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Charlie the Brave

Little Rabbit
Read the passage below and answer
the questions on the next page.

Once upon a time, in the heart of a thick forest,

lived a little rabbit named Charlie. This forest
was having a particularly harsh winter, and food
was hard to find. Charlie's family was hungry,
and it was up to Charlie to find food for them.

Charlie was a small rabbit, but he had a big

heart. Despite the cold weather and deep snow,
Charlie decided to venture out into the forest. As
he hopped through the snow, Charlie felt scared,
but he knew he had to be brave for his family.

Deep in the forest, Charlie found a patch of

berries. He was about to grab some when he
heard a growl. A large, scary wolf appeared.
Charlie was terrified but knew he couldn't give
up. He quickly hopped to a nearby hole and hid.
The wolf waited for a while but eventually left.

Charlie gathered as many berries as he could

carry and made the long journey home. He was
tired and cold, but the thought of his family kept
him going. When he finally got back, his family
was overjoyed. Charlie was a hero!
1) How would you describe Charlie's character?

2. What challenges did Charlie face on his journey?

3) How did Charlie react when he encountered the


4) Why did Charlie decide to venture out into the


5) How did Charlie's actions show his bravery?

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