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Evolution of Nuclear Spectra with Nuclear Forces

R. B. Wiringa* and Steven C. Pieper†
Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439
(Received 16 July 2002; published 10 October 2002)
We first define a series of NN interaction models ranging from very simple to fully realistic. We then
present Green’s function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei to show how nuclear spectra evolve as
the nuclear forces are made increasingly sophisticated. We find that the absence of stable five- and eight-
body nuclei depends crucially on the spin, isospin, and tensor components of the nuclear force.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.182501 PACS numbers: 21.10.–k, 21.45.+v, 21.60.Ka

A key feature of nuclear structure, of great importance phenomenology. The strong interaction part is written
to the universe as we know it, is the absence of stable five- as a sum of 18 operator terms:
or eight-body nuclei. This simple fact is crucial to both X
primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis. It leads to a uni- v R
ij  vij  vp rij Opij : (1)
verse whose baryonic content is dominated by hydrogen
and 4 He, with trace amounts of deuterium, 3 He, and 7 Li. It The first eight operators,
also enables stars such as our sun to burn steadily for
billions of years, allowing time for the evolution of life Op1;8
ij  1; i  j ; Sij ; LS
1; i  j ; (2)
intelligent enough to wonder about such issues.
In this Letter we demonstrate that the binding energies, are the most important for fitting S- and P-wave NN data.
excitation structure, and relative stability of light nuclei, The additional terms include six operators that are qua-
including the opening of the A  5 and 8 mass gaps, are dratic in L, three charge-dependent (CD) terms, and one
crucially dependent on the complicated structure of the charge-symmetry-breaking (CSB) term. The radial func-
nuclear force. We do this by calculating the energy spectra tions vp r have parameters adjusted to fit the elastic pp
of light nuclei using a variety of nuclear force models and np scattering data for Elab 350 MeV, the nn scat-
ranging from very simple to fully realistic, and observing tering length, and the deuteron energy.
how features of the experimental spectrum evolve with The Illinois NNN potentials include a complete two-
the sophistication of the force. We find that the spin- pion-exchange piece, three-pion rings, and a shorter-
isospin and tensor forces present in long-range one- range phenomenological term:
pion-exchange (OPE) are vital, which in turn may allow 2
Vijk  Vijk 3;R
 Vijk R
 Vijk : (3)
us to make a closer connection between nuclear structure
and the underlying features of QCD [1,2]. The five Illinois models (IL1–IL5) each have 3 parame-
Modern nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials, such as the ters adjusted to fit the energies of 17 narrow states in A
Argonne v18 [3], CD Bonn [4], Reid93, Nijm I, and Nijm 8 nuclei as evaluated in GFMC calculations [9].
II [5], fit over 4300 elastic NN scattering data with a 2  Subsequent calculations of an additional ten states in A 
1. These potentials are very complicated, including spin, 9; 10 nuclei show that, without readjustment, the AV18/
isospin, tensor, spin-orbit, quadratic momentum-depen- IL2 combination is able to reproduce 27 narrow states
dent, and charge-dependent terms, with 40 parameters with an rms deviation of only 600 keV [10].
adjusted to fit the data. Despite this sophistication, these The AV18/IL2 Hamiltonian is the standard of compar-
potentials cannot reproduce the binding energy of few- ison for this Letter. We also present previously reported
body nuclei such as 3 H and 4 He without the assistance of a results for AV18 alone, and for a simplified, but still fairly
three-nucleon potential [6]. Three-nucleon (NNN) poten- realistic, potential called AV80 [11]. The ‘‘8’’ designates
tials, such as the Tucson-Melbourne [7], Urbana [8], and the number of operator components, which in this case
Illinois [9] models, are also fairly complicated, depend- means those of Eq. (2). The standard Coulomb interaction
ing on the positions, spins, and isospins of all three between protons, VC1 pp, is retained, but smaller EM
nucleons simultaneously. A combination of NN and terms are omitted. The prime denotes that this potential is
NNN potentials, such as the Argonne v18 and Illinois 2 not a simple truncation of AV18, but a reprojection, which
(AV18/IL2), evaluated with exact Green’s function Monte preserves the isoscalar average of the strong interaction in
Carlo (GFMC) many-body calculations, can describe the all S and P partial waves as well as in the 3 D1 wave and
spectra of light nuclei very well [9,10]. its coupling to 3 S1 . Consequently, the deuteron bound
The AV18 potential contains a complete electromag- state is virtually identical to that of AV18, except that
netic (EM) interaction and a strong interaction part which the omission of the small EM terms alters the binding
is a combination of OPE and remaining shorter-range energy from the experimental value of 2.22 to 2.24 MeV.

