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Social Media - Changing the Rules of the Game © Copyright 2021 Fixread.

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Open-ended Questions

Paragraphs 1-4
1. Complete the following sentence.
On the one hand, Facebook united the whole world, on the other hand,

2. Circle True or False.

According to the writer, Facebook is a negative phenomenon. (Paragraph 2)
True / False
Prove from the text: ________________________________________________

3. What episode in Mark Zukerberg's life led to the emergence of Facebook?

Paragraphs 5-6
4. What does "they" in paragraph 5 refer to? _____________________________
5. The previous generation mentioned in paragraph 5 had two main features?
(One is implied)
(a) _____________________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________________
6. According to the text, people are able to make a difference due to two factors.
What are they?
(a) _____________________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________________
7. How do social sites affect politics?
List 3 main effects, based on the examples in paragraph 6.
(a) _____________________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________________
(c) _____________________________________________________________
Paragraphs 7-9
8. What or who does "ones" refer to? __________________________________
9. How does the writer define addiction?

Social Media - Changing the Rules of the Game © Copyright 2021 Fixread. All rights reserved

10. Why does the use of social sites often become compulsive?
Fill in the following flow chart.
—> People feel compelled to
use social sites.

11. Who do "these groups" in paragraph 8 refer to? _______________________

12. What characterizes the young people who are targeted by radicals?
(a) _____________________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________________
13. Complete the following sentence.
The paradox in paragraph 9 is that while people _________________________,
they ____________________________________________________________.

14. According to paragraph 9, the details we expose online can be exploited by

(a) _____________________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________________
(c) _____________________________________________________________
Paragraphs 10-13
15. Health care benefits from social media in two ways:
(a) ____________________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________________
16. Complete the sentence.
Paragraph 11 explains why ________________________________________.

17. Circle Yes or No.

Does the writer predict that Facebook will be as popular as today? Yes / No
Prove from the text: _______________________________________________

Global Questions
18. Fill in the table below according to the entire text.
Benefits of social media Drawbacks of social media
1. 1.

2. 2.


19. Complete the following sentence.

The Main Idea of the article is:
Social Networking _________________________________________________

Social Media - Changing the Rules of the Game © Copyright 2021 Fixread. All rights reserved

Summary Completion

Complete the passage below according to the text. Use ONE or MORE words.
There are many people who see the developments in social networking as
something amazing, while others think that it is 1) __________________________.
It has certainly changed our world, and many worry how it has affected
2) _______________________.
Learning will never be the same, because the young, full of 3) ________________,
can reach out to the people they read about. Moreover, social networking has
served as a force which 4) ___________________ in various countries to stand up
for their rights.
But there are also problems, one of which is the fact that too much networking
5) ________________ because young people tend to spend hours at their
computers or smartphones. Moreover, social media can be used by
6) __________________________ to convince innocent young people to believe in
their cause. What's more, we don’t realize that we 7) _______________________
our personal information to our governments, information that in the past we kept
However, there can be great benefits, for example, for 8) _____________________
in the medical field as well as for patients who can get information from
9) __________________________________________________________
There is no doubt that the social media will grow, but the projections are that in the
future, Facebook will be beaten by 10) ___________________________________.

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