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Gothic Writing in Wuthering Heights


Wuthering Heights is a a literary masterpiece by Emily Brontë which presents an atmospheric

and dark narrative captivating readers with its gothic elements. This paper adopts a methodical
approach in analysing the gothic nature of Wuthering Heights. The paper also provides a detailed
interpretation of different elements withing the novel by focusing on the depiction of the weather
and other relevant factors. The papers examination of these elements aims to make conclusions
regarding the importance of gothic writing styles in Wuthering Heights.

Keywords: Wuthering Heights, analysis, gothic writing, interpretation

I. An Introduction to Gothic Theory

Gothic literature is ccategorized by how it emphasizes on mysterious and dark themes, sense of
foreboding and eerie settings. This literature often explores It often explores the complexities of
human nature, emotional intensity and supernatural elements. The gothic tradition was
introduced in the late 18th century and since then it has had a lasting influence on literature.
Wuthering Height stands to be one of the best examples of gothic writing withing this framework
as it showcases its unique blend of psychological exploration, horror and romance.

II. A Detailed Analysis of xxx in Wuthering Heights

The Weather
In the novel, Wuthering Heights, the weather acts as a very crucial element in creating the gothic
atmosphere. This has best been portrayed when the novels narrator, Lockwood, first encounters
the Wuthering Heights. His description of the weather is in vivid terms. He says "Pure, bracing
ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed: one may guess the power of the north
wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house;
and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun."
His description of the weather helps set the novels tone, by highlighting the inhospitable and
harsh environment surrounding wuthering heights. The north wind which is described as
relentless represents the unrestrained nature of the lives of the characters while the gaunt thorns
and stunted firs represent their longing for warmth and isolation. It is evident that the weather in
this novel acts as a metaphorical reflection of the emotional states of the characters and the
turbulent events that unfold throughout the story.

The Weather as a Tool for Foreshadowing and Atmosphere

The weather has also been used in the Novel, Wuthering Heights as a tool for creating an eerie
atmosphere and foreshadowing events. Stormy weather is often followed by significant events,
which symbolizes impending conflicts or chaos within the story. On the other hand, moments of
clam weather may mean temporary resolutions or brief is important to note that the
gothic atmosphere in the novel is also contributed by the ever-changing weather patterns. Dark
skies, gusting winds and thunderstorms increase the sense of unease and mystery that fills the
novel. The atmospheric backdrop adds intensity and depth to the story which also helps enhance
its gothic nature.

A Brief Analysis of Jane Eyre's Spirit of Resistance and Its Significance of the Times

Jane Eyre is another novel that utilizes the use of gothic writing by incorporating atmospheric
and eerie settings. Thornfield Hall, with dark secrets, secret rooms and hidden passages
exemplifies the Black Gothic atmosphere. Jane Eyre comes out as an independent and resilient
female protagonist who challenges traditional gender roles and resists societal The significance
of this resistance serves as an empowerment to both her and the readers. Women understand that
they are no longer obligated to live by the rules of the traditional mentality by resisting the
traditional societal traditions/ roles and working on their independence.

The analysis of gothic writing in Wuthering Heights shows the important role it plays in shaping
the novels meaning and atmosphere. The close examination of aspects like weather helps readers
gain a better and deeper understanding of the gothic styles utilized by the novel. The weather acts
as a tool for establishing foreboding atmosphere, reinforcing the themes of destructive passions
that consume the characters, despair and isolation.

The use of gothic writing in both Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyrie helps readers understand the
gothic styles used and how they act as reflections in different aspects. The atmospheric and dark
settings used in both novels contributes to the enduring appeal of the novels. The books
masterful employment of gothic elements enriches the storytelling and allows for a rich
exploration of the human psyche.

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