Short Story Assignment

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One day, a turtle was carrying a very heavy banana in its shell. Then there was a hungry
monkey hanging on a tree, the monkey saw a banana that was above the turtle and wanted to
take it. The monkey approached the turtle, and the monkey said
"Where do you want the turtle to bring that many bananas?"
"I want to take it home and share it with my brothers," said the turtle.
The sly monkey pretended to offer help to the turtle,
"Turtle, if you don't mind I can help you carry the bananas, your siblings must be waiting at
home starving, let me help you get there quickly,"
"is it true? Thank you monkey, I feel very tired of carrying these bananas, replied the turtle.
"oh yes turtles, there is one more thing, can you help me cross the river, I can't swim," said
the monkey,
"Of course my friend, I can swim, I will take you across the river."
After arriving at the river, the turtle took the monkey across the river. After arriving, the
monkey immediately ran carrying the turtle's bananas and climbed up a very high tree.
"monkey! Where are you?" the turtle shouted for the monkey, the monkey who had brought
the banana up the tree laughed out loud
"Hahaha, you are very easily fooled by turtles, from the start I just wanted your delicious
Feeling sad and angry, the tortoise, unable to do anything, could only go empty-handed
toward his home.
The next day, the turtle returned with bananas in its shell and this was seen by the monkey.
The monkey came to the turtle and offered to help as before.
"turtle, want me to help carry those heavy bananas",
"Of course, please take it with you. You can also eat it monkey "said the turtle.
The monkey was surprised and somewhat suspicious of the turtle that he had tricked before,
but because of the monkey's greedy nature, he ate the turtle's bananas. The turtle then went
home, and the monkey felt a stomach ache. It turned out that the bananas he ate were
poisoned by the tortoise. The monkey died because of his greed.

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