182501-1 0031-9007=02=89(18)=182501(4)$20.00  2002 The American Physical Society 182501-1


Details of this reprojection are given in Ref. [11]. makes AVX0 analogous to the Volkov potential [14] used
Recently, the AV80 (without Coulomb) was used in a to study p-shell nuclei. AV20 allows one to differentiate
benchmark calculation of 4 He by seven different meth- between 1 S and 3 S potentials, analogous to the Malfliet-
ods, including GFMC, with excellent agreement between Tjon (MT) I-III interaction [15], with the combinations
the various results [12]. vc  v  vc01 and vc 3v  vc10 . Finally, AV10 is just
Here we define five new potentials, which are progres- the average of 1 S and 3 S potentials, analogous to the MT
sively simpler reprojections of AV80 , designated AV60 , V interaction. The AV20 preserves the correct deuteron
AV40 , AVX0 , AV20 , and AV10 [13]. The reprojections binding of 2.24 MeV, but the AV10 again has a deuteron
preserve as many features of elastic NN scattering and bound by only 0.43 MeV. While the MT interactions were
the deuteron as feasible at each level. GFMC calculations intended only for use in s-shell (A 4) nuclei, they have
of A 10 nuclei for these simpler models show how been used in larger systems acting either in all partial
different features of the spectra correlate with specific waves, or only in even partial waves [16]. Here we treat
elements of the forces. AV10 , AV20 , and AVX0 as operators acting in all partial
The AV60 is obtained by deleting the spin-orbit terms waves.
from AV80 and adjusting the potential to preserve the In the independent-particle (IP) model, nuclear states
deuteron binding. The spin-orbit terms do not contribute can be characterized by quantum numbers 2S1 Ln as
to S-wave NN scattering, and are the smallest contrib- well as J , where L and S are the orbital and spin angular
utors to the energy of 4 He [12]. They also do not contrib- momenta, n designates the Young tableau of the spatial
ute to scattering in the 1 P1 channel, but are important in symmetry, and J are the total angular momentum and
differentiating between the 3 P0;1;2 channels. Thus this parity [17]. Realistic interactions down to the AV60 level
model does not give a very good fit to NN scattering mix states of different 2S1 Ln , but for the AV40 and
data. To fix the deuteron, we choose to subtract a fraction simpler interactions there is no mixing of different values
of the AV80 spin-orbit potential’s radial function from the of S and essentially no mixing of L or n .
central potential in the ST  10 channel, adjusting the Our many-body calculations are made with the
coefficient to get an energy of 2.24 MeV: GFMC method, details of which may be found in
Refs. [9,10,11,18]. The GFMC method is in principle exact
vc10 AV60   vc10 AV80  0:3vls 0
10 AV8 : (4) for the AV80 and simpler potentials, while for the AV18
and AV18/IL2 models some small parts of the interaction
