new vermehret ...
durch Vincentium Sturmium. Leipzig, 1586.
Hone, William. Ancient Mysteries described, especially the
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Horn. The Geste of Kyng Horn. In J. Ritson, Ancient
Engleish Metrical Romanceës, II, 91-155. London, 1802.
—— The Geste of Kyng Horn. In F. Michel, Horn et
Rimenhild, pp. 257-339. Paris, 1845.
—— Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild. In F. Michel, Horn et
Rimenhild, pp. 339-393. Paris, 1845.
—— Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild. [Ed. by] J. Caro. In
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—— Francisque Michel. Horn et Rimenhild. Recueil de ce
qui reste des pöemes relatifs à leurs aventures composés en
françois, en anglais et en écossois dans les treizième,
quatorzième, quinzième et seizième siècles. Publié d’après les
manuscrits de Londres, de Cambridge, d’Oxford et
d’Edinburgh. Paris, 1845. (Bannatyne Club, 85.)
—— King Horn, etc., from a MS. in the Cambridge
University Library. Ed., with notes and a glossary, by J. R.
Lumby. London, 1866. (Early English Text Society, 13.)
—— King Horn. In Mätzner, Altenglische Sprachproben, I, i,
207-31. 1867.
—— Horstmann, Carl. King Horn nach Ms. Laud 108. In
Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und
Literaturen, L, 39-58. 1872.
—— King Horn. Untersuchungen zur mittelenglischen
Sprach- und Litteraturgeschichte von Theodor Wissmann.
Strassburg and London, 1876. (Quellen und Forschungen zur
Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 16.)
—— Das Lied von King Horn. Mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen
und Glossar herausgegeben von Dr. Theodor Wissmann.
Strassburg and London, 1881. (Quellen und Forschungen zur
Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 45.)
Horstmann, Carl. Altenglische Legenden. Kindheit Jesu.
Geburt Jesu. Barlaam und Josaphat. St. Patrik’s Fegefeuer.
Aus den verschiedenen MSS. zum ersten Male
herausgegeben. Paderborn, 1875.
—— Sammlung altenglischer Legenden, grösstentheils zum
ersten Male herausgegeben. Heilbronn, 1878.
—— Altenglische Legenden. Neue Folge. Mit Einleitung und
Anmerkungen herausgegeben. Heilbronn, 1881.
—— Altenglische Marienlegenden aus MS. Vernon zum
ersten Mal herausgegeben von ——. In Archiv für das
Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, LVI, 221-236.
—— See Horn.
—— See Lydgate, John.
—— See Wade, Laurence.
Household Books of John, Duke of Norfolk and Thomas, Earl
of Surrey; temp. 1481-1490. From the original Manuscripts in
the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Edited by
J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. London, 1844. (Roxburghe
Club, 61.)
Howitt, William and Mary. The Literature and Romance of
Northern Europe: constituting a complete history of the
literature of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland. London,
1852. 2 vols.
Howleglas. Ed. by F. Ouvry. [Privately printed.] London,
1867. See also Eulenspiegel.
Hudibras. See Butler, Samuel.
Hudson, John. See Josephus.
Hughes, Thomas. The Ashen Faggot, a tale for Christmas. In
Macmillan’s Magazine, V, 234-52. 1862.
Hume, Abraham. Sir Hugh of Lincoln: or, an examination of
a curious tradition respecting the Jews, with a notice of the
popular poetry connected with it. London, 1849.
—— Review of. In The Athenaeum, 1849, pp. 1269-71.
Hume, David, of Godscroft. The History of the Houses of
Douglas and Angus. Written by Master David Hume of
Godscroft. Edinburgh, 1644.
Hunfalvy, P. See Ungarische Revue.
Hunt, Robert. Popular Romances of the West of England; or,
the Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall.
First and Second Series. London, 1865, 2 vols.; [2d ed.,
1871,] 1 vol.; 3d ed., revised and enlarged, 1881, 1 vol.
Hunter, Joseph. Critical and Historical Tracts. London, 1849-
52. 5 nos.
—— The Great Hero of the ancient Minstrelsy of England
“Robin Hood.” His period, real character, etc., investigated
and perhaps ascertained. London, 1852. (Mr. Hunter’s Critical
and Historical Tracts, No 4.)
—— New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of
Shakespeare. Supplementary to all the editions. London,
1845. 2 vols.
