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Full name: _KEREN PAOLA MANOTAS DIAZ_____________________________________________




2. Then summarize the main relevant information you understand in the video by answering
the following questions with your own words:

a. What is the human factors engineering?

Said engineering can be understood as the science that studies and designs the interfaces
for the interaction between humans and machines trying to minimize the errors generated
by the human factor.
b. How can human factors influence in health care?
In fact, human factors can have a negative influence if you do not have the help of
instruments, as we saw in the video in the case of aviation, we can show that our brain
cannot process all the information necessary to perform an action and this can lead to the
loss of life, which is why it is essential to trust and rely on technological tools for decision-
making and safeguard our integrity, this also occurs in other fields.

c. What are the application of human factors?

The applications of human factors vary according to the item or field where they are
developed, as its definition indicates, they are those characteristics that identify the
behavior and interaction of man with the environment, equipment and tools that
surround him. In that order of ideas, we can apply or identify them as a key part of the
development of a process or activity to reinforce, control and strengthen certain qualities
of the human being that help them to have clear information for the correct decision

d. Explain the three principles that help to identify the human factor?
The 3 principles are:

The staff: It is the group of people who work in the company, belonging to a certain class,
corporation or dependency.

The environment: This refers to the infrastructure, equipment and tools to be operated by
said personnel, important to determine what type of personnel is needed and their
training for this purpose.

Motivation: This is linked to the bonus/punishment system of the organization, how the
person is encouraged to give their 100% to the organization and how they are motivated
to perform their role in the best way within the organization or activity to develop and
what corrective measures are taken when the criteria are not met.

e. How can you apply the three principles in your work activities?
These principles are always applicable to any activity that involves the interaction of
people and teams for a purpose, thus being applicable to the field where I work because
this is how we optimize the process, identify failures and improve the quality of the
finished product. It is important in any company to give real value to the human factor as
a fundamental piece of a business gear knowing that although it is the vital axis of a
process chain, it is also its weakest part due to the reasons that we describe in which its
performance is limited by the physical, intellectual, mental part of human talent.
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