This choice preserves the OPE potential, while the deu-
have to be calculated perturbatively. We believe the cal-
teron D state and quadrupole moment are barely changed.
culation of binding energies for AV18 and AV18/IL2 is
Spin and isospin terms are projected from the vcST as in
accurate to 1–2%, and better for the simpler models.
Eq. (30) of Ref. [3], while tensor terms remain the same as
Results for 26 2S1 Ln states in nuclei ranging from
in AV80 . 4
He to 10 B are shown in Fig. 1. The Hamiltonians are,
The AV40 potential eliminates the tensor terms. The
1 S and 1 P potentials are unaffected, but the coupling from left to right for each nucleus, AV10 , AV20 , AVX0 ,
0 1 AV40 , and AV60 . Results for 25 J states are shown
between 3 S1 and 3 D1 channels is gone and the 3 P0;1;2
in Fig. 2 for AV60 , AV80 , AV18, AV18/IL2, and experi-
channels deteriorate further. The central ST  10 poten-
ment [19].
tial is again adjusted to fix the deuteron binding:
The simple AV10 and AV20 interactions approximately
vc10 AV40   vc10 AV60   0:8735vt10 AV60 ; (5) reproduce the energies of s-shell nuclei (3 H is overbound
by & 0:6 MeV). However, every additional nucleon sig-
but now there is no D state and no quadrupole moment. nificantly increases the binding, so p-shell nuclei are
Although many aspects of NN scattering have been progressively more bound and no mass gaps appear.
sacrificed at the AV40 level, such a potential still allows us With such forces, nuclear matter will not saturate until
to differentiate between the four possible ST channels. the repulsive cores of the interaction start to overlap at
Any further reduction in the operator structure sacrifices many times the empirical density. For AV10 , the strong
this feature. We consider three such simplifications: (i) interaction does not differentiate between different iso-
AVX0 , where the operators are 1 and the space exchange spin states, so 6 He and 6 Li would have the same energy
operator Pxij  14 1  i  j  i  j  i  j i  except that the Coulomb interaction makes 6 Li less bound.
j ; (ii) AV20 , with operators 1 and i  j ; and (iii) Consequently, the !-stable nuclei in the 4 A 10 re-
AV10 , which is just a pure central force. AVX0 allows gime would all be isotopes of helium. The AV20 avoids
one to differentiate between the spin-isospin weighted this particular problem by preserving separately the deu-
averages of S-wave and P-wave forces by setting vc  teron binding and 1 S scattering; it also improves the
vx  12 vc01  vc10  and vc vx  101
9vc11  vc00 . In this saturation behavior slightly. Both models have the curious
case, the average of the S waves gives a deuteron that is feature that the spectrum is reversed in order, i.e., the
bound by only 0.43 MeV, but the intrinsic repulsion in lowest p-shell eigenstates are the ones that are spatially
odd-partial waves is retained. This Majorana exchange least symmetric. This lowers the energy by reducing the