Hunter, William. Biggar and the House of Fleming. An
account of the Biggar District, archæological, historical, and
biographical. 2d edition. Edinburgh and Biggar, 1867.
Huntly, Marquis of. The Records of Aboyne, 1230-1681.
Edited by ——. Aberdeen, 1894. (New Spalding Club.)
Huon de Bordeaux, chanson de geste. Publiée pour la
première fois d’après les manuscrits de Tours, de Paris et de
Turin par MM. F. Guessard et C. Grandmaison. Paris, 1860.
(Les Anciens Poëtes de la France.)
Huon de Bordeaux. I Complementi della Chanson d’Huon de
Bordeaux. Pubblicati da A. Graf. I. Auberon. Halle, 1878.
Hurtado, L. See Palmerin of England.
Hurwitz, Hyman. Hebrew Tales. Selected and translated from
the writings of the ancient Hebrew sages. New-York, 1847.
—— Sagen der Hebräer. Aus den Schriften der alten
hebräischen Weisen. Nebst einer Abhandlung über den
Ursprung, den Geist und Werth des Talmuds. Aus dem
Englischen des ——. Zweite durchgesehene Auflage.
Leipzig, 1828.
Hutchinson, William. A View of Northumberland with an
Excursion to the Abbey of Mailross in Scotland. Anno 1776.
Newcastle, 1778. 2 vols.
Huth Library. See Ellis, Frederick Startridge.
Hutten, J. G. See Plutarchus.
Hyde, Douglas. Beside the Fire: a collection of Irish Gaelic
Folk Stories. Edited, translated, and annotated. With
additional notes by Alfred Nutt. London, 1890.
Hyltén-Cavallius, G. O. See Dietrich von Bern.
—— and Stephens, George. Svenska Folk-Sagor och
Äfventyr. Efter muntlig Öfverlemning samlade och utgifna af
——. Första Delen. Stockholm, 1844.
Icelandic Legends. See Árnason, Jón.
Ideler, Julius Ludwig. Die Sage von dem Schuss des Tell.
Eine historisch-kritische Abhandlung. Berlin, 1836.
Iduna. En Skrift för den Nordiska Fornålderns Älskare. [By
Erik Gustav Geijer.] Häfte 1-10, and Musik-bilagor.
Stockholm, 1811-24. 4 vols and Atlas.
Idunna und Hermode. Eine Alterthumszeitung.
Herausgegeben von F. D. Gräter. Jahrg. I, II, Breslau, 1812-
13; III, IV, Schillingsfürst und Dinkelsbühl, 1814-15; IV,
Halle, 1816. 5 vols.
Iglesia, Antonio de la. El idioma gallego, su antigüedad y
vida. La Coruña, 1886. 3 vols. (Biblioteca gallega, [4-6].)
Ignaurès. See Renaut.
Iken, Johann Gottfried Ludwig. See Tuti-nameh.
Illgen, Christian Friedrich. See Zeitschrift für die historische
Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. See Weber, Henry, and
Jamieson, R.
Illustreret Nyhedsblad, ugentlige Efterretninger on Nutidens
vigtigste Begivenheder og Personligheder. Christiania, 1852-
66. 15 vols.
Imbriani, Vittorio. La novellaja fiorentina. Fiabe e novelline
stenografate in Firenze dal dettato popolare. Ristampa,
accresciuta di molte novelle inedite, di numerosi riscontri e di
note, nelle quali è accolta integralmente la Novellaja Milanese
dello stesso raccoglitore. Livorno, 1877.
—— La novellaja Milanese. Bologna, 1872. Also in his La
novellaja Fiorentina. Livorno, 1877.
Indogermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift für
indogermanische Sprach- und Altertumskunde. Herausg. von
Karl Brugmann und Wilhelm Streitberg. Strassburg, 1894-.
Ingledew, C. J. Davison. The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire,
transcribed from private manuscripts, rare broadsides, and
scarce publications; with notes and a glossary. London, 1860.
Das Inland. Eine Wochenschrift. Dorpat, 1836-63.
The International Folk-Lore Congress, 1891. Papers and
Transactions. Edited by Joseph Jacobs and Alfred Nutt.
London, 1892.
Iōannidēs, Sab. Ἱστορία καὶ στατιστικὴ Τρ[α]πεζοῦντος καὶ
τῆς περὶ ταύτην χώρας ὡς καὶ τὰ περὶ τῆς ἐνταῦθα ἑλληνικῆς
γλώσσης. Constantinople, 1870.
