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© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

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VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

Figurative Marks of VdS
VdS Guidelines

Use of Registered Word and

Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet
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Publisher and publishing house: VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Amsterdamer Str. 174

50735 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49 221 77 66 0; Fax: +49 221 77 66 341
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Copyright by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH. All rights reserved.

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

VdS Guidelines

Use of Registered Word and

Figurative Marks of VdS

This document is binding only if its use has been agreed on a case-by-case basis.
Otherwise, any consideration of this document is non-binding. The agreement to use this
document is purely optional. On a case-by-case basis, third parties may also accept, at
their discretion, other requirements that do not comply with this document.

In order to avoid impairing the understanding of the text, VdS Schadenverhütung uses the
generic masculine throughout. This expressly does not imply any preference or other
evaluation of the male, female or other sex.


1 General ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Validity .................................................................................................................. 4
2 Normative References ............................................................................................ 4
3 Directions for use ................................................................................................... 4
4 Customisation (individualisation) ......................................................................... 5
5 Certification logos .................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Structure ............................................................................................................... 5
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

5.2 Umbrella brand ..................................................................................................... 6

5.3 Scope of approval ................................................................................................. 6
5.4 Unique number ..................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Design regulations ................................................................................................ 7
5.6 Example graphics ................................................................................................. 7
6 Other markings........................................................................................................ 8
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 8
6.2 EFSG member logo .............................................................................................. 8
6.3 Action graphics ..................................................................................................... 8
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6.4 End-user marking.................................................................................................. 9

6.5 Level „K-EINBRUCH“.......................................................................................... 10
7 Revocation ............................................................................................................. 10
Annex A Assignment of umbrella mark and terms................................................ 11
Approval for experts, companies and management systems ............................. 11
Products fire protection technology .................................................................... 12
Products intrusion protection technology ............................................................ 12
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Annex B Action graphics ......................................................................................... 13

SecurIP ............................................................................................................... 13
SecIoT ................................................................................................................. 14

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

1 General
1.1 Introduction

Products, services and companies can be tested and approved or certified by VdS
Schadenverhütung GmbH. In connection with the VdS approval or certification (hereinafter
referred to collectively as "certification") of products the guidelines oblige the holder of the
approval to mark the approval object under question in a defined manner.

The marking shows that the certified object has been tested and certified by VdS. In
addition, the marking can be used to communicate the scope of the certification.

The prerequisites for effective use are a uniform appearance and a high recognition value.
Another important influencing factor is that the scope of approval is taken into account for
individual customers. Finally, validation should be possible at any time.

The combination of the certification mark with a machine-readable code and another code
number in plain text enables the validation of the marking.

In order to take these aspects into account in the best possibly way, VdS provides its
customers with individually generated graphics. Without prejudice to the regulations in the
product/procedure specific guidelines, the present guidelines regulate which marks and
graphics are provided and in which way they may be used.

1.2 Validity

These guidelines are valid from 01.10.2021.

Note: This is a translation of the German guidelines. If there are any discrepancies, the
German version shall be binding.

2 Normative References
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

These guidelines contain dated and undated references to other regulations (in
alphabetical order). The normative references are cited in the respective clauses, the titles
are listed below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of
these regulations apply to these guidelines only when published by revision or amendment
of these guidelines. For undated references the latest edition of the regulation referred to

VdS 2465-2en/VdS 2465-3en VdS Guidelines for Alarm Systems – Transmission Protocol
for Alarm Systems by TCP/IP – Part 2: Transmission Procedure and Protocol Procedure;
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Part 3: General Record Structure and Description of Record Types

VdS 3836en Cyber Security for Systems and Components of Fire Safety and Security

3 Directions for use

Only markings described in these guidelines are permitted. These marks shall not be used
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

in modified form.

A prerequisite for the use of logos is the existence of a valid certification, which corresponds
to the proof of approval.

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

It is forbidden to include the trademark “VdS” or variations thereof or a statement on

certification in a company name.

Advertising with the VdS certification may only ever refer to the approved object or service.
Advertising with the VdS approval in connection with products, services or companies that
are not covered by the scope of approval are forbidden.

4 Customisation (individualisation)
The files are provided to the holder of the approval in printable various formats and
resolutions according to the following table. The graphics are prepared in one colour and
without colour fills. The possible line colours are described below.

Note: Provision of the files is made in the frame of the certification procedure.

File format EPS File format JPG File format PNG

CMYK black 72 dpi black 72 dpi RGB black
CMYK white 72 dpi blue 72 dpi RGB blue
CMYK blue 300 dpi black
HKS blue 300 dpi blue
RGB blue
RGB black

Table 4-1: Variations of printable formats

5 Certification logos
5.1 Structure
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

The graphic consists of a uniform basic element (the umbrella brand), a more detailed
individual description of the certification scope in text form and a unique number. This
number is given in plain text and also combined with the proof of approval in a machine-
readable form (QR code) (see examples in clause 5.6).
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© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

5.2 Umbrella brand

Depending on the approval either the umbrella brand VdS or the umbrella brand PROVE
may be used. The assignment is determined in Annex A.

