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PE 111 – Movement Enhancement


Please answer the following questions. 5 pts to each item is given.


1. What were your preparation for the different types of physical fitness tests?

- My preparation for the different types of physical fitness tests are the warm-up exercises so that
my body will be ready for the physical fitness test and also to avoid injury during the test.

2. What did you feel while doing the physical fitness test?

- While doing the physical fitness test, I enjoy the test because I miss the feeling of being active since
I was an athlete before, but I easily get exhausted and feel tired.

3. Did you encounter problems while performing the physical fitness test? How did you resolve the

- While performing the physical fitness test, especially the Step Test, my legs hurt while doing the
activity because I was going too fast, so I reduced my speed to the timing of the metronome and
finished the activity easily.

4. What values did you gain from this activity?

- To be physically fit, you need to work hard and work smartly. Also, the quote says, "No pain, no

5. Why is it important to monitor heart rate to make sure that it is in the desired heart rate zone?

- It is because maintaining your heart rate in your goal heart rate zone guarantees that you're
working out hard enough to reap the most benefits.


The following are data gathered from the World Health Organization (WHO). What do these data
imply? Explain the probable reasons on the decline of physical activities of people. Contextualize
your discussion in the Philippine setting. You are only need to

Explain 1 sentence each case.

Case 1:

• 23% of adults aged 18 and over were not active enough in 2010 (men 20% and women 27%) and
consistently growing.

-Due to the growth of the modern technology mostly of the people at this age are using technology
unproperly and not engaging at any activity that involves physical activity to be more active person.
Case 2:

• 81% of adolescents aged 11-17 years were insufficiently physically active in 2010 and
consistently growing. Adolescent girls were less active than adolescent boys, with 84% vs. 78%.

- The reason that this data shows the girls' percentage is higher than the boys' is that at this age,
boys still think like kids and love to play sports and do any outside activity, while mostly girls at this
age are not into active activities.

Case 3:

• In high-income countries, 26% of men and 35% of women were insufficiently physically active, as
compared to 12% of men and 24% of women in low-income countries.

- This is because in high-income countries, people are into technology, and their lives are made
easier with the help of technology, and usually they don’t do an activity that involves physical
activity. While in low-income countries, people need to work hard, which involves physical activity,
and because of that, the percentage of inactive people in those countries is lower than in higher-
income countries. 

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