Ipomydon. The Lyfe of Ipomydon. In Henry Weber, Metrical
Romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth
Centuries, II, 279-365. Edinburgh, 1810.
The Ipswich Journal. [Newspaper.] 1877-78.
Íslendíngar Sögur. Eptir gömlum handritum útgefnar at
tilhlutun hins Konúngliga Norræna Fornfræða Fèlags. [Ed. by
Þ. Guðmundsson and Þ. Helgason.] Kaupmannahöfn, 1829,
’30. 2 vols.
—— udgivne efter gamle Haandskrifter af det Kongelige
Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. [Ed. by Rafn and others.]
Kjöbenhavn, 1843-75. 3 vols.
d’Istria, Dora. La nationalité albanaise d’après les chants
populaires. In Revue des Deux Mondes, 2o période, LXIII,
382-418. 1866.
Jacob, P. L., Bibliophile. See Lacroix, Paul.
Jacob, P. W. Hindoo Tales: or, the Adventures of Ten Princes,
freely translated from the Sanscrit of the
Dasakumaracharitam. London, 1873.
Jacobs, Friedrich. See Anthologia Graeca.
Jacobs, Joseph. See International Folk-Lore Congress.
—— See Painter, William.
Jacobus a Voragine. See Legenda Aurea.
Jacottet, E. Contes populaires des Bassoutos (Afrique du Sud)
recueillis et traduits. Paris, 1895. (Collection de contes et
chansons populaires, 20.)
Jacques de Vitry. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the
Sermones Vulgares of Jacques de Vitry. Edited, with
introduction, analysis, and notes, by Thomas Frederick Crane.
London, 1890. (Folk Lore Society, 26.)
Jäklin. See Jecklin, Dietrich.
Jänicke, Oskar. See Heldenbuch.
——; Steinmeyer, Elias; Wilmanns, Wilhelm. Altdeutsche
Studien. Der Ritter von Staufenberg. Das jüngere Gedicht
vom Riesen Sigenot. Zur Geschichte des Eckenliedes. Berlin,
Jagić, V. Die christlich-mythologische Schicht in der
russischen Volksepik. In Archiv für slavische Philologie, I,
82-133. 1876.
—— and Köhler, Reinhold. Aus dem südslavischen
Märchenschatz. In Archiv für slavische Philologie, I, 267-89;
II, 614-41; V, 17-79. 1876-81.
—— See Archiv für slavische Philologie.
Jahn, Ulrich. Volkssagen aus Pommern und Rügen. Stettin,
Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur
herausgegeben von Adolf Ebert (vols I-V), von Ludwig
Lemcke (vols VI-XV). Berlin (vols I-III), Leipzig (vols IV-
XV), 1859-76.
Jahrbücher der Königlichen Akademie gemeinnütziger
Wissenschaften. Neue Folge. Erfurt, 1860-.
—— für wissenschaftliche Kritik. Herausgegeben von der
Societät für wissenschaftliche Kritik zu Berlin. Stuttgart,
Tübingen, Berlin, 1827-46.
James, M. R. See Jessopp, Augustus.
James VI, King of Scotland. The Historie and Life of King
James the Sext: being an account of the affairs of Scotland,
from the year 1566, to the year 1596; with a short
continuation to the year 1617. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.]
Edinburgh, 1825. (Bannatyne Club, Publications, 13.)
Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Sacred and Legendary Art. 3d edition.
London, 1857. 2 vols.
Jamieson, John. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish
Language. A new edition, carefully revised and collated, with
the entire Supplement incorporated, by John Longmuir and
David Donaldson. Paisley, 1877-82. 4 vols.
Jamieson, Robert. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. See
Weber, Henry.
—— List of Desiderata of Popular Ballads. In The Scots
Magazine, LXV, 697-701. 1803.
—— Popular Ballads and Songs, from tradition, manuscripts,
and scarce editions; with translations of similar pieces from
the ancient Danish language, and a few originals by the editor.
Edinburgh, 1806. 2 vols.
Jančuk, N. A. See Etnografičeskoe Obozrěnie.
The Jātaka, or, Stories of the Buddha’s former Births.
Translated from the Pāli by various hands under the editorship
of Professor E. B. Cowell. Vol. I, translated by Robert
Chalmers. Vol. II, translated by W. H. D. Rouse, Cambridge,
[Eng.,] 1895.

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