Figure Designation

umbrella brand VdS

umbrella brand PROVE

Table 5-1: Umbrella brands of VdS

Note: Certain VdS procedures include, in addition to the verification of VdS requirements,
the verification of requirements for which the PROVE mark is intended. In this case, the
PROVE mark can be used additionally/alternatively if a corresponding certificate has been

5.3 Scope of approval

The scope of certification is shown next to the umbrella brand. The manner of presentation
is made uniformly by means of generic terms from the word space defined below.

A maximum of four terms can be chosen from this word space. These are placed next to
the logo of the umbrella brand one below the other in the graphic of the certificate of
approval. The assignment is shown in Annex A.
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

Combinations (several terms for different certifications) are only possible, if the underlying
approvals/certifications are assigned to the same umbrella brand. Otherwise, the client will
receive two graphics.

These are used in the order resulting from this table.

No English German
1 Products Produkte
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2 Systems Systeme
3 Cyber Cyber
4 Management System Managementsystem
5 Installer Facherrichter
6 Expert Experte
7 Security Service Provider Sicherheitsdienstleister
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

8 Manufacturing Plant Fertigungsstätte

Table 5-2: Word space

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

5.4 Unique number

The logo is supplemented by a unique ID assigned by VdS. This is visualised both as plain
text and as a QR code. When the QR code is read, the VdS website is opened with
information on approval.

The table below defines the displayed link (plain text) and the link destination of the QR
code. Instead of “((ID))”, the actual ID is given.

Element Definition German Definition English
URL (QR-Code)
zertifikat/((ID)) certificate/((ID))
URL (plain text)

Table 5-3: ID specifications

5.5 Design regulations

A vertical (“portrait”) and a horizontal (“landscape”) graphic is generated. The creation is
customised and may only be used in the form provided. Modifications or changes are not

Preferably, use the blue variant. When used on backgrounds with light tonal values, the
black version should be used, for medium to dark tonal values, the white variant should be

When using, a blocking area must be left free around the graphic. This is shown below.
The edge length of a red box is ¼ of the edge length of the VdS logo.

Minimum height of the VdS logo is 7 mm.

5.6 Example graphics

Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

The following illustrations serve to clarify.

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Figure 5-1: Example for VdS certifications with wording #1 and #4, landscape presentation
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

Figure 5-2: Example for VdS certifications with wording #1 and #4, portrait presentation

6 Other markings
6.1 General
In addition to the logos according to section 5, VdS provides further logos. The use of these
logos is subject to additional conditions.

6.2 EFSG member logo

In connection with certifications of the VdS umbrella brand according to Annex A, the
following graphic may also be used.
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Figure 6-1: Graphic member of EFSG

6.3 Action graphics

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VdS provides action graphics for the purposes conclusively mentioned in Annex B. The
requirements formulated in this document also apply (if applicable, in analogous
application) for action graphics unless otherwise specified in the Annex.

Designation Figure Annex

VdS SecurIP B.1

© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

VdS SecIoT B.2

Table 6-1: List of action graphics

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

6.4 End-user marking

Where specified in the respective product guidelines, products may or must additionally be
labelled with the end-user labelling (star labelling). The number of stars is defined in the
respective product guidelines (classification and reference range/maximum number).

A distinction is made between product and packaging labelling. The product labelling does
not show the reference frame.

Reference frame Classification Logo packaging Logo product

3 1

4 1

5 1

3 2

4 2

5 2
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

3 3

4 3

5 3
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4 4

5 4
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

5 5

Table 6-2: End-user marking

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

6.5 Level „K-EINBRUCH“

Products of the mechanical and electronic security technology may be provided with the
”K-EINBRUCH” level if the conditions specified in Table 6-3 are fulfilled.

Criteria mechanical Criteria electronic

technology technology
Products of intrusion
Windows and doors technology min.
according to VdS 2534 / VdS class A resp. Grade 2
DIN EN 1627 ff., min.
VdS Class A resp. RC 3 --

Windows and doors Products according to

according to VdS 2534 / „VdS Home“ resp.
DIN EN 1627 ff., DIN VDE V 0826-1 with
VdS class N resp. RC 2 EM-function
VdS-approved retrofit --
products resp. DIN 18104

No marking

Table 6-3: K-EINBRUCH level

7 Revocation
If an approval holder violates the requirements of these guidelines, uses the VdS
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

word/figurative mark in an anti-competitive, abusive or otherwise unlawful manner, the VdS

certification body may, without prejudice to the rules arising from other guidelines or claims,
revoke all approvals of the user.
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© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