182501-2 182501-2

0 3P[211]
3P[11] 2S[111]
1+ 1P[11] 1+ 5D[22]
-20 1/2− 1D[2] 3+ 2P[21] 5/2− 3
2+ 3D[2] 2+ 1S[22]
0+ 3/2− 1S[2] 2 4P[21]
7/2− 1P[211] 3+
0+ 3S[2] 0+ 3D[31]
α+n α+2n 1+ 2F[3] 3/2− 1D[22] 1+
α+d 3P[31]
-40 4He α+t 1/2− S[22] 1G[4] 4+
1D[4] 2+ 3+
5He 3D[2] 1S[4] 0+ 1+
-60 1D[2] 6Li+α
1S[2] 3S[2] 6He+2n α+α
3+: 3D[42]
Energy (MeV) 3P[11] 1P[11]
-80 6He 6Li 1+: 3S[42]
-100 2P[21]
4P[21] 10B
-120 2S[111] 7Li
-140 1G[4]
-160 AVX′ AV4′ AV6′ 1D[22]
AV1′ AV2′ 3P[211]
1S[22] 8Be
-180 8He 3P[211]

FIG. 1 (color). Nuclear energy levels for the simpler potential models; dashed lines show breakup thresholds.

amount of overlap of the repulsive potential cores in the This is due to (i) a less attractive vc10 because much of
wave function. Thus the ground state for 8 Be is a 3 P[211] the binding of the deuteron is now provided through
state, which has degenerate spin of J  0 ; 1 ; 2 . tensor coupling to the 3 D channel, and (ii) the ability of
The spectra are also very compressed compared to the tensor interaction with third particles to change an
experiment. attractive 1 S pair into a repulsive 3 P pair [20]. This
The AVX0 and AV40 overcome many of the limitations saturation is sufficiently strong to underbind all the nuclei
of the simplest models by preserving the difference be- with respect to experiment, and it opens the A  8 mass
tween attractive even- and repulsive odd-partial waves. gap by making 8 Be less than twice as bound as 4 He.
Both provide significant saturation, particularly the fea- However, it leaves the A  6; 7 nuclei with only marginal
ture that A  5 nuclei are unstable. However, the A  8 stability. The tensor forces begin to mix the 2S1 Ln
mass gap is a more subtle effect, since both these models states so they are no longer eigenstates, but several sets
predict 8 Be to have slightly more than twice the binding of states, like the 2 and 3 states in 6 Li, remain nearly
of 4 He. The lowest states are the spatially most symmet- degenerate.
ric, so 8 Be now has a 1 S[4] J  0 ground state. The The spin-orbit terms in AV80 provide much more mix-
spectrum is also less compressed. Because the AVX0 does ing and clearly break the J degeneracy, producing a
not differentiate between 1 S and 3 S interactions, it shares spectrum that is properly ordered in the A 8 nuclei,
the failing of AV10 in having 6 He more bound than 6 Li, although the splittings of most spin-orbit partners are
but due to the correct ordering of spatial symmetries, 8 Be smaller than observed. The binding energies shift slightly
is much more bound than 8 He. compared to AV60 , some up and some down, with the A 
The tensor forces in AV60 provide significant addi- 6; 7 nuclei becoming more stable while the A  5; 8 mass
tional saturation compared to the simpler potentials. gaps are preserved. Going to the full AV18 interaction

1/2− 2+ 6He+2n
0+ α+n 3/2− α+2n 3+ 2+
-30 0+ α+d
4He 5He 5/2− 0+
6He 1+ 7/2−
6Li α+t
8He 3+
Energy (MeV)

-40 1/2− 1+
7Li 4+
-50 1+
α+α 2+ 6Li+α
-60 AV18 8Be 2+
AV6′ AV8′ 1+
IL2 Exp 3+
-70 10B

FIG. 2 (color). Nuclear energy levels for the more realistic potential models; shading denotes Monte Carlo statistical errors.

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decreases the overall binding energies slightly, because calculations suggest that obtaining the mass gaps at A 
the less attractive higher partial waves in NN scattering 5; 8 and stable A  6; 7 nuclei is a very sensitive issue,
are now accurately represented, but the relative excita- and may well require both tensor and spin-orbit forces as
tions are virtually unchanged. However, the energy dif- in the AV80 model. Finally, to get a truly good fit both to
ferences among isobaric multiplets, like the 7 Li,7 Be the ground state binding energies, the spin-orbit splittings
mirror nuclei, are improved due to the addition of the in the excitation spectra, and (in the case of 10 B) the
extra EM, CD, and CSB terms in AV18. ordering of spin states, we need multinucleon forces.
Finally, the addition of the IL2 NNN potential to AV18 We thank J. L. Friar, D. Kurath, D. J. Millener, and
gives a very accurate description of the light nuclei. It V. R. Pandharipande for many useful discussions. The
adds the necessary additional binding that the realistic many-body calculations were performed on the parallel
NN potentials lack and increases the splittings among computers of the Mathematics and Computer Science
spin-orbit partners. It makes 6 He and 8 He strong-stable, Division, Argonne National Laboratory and the
and it produces the correct 3 ground state for 10 B, where National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.
all the simpler models (and other realistic NN interac- This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy,
tions such as CD Bonn [21]) incorrectly give a 1 state. Nuclear Physics Division, under Contract No. W-31-109-
Many of the results from these models can be under- ENG-38.
stood by simply counting the number of ST pairs, NST , in
the IP wave function for a given state and applying a
weight factor appropriate for the potential. The NST is
given by simple formulas that depend only on A, S, T, and *Electronic address:

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