Annex A Assignment of umbrella mark and

Approval for experts, companies and management systems

Procedure Umbrella Wording according

(Procedural guidelines) mark to Table 5-2
Electrical experts
VdS #6
(VdS 2011, 2228, 2596, 2859, 3117, 3174, 3838)
FES-Installer (VdS 2132) VdS #5
AS-Installer (VdS 3403, 2129, 2130, 3442, 2132, 2133) VdS #5
Installer mechanical security (VdS 2462) VdS #5
Service provider for maintenance, repair and change
VdS #5
of safes (VdS 3529)
DIN 14675 expert companies (VdS 2843, VdS 3160) PROVE #5
Service provider according to DIN EN 16763
(VdS 3829)
MARC (VdS 3138) VdS #7
IS (VdS 2172) VdS #7
ARC acc. to DIN EN 50518 (VdS 3137) PROVE #7
Private security services acc. to DIN 77200
(VdS 3437)
Cash and value services acc. to DIN 77210
(VdS 3483)
Emergency service control centre acc. to
DIN EN 0827-11 (VdS-guidelines in preparation)
Security management of structural objects
VdS #4
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

(VdS 3406)
Cyber security (VdS 10000) VdS #3
Implementation DSGVO (VdS 10010) VdS #4
Cyber Consultant (VdS 10003) VdS #6
Data protection management consultant (VdS 100013) VdS #6
Alarm Transmission Service (VdS 3872) VdS #7
Installer smoke exhaust ventilation systems in
VdS #5
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staircases (VdS 2222)

Installer SHEVS (VdS 2133) VdS #5
Aviation Security (VdS 3108) PROVE #7
Quality management systems (VdS 2343) VdS #4
Occupational health and safety management system
VdS #4
(VdS 2343)
Environment protection management systems
VdS #4
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

(VdS 2343)
Smart Building experts (VdS 3838) VdS #6
Experts in hazard prevention (VdS 3104) VdS #6

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

Products fire protection technology

Procedure Umbrella
(procedural guidelines) mark
Product of fire detection technology VdS #1
Systems of fire detection technology VdS #2
Products of fire extinguishing technology VdS #1
Systems of fire extinguishing technology VdS #2
Manufacturing plant VdS #8

Products intrusion protection technology

Procedure Umbrella
(procedural guidelines) mark
Product on base of VdS guidelines VdS #1
Products on base of standards PROVE #1
Systems on base of VdS guidelines VdS #2
Manufacturing plant VdS #8
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© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01) Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS

Annex B Action graphics


The graphic may only be used in conjunction with products that have been approved by
VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH and for which proof has been provided that they are
compatible with the guidelines

– VdS 2465-2en : 2018-02 – Transmission procedure and protocol procedure

– VdS 2465-3en : 2018-02 – General Record Structure and Description of Record Types

in the aforementioned or more recent version. The reference to the product must be clear.
The corresponding VdS approval number (G xxxxxx) should always be indicated.

In addition, the use of VdS-certified alarm receiving centres and VdS-approved emergency
call and service control centres is permitted if they have provided proof to VdS that they
use SecurIP-capable devices.

The graphic is offered in the following variations:

File format EPS File format JPG File format PNG

CMYK black 72 dpi black 72 dpi RGB black
CMYK white 72 dpi blue 72 dpi RGB blue
CMYK blue 300 dpi black
HKS blue 300 dpi blue
RGB blue
RGB black

Table B-1: Variants of action graphics

Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet

Preferably, use the blue variant. When used on backgrounds with light tonal values, the
black version should be used, for medium to dark tonal values, the white variant should be

Modifications or changes of the graphics are not admitted.

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Figure B-1: Blocking space

When using, a blocking area must be left free around the graphic. This is shown above.
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

The edge length of a red box is ¼ of the edge length of the VdS logo.

Minimum height of the VdS logo is 7 mm.

Use of Registered Word and Figurative Marks of VdS VdS 6005en : 2021-09 (01)

The logo will be provided by VdS customer service if required. As a product manufacturer,
please contact As an alarm receiving centre or emergency call and
service control centre, please contact


The graphic may only be used in conjunction with products that have been approved by
VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH and for which proof has been provided that they are
compatible with the guidelines

– VdS 3836 : 2019-12 – Cyber Security for Systems and Components of the fire protection
and security technology

in the aforementioned or more recent version. The reference to the product must be clear.
The corresponding VdS approval number (G xxxxxx) should always be indicated.

The graphic is offered in the following variations:

File format EPS File format JPG File format PNG

CMYK black 72 dpi black 72 dpi RGB black
CMYK white 72 dpi blue 72 dpi RGB blue
CMYK blue 300 dpi black
HKS blue 300 dpi blue
RGB blue
RGB black

Table B-2: Variations of action graphics

Preferably, use the blue variant. When used on backgrounds with light tonal values, the
black version should be used, for medium to dark tonal values, the white variant should be
Vervielfältigungen/Veröffentlichungen – auch für innerbetriebliche Verwendung – nicht gestattet


Modifications or changes of the graphics are not admitted.

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Figure B-2: Blocking space

When using, a blocking area must be left free around the graphic. This is shown above.
The edge length of a red box is ¼ of the edge length of the VdS logo.

Minimum height of the VdS logo is 7 mm.

© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH

The logo will be provided by VdS customer service if required. As a product manufacturer,
please contact


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